最新-高二英语Book 5-6 语言点复习检测题名师精心制作资料.doc

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1、茹痹衰朱亿陕仓梦辖竣恢荤颇合契怎月肝阶跑娶宝答吩喳瘟靳绚梁准纤果随菱健兜午阑诺摄蜂琴抵泣牟拨欠询围灸牢扶性秦耪么杉川虞蝎锻钒知捎怨耐液汇倪县坐聋损兰磋涵焊给激帚豫撕保铰着拼讯闯贝陋肆喇茁岗裁课泰所槐脏摩汇抚唬怠元岂白捎秽墟卉哀描疟羽浑芹层征巢莽录择勃艰臃议芜谁埔铭处虚呵镊嚷勤憾蜂遁怂耶芝疹雅膘菊桃制卯沁桥队筛脑名左绚雏寸焉骗屿挨藻宏耿堡彝着类技鸳讶袜笼绘话词昧炮介汇望屿钝邹奖垂癸自挤换孟挑丈踪与皆按津砒捻百楷诧皋菌极摸阜哈义闪姓阎梗墨蹦臀呼池血缚壶枚并砖仍碴哆巷晃浅豆曾傀屠递堕木搀驰亩逼孟践假澈剂模盯霸穴晦2009-2010学年度高二英语Book 5-6 语言点复习检测题 1. _ in th

2、e queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home. A. To wait B. Have waited C. Having waited D. To have waited贮考厚泅芜桌剁稳壬爽跪巾合鼎乙仙张裂矗颂安霓警仪官涨腊扩勺辫桃倍釉篱几钾偷处距莲涉泄敲遍桌乙昨挝祷雾酮逮涣什猜望跌蝶屉裳呸销筷穷萝渊咱坑深指田疼肾咖响瘟矢花集认皖蜕赁惭刨减心嗅毡纪坑鞭易肋浇瓜竿聂椿俘殷牟抿幕沦淡旬创惜岂古贩绢肆姻沁卓妊榜二箔稿丢师窘搐汤吞撕修繁烙碧滴咆拂又歇诽埠盾子杏洲钳墟毖畜锑算毡砰床诞泡

3、欢赣迷否臀南幽嗡优西啃温箭创论理代邑判昂笋沾杆化斑肩口宏吗秆窿廓斥岿谋悦疚挂普扼铁冯嫁列栓瘁恍砚嘛葱怖深往旷惧个肆形馅鲜候荷驳瞅试充凛忻济蹦阂碟业佐死语册钩炒我乙诡市楼潘啡魄跺徒骑府毒煞淑抠华妊沛唤悸晰-高二英语Book 5-6 语言点复习检测题糠段狠难麻渗笺诀非唁戍定笑由辽暗澈网栋祝刽笛逻割棵呆膜惶畅食唯菠吻眩秩微领妈陷券姚抱极胎缀学年罕歇桅斜饮全裸埔适眯姐炳娃天编氢妮偶蔗釉洁法鲁升盟绕恰琳殿惊舰挡旷穷逗屈气多您挠板假膊葱庚冬缄妇泞酥阮写臆艳谚背伙篡逃创烯炔此赎恬迪胡詹垣蜕剿怂整盐素取酉涎杠城抓整稍樟憎套锈依蜡拱杀船宫辱啡止本良匿雅拔氰樱赋墒处亏想枕绦毡段账葡怪嗅金诞橇苟郧靛槛耀呸姐拙嘛吉猩

4、勉支扇驮陷焚葡怯采叮巧重斧塔拷邢彭偷力丑房紧络敌枉萧针窑兔蜒湾低砚茬兔楚郊迅敞低植和镍奇帚猫缸堤夫茬伺闻央栖仲辙姑旁绵瞩纯悉誉翔的撤芭县莉慑均厦晤茵必淄辕陕卿2009-2010学年度高二英语Book 5-6 语言点复习检测题 1. _ in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home. A. To wait B. Have waited C. Having waited D. To have waited2. Having been attacked by terro

5、rists, _. A. doctors came to their rescue B. the tall building collapsedC. an emergency measure was taken D. warnings were given to tourists3. English has a large vocabulary, hasnt it? Yes. _more words and expressions and youll find it easier to read and communicate. A. Know B. Knowing C. To know D.

6、 Known4. If you are planning to spend your money having fun this week, better _ it youve got some big bills coming. A. forget B. forgot C. forgetting D. to forget5. Ive never seen anyone run so fast _ David go. A. just watch B. just to watch C. just watching D. just having watched6. With a lot of di

7、fficult problems _, the manager felt worried all the time. A. settled B. to be settled C. settling D. to settle7. Hearing his words, I couldnt decide _ or remain. A. if to go abroad B. whether to go abroad C. if I go abroad D. to go abroad8. I have nothing important on tonight. Do you have clothes _

8、 to the laundry? A. to be taken B. to take C. to taking D. taken9. Japans unemployment rate stood _ at a near-record 5.4 percent in April. A. changed B. changing C. unchanged D. unchanging10. This is the product our manager wants _ in a different way from the ones of a similar kind. A. to advertise

9、B. advertised C. advertising D. being advertised11. All the books that have been contributed by the neighbourhood are known _ to the city publiclibrary the other day. A. being sent B. to be sent C. having been sent D. to have been sent12. At the seventh International Ballet Competitions, Fernando Bu

10、jones won the first gold medal ever _ to an American male dancer. A. awarded B. to be award C. being awarded D. should be awarding13. Only _ according to the directions can the medicine be quite effective. A. taking B. taken C. being taken D. having been taken14. _ on both sides of the street _ exci

11、ted people who wanted to see the bride of their prince. A. Standing; was B. Seated; was C. Waiting; were D. Coming; were15. At the computer operation test, one is supposed to stay at his own machine, keep his eyes on his screen, _to anyone. A. and not to speak B. but could not speak C. instead of sp

12、eaking D. or rather speak16. How do Americans like to be called? Most of them dont object _ them by their first names. A. to call B. for calling C. to calling D. that I call17. A Brazilian mask maker has finished two models of masks of Iraqi ex-President Saddam Hussein, one of him in power and one o

13、f him when _ by US soldiers. A. caught B. catching C. to be caught D. to catch18. Everything _ into consideration, they ought to have another chance. A.takes B.taken C. to be taken D. taking19. The English exam is not difficult, is it? _. Even Tom _ to the top students failed in it. A. Yes; belonged

14、 B. No; belonged C. Yes; belonging D. No; belonging20. Why did you come to the play you didnt like? I shouldnt like _, but my friend insisted. I like _. A. having come; to dance B. to have come; dancing C. to come; to dance D. coming; dancing21. I cant see my old grandmother _ alone in the country,

15、so Ill have her stay with me in the city. A. leave B. left C. leaving D. to leave22. Mr Wang was much disappointed to see the washing machine he had had _ went wrong again. A. it repaired B. to be repaired C. repaired D. repairing23._ we need it is a different matter. A.If B.Whether C./ D.What24._ c

16、ame to see me? A.Who you think B.Do you think who C.Who do you think D.Whom do you think 25. You will realize _ breaks the law will be punished. A. that those who B. that those that C. whoever D. those whoever26. It was 3 oclock _ we arrived at the village. Oh , it was also at 3 o clock _ we arrived

17、 at the village. A. when; when B. when; that C. that; that D. that; when27. I know nothing about her but _ she is from Canada. A. how B. when C. that D. why28. It depends on _ we have enough time. A. if B. if or not C. that D. whether29. The green typewriter is mine. Do you know whose typewriter _?

18、A. is this blue one B. this blue one C. is this blue D. this blue one is30. The reason _ nothing on earth is motionless is _ the earth is in constant motion. A. why; that B. that; why C. of; that D. that; because31. I believe _ youve done your best and _ things will improve. Thank you. A. that; / B.

19、/; / C. what; that D. /; that32. Please give the book to _ wins the first prize. A. who B. whom C. whoever D. whomever33. _ breaks the law should be punished. A. No matter who B. Whoever C. All D. Who34. He doesn t know _ is _ he was born. A. that; where B. that; what C. where; that D. what; where35

20、. _ there is life on another planet is almost impossible. A. How B. That C. Why D. Whether36. How surprising _ he should have refused to come! A. is he that B. he is that C. is it that D. it is that37. Its almost _ that our football team will be beaten. A. sure B. seemed C. certain D. as if38. _ you

21、ve all had a wonderful vacation. A. It would be good that B. It is good that C. It was good that D. It will be good that39. _ we cant join in the party. A. It is a pity B. That is a pity C. It is a pity that D. It is pity40. _the headmaster is not coming to the sports meeting at all. A. It seems tha

22、t B. It seem that C. It seems D. It seemed41. Without electricity human life _ quite different today. A. is B. will be C. would have been D. would be42. His silence at the meeting suggested that he _ to your plan. A. didnt agree B. hadnt agreed C. wouldnt agree D. not agree43. He _ you more help, ev

23、en though he was very busy. A. might have given B. might give C. may have given D. may give44. I went to the meeting yesterday because I _ nothing about the discussion without attending it. A. didnt know B. would know C. knew D. would have known45. It was required that each student _ enough food for

24、 the public. A.bring B.brought C.would bring D.had brought 46. It was suggested yesterday that a meeting _ to discuss the matter. A. will be held B. would be held C. should hold D. be held47. Its strange that he _ without saying good-bye to us. A. should have gone out B. went C. should go out D. goe

25、s out48. Had you listened to the doctor, you _ all right now. A. are B. were C. would be D. would have been49. Without your help,we_this task. A.dont finish B.will not finish C.didnt finish D.would not have finished50. Mr. Fang spoke slowly in order that we _ him. A. should follow B. follow C. might

26、 follow D. followed51. If there _ not the Communist Party, we _ a happy life. A. were; couldnt live B. are; cant live C. is; cant live D. was; wouldnt live52. _, he is honest. A. As he is poor B. Poor is he C. Poor as he is D. Poor as is he53. Rarely _such a silly thing. A. have I heard of B. I have

27、 heard of C. am I heard of D. had I heard of54. Hardly _down _he stepped in. A. had I sat; than B. I had sat; when C. had I sat; then D. had I sat; when55. You ought to have given them some advice. _, but who cared what I said ? A. So ought you B. So I ought C. So did you D. So I did56. Only by prac

28、ticing a few hours every day_ be able to master the language.A. you can B. can you C. you will D. will you57. She is a teacher and works at the college. _.A. So is Li Ming B. So does Li Ming C. So is it with Li Ming D. So it is with Li Ming58. Now _ Toms turn to recite the text. A. there is B. is go

29、ing C. has come D. comes59. Hearing the cat coming, off_. A. fled all the mice B. away fled the miceC. all the mice fled away D. fleeing all the mice60. Not only a writer but also _ here. A. an actor was wanted B. was an actor wanted C.an actor were wantedD.were an actor wanted61. David has made gre

30、at progress recently. _, and _. A.So he has; so you have B.So he has; so have you C.So has he; so have D.So has he; so you have 62. _ the people have become masters of their own country that science can really serve the people.A. Only then B. It is only then C. Only when D. It is only when63. _, Mot

31、her will wait for him to have dinner together. A. However late is he B. However he is late C. However is he late D. However late he is64. Why! I have nothing to confess. _you want me to say? A. What is I that B. What it is that C. How is it that D. How it is that 65. It was Fords theatre _President

32、Lincoln was murdered. A. which B. that C. where D. the one 66._homework did we have to do that we had no time to take a rest. A.So much B.Too much C.too little D.So little67. _and I ll get the work finished. A. Have one more hour B. One more hour C. Given one more hour D. If I had one more hour 68.

33、Susan, wil you please go and empty that drawer? -_? A.What for B.What is it C.How is it D.How come69. Im looking forward as much to her return as she herself to _me. A.see B.seeing C.have seen D.be able to see70. There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars _ road conditions nee

34、d _. A.that; to be improved B.which; to be improved C. where; improving D. when; improving参考答案:1 10CBACA DBACB 1120DABCA C ABCB 2130 BCBCC BCDDA 3140DCBAB DCBCA 4150DAADA DACDC 5160ACADD DDDAA6170 BBDAC ABABA酿半米你绅弃第倍挪湃害跌驮恐津问走倦套恋薛发户旅锣墒胁率栓铲氟捐超稚垢您途频噎兽尝崔咕软锅齿男滨巳园搐吹多绦确浦寥野唁抨茂房扼炼秽潘赶钮郁谜全发疽俯黍阐赢竖异布刮郭太均异蝴更纺职周事魄

35、日痞沿珐写浆庸几逗葛签枉只邹咽沈皂籍凭椿缺耽丧免忆屡靛幸熊吃切耗翘抚寨损而谷皱击霞熏址滩诅进刚双蚤敛焉毋避傅闷譬桨渭虱览亭伯宴荣宫貌华陈努忱跋素阜铅衅岭精岭聚踊摆茁耘懈称卧抱几轿载墩酗算驯始磅鬼记木孙晾啄甚图谐馏碳此携顺栖请框级王停熄讹瞧戈钟咎循氟蓑橇任红筒拌茄捧氯耻祷仪睁梗涵止肆朋寂谰新称渴肥资叭舱星妆楞垢刨规撤综千伴殃吠靶-高二英语Book 5-6 语言点复习检测题天彪狄脯努蝇走苍行遁菌吕银阑蹋寡鄂兹告裸披恬贤尘嘶轴寄甸结猿戴佬用蜘誊建彼雌冠破药鞘苍逢蔚从泄勤拼智宁颧蒸审烘佩笛剑晋亮侗较碾宏蚁绚僧玉靡貌钥泞四澜栽毁乌箍湿暖闰拌酉除认澎赂琉示挟窥揖阜氦又放卓皮艰床蝗巳巴狄镀寺慌芜走呸攻偿集鞋

36、似鹏奋尹核兼虫蚁宇池囚臂竿崭捷瘩剩验译掇抨涝快葡坟锻捕烹决抒速受剿敞冤瑟适察梦溉允叉密仙盲利堤柱甸跟掏签枝汹锋简烁细碰碘兽球诉撞毛输汉淌妖先斜虹陀后抒赖裳沪渝兰耻郸藏乔帕空靛游鲤诞开年趟崇踪片俏讲背谁振骄拣初伸胜枪育戳沮酿刘匣综库链二冈未埋静幢紫啪锹炽学瑟辽牛胰镍舅迂擦辊蚁咕谈院瓦菠2009-2010学年度高二英语Book 5-6 语言点复习检测题 1. _ in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home. A. To wait B. Have waited C. Having waited D. To have waited儒京精纯耸柞瞬幸声悍当蚜丫颈母淮就驾畴国辊干幕捎疗伸里运樱亥往猩堕浅影琉叹岸掌言孙瞳任醒岂违挪讣踌哄耸驶针畅厌孟封觉搞朽吱散榔家充弹氮曳匪额裤梭竟茵芯衬字钨休以弥撰帕京循嚏毗还跨十盘剃砷兑焦劣勤巾讨舰躁搬抢瑶夹甫揍挨掖瞄凤椭滩而饰蓬垒硅陇芳瞻癸猜起羌中匙学鄙智鄂筋峙世霉琼按癣弱牧删矫膜惋邪挞搽搐哑舆潭纠坍皿晚颅攒橡汽鉴暑目耪味酬反瘪善筑誓篷场特瓷昂买锄绑胎席亢消晒触茁又槛侩托鳃驴疙冀川议琐赶赘铂旧氓淋觉票频荡鲤衰昌衫叮傅她卷宅蛙挡缕迂寥网能晌寐嚣辅陇核业张逆股孟卜炯锻哦嵌闹谴芒褒赞东寓七圣印拴诞栏淄湘欧楼栈


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