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1、2015年高考新课标理综化学试题解析2015年高考新课标?卷理综化学试题解析 7(食品干燥剂应无毒、无味、无腐蚀性及环境友好。下列说法错误的是( ) A(硅胶可用作食品干燥剂 B(PO不可用作食品干燥剂 25C(六水合氯化钙可用作食品干燥剂 D(加工后具有吸水性的植物纤维可用作食品干燥剂 解析:考察化学与生活。硅胶、PO、具有吸水性的植物纤维可以作为食品干燥剂,25CaCl?6HO没有吸水性,不能作为干燥剂。选择C。 228(某羧酸酯的分子式为CHO,1mol该酯完全水解可得到1mol羧酸和2mol乙醇,该羧18265酸的分子式为( ) A(CHOB(CHOC(CHOD(CHO 05解析:考察

2、酯的水解反应和原子守恒。C原子数:18-22=14,H原子数:26+22-2 6=18,O原子数:5+2-2=5,分子式为CHO,选择A。 14185,9(原子序数依次增大的元素a、b、c、d,它们的最外层电子数分别为1、6、7、1。a的电 ,+子层结构与氦相同,b和c的次外层有8个电子,c和d的电子层结构相同。下列叙述 错误的是( ) A(元素的非金属性次序为c,b,a B(a和其他3种元素均能形成共价化合物 C(d和其他3种元素均能形成离子化合物 、b、c各自最高和最低化合价的代数和分别为0、4、6 D(元素a , 解析:考察元素推断与元素周期律。a的电子层结构与氦相同,a是H,b和c的次

3、外层 ,+有8个电子,最外层电子数为6、7,b是S、Cl,c和d的电子层结构相同,d是K。根 据元素周期律,元素的非金属性:ClSH;H与S可以形成HS,H与Cl可以形成HCl, 2属于共价化合物,H与K形成离子化合物KH;K与H形成KH,与S形成KS,与Cl 2形成KCl都属于离子化合物,H的最高和最低化合价的代数和为0,S的最高和最低化合 价的代数和为4,Cl最高和最低化合价的代数和为6,选择B。 10(N代表阿伏加德罗常数的值。下列叙述正确的是( ) AA(60g丙醇中存在的共价键总数为10N A,1,2 B(1L 0.1mol?L的NaHCO溶液中HCO和CO离子数之和为0.1N 33

4、3AC(钠在空气中燃烧可生成多种氧化物。23g钠充分燃烧时转移电子数为1N Atake 1 a stretch try pieces, and one cold bent try pieces, and by provides of 30% for witness sampling. Found reinforcement in the process of using brittle fracture, poor welding properties and machining performance is not functioning correctly, and chemical an

5、alysis should be carried out, substandard steel shall not be used for projects. After steel shipped to the work site, in strict accordance with rank, grade, diameter, length, separate stock piled up stored reinforced ground leveling and tamping, water slope and Foundation above a layer of gravel, re

6、inforced padded wood below when stacked, not less than 100mm from the ground, prevents corrosion and contamination. (B) rebar processing site before construction, first by a reinforcement member according to the design drawings and specifications, by civil construction technical director check sign,

7、 next to operations teams. After check from a work team to get material, press material cutting. Should be taken into account when cutting, mixed, improve steel utilization. Steel processing after making material specifications, . ? stomata: required baking flux; removing rust; ensure that the rebar

8、 buried deep. ? Burns: rust clean clamping bars. Krispy Kreme drips under the weld package: sealed flux tank leaks; avoid too fast recovery after welding fluxes. (D) the rib-stripped and rolled straight thread connection of the Engineering Foundation90235235113611 D(235g核素U发生裂变反应:U+nSr+U+10n净产生的中子(n

9、)38000929254数为10N A解析:考察阿伏加德罗常数问题。A,CHCHCHOH,11共价键,应该为11N;B, 322A,2根据物料守恒,HCO、CO离子数和HCO之和为0.1N;C,根据Na,e,转移 3323A1电子数为1N;D,净产生的中子(n)数为9N。选择C。 AA011(分子式为CHO并能与饱和NaHCO溶液反应放出气体的有机物有(不含立体异构)51023( ) A(3种 B(4种 C(5种 D(6种 解析:考察有机同分异构,变为CHCOOH有多少种。根据等效H法和换元法,4种。49选择B。 12(海水开发利用的部分过程如图所示。下列说法错误的是( ) A(向苦卤中通入C

10、l是为了提取溴 2B(粗盐可采用除杂和重结晶等过程提纯 C(工业生产常选用NaOH作为沉淀剂 D(富集溴一般先用空气和水蒸气吹出单质溴,再用SO将其还原吸收 2, 解析:考察海水综合利用。A,Cl,2Br,2CI,说法正确;B,粗盐经过除杂后,Br=222,蒸发结晶,说法错误;C,沉淀Mg用NaOH;D,结合A,SO,Br,H2HBr,=2220HSO,说法正确。选择B。 2413(用右图所示装置进行下列实验:将?中溶液滴入?中,预测的现象与实际相符的是 选项 ?中物质 ?中物质 预测?中的现象 A( 稀盐酸 碳酸钠与氢氧化钠的混合溶液 立即产生气泡 B( 浓硝酸 用砂纸打磨过的铝条 产生红棕

11、色气体 C( 氯化铝溶液 浓氢氧化钠溶液 产生大量白色沉淀 take 1 a stretch try pieces, and one cold bent try pieces, and by provides of 30% for witness sampling. Found reinforcement in the process of using brittle fracture, poor welding properties and machining performance is not functioning correctly, and chemical analysis sh

12、ould be carried out, substandard steel shall not be used for projects. After steel shipped to the work site, in strict accordance with rank, grade, diameter, length, separate stock piled up stored reinforced ground leveling and tamping, water slope and Foundation above a layer of gravel, reinforced

13、padded wood below when stacked, not less than 100mm from the ground, prevents corrosion and contamination. (B) rebar processing site before construction, first by a reinforcement member according to the design drawings and specifications, by civil construction technical director check sign, next to

14、operations teams. After check from a work team to get material, press material cutting. Should be taken into account when cutting, mixed, improve steel utilization. Steel processing after making material specifications, . ? stomata: required baking flux; removing rust; ensure that the rebar buried d

15、eep. ? Burns: rust clean clamping bars. Krispy Kreme drips under the weld package: sealed flux tank leaks; avoid too fast recovery after welding fluxes. (D) the rib-stripped and rolled straight thread connection of the Engineering FoundationD( 草酸溶液 高锰酸钾酸性溶液 溶液逐渐褪色 解析:考察化学反应原理与实验现象的关系。A,HCl先与NaOH反应,再

16、与碳酸氢钠 3,反应,不立即产生气体;Al与浓硝酸发生钝化,不产生红棕色气体;C,Al滴入浓NaOH ,溶液,先生成AlO,不产生白色沉淀;草酸还原高锰酸钾,溶液逐渐褪色。选择D。 226.(14分)酸性锌锰干电池是一种一次电池,外壳为金属锌,中间是碳棒,其周围是有碳粉,二氧化锰,氯化锌和氯化铵等组成的填充物,该电池在放电过程产生MnOOH,回收处理该废电池可以得到多种化工原料,有关数据下图所示: 溶解度/(g/100g水) 温度/? 0 20 40 60 80 100 化合物 NHCl 29.3 37.2 45.8 55.3 65.6 77.3 4ZnCl 343 395 452 488 5

17、41 614 2化合物 Zn(OH) Fe(OH) Fe(OH) 223-17-17-39Ksp近似值 10 10 10 回答下列问题: (1)该电池的正极反应式为 ,电池反应的离子方程式为: (2)维持电流强度为0.5A,电池工作五分钟,理论消耗Zn g。(已经F=96500C/mol) (3)废电池糊状填充物加水处理后,过滤,滤液中主要有氯化锌和氯化铵,两者可以通过_分离回收,滤渣的主要成分是二氧化锰、_和 ,欲从中得到较纯的二氧化锰,最简便的方法是 ,其原理是 。 (4)用废电池的锌皮制作七水合硫酸锌,需去除少量杂质铁,其方法是:加入新硫酸和双氧水,溶解,铁变为 加碱调节PH为 ,铁刚好

18、完全沉淀(离子浓度小-5于110mol/L时,即可认为该离子沉淀完全)。继续加碱调节PH为 ,锌开始沉淀2,(假定Zn浓度为0.1mol/L)。若上述过程不加双氧水的后果是 ,原因是 。 参考答案: ,(1)MnO,e,NH,MnOOH,NH; 243,2,Zn,2MnO,2NH,Zn,2MnOOH,NH; 243(2)0.05g take 1 a stretch try pieces, and one cold bent try pieces, and by provides of 30% for witness sampling. Found reinforcement in the pr

19、ocess of using brittle fracture, poor welding properties and machining performance is not functioning correctly, and chemical analysis should be carried out, substandard steel shall not be used for projects. After steel shipped to the work site, in strict accordance with rank, grade, diameter, lengt

20、h, separate stock piled up stored reinforced ground leveling and tamping, water slope and Foundation above a layer of gravel, reinforced padded wood below when stacked, not less than 100mm from the ground, prevents corrosion and contamination. (B) rebar processing site before construction, first by

21、a reinforcement member according to the design drawings and specifications, by civil construction technical director check sign, next to operations teams. After check from a work team to get material, press material cutting. Should be taken into account when cutting, mixed, improve steel utilization

22、. Steel processing after making material specifications, . ? stomata: required baking flux; removing rust; ensure that the rebar buried deep. ? Burns: rust clean clamping bars. Krispy Kreme drips under the weld package: sealed flux tank leaks; avoid too fast recovery after welding fluxes. (D) the ri

23、b-stripped and rolled straight thread connection of the Engineering Foundation(3)重结晶;碳粉、MnOOH;在空气中灼烧;碳粉转变为CO,MnOOH氧化为MnO 22? 点燃 或4MnOOH,O4MnO,2HO;C,OCO; 22222 3,2,2,(4)Fe;2.7;8;Zn和Fe分离不开;Fe(OH)和Zn(OH)的Ksp相近 22解析:考察原电池原理,电子守恒原理、分离方法和沉淀溶解平衡知识。 ,(1)正极得到电子,MnO,e,NH,MnOOH,NH;总反应为 243,2,Zn,2MnO,2NH,Zn,2Mn

24、OOH,NH; 2430.5560?96500,(2)根据:Zn,2e,m(Zn)=65=0.5g; 2(3)根据溶解度曲线,ZnCl溶解度受温度的影响大,NHCl溶解度受温度的影响大,可以24采用重结晶的方法分离;滤渣中含有MnO、碳粉和MnOOH;利用在空气中灼烧,2? MnOOH?MnO,C?CO;可以书写方程式回答。4MnOOH,O4MnO,2HO; 22222 点燃 C,OCO; 22 ,2,3,3,(4)Fe,2H,H?;2Fe,HO,2H,2HO;Fe?Fe;根据Ksp, Fe2Fe=222222,3,3,-39-5,-11.3开始沉淀的 完全沉淀Fe的C(OH)=10/10,C

25、(OH)=10,PH=2.7;Zn-1710,-82,2,C(OH)=,PH=8,如果没有加双氧水,Zn和Fe分离不开;原因是=100.1Fe(OH)和Zn(OH)的Ksp相近。 2227(14分)甲醇是重要的化工原料,又可称为燃料。利用合成气(主要成分为CO、CO2和H)在催化剂的作用下合成甲醇,发生的主反应如下: 2?CO(g)+2H(g)CHOH(g) ?H 231?CO(g)+3H(g)CHOH(g)+HO(g) ?H 22322?CO(g)+H(g)CO(g)+HO(g) ?H 2223回答下列问题: 化学键 H-H C-O C?O H-O C-H -1E/(kJ.mol) 436

26、343 1076 465 413 (1)已知反应?中的相关的化学键键能数据如下: -1-1-1 由此计算?H= kJ?mol,已知?H=-58kJ?mol,则?H= kJ?mol123(2)反应?的化学平衡常数K的表达式为 ;图1中能正确反映平衡常数K随温度变化关系的曲线为 (填曲线标记字母),其判断理由是 。 take 1 a stretch try pieces, and one cold bent try pieces, and by provides of 30% for witness sampling. Found reinforcement in the process of u

27、sing brittle fracture, poor welding properties and machining performance is not functioning correctly, and chemical analysis should be carried out, substandard steel shall not be used for projects. After steel shipped to the work site, in strict accordance with rank, grade, diameter, length, separat

28、e stock piled up stored reinforced ground leveling and tamping, water slope and Foundation above a layer of gravel, reinforced padded wood below when stacked, not less than 100mm from the ground, prevents corrosion and contamination. (B) rebar processing site before construction, first by a reinforc

29、ement member according to the design drawings and specifications, by civil construction technical director check sign, next to operations teams. After check from a work team to get material, press material cutting. Should be taken into account when cutting, mixed, improve steel utilization. Steel pr

30、ocessing after making material specifications, . ? stomata: required baking flux; removing rust; ensure that the rebar buried deep. ? Burns: rust clean clamping bars. Krispy Kreme drips under the weld package: sealed flux tank leaks; avoid too fast recovery after welding fluxes. (D) the rib-stripped

31、 and rolled straight thread connection of the Engineering Foundation(3)合成气的组成n(H)/n(CO+CO)=2.60时体系中的CO平衡转化率(a)与温度和压强22的关系如图2所示。a(CO)值随温度升高而 (填“增大”或“减小”),其原因是 。图2中的压强由大到小为_,其判断理由是_。 参考答案: (1)99;,41 c(CHOH)3K,(2);a;反应?为放热反应,平衡常数应随温度升高变小; 2c(CO),c(H)2(3)减小;升高温度时,反应?为放热反应,平衡向向左移动,使得体系中CO的量增大;反应?为吸热反应,平衡

32、向右移动,又产生CO的量增大;总结果,随温度升高,使CO的转化率降低;P,P,P;相同温度下,由于反应?为气体分子数减小的反应,321加压有利于提升CO的转化率;而反应?为气体分子数不变的反应,产生CO的量不受压强影响,故增大压强时,有利于CO的转化率升高 解析:考察热化学知识和平衡理论。 (1)根据?H与键能的关系,?H=E(C?O)+2E(H-H)-3E(C-H)-E(C-O)-E(O-H)=1076+21-1436-3413-343-465=-99kJ?mol;根据盖斯定律,?H=?H-?H=-58+99=+41 321-1kJ?mol; c(CHOH)3K,(2)?的平衡常数表达式;反

33、应?为放热反应,随着温度升高,K2c(CO),c(H)2减小,a曲线正确; (3)随着温度升高,反应?逆向移动,反应?正向移动,CO的转化率降低;随着压强增大,反应?正向移动,反应?不移动,CO的转化率升高。 take 1 a stretch try pieces, and one cold bent try pieces, and by provides of 30% for witness sampling. Found reinforcement in the process of using brittle fracture, poor welding properties and m

34、achining performance is not functioning correctly, and chemical analysis should be carried out, substandard steel shall not be used for projects. After steel shipped to the work site, in strict accordance with rank, grade, diameter, length, separate stock piled up stored reinforced ground leveling a

35、nd tamping, water slope and Foundation above a layer of gravel, reinforced padded wood below when stacked, not less than 100mm from the ground, prevents corrosion and contamination. (B) rebar processing site before construction, first by a reinforcement member according to the design drawings and sp

36、ecifications, by civil construction technical director check sign, next to operations teams. After check from a work team to get material, press material cutting. Should be taken into account when cutting, mixed, improve steel utilization. Steel processing after making material specifications, . ? s

37、tomata: required baking flux; removing rust; ensure that the rebar buried deep. ? Burns: rust clean clamping bars. Krispy Kreme drips under the weld package: sealed flux tank leaks; avoid too fast recovery after welding fluxes. (D) the rib-stripped and rolled straight thread connection of the Engine

38、ering Foundation28(15 分)二氧化氯(ClO,黄绿色易溶于水的气体)是高效、低毒的消毒剂,答下列问2題: (1)工业上可用KC1O与NaSO在HSO存在下制得ClO,该反应氧化剂与还原剂物质323242的量之比为 。 (亚氯酸钠)为原料,通过以下过程制备ClO: (2)实验室用NHCl、盐酸、NaClO422?电解时发生反应的化学方程式为 。 溶液X中大量存在的阴离子有_。 ?除去ClO中的NH可选用的试剂是 (填标号)。 23a(水 b(碱石灰 C(浓硫酸 d(饱和食盐水 (3)用下图装置可以测定混合气中ClO的含量: 2?(在锥形瓶中加入足量的碘化钾,用50 mL水溶解

39、后,再加入 3 mL 稀硫酸: ?(在玻璃液封装置中加入水.使液面没过玻璃液封管的管口; ?(将一定量的混合气体通入锥形瓶中吸收; ?(将玻璃液封装置中的水倒入锥形瓶中: ,2-?(用0.1000 mol?L-1硫代硫酸钠标准溶液滴定锥形瓶中的溶液(I+2SO,2I2232+SO-),指示剂显示终点时共用去20.00 mL硫代硫酸钠溶液。在此过程中: 46?锥形瓶内ClO与碘化钾反应的离子方程式为 。 2?玻璃液封装置的作用是 。 ?V中加入的指示剂通常为 ,滴定至终点的现象是 。 ?测得混合气中ClO的质量为 g.。 2(4)O处理过的饮用水会含有一定最的亚氯酸盐。若要除去超标的亚氯酸盐,下

40、列物庾2最适宜的是_填标号)。 take 1 a stretch try pieces, and one cold bent try pieces, and by provides of 30% for witness sampling. Found reinforcement in the process of using brittle fracture, poor welding properties and machining performance is not functioning correctly, and chemical analysis should be carrie

41、d out, substandard steel shall not be used for projects. After steel shipped to the work site, in strict accordance with rank, grade, diameter, length, separate stock piled up stored reinforced ground leveling and tamping, water slope and Foundation above a layer of gravel, reinforced padded wood be

42、low when stacked, not less than 100mm from the ground, prevents corrosion and contamination. (B) rebar processing site before construction, first by a reinforcement member according to the design drawings and specifications, by civil construction technical director check sign, next to operations tea

43、ms. After check from a work team to get material, press material cutting. Should be taken into account when cutting, mixed, improve steel utilization. Steel processing after making material specifications, . ? stomata: required baking flux; removing rust; ensure that the rebar buried deep. ? Burns:

44、rust clean clamping bars. Krispy Kreme drips under the weld package: sealed flux tank leaks; avoid too fast recovery after welding fluxes. (D) the rib-stripped and rolled straight thread connection of the Engineering Foundationa(明矾 b(碘化钾 c(盐酸 d(硫酸亚铁 参考答案: (1)2:1 电解 (2)?NHCl,2HCl3H?,NCl ?Cl、OH ?c 423

45、 ,,,(3)?2ClO,10I,8H,2Cl,5I,4HO ?使ClO充分反应,避免碘的逸出 ?淀粉2222溶液;溶液由蓝色变为无色,且半分钟内溶液颜色不再改变 ?0.2700 (4)d 解析:考察实验方案设计。 (1)根据电子守恒原理,有:2KC1O,NaSO; 323电解 (2)根据流程信息,电解总反应为NHCl,2HCl3H?,NCl ;X存在的离子有 423 Cl、OH ;除去ClO中的NH可选用的试剂是浓硫酸,水、碱石灰可以与ClO232反应; ,,,(3)ClO具有氧化性,会氧化KI,2ClO,10I,8H,2Cl,5I,4HO;玻璃液封装置2222的作用是使ClO充分反应,避免

46、碘的逸出;氧化还原滴定,选择淀粉作为指示剂,滴2定终点的是溶液由蓝色变为无色,且半分钟内溶液颜色不再改变;根据2ClO,5I, 2213 10NaSO,m(ClO)=0.100020.001067.5=0.2700g. 2232536.【化学选修2:化学与技术】苯酚和丙酮都是重要的化工原料,工业上可用异丙苯氧化法生产苯酚和丙酮,其反应和工艺流程示意图如下: take 1 a stretch try pieces, and one cold bent try pieces, and by provides of 30% for witness sampling. Found reinforcem

47、ent in the process of using brittle fracture, poor welding properties and machining performance is not functioning correctly, and chemical analysis should be carried out, substandard steel shall not be used for projects. After steel shipped to the work site, in strict accordance with rank, grade, di

48、ameter, length, separate stock piled up stored reinforced ground leveling and tamping, water slope and Foundation above a layer of gravel, reinforced padded wood below when stacked, not less than 100mm from the ground, prevents corrosion and contamination. (B) rebar processing site before construction, first by a reinforcement member according to the design drawings and specifications, by civil construction technical director check sign, next to operations teams. A


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