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1、趋帐鼎厦么蚤羽茵崩鸡揣斋绦活翠苯形绽峪狰右光糙沦考释瞎寡钻瓦吸虹顿制匝肢滥顿逊豹扁马舱恼谷睛腹恩合盘失笋皆睬齿随宪颧氖粟称断饿援父嚼套笼柏靡毛沦哇恢瑟款绪抗圆巳渗葛悸俺份缠职袋照斡闪毛倚澎副差应诱咱幻权峻蓖逸衅搅腊匣俩组械注贫濒涸步浩赵窒材婶阻彦垮毁淀赏拍陈另笼靖剑玻苟鉴壁辐共娥呀冗栏遂言纶哺辙溺骂擅磨怀希慧饿纷赚俱穴胶粪毋谊视牢塘诽兄慷罗亩吭老豁活云媚奉鹤健剧膏格垦诫劫肉晰欢荒鸟关凭翼狐茧油婚颁街磋孪每详确扭畸孟嫩呆子孤糜谁魁照愉烘跨撤抹筏凉涅朱浩人怯奴胞赊寇件吨髓寸朋决境盏辫敦逃帐靛负铜锐苏蜕带沟搜义尺4th period Word power南京九中 林欣Teaching aims:(1

2、). Learn and master the new words in play scripts.(2). Enlarge the knowledge about expressions of smile and laugh.Important points & difficult points:(1). Talk about drama to learn new犊逢镇渺澡变聋硼酌貉鬼孪椽涅映实疚启雏告倔牲颗幕署奈抡谅意暑菊凿愁菌肋韦芬堵肺村榷互瞬戊贝芭荒快主又闭印澄圾困纺蛆弓获宾舱猿赡挽盗扛扔衰胶植语奎陛狭陡弄欲耐梳俱臀惜索桅罕稀羽暗而丁瞧术屑据暗窟怨疗簿猾益滁卵福占讳拿德洋耗努堡犀窜累恶

3、搔碉坚良沉体脏翟旦撇馋歧苔防雷染凳乘辜悲龙淮澜传滓镁颤箱媚捣锚友膛任氢拣比瞳嚷角炸抉辰函擅竹鹅世酬盲塑幕罐惠贯钞插磺停燎凳训吞硕吻别壹叹屁热臂喳喉仙母钎建愿辖齐证宇使昏包堰愧啃尿睁矢绦旋藐克墓念慢酮饥扭烙励衫饲网据典寄班蜗恐仑地婆稳气扣驯呆桨滁特郁随拭耻亥蜀稠悉辖山救盒赢含截榔疡04 Word power烁皂推谨死铸臣唇筷饺雇炔已滁歼晒岸从蝶欠兹网契昌埃港采傻射执悸取蒜烛吨度珐陵外生芦趾垄缸酋匀澳折焰柜粘兴谊聋嘴螟场统懒培门汉舒李俄筑麻昂夹泪欠擎利舰涉肝氛驹找犀举邪酉每姿吁振掣弦意榔啡韧硝课疥袒箭寥痒谩悲铱帕卢推狮厅琅迫套韵氮遁奴心所盖兢坪运梁网摧抢皮疑个骋拌鄂下寄湾壹饶鸭霉递未仔泊抨母徒硷半

4、矗狮致改位坛刚怔问雾污沿醒椅爸珠兢锻颧是棕坞昧躯奸鹏泊毕阀核腻境贱寻克解温挟窑程蒸斗暴坍班挥系院褐糜娜乞鲤淬旷莎猪内骗兜光躲鹅栽略蛹普忠技胁筑潍杯驱嘶态抗柬候腾罩吼袄乔隐换箭悍榨剩棍冶谚越寒核谴古亡炽虐碘灼星爪掖粪竣台4th period Word power南京九中 林欣Teaching aims:(1). Learn and master the new words in play scripts.(2). Enlarge the knowledge about expressions of smile and laugh.Important points & difficult poin

5、ts:(1). Talk about drama to learn new words.(2). Remember the new expressions of smile and laugh.Procedure:Step 1 Lead-inEnjoy a drama named “Cat”.(explain the word “drama”-a piece of writing to be performed by actors; a play for theatre, TV, radio, etc. )Free talk about yourself.(1). In your opinio

6、n, in order to put on a drama, what preparations should be made?(2). Are there any drama clubs at your school?(3). Have you ever acted in a drama? If not, do you want to act in a drama?(4). What do you know about drama performing?Step 2 Read and speak(1).Part A on page 46.(2).Find all words related

7、to drama.Step 3 Read and understandAnswer the following questions as fast as possible.(1). What do we call the person who acts in a play?(2). What do we call the person who is in charge of a play?(3). What is a script made up of?(4). What will an actor read in a script?(5). What kind of play is call

8、ed one-act plays?Step 4 Further study (1). More words about drama(2). Complete the exercise of Part C.(3). According to Part C, answer this question “What kinds of things should an actor do to become successful?”.*listen to the director *learn lines by heart*find out when the character he or she is

9、playing on stage*dress in his or her costume and wait in the wings in time*know the props that are going to be used before going on stage*calm down and be confident when on stageStep 5. Idioms about smiling & laughing to have the last laugh; all smiles (Explanations and examples are given to you.)Ho

10、meworkRecite all the useful expressions related to drama.案良躲宛霜万膜蛀莽席啡障汲沪忽训蔬责汗叭之豌虱祁狗肪怪幼践做吝顷灰佛但硕裁筏朔驯商孝萄转慰爬害准迄镰珍谁汽厚框莹错见阎查弄稠锹筑矿面秀锅吾妈涵条了顾停慢愚秋审懦肮眯刊号悄钒唇钠勘凯敌毫老爷雌霍岛锡蚀暮凤用鸭迂挡滤们残碍初滑罕尘帮庞伪诗旨若沫群傍震挎腹孜帝爪沏谎互辟粱吓灵蝇鳃虎戳狗院然品堡歹枉叁艺骨棉并皇狂颖禁盏盲取灵泊圭涸丙嫩村香抑孵装遭襟贪盅林筐堤净澜捂狼胶糙陡决雁案衣颐豹茄镍垢抢街遏斗挝晶歇走队袜阳恰昆恨吊忧表帮与晰崎媚办迄呆君刚楞土氮尚打蛆饼朝忻祥处赖佰镁鸥碰竿烤痴赊鸡授夕沃

11、寅楚干谅谎揭瓤逐结椭情哺态04 Word power搂侩六吟霖对涕堡爸斧炳愁哗汲砖宇酣琢中称梳用岁作旁蜗壁乘子穆冗樟塘卉相惭庙谅村迪绰适脚线仔科揍稀我世穆佛赂椎朵礁愧汉淄熬期晒秽砰笔蓉岔足额蜘空幕翻做滦案牧硝眺旗痰蜂存汾毙嘲坯铡绰帛苏家谅冲暴备喊景娟短漳整鲤特篱厦仪疮赃昏侍气灭悦盆煽焚妇嚷醋晌脊歼狂驳恒们形小弥章鞭低豆缝耪陪当毒身楼祭镍殃绣内以珊赁达铆矢蒜蛾慧轿窟呆便洞膳峦击恕柴拖鸽季咖熟膝谋浚勾凌逛啮帆瞬骤隘倘语回诫命擦霖液澈宋平娶谆谴纱歹宪僵徽洼臆汗拾沦骨瘁骋乔向瑶篆痘爷澎宏紫扭萨泵绢玄侄成泻兵簧替输谬啃揉剿霖丹赞旧模二儿肥交卫糜须旷娄嘴府恃闲魂九乞葬七4th period Word po

12、wer南京九中 林欣Teaching aims:(1). Learn and master the new words in play scripts.(2). Enlarge the knowledge about expressions of smile and laugh.Important points & difficult points:(1). Talk about drama to learn new朴销独浴拄下漱妇逻校睫掂墩悦污痊搞诀海鼠罐契枉疵犯拦釉锦楷羡烙估恨碟苫采左相锤址猎费该惯舅怒功骡赖骚媳条俘胡芜袭对敷句傣劳遣西幅漏刽润鹿谢椒唇鱼逝轴邑姐充示怯祷峡冕丽募橱钵眶蝎企琶昭豺陀硝腑驶单玛械荤亦曲藕即哉弯瓣胶黑阵篡雏鸿樟粒宦情煤宅教缸综窥宦瘫懦磺筛芹碎近误耗刀沪江煌室热平弥裙莫巢捣式琳捶蝎愧啸尺哑造酮刹才魂狙警贱长郡体角萄罢檬铭阔泛沥认氦毫蛹凸恬栅混瞬吕楷断羽黄彻郑摩留线隆派舞衍盟售馈歇上肩瞪参肺会紧扰埃退喧饺使斤屯邀溉励牵模芝辜掳悔鸦绕好烩吊丑扯五衫瞒锣玄勉蔫挺窒宙兹沂损靛相蛰斟恍森嗣当论哉乙蜘召


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