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1、-范文最新推荐- 党政办主任竞聘演讲 党政办主任竞聘演讲尊敬的各位领导、同志们: 大家好! 根据镇内设机构调整的有关精神,今天,我本着进一步锻炼自己,为大家服务好的宗旨站在这里,参加镇中层干部竞聘演讲。首先应该感谢镇党委、政府的领导给了我这次展示自我、提高自我、锻炼自我的机会,我竞聘的岗位是党政办主任一职,希望能得到大家的支持。 本人19xx年xx月入伍,19xx年毕业于郑州防空兵学院,大学本科文化,中共党员,于xx年转业到地方工作,现任党政办副主任。在部队期间历任排长、参谋、股长、团副参谋长等职,在师、团机关工作了xx年,多次被评为优秀机关干部,并荣立三等功两次,去年在军转干部上岗培训中被评

2、为优秀学员。 大家都知道,党政办工作具有综合性、广泛性、从属性、服务性和琐碎性等特点,头绪繁多,涉及面广,任务重。要求党政办主任必须具备一定的政策理论水平、文字综合能力、组织协调能力和管理经验。今天,之所以参加这个岗位的竞聘,我想自己具备以下几个方面的优势:一、我具有很强的敬业精神。特别是xx年的军旅生活经历,培养了我严明的组织纪律性、吃苦耐劳的品质和雷厉风行的工作作风,我想这是干好一切工作的基础。二、我具有良好的政治素养。在部队里,我系统的学习了马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想的理论知识,大大提高了个人的思想政治素质和辨证思维能力。在平时工作中,能够及时掌握党的方针政策


4、办副主任的半年多时间里,我很快熟悉了党政工作的特点,增强了在办公室工作的能力,积累了一定的工作经验。如果我能当选党政办主任,所有这些都将有利于我尽快进入角色,适应工作要求。 优势固然重要,但仅有优势也难以在工作中做出成绩。要使党政办公室工作开展得有声有色,还必须有自己的思路和设想。如果我能被聘任为党政办主任,我主要做好以下几个方面:一是献计献策,当好“咨询员”。党政办作为联系上下左右、前后内外的桥梁纽带,是各种信息的集散中心。如果我能当选党政办主任,我将积极主动地站在全局的角度思考问题,为领导决策提供信息、出谋划策,当好领导的“咨询员”。二是立足本职,当好“服务员”。为领导服务是办公室主任义不

5、容辞的职责,领导交办的事要不折不扣地完成,我想为领导服务的出发点和落脚点就是为群众服务。因此,如果我能当选党政办主任,我一定会密切联系全体干部、工作员,积极倾听大家的呼声,了解大家的需求,力争为大家当好“管家”,做一名合格的“服务员”。 三是搞好关系,当好“协调员”。党政办公室处于一个枢纽的位置,需要正确处理内部和外部的各种关系。如果我能当选党政办主任,我一定会注重团结、顾全大局,与同事一道协调好各种关系,以确保我镇的各项工作正常运转。 四是加强管理,当好“管理员”。办公室工作面宽事杂,只有加强管理才能保证工作宽而不推,杂而有序。如果我能当选党政办主任,我一定会加强管理,进一步完善各项制度,为

6、办公室人员定岗定责,做到责任明确,任务具体,充分调动每个同志的积极性和创造性,使办公室形成一个团结协作的战斗集体。共2页,当前第1页12 一、有下列情形之一的,聘用单位可单方面解除聘用合同 (一)试用期考核不合格的; (二)聘期内不履行聘用合同的; (三)连续旷工超过10个工作日或者1年内累计旷工超过20个工作日的; (四)未经聘用单位同意擅自出国(境),或者经批准出国(境)逾期不归的; (五)违反工作规定或者操作规程,发生责任事故给本单位造成严重经济损失,或者失职、渎职,造成严重后果的; (六)严重扰乱工作秩序,致使聘用单位、其他单位工作不能正常进行的; (七)贪污、盗窃、赌博、营私舞弊,以

7、及犯有其他严重错误,又不宜给予开除处分的; (八)被判处有期徒刑以上刑罚收监执行的,或者被劳动教养的; (九)在试用期内被证明不符合本岗位要求又不同意单位调整其工作岗位的; (十)连续两年年度考核被确定为不合格的; (十一)聘用单位转移工作地点,本人无正当理由拒不随迁的; (十二)聘用单位撤并或缩减编制需要减员,本人拒不服从安排,经教育无效的; (十三)法律、法规、规章另有规定的。 二、有上列情形之一,聘用单位可按以下程序办理解聘事宜 (一)聘用单位提出拟解聘意见以书面形式通知本人或其亲属,如无法直接通知本人或其亲属,可采用公告送达;(由学校行政会根据被聘者情况,讨论做出拟解聘意见武隆县xx学

8、校拟终止(解除)聘用合同通知书) (二)被解聘人员或其亲属在接到拟解聘通知书15日或公告见报1个月内,有权提出申辩意见,聘用单位应认真听取本人申辩意见,并记录在案; (三)聘用单位在进一步核实的基础上作出是否解除聘用合同的决定,正式通知拟被解聘人员;(根据被解聘人员意见,学校行政会再次讨论做出是否解聘的决定,如做出解聘决定,应填写武隆县事业单位终止(解除)聘用合同通知书一式五份,武隆县事业单位终止(解除)聘用合同登记表一式四份) (四)拟被解聘人员超过申辩时限未提出申辩意见,聘用单位即可解聘; (五)聘用单位解除被聘用人员的通知书及登记表存入本人档案,并同时送达本人和抄送县教委(县教委作为主管

9、部门只负责对各单位的人事工作监督和指导)及县人事局备案。 三、辞聘(即受聘人员提出解除聘用合同的),按下列程序办理 (一)受聘人提前15日向聘用单位提出书面申请;(受聘人员填写武隆县事业单位终止(解除)聘用合同申请表) (二)聘用单位在接到申请后的15日内经过学校行政会讨论后做出是否同意终止(解除)聘用合同的答复; (三)受聘人员交申请后,聘用单位在处理相关事宜期间,受聘人员不得擅离职守,否则视为旷工; (四)受聘人员在受聘单位同意终止(解除)后,填写武隆县事业单位终止(解除)聘用合同登记表一式四份。 (五)聘用单位将收集武隆县事业单位终止(解除)聘用合同申请表、武隆县事业单位终止(解除)聘用

10、合同登记表各一式四份,分别存入本人档案、聘用单位、县教委及县人事局。 四、被解聘或辞聘人员自被解聘或辞聘的次月停发工资 要求:在做出解聘和同意辞聘决定后,各单位应将此决定通知学校财务部门。 五、受聘人员续聘、变更合同内容、聘期内流动的,其人员聘用管理,按人事局关于规范事业单位人员聘用制管理的通知(武教委办20054号)执行。 Party A _wishes to engage the service of Party B_ as_. The two parties, in a spirit of friendly cooperation, agree to sign this contract

11、 and pledge to fulfill conscientiously all the obligations stipulated in it.The period of service will be from the_day of_,20_ to the _day of_,20_ The duties of Party B (see attached pages) Party Bs monthly salary will be ¥_ yuan RMB,_ % of which can be converted into foreign currency monthly. Party

12、 As Obligations1. Party A shall introduce to Party B the laws, decrees and relevant regulations enacted by the Chinese government, the Party A work system and regulations concerning administration of foreign experts.2. Party A shall conduct direction, supervision and evaluation of Party Bs work.3. P

13、arty A shall provide Party B with necessary working and living conditions.4. Party A shall provide co-workers.5. Party A shall pay Party Bs salary regularly by the month. Party Bs obligations1. Party B shall observe the laws, decrees and relevant regulations enacted by the Chinese government and sha

14、ll not interfere in Chinas internal affairs.2. Party B shall observe Party As work system and regulations concerning administration of foreign experts and shall accept Party As arrangement, direction, supervision and evaluation in regard to his/her work. Without Party As consent, Party B shall not r

15、ender service elsewhere or hold concurrently any post unrelated to the work agreed on with Party A.3. Party B shall complete the tasks agreed on schedule and guarantee the quality of work.4. Party B shall respect Chinas religious policy, and shall not conduct religious activities incompatible with t

16、he status of an expert.5. Party B shall respect the Chinese peoples moral standards and customs. Revision, Cancellation and Termination of the Contract1. Both parties should abide by the contract and should refrain from revising, canceling, or terminating the contract without mutual consent.2. The c

17、ontract can be revised, canceled, or terminated with mutual consent. Before both parties have reached an agreement, the contract should be strictly observed.3. Party A has the right to cancel the contract with a written notice to Party B under the following conditions;(1) Party B does not fulfill th

18、e contract or does not fulfill the contract obligations according to the terms stipulated, and has failed to amend after Party A has pointed it out.(2) According to the doctors diagnosis, Party B cannot resume normal work after a continued 30 day sick leave.4. Party B has the right to cancel the con

19、tract with a written notice to party A under the following conditions:(1) Party A has not provided Party B with necessary working and living conditions as stipulated in the contract.(2) Party A has not paid Party B as scheduled. Breach PenaltyWhen either of the two parties fails to fulfill the contr

20、act or fails to fulfill the contract obligations according to the terms stipulated, that is, breaks the contract, it must pay a breach penalty of US$500 to 2,000 (or the equivalent in RMB).If Party B asks to cancel the contract due to events beyond control, it should produce certifications by the de

21、partment concerned, obtain Party As consent, and pay its own return expenses; If Party B cancels the contract without valid reason, it should pay its own return expenses and pay breach penalty to Party A. If Party A asks to cancel the contract due to events beyond control, with the consent of Party

22、B, it should pay Party Bs return expenses; if Party A cancels the contract without valid reason, it should pay Party Bs return expenses and pay a breach penalty to Party B. The appendix of this contract is an inseparable part of the contract and has equal effect This contract takes effect on the dat

23、e signed by both parties and will automatically expire when the contract ends. If either of the two parties asks for a new contract, it should forward its request to another party 90 days prior to the expiration of the contract, and sign the new contract with mutual consent. Party B shall bear all e

24、xpenses incurred when staying on after the contract expires. ArbitrationThe two parties shall consult with each other and mediate any disputes which may arise about the contract. If all attempts fail, the two parties can appeal to the organization of arbitration for foreign experts affairs in the St

25、ate Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs and ask for a final arbitration.This Contract is signed at_ , in duplicate, this_ day of _,20_, in the Chinese and _ languages ,both texts being equally authentic.Party A              

26、                       Party B(Signature)                                   (Signature) 11 / 11


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