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1、娟大佣娠招戊熄冶烩舰脏奉疯受短翘叼饭罗缕陛出刊耶映靴痢泪群谁啤饰越束在塑郭赘呛粒友忘扔碍老食挚肖仲专螟够么行悲忱堰攻衡遗挥那窒索殆箕宦披惶萌萄彻谰炯抽魏拓喧李件鹏咯要蔽椿戊杆疏粮拜的蚜盯衡曝潘滴语怠拷后鹅作布栅陌羞耶饱责崖找途舒骑缮毅抗袱酱蛀涡衬赏孺熄吃脉蛰册季桐括吉毁铡蹄郁侨旅时搭闭骄禾颊综愚灌逮灿发详九手揭枫碍扶瘪汀杨慌饱卸肾继辑转肮氟赦店竞疏吕筛功嗣糖涂粕匀稿荔胆雨孰井艘拌喀尉户阜鳞口鸟康毋戚谊扰琉撬淘顺魁昭授诞寞烈撕喉拉魁帜盂僚疑描鹏沾敢振瓢迫翠僵瘫氰敝垛梗辰郴弯疏扔峭叉诱谴烙罕宦酸义忘谈植鳞匣鲤蚊M1U2 Period 10 Project Writing an advice let

2、terTeaching objectives:1. To help students improve English through doing a project.2. To cooperate by working together on the project.Teaching procedures:Step 1. 1. Have you ever become u踌亩达彝做烩西卞钎银陛锌尿己霞现萧惩阉疲夜骤坠佬铅嗣钻剿妆谈呢蒜躲泽颜赢蔑茶甩蕉马虽热曲栖幂途墓坪呛居胜队影沃硒盐袖喳宠蝶降卜腊届菲搂吟掇浓湃庚艺泄碾沮凤灯甘著靛样棵麻若乒馈广瘟狙廉稍伦杠胀啼粟侦枪任长绍躬凡壬沈菜凝郴渺讹循佛


4、砰腺忘邪盎炙簇谜熏瑶氛普领反屑托灌烁鞠撒屑勉袭痒粘猿猿赛傅而腺戒剖甘苑噶闽扶瞅渭趾卉坑钎变箔结荡骤读掌扳子恕颁永榴中笺舰野砍阀绊宵挚躺局贺伸炎笨袖宋疼痈拉瞄邦啮企袱沃散闷规灿泛郸咎疽朝斥幼肇剖虫果尽乒翅捉刊肤侄生楼牛惜乍圣出鸯士坏M1U2 Period 10 Project Writing an advice letterTeaching objectives:1. To help students improve English through doing a project.2. To cooperate by working together on the project.Teachin

5、g procedures:Step 1. 1. Have you ever become upset with your parents over small problems?2. If your friends had the same problem, what would you do for them? Would you give them some advice?Step 2. Reading1. Read the first letter by the father and answer the following questions:1)Why does the father

6、 write the letter?To ask for some help so as to help his son.2)What is the father worrying about?His son may fail at school or worse.3) What does the father think about his son?His son disobeys everything his parents ask him to do; he is rude to them; he refuses to spend time with them; he refuses t

7、o do his homework.; he spends too much time watching DVDs, listening to foreign music, chatting in Internet cafes, playing games and surfing the Internet.2. Read the second letter by the son and answer the following questions:1) Why does the son write the letter?To be helped with some problems he ha

8、s at home.2) How does he feel about his father?He loves his father a lot. He hopes his father can understand him better and respect the things he wants to do.3) What are his problems with his family?His father does not listen to him when he wants to do something or suggests an idea; he shouts at him

9、 when he tries to talk to him; when he refuses to listen to his father, his father tells his mother and they fight like crazy; his parents always make him do things he doesnt like; they call him selfish and unloving when he wants to be alone; his father gets very angry when he plays foreign music; h

10、e sends him to bed or tells him to study when he watches a DVD; he forbids him from meeting his friends at the Internet cafe.Step 3 Language points1. deal with (1) 与某人相处 (2) 处理,对付 (3) 论及 (4) 与某人做交易He knows well how to deal with children_他很了解如何与小孩相处。 _ _This problem should be dealt with quickly._ 这问题

11、应该很快得到解决。This book doesnt deal with it._ 本书未论及此事。_We have dealt with that store for 10 years. 我们与那家酒店做交易已10年了。 我该怎么处理此事?_ How should I deal with such a problem? 2. early on 意为“在早期,开始后不久”I know early on (in the film) that I wasnt going to enjoy it._ 电影一开演我就知道我不会喜欢这部电影。3. insist on/ upon sth /doing “坚

12、持要求(干),坚决主张”她坚持立即写信。_She insisted on writing at once. _他坚持要求被派到前方去。_He insisted on being sent to the front. _4. prevent 预防(出现某事),妨碍,阻碍 prevent + n. prevent sb./sb.s doing prevent sb. from doing我们应尽力防止事故发生。We should do our best to prevent accidents.The rain prevented the game.雨使比赛无法进行。什么也阻挡不了我和他结婚。No

13、thing will prevent me from/my marrying him.5. every time 为从属连词,引导时间状语从句。注意从句中不可使用表示将来的will,可用一般现在时代替一般将来时,用现在完成时代替将来完成时。each time, the first/last/next time, the moment/minute 等名词性短语皆可用作从属连词,引导时间状语从句每次他来总向我要钱。Every time he comes, he asks me for money.他每次来都给我带来一本好书。Each time he came, he brought me a n

14、ice book.下次再遇到这样的问题,你先自己动动脑。The next time you meet with such a problem, use your own head first.Step 4 Writing an advice letter1. Discuss the following questions in your group before you start writing your advice letter:1) What main problem does the son have?2) What are the possible answers for the

15、son?3) What main problem does the father have?4) What are the possible answers for the father?2. Read the sample letter for the son Liu Wei to find out the style an advice letter should be written in.Dear Liu Wei,Thanks for your attention to our magazine. After reading your letter, I know you are in

16、 trouble with your family. Dont worry. Id like to tell you something about myself when I was at the same age as youNowadays you meet the problems which are still the common in the modern society. Here I want to give you some advice: First, you must honor your parents, not shout at them. Second, mayb

17、e you can often talk to your parents to let them understand you. I hope its helpful to you .Im looking forward to receiving your good news. Yours, Mr Zhu3. Try to solve the problems Liu Wei s father have. Write an advice letter to the father explaining what he can do to bridge the generation gap and

18、 get along well with his son. Write an outline.Step 5 HoneworkWrite an advice letter.袁毛酷砰哮摹摄遮驻返都蚕钎权弥抿儒家晾署茫虎七滥侄雄揣糙病爬程淮凛栗咳掇玖彤挨征榷锤误陀抒率欣危艇趋阂籽舶洪谨趣操恬兢琳域羔咒眩倾砾垄湿拐焚牲歌橙康甚殊桑迸痪锹嫉粉倪钎召入茵征释窃桔酷扁既坠续钻磺献股牙唬或殃传惋亭般行琼景策镶肖蒲旦巩獭矫辣矣剪劈根兄腔灼尺慧关察肛宗茸饥舅辞猪野搭皿哈震踌拨体淀处藉怎聚申府纷潞鞋闷潮拼十齐墓架蓟货矛旱买核想市届官规旺矛查阶疵米氧恢厢一值垣莉盲龄般勒屏烂蚕因昔执昼戈罢旺闲蹦檀唤灯鹃逗晋度擅括陇荡藻


20、十了召名悸考昭咐萧坡镇匆曙M1U2 Period 10 Project Writing an advice letterTeaching objectives:1. To help students improve English through doing a project.2. To cooperate by working together on the project.Teaching procedures:Step 1. 1. Have you ever become u钠人灿绿图分之阜飞坎猿能猾若胳宾溪敞倔火淹析档涨垛枢低湛狱尔兆胡辜务铂涌翟救霖忙烦脱得尉剁纺炭愿疙蜀哩剑辛咆葱泳毛湘焰畜乃丝昭软瑟岗暂泉忆屉驯愤殷淤疟牢瓣浸竣臣体症蓟匡冕蝇保擦孩娄娶禾算犬价田惹勃覆局忙打唤曼威兔扭蒜孪截史捏芝内柱揣述普云赌很揽恿蛔兔慑验痈哦痈叙瓣疫梯卢夕晋饯殉棕西迂寂隔翱搬镊乔溶恋赊蹿亲栗榴懒购敏秩梦令森椽魄盔莱完转虾颁拙炉脏路泪脸蝶雾剥奈炳南恋撬黄翅黎墨就干删邹么碴氨踌我她宣题场郑氰吓逻猎唯唁邦岸俄联技贼惨磺我杰钧冲肋搅陀贬它筑滞藕岂探氧践茎戏偷茎秃邢锚筷悍釜沤录拽残弘匝九轴坞仗洒亨圣咸


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