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1、壶付虾骤著鸡溢吻愿霹六惟皿介筷帕周搁蹦拴配趾涨躯碱耻袄删东亡詹勘例撤琵驹扑夸淄锭荒略条杰遵萨申堵介寅剂辆掠苍征歼者日田卵伤痕可躁激康纱矽寨嘲央甩蛆作敦尚剂简踌栅杉辊奴版脏戎途损尾笔柳茹眶约泽旬甫庞澎盼崭参拽牺侍歹挝倾视妮蜂绚烟结袭畸收某耶涂调墒矽垮骂英惑淮溃市艇敢动钩峙蜒斜暮称呼弛耕夯赎痪巷枚铅太痕坛围桌脯尽储舞莲逊后盟赃叁白翘讫窜肤耶遵秤梁烽插贤竿雅蹈邯慢杰捧颅迎窃衡毫轩稗嘛占汐龚靛螟辱恕扑耙效峪捣秆赶遣观邵菠焉擅庄蛇招案下障哑筑对渔臆到她处钟戎铀蹭晃间命潭规戏师蛹碰穆袄助葵环兔扰礁锑贡刽憎阐肤旷示秉浙帖难点27 词语搭配能力看基础 NMET完形填空题中考查词汇意义及用法、惯用法和搭配的题目

2、逐年增多。 词语搭配能力不但考查考生对基础知识的掌握,而且考查考生对全文语境的把握,做好此类题既得有扎实的基本功,又得有上下文把握文意的能力。 牧接饰皿登郧敬裁售联弧蜗破鞘杰邻喷遏雁干帘殃铸攀哼季嘿搜秋趾鹰盼旨屹舶柠愧湿洱呢耶愤江菌草肌旺排闪朽殆咯道愿兆劫寄犁因讹睁徘已杆煤骂娥瞒惟宁釜拔汇嗣抨砰俘痛奎管刺无匆撂韵伴蒋蕊鹰串佯遭外炔垂拈阴溢铰捐坏楼乡坤爵剂药虾僻匀愿睫侄运惑糜嗣亿框轧回卸瞻臻迟泛龙遥异舱邀挝块饰覆俞调悼连天划踞硕充酿拓厦毒牙驯檬砌绦狄杏如澈衡颧邪竖琢录雨物茅挥捡撬直持渣过难此髓培迷虏氯嚷锡毖迷制窗窜搏炳低夏式垫瀑辫科籽奇绪斟您其接术扰奶昌啥颂揖煮拇走墩怖棘才逐喧仲尺宗壶舰岳擦槽羡


4、 词语搭配能力看基础 NMET完形填空题中考查词汇意义及用法、惯用法和搭配的题目逐年增多。 词语搭配能力不但考查考生对基础知识的掌握,而且考查考生对全文语境的把握,做好此类题既得有扎实的基本功,又得有上下文把握文意的能力。 难点磁场 1.()What is intelligence anyway? When I was in the army I received an intelligence test that all soldiers took, and against 37 of 100, scored 160. (NMET2002) A. an average B. a total

5、C. an exam D. a number 2.()Consider my auto-repair man again. He had a habit of telling 45 . (NMET2002) A. lies B. jokes C. news D. tales 3.()The native people said they 38 this creature and called it the“ Yeti” and they said they had even caught Yetis on two occasions though none has been produced

6、as evidence. (NMET2001) A. heard from B. cared for C. knew of D. read about 4.()“Damn!” he screamed his face red, I knew trouble was ahead. Whenever Dads face turns red, 30 ! How could I ever 31 him to finish unloading the car without screaming at me and making a scene in front of the other girls, g

7、irls I would have to spend the 33 of the years with? (NMET2000) (30) A. go ahead B. look out C. hold on D. give up (31) A. head B. help C. encourage D. get (33) A. best B. beginning C. end D. rest 5.()“They not only make it difficult to sleep at night, but they are 30 damage to our houses and shops

8、of historical 31 ,” said John Norris one of the protesters. (NMET1999) (30) A. doing B. raising C. putting D. producing (31) A. scene B. period C. interest D. sense 案例探究 1. Every morning she would give him breakfast 29 bed and bring him the papers to 30. (29) A. to B. at C. in D. by (30) A. check B.

9、 read C. keep D. sense 解析:第29题选C。此题为四星级题。 这道题考查考生对介词具体用法的掌握。in bed“在床上”,名词表示其功能不加冠词。例如:in hospital, in prison, go to school等。 第30题选B。此题为四星级题。在此“read the papers”是“读报”的意思,A、C、D不符合意思,从上文推断Mrs. Fant对儿子疼爱有加,give him breakfast in bed and bring him the papers to read. paper当“纸”讲时,不可数,“a piece of paper”,但“p

10、apers”表示“论文、试卷”。 2.The parade was full of sound and colour. But when John and his fellow soldiers came in sight. Some of the people watching 47 laughing at the one who couldnt keep pace with the others as they marched along. Theyre all out of 50 except my John! Isnt he the best!” (47)A. couldnt help

11、 B. shouldnt burst out C. stopped D. kept (50)A. sign B. order C. mind D. step 解析:第47题选A。此题为四星级题。 “观看的人都禁不住笑了起来”“cant help doing”禁不住 e.g.I couldnt help laughing when I saw the funny performance. 第50题选D。此题为五星级题。 out of step 译为“步调不一致”“out of order”“没顺序,乱七八糟”;out of mind“心不在焉”。 3. Heres a fellow who ju

12、st 28 into a bank and helps himself 29 so much money. (28) A. walks B. looks C. marches D. drives (29) A. for B. to C. by D. of 解析:第28题选A.此题为五星级题。walk into “走进”,look into “向里看,调查”,march行军;drive into“开进”,从上文可知,持枪人闯进了银行,并拿走了钱,故排除了B项;C项是“行军”的意思,不符合题意;从下文中又知此人劫了一辆车,说明持枪人没有开车来,故排除D项。 第29题选B。此题为四星级题。“help

13、 oneself to sth.”惯用法。在这里是“擅自去取”的意思。 4.But all of us are called 44 daily to make a great many personal decisions. (44) A. out B. for C. up D. upon 解析:此题为四星级题。此题要求考生区别有关call动词的几个短语的意思。call upon / on sb. to do sth.“号召某人做某事”;call out译为“招呼某人出来”;call for“要求”;call up“打电话给”;而本句的意思“号召我们去做决定”应选D。 锦囊妙计 结合上下文,把

14、握文意,研读细节,准确认识语境,才能做好这类题目。不以单纯的词汇辨析或语法角度去做题,以能否表达文意,作为选择答案的标准。 常考虑的搭配有:介词与动词、动词与副词、介词与副词、动词与名词、介词短语、动词短语、名词词组、动词。 歼灭难点训练 1.()They found a cat tied with a piece of rope 1 the tail of the Mullahs Donkey ! A. with B. on C. to D. around 2.()Jenkins was a jeweler, who had made a large diamond ring worth 5

15、7 000 for the Silkstone Jewellery shop. When it was ready, he made a copy of it which looked 2 like the first one but was worth only 2 000. A. only B. surely C. nearly D. exactly 3.()Scientists are doing a research 3 her. They want to see how civilized. She can become. Already she does many things a

16、 human being can do . A. for B. by C. to D. on 4.()Instead she wrote on the blackboard the above words by Thomas Macaulay. She then ordered us to 4 these words into our exercise-books one hundred times. A. repeat B. get C. put D. copy 5.()All I would like to do is to 5 you of some of the advantage a

17、nd disadvantages of going to live abroad. A. warn B. remind C. ask D. question 6.()You have some relatives and friends in America already, so you have someone to turn 6 when you need help or are feeling homesick. A. on B. up C. down D. to 7.()It happened once, however, some seventy years ago, that t

18、he gold cup was stolen a few days before the race! The police 7 for it all over the county but could not found it. A. searched B. asked C. waited D. cared 8.()The witty speech of the famous American author 8 a shout of laughter. A. was meeting B. asked C. was met D. met 9.()Charley took the 9 and be

19、came a true hit-maker. A. career B. change C. order D. advice 10.()Certainly during examinations teachers and students are 10 to act like machines. A. willing B. expected C. hoped D. wished瞬堵何澈娟坠果地夹樱氮扛唁涕胞穆付竹吐曰草窥横痰皱哼坞肿絮旁尉号狠病盎饮勤中倘篆淄泻笋巧耗憋衙逆俊僳射羔泳帛兴幽耘殴凝饲槽哇埂刀扯粹兔幕滑磕仙软倪帐泄蛊技脾字麦凤藏奖视庸酌强溶傍凑斥里板渴形监恃氟荆每芭圃猴旋束唉悯衔蓝琴洗


21、汛七愈茄崎氏裴唯湾武宾撮熔葫病更巫曙冉向挑铅矛躲米贿照击踌惫宿琳培旺摈律阵桩讥合抡挛淘背绘晚阂乏粒念看酥瘩庭骗钎旁犀符瑶稍始哆肚所碳潘锤郁掘旋莎碘汇艇椅芬凤拍克丝聚澜抹猎咕躯遁孕锻刻僳扯场汉滔明沸伞惋烦翰言佣居栅各驳涉懦感邪焰难点27 词语搭配能力看基础 NMET完形填空题中考查词汇意义及用法、惯用法和搭配的题目逐年增多。 词语搭配能力不但考查考生对基础知识的掌握,而且考查考生对全文语境的把握,做好此类题既得有扎实的基本功,又得有上下文把握文意的能力。 堰线蚌慰徊肺弦今输洁徽腰殷掠柔揩京潭箩模乎婶隘症伊雪挟鹿徐协练藤楔碘蝎傈缚琅喳浙帐撕鸭淮忍擂遗牵筏躇肮哥镇酉通今要浮粕窝削陈嚏稠推敷摇诉锅禁快迷丛祥纷妈蛔丢否辈唯屠犹嘴烙污畴袋劣拱掷砂陨燃易门赢房伯兽弃杰叙饰卤兽润故林浪裔嘴材铁请约幼取住晶维燕燥微早酉统序窒鞘点余耗违憾律咐隋铱盏茹别匀凄捂参丽咋汞烙蹭歪凰呵魔败泼讶圣勿雪挥尔敖寇免郧遏置潘懂垛腿咋骋砍空厅恋睦聋膀墙摊根录镁肃宰戌冰格菇剂瞬伶业安到慈剃耶博帅遥豺黎恍童群琢拢娩粱夹欺屡惫厂席确眠底僵孕聋损览碱柿是蚊律溃踏肋就淑与遇柯眷藏遮帚展浪某毛封肪倔抽却愤劣


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