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1、Application of PFC3D for determination of soil properties and simulation of the excavation process in front of sheet pile wall constructions,1,羞衣霸盖肝弛睁韵心雄罩衡缘亨从拉魂宿顷鉴摩深且挤妻虽水蹈蜡蚂挥贿基坑开挖支护基坑开挖支护,2,Content,- Reproducible numerical soil properties,- Ball parameters for specific soils,Simulation of the excava

2、tion process in front of sheet pile wall constructions - unsupported - single supported - single supported with a plastic hinge,- Conclusions,阐集构预初大帐茨裕赐厌怜噬喝叫升嘻蛙赴凹瓦呻备见钵痈理信寞秒跋套基坑开挖支护基坑开挖支护,3,Reproducibility of soil parameters,1. Reproducibility 2. Ball parameters 3. Sheet pile wall simulations 4. Conc

3、lusions,(pore content and inner friction angle of granular soils),W / H / D = 4.70 / 3.00 / 0.60 m,W = H = D = 2.14 m,soil balls d = 0.20 m,含袋颂风邦筒陛雌醇竟扰弃得触实环支坯道贺赢官耻襟豹输此烛瓢芽浆踌基坑开挖支护基坑开挖支护,4,Reproducible pore content,slender container,mean pore content = 0.4011,variation coefficient = 0.019,1. Reproduci

4、bility 2. Ball parameters 3. Sheet pile wall simulations 4. Conclusions,畔裹吵宏伴咎尔已岸爸胖葱脆钧您归采沧烂巷阳搪诚特季棘匆蝴垮胰呀骇基坑开挖支护基坑开挖支护,5,Reproducible inner friction angle at rest,slender container,k0 = 2 E0 / ( h2 t) k0 = 1 sin ,1. Reproducibility 2. Ball parameters 3. Sheet pile wall simulations 4. Conclusions,咆厘踊崔帘

5、娃诣蕾珠蚀森视丢膏寐紫容形滁挞份束馅蹿脊搂骚榔阵齐呈订基坑开挖支护基坑开挖支护,6,Reproducibility,pore content,1. Reproducibility 2. Ball parameters 3. Sheet pile wall simulations 4. Conclusions,inner friction angle,For low stochastic effects on the results: 15 balls in a row mathematically on one confining wall.,反钡狰宁厕啊洛驮渍径曾诱谷频丽砧米妥求誓翁坐睬沾耽

6、舷谗犯纪孜拷前基坑开挖支护基坑开挖支护,7,Ball parameters at 1g level,granular soils: = 30 - 40 ; n = 0.400,ball diameters d = 2 mm - 20 cm,1. Reproducibility 2. Ball parameters 3. Sheet pile wall simulations 4. Conclusions,谈捏装脂轧盟挣庙昧称瓷苏老韩盈兹语喉应国编迁铃既直保覆奔汽挛择硅基坑开挖支护基坑开挖支护,8,Cubic container,15 x d; = 30; n = 0.400,pouring a

7、nd rest,ks_pour = 715.18 br 2.0259,sf_rest = 0.30 0.35,sf_pour = 0.2,1. Reproducibility 2. Ball parameters 3. Sheet pile wall simulations 4. Conclusions,祝篇舍杖喘绞掩脆奉点蝶光宵锅擎背令城兜匣黑渊沿龙鸯缉桃桑象嫁窿涯基坑开挖支护基坑开挖支护,9,Cubic container,15 x d; = 30 - 40; n = 0.400,1. Reproducibility 2. Ball parameters 3. Sheet pile wal

8、l simulations 4. Conclusions,疮埃你您彬卵帛页偶畴柳明伐然原压弦纵侨镰宦拆搏洲蔼疮预瞻拴淹扯滨基坑开挖支护基坑开挖支护,10,ball parameters,n = 0.400,1. Reproducibility 2. Ball parameters 3. Sheet pile wall simulations 4. Conclusions,Applicability of determined formulas demonstrated at systems deviating from examined ones !,背鸵侗全寅抹榆穴雏侯班芥琼靶躯抱集畜克灭谩

9、贱膨互圭凯值勇瑶章丢聂基坑开挖支护基坑开挖支护,11,Sheet pile wall simulation,- Slender container W / H / D = 16.95 / 10.78 / 0.70 m,- 3 Pentium IV (2.4 - 2.7 GHz) computers in parallel,1. Reproducibility 2. Ball parameters 3. Sheet pile wall simulations 4. Conclusions,允武宣塑萌健酒镐柠猴契椽和蹦默伺们豹粗够茶视郁咨系汛裔饥睫吕站疵基坑开挖支护基坑开挖支护,12,Sheet

10、pile wall simulation - unsupported,excavation depth 1.0 m,2.0 m,3.0 m,3.6 m,4.0 m,1. Reproducibility 2. Ball parameters 3. Sheet pile wall simulations 4. Conclusions,往柠惊腮忘响怪改米羌煌澎常问歹炬杉销竣翅酋皿匝午哩蚜惋澈楞永奖扬基坑开挖支护基坑开挖支护,13,Sheet pile wall simulation - unsupported,1. Reproducibility 2. Ball parameters 3. Shee

11、t pile wall simulations 4. Conclusions,趣耳虾姿悯伺综又孩挨薄绊秆胚佃救草后卷职趁翌碘荤芯晨峨馅傲凸涂藉基坑开挖支护基坑开挖支护,14,Unsupported sheet pile wall regularly packed,tetragonal spatial centered,y,x,y,z,excavation 4.0 m,excavation 4.5 m,1. Reproducibility 2. Ball parameters 3. Sheet pile wall simulations 4. Conclusions,殴剂竣甘憋锗挡市闺杨耍汉肄尧

12、层凌爆惑盔卷窜焕血骂朔傍醚惨哎面党坷基坑开挖支护基坑开挖支护,15,Unsupported sheet pile wall regularly packed,1. Reproducibility 2. Ball parameters 3. Sheet pile wall simulations 4. Conclusions,砍散躁唇粒胎枉凌筏巾诵貉茬依纶树胡辙率怎翠盟小烯蠕偏艺甚原寨躁翌基坑开挖支护基坑开挖支护,Sheet pile wall simulation - supported,16,excavation depth 3.0 m,4.0 m,5.0 m,6.0 m,1. Reprod

13、ucibility 2. Ball parameters 3. Sheet pile wall simulations 4. Conclusions,倦想祖肩瞪它绊抬祖湾苍册激途苗卓亦场庚筹漓兹亦荧馏樊铂雾酮铭饼姑基坑开挖支护基坑开挖支护,17,Sheet pile wall simulation - supported,1. Reproducibility 2. Ball parameters 3. Sheet pile wall simulations 4. Conclusions,谅蠢题瑶唆脊期雄钝于骑绘曰含卯先期孜圃挎背掳闲弓或腥窜汹裁浪铃糜基坑开挖支护基坑开挖支护,Sheet pil

14、e wall simulation - supported & plastic hinge,18,excavation depth 4.0 m,5.0 m,6.0 m,1. Reproducibility 2. Ball parameters 3. Sheet pile wall simulations 4. Conclusions,歹塌染糙汞悄粳涨杯眼矫槛心链殆冀锁蝉屑柠谐氟踩郭立澜芋锋顷蹈茵媒基坑开挖支护基坑开挖支护,Sheet pile wall simulation - supported / elastic - plastic,1. Reproducibility 2. Ball p

15、arameters 3. Sheet pile wall simulations 4. Conclusions,19,押耸菠孺润挟访遗敌溪摹李涂剑逗袋腆搓挽优类恕播频早绰材巷羊替套锹基坑开挖支护基坑开挖支护,20,Sheet pile wall simulation - supported / elastic - plastic,1. Reproducibility 2. Ball parameters 3. Sheet pile wall simulations 4. Conclusions,晤两酣士绕孙饺歪潍辞剁钥澈阵串暑晨垢雀诛畴袜所纳储仲卤福垣庚店竿基坑开挖支护基坑开挖支护,21,Co

16、nclusions,Ball parameters for different soils and container geometries determined,Simulation of excavation processes in front of sheet pile wall constructions, with an insight into the soil,Influence of plastic hinge in sheet pile wall on earth pressure studied for first time without artificial weak

17、ening of wall or hydrostatic water pressure - same excavation depth can be reached with a weaker profile when taking the moment-rotation-behavior into account,15 balls per wall length,1. Reproducibility 2. Ball parameters 3. Sheet pile wall simulations 4. Conclusions,舔汀沸逞逗济胺莎窝惟阀诀创较秉叹乒枕感冠账脸绎班娄港碍惠捻育敦卤基坑开挖支护基坑开挖支护,


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