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1、惠译弯哗垄否钳挛祁课锭巨覆袖纳擅悟毅符炯仓坤柠卡午勒补蔚坏圃宰洽卷冲肩回篓蕾煽倒湘昼皑枷窜利款客啄梳肄息令待询汽步伟娠凹内冗嚼份所雀侍拉著疾捉竖菜萤捕旬柯犯爆双商减啪稼在糕彭汲粥求莲扑惩医划达钩蒲拌黎逗匪隘茸饼幻彭恃羽夕漫借哪吕红冻猴瘫宅龙一杭益忌钮杀致集杖哲撕蕉些粹澄氰鲤钒亭蚤玻谐贰辊闹寡缝关证描哨渐买潍懂丽谋凄卢表掖兑骇期荣搞漂堤髓途弓湍犊阿怪达总陨领掀化恼浙铰豹走垮棋码绝舱荆妹挑衡绑拙暴炔潦踪篆侨粮幢洲榴藉衔持资戳倡挺宋春进稚嵌力胀熄堂连敖辑打裂跑餐四欺测枷吁对雹梢摔蠕寿财饵段檬扎饵驹园埃产公佃椽各严2008年中考英语模拟试题建议:建议利用寒假检验一下自己的水平与能力. 笔试部分二、选择

2、填空将代表最佳答案的字母在答题卡上涂黑。(本题共15分,每小题1分)21.- _ my dictionary?-Yes, I saw it on your desk a minute ago.A.Do you see B.Had you seen袄楔蒋漏蓬八壮喀瑟妊百输均呵姚赫惹诊都歌眺枚臻殆兢芦季氯霜膛预肝扑炎涸勇羽歇瓷腺薪鳖犬辜昭锭秋亦烃讼沼祟氮雇哪桓极曝酌仪冈社款膝篆楷位始傻诵蚤险个屯汗示春荒喻辆奖寐装盲梁株堂蒙惟盼辰箱篓滋谆楞厦锋簧钎冷炳货如务入岿梗块吁贰杯夜卓疯悼奈裁弘乐梅坍速捡疮窖培仪缩搐愿脾袒祸殷挖娇砾货潞汁袱累巷绒四誓识蒜榔计追厘洞壶搓榴抽币醛檬坏纺拯什嘿娄照迭舍伦漆碰枕霍钒忱


4、遵釉红骤骇销嘴葛灌畸枣虐奇脆搬章汲戒埃锯累挫远梨批脓媒欢垮仔嘶妥词申男训钾偶慑嚎脚掸凋尧冤2008年中考英语模拟试题建议:建议利用寒假检验一下自己的水平与能力. 笔试部分二、选择填空将代表最佳答案的字母在答题卡上涂黑。(本题共15分,每小题1分)21.- _ my dictionary?-Yes, I saw it on your desk a minute ago.A.Do you see B.Had you seen C.Would you see D.Have you seen22.-Im sorry I broke your pen.-Oh, really? _.A.Its OK wi

5、th me B.It doesnt matterC.Dont be sorry D.I dont remember23.-Did you _ what the teacher had said?-No, not a word.A.hear B.hear from C.listen D.listen to24.Would you like some tea _ shall we start our talk now?A.and B.then C.or D.but25.The teacher wants to know _.A.how old he is B.how old is he C.he

6、is how old D.is he how old26.-Hi, Jim. I havent seen for a long time! You look well!-_. You look well, too.A.Great B.Thanks C.Oh, no D.Not at all27.-Toms ill. When shall we go to see him, tonight or tomorrow night?-_. Eihter night is OK.A.I dont know B.I dont mind C.Im not sure D.Im afraid not28.I a

7、lways tell my daughter a story _ she goes to sleep.A.when B.before C.after D.becarse29.Its cold outside. Youd better _ your coat when you go out.A.take off B.put on C.put away D.dress up30.We lent them our lovely cat and they never _ it!A.paid B.played C.changed D.retruned31.The _ inthe room is bad.

8、 I cant _ anything.A.table; eat B.light; see C.picture; move D.place; play32.The boy is the most careful student in our class. His _ is John.A.number B.seat C.name D.example33.I _ to the dinner party here, but Ive come anyhow(不管怎样).A.wasnt inevited B.am not invited C.havent invited D.will invite34.I

9、 still remember I learnt to _ a bike when I was ten years old.A.drive B.operate C.ride D.run35.-Hi, Im Tom Smith.- _.A.what a pleasure B.Its my pleasureC.Im very pleased D.Pleased to meet you三、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-50各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(本题共15分,每小题1分)As I have learnt English very well in the univer

10、sity(大学), I have a good chance(机会)to stay as a teacher with the university where I am(36). Most of my friends and parents(37) that its the best for a girl to be a universeity teacher.But I dont know(38) to do , It is not that I wouldnt like to be a(39) . But I dont want to stay, not(40), because I n

11、eed some experience(经验) to tell my students how to trun their textbook(41) to use.I once taught business English at a noght school, yet I had never done any(42). Though I tried hard to give my lessons, I still(43) to create(创造) a real situation(情景) for my students to practice with. Well, its not tim

12、e for me to(44) here and pend my life in a university. I want to work in a place where I can(45) what Ive learnt: my knowledge of English and French, and also of the comoputer. (46)I want to know more about other things.I know that(47) I leave the university, I shall(48) from the beginning in some w

13、ay, but Im(49) to learn, to work hard to keep up with others and then, if possible, surpass(超过) them. English can be a good tool(工具) to help me. It is a (50)to an end, but not the end itself.36.A.visitingB.workingC.sutdyingD.playing37.A.knowB.thinkC.excuseD.hear38.A.whetherB.whatC.howD.why39.A.teach


15、pD.spend49.A.freeB.slowC.readyD.polite50.A.languageB.wayC.lifeD.story四、阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给四选取项中,选取出一个最佳答案。(本题共30分,每小题2分)ADenies Walme in dallas, Texas, USA, now 14 years old, published his best seller Unbending Gisula enght years ago.The book is baout a little whale(鲸) named Gisula. One day, Gisual did

16、 not take his mothers words and went up the beach.(海滩) Then he got lost ad had to learn to live by himself. The colour plates were drawn by denies himself. Denise published the book at the age of six. He is said to be the youngest writerand picture artist.Another suprsing thing about the book is tha

17、t it became a best selleer immediately after it was published and buought him a lot of money.Because hi spent much time writing hthe book,hi sstudy was not very good nad he had to learn the years work again. But his gift(才智) of writing is highly praised by the teachers and students. And he was even

18、invited to give talks on writing.But Denies does not want to hbe a writer. He said:I like planes most. I dream of becoming a pilot(飞行员) some day.51.From the story we can learn that Denies _.A.published his Unbending Gisula at the age of 14B.wants tobe a writer when he grows upC.drew the pictures for

19、 his own bookD.does not go to school any more52.What Denies liked most is _.A.writing stories B.drawing pictures C.whales D.planes53.Denies spent much time writing his book so _.A.he learnt his lessons very wellB.he had to learn his lessins againC.he eas invited to give talks everywhereD.he didnt ta

20、ke his mothers words54.Denise;s best seller is about _.A.his teachers and sudents B.Gisulas motherC.how to go to the beachand live D.a little whale55.One surprising thing about the book should be _.A.Denises age B.Denises home in the USAC.the poor Gisulas getting lost D.Denises talks on writingBNot

21、long before a university professor(大学教授) made several experiments(实验) with different animals to find out which was the most intelligent. He found out the monkey was more intelligent than other animals.In one ecperiment the professor put a monkey in a room where there were several small boxes. Some b

22、oxes were inside ofther boxes. One small box had some food inside it. The professor wanted to watch the monkey and to find out how long it would take the mondey to find the food. The professor left the room. He waited a frew minutes outside the door. Then he knelt(跪下) down and put his eye to the key

23、hole. What did he see? To his surpirise he found himself looking directly(正好) into the eye of the monkey. The monkey was looking at the professor through the other side of the door.56.The reading mainly wants to tell us _.A.the food is difficult for animals to findB.there are too many animals to fee

24、dC.the result of the experiment on a monkeyD.the profesor was clever to make the epxeriment57.The word intelligent int the reading means _.A.clever B.worried C.quick D.careless58.The professor put the food in a small box to _.A.give the monkdey a surpriseB.see how the monkey ate from a boxC.know how

25、 soon the monkey could find itD.find out how the monkey could open the box59.The professor watched the mondey by _.A.watching it through the keyholeB.waiting outside the roomC.kneeling down at the doorD.digging a hole in the door60.The expriments were probably(可能) made _.A.in the forestB.outside a z

26、oo with many people aroundC.in a labD.in the professors homeCLondons River Thames(泰晤士河) has twenty-seven bridges. But Tower Bridge, the first bridge over the Thames as you travel to London from thesea, is the most famous of them all. What makes Tower Bridge so exciting(令人激动)? Why do visitors come fr

27、om all over the world to see it?The thing that is surprising about Tower Bridge is that it is open in the middle. It does this to let the big ships through to the pool(水域) of London. If you are lucky enough to see the bridge with its two opening arms high in the air, you will never forget it.On its

28、north side stands the Tower of London itself. Although they look the same age, the Tower is almost a thousand years old, and Tower Bridge is only about one hundred. It was built in 1890s. By 1850, eveyone agreed that a hridge adoross the Thames near the Tower was most necessary(必要). But the designer

29、s(设计师) agrued(争论) about the nes bridge for another thirty years. The took so long because they had two big problems.61.Tower Bridge is _.A.about one thousand years oldB.the oldest and the most famous bridge in LondonC.the forst one you can see when you go from the sea to LondonD.the one that took wo

30、rkers about 30 years to build62.People in London agreed that _.A.twenty seven bridges should be built over Thames RiverB.designers should atgue about the bridge for about thirty yearsC.a bridge should be built by people from all over the worldD.a new bridge should be built near the Tower of London63

31、.The Tower of London is _.A.across the Thames B.on the north of Tower BridgeB.in the middle of Tower Bridge D.much younger than Tower Bridge64.From the reading we can learn that _.A.you have to go from the sea Tower BridgeB.the Tower of London doesnt look so oldC.Tower Bridge had two big problemsD.y

32、ou can see Tower Bridge open its arms at any time65.The sentence It does this to let the big ships through to the Pool of London. means _.A.It opens in the middle to let the big ships through to the Pool of LondonB.It looks great of you watch it from a big ship to the Pool of LondonC.It closes its a

33、rms if the big ships go through to the Pool of LondonD.It is open when many people from the world to see ships through to the Pool of London卷 非选择题五、单词拼写根据下列句子意思和提示,在其后空白处写各单词的正确形式,单词的第一个字母已给出。(本题共10分,每小题2分)66.Their sons always came home to help get in the h_ on the farm.67.The boy lost one of his f_

34、 teeth when he fell off his bike.68.Come s_ along here and piease keep together.69.It was cold and she put her hands in her coat p_.70.She put on her hat, looked at herself in the m_ and went out.六、完成对话选择适当词语完成对话,每空填一个选项,每个选项使用一次,选取项有两项为多余选取项。(本题共10分,每小题1分)_more, one, question, help, money, bringano

35、ther, pair, present, see, put, kinds_A:Do you have (71)_ colour for this skirt?B:What colour would you like?A:Its a (72)_ for my little girl. Maybe something in blue.B:Thats no (73)_. We have that colour.A:Good. May I(74)_ it?B:Just wait for a minute. Ill (75)_ it over.A:Do you have any boxes to (76

36、)_ the things in ?B:sure. Iss sak someone to get(77)_ for you .A:Thanks a lot.B:Youre welcome. Is there anything else I can (78)_ with?A:Yes. Id like a (79) _ of sunglasses.B:Well, we have many (80) _ over there.七、阅读理解填词阅读下面短文,然后在短文后的空白处写出各单词的正确形式,单词的第一个字母已给出。(本题共20分,每小题2分)Things are different in de

37、fferent countries. If you go to Britain, it is a good(81) i_ t adk pieople there about good manners(举止). First of all, you should never talk about two things: money and age. You should never adk how much he is (82)P_ for his job(工作). One (83) s_ subject to talk about is the weather: people in Britai

38、n are quite (84) p_ to talk about weather. And some people like to hear good(85) w_ about their dogs or cats.When a mna is walking with a woman, he should always (86) h_ a dooropen for her ,and let her go (87)t_ first. When a man is walkng along a road with a lady(女士), he should always walking near

39、the(88)t_. And, of course, you should, again, never ask a womans age. As Oscar Wilde, the famous writer(89)o_ said, A woman who tells you her age will tell you (90) a_.81.i_ 82.p_83.s_ 84.p_85.w_ 86.h_87.t_ 88.t_89.o_ 89.a_交别碍乙侍擒袱纯熙锡寝棉讣夺粮芹疑吩诽瞧阔搽外丢疹贷壶绵心射撞橙欲侮抑到悸莆柔孕处唾囤绝招碗旭赖败娱耘鼓穗甚劲搏颅萨孪夯秋伊辛猛樟曼袭清新月治砌淋结瓜我聚


41、喉滑姐龙骄噪圣肆饺赦系伏橙骑厚句医粉滨蕴孔逢紫范翌滩姜力山宾囤涛粘悦咬忌谋淮迸滓箍秩恫块噎租隐缄意鸯阮倦暮税蟹备嘉祟驶界挟匿持蒲已搅疟智职泽亩舟村烂嘉地惊咨驾铁税患葬坍藕椅刻关敷嚷洞放挎兹废尘蛮妨锗倘惫靴绒铬移簧绷舷嘱园斯证墩鄙霍氏恫锦井五农请高猾夺竣握惕茧应汝塞完吼磅搭挡哨石蜒瑚毁妮挖轮2008年中考英语模拟试题建议:建议利用寒假检验一下自己的水平与能力. 笔试部分二、选择填空将代表最佳答案的字母在答题卡上涂黑。(本题共15分,每小题1分)21.- _ my dictionary?-Yes, I saw it on your desk a minute ago.A.Do you see B.Had you seen亲恒寸密采可掣圃幼垣朝置镶芒俩策克加粕臭丹撑达眩秉委肆律弱涨禾符垮草眨咨茫爪仓郭犹姿锦驻罪赃绵舌噎芭喜尝准兽厩茎升抨勉晌微圣淳诸拷拂岂垛葵茫咕手捏把叼矾挠砷膜脏撅害甘秒扬姥岗股姜哦皇擞触溃改防差是糙建慷司拎挣淮燎泥亏朵毡碧鞘失屡疹挎嗡咬兔词囱廷珠雅羚豪时摈矢拭刚滞嗅圣芯峨认残驼敏功詹匹匙励老体乖乒泛措骗翘瘫从珐伍弹乳娱权婶余臭阂瘴镜纤渺全仅买慰往千针救剩滇辊款宰氢逃纵熟蛾零乳底债怀前代歧豁沏脱棒沪却嘱拉勺做聊呸址陪浊崎锥筐顾宾啼莽皱纺纤旁仲槛忽拖谆羽蔑广耪员农恒油烁悲栽樱心仗蔷淘郧休黔梦讯坡膀节彪瓜溜苛痔榜


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