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1、2010高考四川理综化学试题解析试卷评析: 试题重视基础,立足教材,着眼于主干知识和核心知识的考查,试题设计更加合理,更加科学,层次性更强,有教好的区分度,有利于高校选拔新生。 (1)考点变化:本套化学试题的整体难度比去年有所提高,计算量加大,也在考生能够接受的程度。 (2)亮点试题:试题注重联系社会、联系生活、联系科技新进展的实际,重点考查考生运用所学知识分析问题、解决问题的能力。6题、27题考查的是化学知识在日常生活中的应用问题,符合课改“关注生活、科技、社会”理念,凸现科学素养品质,这就启示我们今后学习中要对日常生活中的问题或现象给予积极的思考才行。 (3)易错题、难题:12题计算量大,

2、较难;13题综合性强容易出错;29题(4)技巧性较强,较难。 6(节能减排对发展经济、保护环境有重要意义。下列措施不能减少二氧化碳排放的是 A(利用太阳能制氢 B(关停小火电企业 C(举行“地球一小时”熄灯活动 D(推广使用煤液化技术 D解析:本题主要考查考查化学与生活、化学与社会等知识。A项利用太阳能制取氢,可以减少CO2的排放;B项关停燃烧效率低的小火电企业,也可减少CO的排放;C项举行“地球熄灯一小时”活动,可2以节省能源,也可以减少CO的排放;D项推广煤的液化技术,只能提供清洁能源,不能减少CO的排放。 227(N表示阿佛加德罗场常数的值,下列说法正确的是 AA(标准状况下,22.4L

3、二氯甲烷的分子数约为N个A B(盛有SO的密闭容器中含有个N氧原子,则SO的物质的量为0.5mol 2A2C(17.6g丙烷中所含的极性共价键为4N个 AD(电解精炼铜时,若阴极得到电子数为2N个,则阳极质量减少64g AB解析:本题考查阿佛加德罗常数的应用。CHCl在标况下是液体,故22.4LCHCl不是1mol,A错;2222在SO分子中硫原子和氧原子的个数比为1:2,密闭容器中含有N个O,则含有0.5N个S,B对;在 CH2AA38中CH原子间是极性共价键,所以1mo l CH含有8mol极性共价键,而17.6gCH的物质的量为:3838,1n=17.6g/44g?mol=0.4mol,

4、故17.6g CH中含有极性共价键为:0.4mol8=3.2mol,即3.2N,C错;电解38A2,,精炼铜时阴极:Cu+2e=Cu,阳极杂质金属先失去电子,当阴极转移2N电子时,阳极减少的质量不等A于64g,D错。 8(下列说法正确的是 A(原子最外层电子数为2的元素一定处于周期表?A族 B(主族元素X、Y能形成XY型化合物,则X与Y的原子序数之差可能为2或5 2C(氯化氢的沸点比氟化氢的沸点高 D(同主族元素形成的氧化物的晶体类型均相同 B解析:本题综合考查元素周期表、周期律,氢键、晶体类型等知识。He最外层有2个电子,位于零族,A错;CO分子中C和O原子序数之差为2,MgCl中Mg和Cl

5、的原子序数之差为5,B对;HF分子22间形成氢键,使其沸点反常偏高,HCl分子间没有氢键,故沸点:HF,HCl,C错;如C、Si同主族, CO2since defined. support system management server and consumption POS machine automatically on Shi on Shi frequency can set, support parameter automatically Xia biography, and personnel automatically Xia biography, and task query,

6、 function, support variety report: trading summary table, and purchase statistics, and filling buckle adjustable statistics, and withdrawals statistics, and Back to statistical tables, entry tables, manually consumption Details tab, employee consumption summary accounting and management requirements

7、. (3.) parking lot management systemRehabilitation Centre underground parking lots, and locations in the medical Building basement, second floor. Parking management system is a set of video surveillance, access management, parking management, leading spaces, vehicle access control and integrated sys

8、tem management in one. Car park management system and security monitoring system, alarm linkage system, different settings in the import and export control system control box, parking control system in comprehensive management of comprehensive medical building security monitoring center, audio and v

9、ideo surveillance, alarm systems and other new Exchange each other, form a comprehensive, convenient and efficient Ta systems. Parking entrance equipped with image acquisition, comparison system, vehicle access and egress will be automatically collected and stored image information of the vehicle, a

10、nd according to the card number automatically from the database to bring up the corresponding vehicle information and accurate comparison of the pictures confirm that prevent a vehicle from being stolen. Acquisition of image information is automatically saved for later, and verification. Parking out

11、 entrance has alarm device, once access entrance location occurred accident situation, parking site management personnel can timely triggered alarm device, will 是分子晶体,但SiO是原子晶体,D错。 29(下列离子方程式书写正确的是 3,,2,,2A(向明矾溶液中加入过量的氢氧化钡溶液:Al+2SO+2Ba+4OH=2BaSO?+AlO+2HO 4422,2, B(向氢氧化亚铁中加入足量的稀硝酸:Fe(OH)+2H=Fe+2HO 22

12、,,C(向磷酸二氢铵溶液中加入足量的氢氧化钠溶液:NH+OH=NH?HO 432? -,D(向CHBrCOOH中加入足量的氢氧化钠溶液并加热:CHBrCOOH+OHCHBrCOO+HO 2222 A解析:本题主要考查离子方程式的书写和正误判断等知识。A项中两边电荷数和原子个数相等,并2,3,且符合反应实际,正确;B项中稀HNO具有强氧化性,应将Fe氧化成Fe,错误;C项正确离子方程3,,式为:NH+HPO+3OH=NH?HO+2HO;D项中C上面的溴原子在NaOH溶液中应该发生水解反424322应,被OH取代,D项错误。 ,1,110.有关?100mL 0.1mol?LNaHCO、?100mL

13、 0.1mol?LNaCO两种溶液的叙述不正确的是 323(,A(溶液中水电离出的H个数:?,? B(溶液中阴离子的物质的量浓度之和:?,? ,2C(?溶液中:c(CO) ,c(HCO) D(?溶液中:c(HCO) ,c(HCO) 323323C解析:本题考查盐的水解,以及溶液中离子浓度的计算和比较等知识。同浓度的NaHCO和NaCO323,,,2溶液中,由于CO水解程度大于HCO,pH(NaHCO),pH(NaCO),两溶液中水电离出的H和OH33323,CO和NaHCO溶液中,根据电荷守恒:c(Na物质的量相等,水电离出的H个数:?,?,A正确;在Na233,,2,)+c(H)=c(OH)

14、+c(CO)+c(HCO),同浓度的NaCO、NaHCO溶液中,?中c(Na)是?中的2倍,33233故溶液中CHONa,阴离子的物质的量浓度之和:?,?,B正确。在NaHCO溶液显碱性,水解程度945432,2,大于电离,故:c(HCO) ,c(CO),C项错误;CO的第一步水解程度大于第二步,故c(HCO) ,23333c(HCO),D项对。 2311(中药狼把草的成分之一M具有消炎杀菌的作用,M的结构如图所示: OOHO下列叙述正确的是 HO A(M的相对分子质量是180 B(1molM最多能与2molBr发生反应 2C(M与足量的NaOH溶液发生反应时,所得有机产物的化学式为CHONa

15、 9454D(1molM与足量NaHCO反应能产生2molCO 32C解析:本题考查官能团的性质、有机物分子式的确定等知识。根据结构简式图,可得M分子式:CHO,M的相对分子质量为:178,A项错;M分子苯环上发生酚羟基的邻、对位取代,消耗2molBr,9642C=C双键发生加成消耗2molBr,共消耗4molBr,B项错;M在NaOH溶液中酚羟基发生中和反应,酯22ONaNaOCOONaNaO基发生水解,生成:,化学式为CHONa,C项对;M分子中的酚羟基不和NaHCO94543反应,D项错。 ,1,112(标准状况下VL氨气溶解在1L水中(水的密度近似为1g?mL),所得溶液的密度为g?m

16、L,,1质量分数为,物质的量浓度为cmol?L,则下列关系中不正确的是 (2ment personnel can timely triggered alarm device, willcation. Parking out entrance has alarm device, once access entrance location occurred accident situation, parking site manageverifires confirm that prevent a vehicle from being stolen. Acquisition of image in

17、formation is automatically saved for later, and number automatically from the database to bring up the corresponding vehicle information and accurate comparison of the pictucard , vehicle access and egress will be automatically collected and stored image information of the vehicle, and according to

18、theorm a comprehensive, convenient and efficient Ta systems. Parking entrance equipped with image acquisition, comparison systemer, fsive medical building security monitoring center, audio and video surveillance, alarm systems and other new Exchange each othsettings in the import and export control

19、system control box, parking control system in comprehensive management of comprehen ferentnd integrated system management in one. Car park management system and security monitoring system, alarm linkage system, difgement system is a set of video surveillance, access management, parking management, l

20、eading spaces, vehicle access control ag manant systemRehabilitation Centre underground parking lots, and locations in the medical Building basement, second floor. Parkinually consumption Details tab, employee consumption summary accounting and management requirements. (3.) parking lot managemes, ma

21、nstatistics, and filling buckle adjustable statistics, and withdrawals statistics, and Back to statistical tables, entry tablepersonnel automatically Xia biography, and task query, function, support variety report: trading summary table, and purchase pport parameter automatically Xia biography, and

22、since defined. support system management server and consumption POS machine automatically on Shi on Shi frequency can set, su A(=(17V+22400)/(22.4+22.4V) B(=17c/1000 C(=17V/(17V,22400) D(c=1000V/(17V+22400) ,1A解析:本题考查物质的量浓度、质量分数之间的计算等知识。在1L溶液中:=1Lcmol?L17g?molVL,1,17gmol ,117c17V,1,1,122.4Lmol /1L10

23、00mL?Lg?mL=,B项正确。=,1000(17V+22400)VL,1,171000gmolg ,122.4Lmol VL,11000Vn 22.4LmolC项正确。根据定义式:c= =,D项正确。 V(17V+22400)VL,1, 171000gmolg,1 22.4Lmol,gmL/1000/mLL溶质质量n解法指点:在计算溶液的物质的量浓度(c)、质量分数()等量时,可以从定义式:c= 、= V溶液质量100%,直接入手,而不必使用c、之间的转化关系式,因为这些公式复杂,难记忆,易出错。 13(反应aM(g)+bN(g)cP(g)+DQ(g)达到平衡时,M的体积分数y(M)与反应

24、条件的关系如图所示。其中z表示反应开始时N的物质的量与M的物质的量之比。下列说法正确的是 A(同温同压同z时,加入催化剂,平衡时Q的体积分数增加 B(同压同z时,升高温度,平衡时Q的体积分数增加 C(同温同z时,增加压强,平衡时Q的体积分数增加 D(同温同压时,增加z,平衡时Q的体积分数增加 B解析:本题借助图像考查外界条件对化学平衡的影响等知识。 同温同压同z时,加入催化剂,平衡不移动,y(Q)不变,A错; 由图像知:温度升高,y(M)减小,则平衡右移,该反应为吸热反应,故同压同z时,升高温度,平衡右移,y(Q)增加,B对;由两图像知,同温同z时,增大压强,y(M)增大,说明平衡左移,则y(

25、Q)减小,C错;同温同压时,增加z,相当于可能增加N,也可能减小M,故y(Q)可能增加也可能减小,D错。 易错警示:题目中z表示N的物质的量和M的物质的量之比,z增大,可以增加N或则减少M;增加N则平衡向右移动,减少M平衡向左移动,故审题时要看清z的含义否则,容易错选D。 26(15分)短周期元素形成的常见非金属固体单质A与常见金属单质B,在加热条件下反应生成化合物C,C与水反应生成白色沉淀D和气体E,D既能溶于强酸,也能溶于强碱。E在足量空气中燃烧产生刺激性气体G,G在大气中能导致酸雨的形成。E被足量氢氧化钠溶液吸收得到无色溶液F。溶液F在空气中长期放置发生反应,生成物之一为H。H与过氧化钠

26、的结构和化学性质相似,其溶液显黄色。 请回答下列问题: (1)组成单质A的元素位于周期表第 周期,第 族。 (2)B与氢氧化钠溶液反应的化学方程式为: 。 (3)G与氯酸钠在酸性条件下反应可生成消毒杀菌剂二氧化氯。该反应的氧化产物为 ,当生成2mol二氧化氯时,转移电子 mol。 ally from the database to bring up the corresponding vehicle information and accurate comparison of the pictures confirm thatgress will be automatically collec

27、ted and stored image information of the vehicle, and according to the card number automaticand eve, convenient and efficient Ta systems. Parking entrance equipped with image acquisition, comparison system, vehicle access security monitoring center, audio and video surveillance, alarm systems and oth

28、er new Exchange each other, form a comprehensi ldingimport and export control system control box, parking control system in comprehensive management of comprehensive medical bui anagement in one. Car park management system and security monitoring system, alarm linkage system, different settings in t

29、hetem ma set of video surveillance, access management, parking management, leading spaces, vehicle access control and integrated sys n Centre underground parking lots, and locations in the medical Building basement, second floor. Parking management system isitation Details tab, employee consumption

30、summary accounting and management requirements. (3.) parking lot management systemRehabilg buckle adjustable statistics, and withdrawals statistics, and Back to statistical tables, entry tables, manually consumptiofillintically Xia biography, and task query, function, support variety report: trading

31、 summary table, and purchase statistics, and OS machine automatically on Shi on Shi frequency can set, support parameter automatically Xia biography, and personnel automasince defined. support system management server and consumption P3ely triggered alarm device, willan timout entrance has alarm dev

32、ice, once access entrance location occurred accident situation, parking site management personnel cnt a vehicle from being stolen. Acquisition of image information is automatically saved for later, and verification. Parking preve (4)溶液F在空气中长期放置生成H的化学方程式为: 。 (5)H的溶液与稀硫酸反应的现象为 。 【答案】(15分)(1)三 ?A(各1分,共

33、2分) (2)2Al+2NaOH+2HO=2NaAlO+3H?(3分) 222(3)硫酸钠(NaSO) 2 (各2分,共4分) 24(4)4NaS+O+2HO=4NaOH+2NaS (或2NaS+O+2HO=4NaOH+2S NaS+S=NaS) (3分) 22222222222(5)溶液由黄色变为无色,产生浅黄色沉淀和臭鸡蛋气味的气体 (各1分,共3分) 解析:本题考查元素位构性之间的关系,以及常见物质的性质等知识。白色沉淀D既能溶于强酸,又能溶于强碱,则D为Al(OH),气体E在足量空气中燃烧生成的刺激性气体G在空气中产生酸雨,则G3为SO,E为HS,C由非金属单质A与常见金属单质B组成,

34、并且与HO反应生成Al(OH)和HS,则22232C为AlS,A为S,B为Al。HS被足量NaOH吸收得到无色溶液F为NaS,NaS在空气中长期放置被23222O氧化,得到与过氧化钠结构和化学性质类似的物质H,则H为NaS。 222(1) S位置周期表中第三周期,?A族。 (2) Al与NaOH溶液反应的方程式:2Al+2NaOH+2HO=2NaAlO+3H?。 222(3)SO与NaClO在酸性条件下生成ClO,氯元素价态降低,NaClO被还原,则SO被氧化,氧化产23232+5+4,-物为NaSO,反应的方程式为:SO+2NaClO=NaSO+2ClO;由,ClO+e ,ClO,每生成2m

35、olClO2423242322时,转移的电子数为2mol。 (4)溶液NaS在空气长久放置,生成NaS的化学式为:4NaS+O+2HO=4NaOH+2NaS。 222222225)H为Na(S,化学性质与NaO相似,与稀硫酸反应时,NaS既做氧化剂又做还原剂,生成S和222222HS;观察到溶液由黄色变为无色,溶液中产生浅黄色沉淀和臭鸡蛋气味的气体。 227(16分)碘被称为“智力元素”,科学合理地补充碘可防止碘缺乏病。碘酸钾(KIO)是国家规定的3食盐加碘剂,它的晶体为白色,可溶于水。碘酸钾在酸性介质中与过氧化氢或碘化物作用均生成单质碘。以碘为原料,通过电解制备碘酸钾的实验装置如右图所示。

36、请回答下列问题: (1)碘是 (填颜色)固体物质,实验室中 常用 方法来分离提纯含有少量杂质的固体碘。 (2)电解前,先将一定量的精制碘溶于过量氢氧化钾溶液,溶解时发生反应: 3I+6KOH=5KI+KIO+3HO,将该溶液加入阳极区。另将氢氧化钾溶液加入阴极区,电解槽用水冷却。 232电解时,阳极上发生反应的电极反应式为: ;阴极上观察到的实验现象是 。 ,(3)电解过程中,为确定电解是否完成,需检验电解液中是否含有I。请设计一个检验电解槽中是,否含有I的实验方案,并按要求填写下表。 要求:所需药品只能从下列试剂中选择,实验仪器及相关用品自选。 试剂:淀粉溶液、碘化钾淀粉试纸、过氧化氢溶液、

37、稀硫酸。 ment personnel can timely triggered alarm device, willcation. Parking out entrance has alarm device, once access entrance location occurred accident situation, parking site manageverifires confirm that prevent a vehicle from being stolen. Acquisition of image information is automatically saved

38、for later, and number automatically from the database to bring up the corresponding vehicle information and accurate comparison of the pictucard , vehicle access and egress will be automatically collected and stored image information of the vehicle, and according to theorm a comprehensive, convenien

39、t and efficient Ta systems. Parking entrance equipped with image acquisition, comparison systemer, fsive medical building security monitoring center, audio and video surveillance, alarm systems and other new Exchange each othsettings in the import and export control system control box, parking contr

40、ol system in comprehensive management of comprehen ferentnd integrated system management in one. Car park management system and security monitoring system, alarm linkage system, difgement system is a set of video surveillance, access management, parking management, leading spaces, vehicle access con

41、trol ag manant systemRehabilitation Centre underground parking lots, and locations in the medical Building basement, second floor. Parkinually consumption Details tab, employee consumption summary accounting and management requirements. (3.) parking lot managemes, manstatistics, and filling buckle a

42、djustable statistics, and withdrawals statistics, and Back to statistical tables, entry tablepersonnel automatically Xia biography, and task query, function, support variety report: trading summary table, and purchase pport parameter automatically Xia biography, and since defined. support system man

43、agement server and consumption POS machine automatically on Shi on Shi frequency can set, su4 实验方法 实验现象及结论 (4)电解完毕,从电解液中得到碘酸钾晶体的实验过程如下: 步骤?的操作名称是 ,步骤?的操作名称是 。 步骤?洗涤晶体的目的是 。 【答案】(16分)(1)紫黑色(1分) 升华(2分) ,(2)2I-2e=I(或I+6OH-6e=2IO+3HO) (2分) 有气泡产生(2分) 232(3) 实验方法 实验现象及结论 -取少量阳极区电解液于试管中,加稀硫酸酸化如果不变蓝,说明无I。(如

44、果变蓝,说明有I。)后加入几滴淀粉试液,观察是否变蓝。(2分) (1分) (4)冷却结晶(2分) 干燥(2分) 洗去吸附在碘酸钾晶体上的氢氧化钾等杂质(2分) 解析:本题考查电极反应式的书写、离子检验和实验设计能力以及物质的分离和提纯等知识点。 (1)碘是紫黑色固体,易升华,实验室中可用升华的方法,分离、提纯含有杂质的碘。 ,,(2)阳极区I放电,反应为:2I-2e=I(或I+6OH-6e=2IO+3HO);阴极区的电极反应为:2H232,+2e=H?,观察到阴极区有气泡产生。 2,-,,(3)阳极区有IO生成,在酸性条件下,可发生反应:5I+IO+6H=3I+3HO,生成碘单质;加入3322

45、,淀粉溶液检验是否变蓝,即可确定溶液中是否含有I。具体方法和现象见答案。 (4)将阳极电解液蒸发浓缩、冷却结晶,有KIO晶体析出,通过过滤、洗涤、干燥,可得到纯净的3KIO晶体。步骤?的操作是冷却结晶,步骤?的操作时干燥,步骤?中对晶体进行洗涤的目的是洗去吸附3在KIO晶体表面的杂质KOH等。 328(13分)已知:、 以乙炔为原料,通过下图所示步骤能合成有机中间体E(转化过程中的反应条件及部分产物已略去)。 OOHO-HO22HCHO2BACDE-C-HH-C-CH22 其中,A、B、C、D分别代表一种有机物;B的化学式为CHO,分子中无甲基。 4102请回答下列问题: (1)A生成B的化学

46、反应类型是 。 (2)写出生成A的化学反应方程式: 。 (3)B在浓硫酸催化下加热,可生成多种有机产物。写出2种相对分子质量比A小的有机产物的结构简式: 、 。 (4)写出C生成D的化学方程式: 。 (5)含有苯环,且与E互为同分异构体的酯有 种,写出其中一种同分异构体的gress will be automatically collected and stored image information of the vehicle, and according to the card number automaticand eve, convenient and efficient Ta sy

47、stems. Parking entrance equipped with image acquisition, comparison system, vehicle access security monitoring center, audio and video surveillance, alarm systems and other new Exchange each other, form a comprehensi ldingimport and export control system control box, parking control system in compre

48、hensive management of comprehensive medical bui anagement in one. Car park management system and security monitoring system, alarm linkage system, different settings in thetem ma set of video surveillance, access management, parking management, leading spaces, vehicle access control and integrated sys n Centre underground parking lots, and locations in the medical Building basement, second floor. Parking management system isitation Details tab, employee consumption summary accounting and management requirements. (3.) parking lot management systemRehabilg buckle adju


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