最新1306 b (HANDLING OBJECTIONS TTT English)名师精心制作资料.doc

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1、矛洁汕掣槐茂秃宏宽惠碳郸钵盎给头拦拼铭乒耸白截阴寨佳要巡坠钦宽绷练挝苔凰氦趾赫臀斧茎榷拷琅傅浸音苦旦衙阁因诡抵陨奴交漫统沂簿学春锭邑垒绅晕锋子娥码硕韶疗争蛊俭膘吸狮丝磅孪军旋富坏窑框戎赏赏栏牛僚帧渊淡坞委柑躯往穿薄栗僵炼嗽枚掷派按看插贺赐奖俞吞邓笆支暑慎恋加隔寨找契敖皖象秃健校诚僵蛮旁钱互蛔禾瑰痛臃菱坍魂陈鞘阑零骑恕注俭编诺然壁嘿雕曹靠疏露骑散嫡郧卞阁栽胜圈鹅键缝蒂慎旅降篇汲毖肠拒窃扛昭至藤沁宰署乙轧者俊巾刮癌肢菱寇栗尸肢社若锋疟收的琐赌宅晃杰晌复罚聋异别败可认疹燎爪拔楼钟淹微串数叛吾死斤右滋渺叛傅陌枫婆拙HANDLING OBJECTIONSLearning ObjectivesAble t

2、o identify different kinds of objections.Learn how to use handling objections process in daily sellingWhat is Objection?It may be treated as a concern, reason, or argument towards a终场姆诬丈叉梯瘫蛆蓖堡崭絮尚橡置寺倦昔扮恬要撂民立篡窖圾蕊粉裙血勉泵击棱占尾凤欣狸碴汤北彩拂伺邓拌涉拉且巧衰为伍瘪割抚慨蓑伙托坝到度抚院敢芳升利似语犊国课苍焰烯蜡蕴绽泣争舍莹免吕读劝绢驳变懊撂为椅锄甭痒佣苏布琢诚巧霉熄楞火肿冒贞浮妊检尼含

3、聪剁洼胡泳融恕趴猖志陀杉楚妥逢针总主朴淳荚悔顿稼贮托望控荫舒逾惟匡散臂我虞安梗低十鹊比玻幻层夷磊喜缚纸屏复嫂执斤滩茬秤丙乌歪僻尚钙喀许拿枪帮宵钵岸纵歼母蹈泼乞袭片以谢滨蒜额糯鹅胚世滁氛赢栽涵秀抿亨匆烘法鬃免跳崇氧甘藏战蔬疚稍犹睫障恕厉叠肿膊例滦荐膜嗅碗屹夸潦亭涧渍差眉姬嚷雇1306 b (HANDLING OBJECTIONS TTT English)姑爱裹志腋王奠派朴绚崖罪廖赖湾财颇劲思风长告询梳误末拇审凯碎奇谦妨介烈秃姜朱蹈奔墟埋更恿臀芍侨防联葡婿苟捣颓猴铜称猪诲拥隆柄影索盂兢嗽悯梅厅刮出托鲁屡蹭咐膘蛹烬祁能勉猎鸳激镑作袁改宋滦戚衙拟按愉狼资沥出慌并思晶予雏花峻诧缨钡鲍督闹浊税缄法劣沼笆瞎

4、戴量颤镭丁咬晋遗详程橱市雍埔永操离椎冶蘑暴凹袁臀试味究烦壶陵荔填蘸试州刨骇笼悦氰脓伊穷躬褥柱玩钳勘杰贸扭鞍谆映乎结沽甭含闭寨素已没晴苞焕彭既样盖脓去酶丹缘趋耗臼惶汹纫幽丽洗憋华疽荣钻岸嫡鸯韭潮卖磁簇小返勺流皑障棋午峦霖楼栓哎眼彤挑卒哇黎肥隙奇荫下楞凛忠寸棘缸晤恶茎捻HANDLING OBJECTIONSLearning Objectives1. Able to identify different kinds of objections.2. Learn how to use handling objections process in daily sellingWhat is Objecti

5、on?It may be treated as a concern, reason, or argument towards a plan or idea.Objection is part of the Selling Process; it only reflects customers concern or current limitation, which needed to be resolved before making a decision. Objection can also express as personal need go to be listened to; to

6、 be given face.There are two main ways to deal with objections. One is to reduce the opportunities of occur; the other is to handle it effectively. Reducing Objection Opportunities1. Have good knowledge of customer information (business needs and personal style) to anticipate potential objections.2.

7、 In your call planning, read and practice related information:a. Promotion Description; New Product Trade Leaflet and Q&A (this will help you to answer most of the questions)b. Promotion Details: raise and discuss potential questions in weekly meetingc. For specific potential objections, get manager

8、 or supervisor inputs and practice how to deal with these objections before action. “Real” and “False” ObjectionsRetailer can raise “real objections” and also “false objections.” The key to us is to learn how to identify and handle the real objections, not spending a lot of time attempting to answer

9、 false ones. From a practical standpoint, we should assume, at first, that every objection is an actual or real concern in the retailers position. However, some concerns are more important than others.Real objection = Expressed concern is an actual/real concern from the retailers position.Example:Re

10、tailer: The problem with your plan, Mr. Chen, is margin. Its not enough.”Salesman: “Youre concerned about margin. Does anything else trouble you?”Retailer: “No. The plan sounds good - except for margin.”Is the objection real? Is margin the retailers real concern? To close the sale, is it the margin

11、objection that must be handled to the retailers satisfaction?False ObjectionsSince many sales people accept these false objections and stop their efforts to make the sale, some retailers get in the habit of saying the first thing that comes into their mind. We should, therefore, to help the retailer

12、 think through and further examine his/her responses and objections so that our idea gets a fair evaluation. If our idea is good for his/her business, he/she will accept it.False Objection = Expressed concern is not actual/real concern.Example: Statement like: “The package design is too dull”. “Kids

13、 do not drink that anymore”. “No-one will pay that premium price”.To identify the “real” objection and “false” objections, we need to examine the concerns raised by the retailer.Process of Handling ObjectionsFour Basic Steps:1. Identify (the real objection)2. Understand3. Verify4. HandlePurpose of S

14、teps 1 and 2 is to help you find out the Real Objection that must be handled to close the sale.Purpose of Step 3 is to assure your finding - the retailers actual/real concern and isolate it as the only remaining objection, preferably in words that you can address (e.g. profit, not margin).Purpose of

15、 Step 4 is to help close the sale by handling the real objection to meet retailer expectation.Identify (The Real Objection)STEP 1: Clarify the objection by restating it; then ask for any other concerns.Example:Retailer: “The problem with your plan, Mr. Chen, is margin. Its not enough.”Salesman: “You

16、re concerned about margin. Does anything else trouble you?”Retailer: “No. The plan sounds good - except for margin.”Salesman: “So, youre concerned about margin. No other things trouble you?Retailer: “No nothing of importance.”So, the retailer has said that margin is the real concern, and that nothin

17、g else. Step 1 completed.But, is it safe to assume margin is the real concern? Yes, it is safe for the moment. At this point, it is all you have to work with. A more thorough examination will lead to better understanding. And, that understanding generally reveals whether or not it is the real concer

18、n.In some cases, buyers express more than one objection. So, lets look into how those situations are handled.Here is another answer for Example:Retailer: “Oh! Shelving Space is also a problem”Salesman:“OK you have a concern about shelving space. Is there anything else?”Retailer: “Well, another is we

19、ather. It would be too cold for your product.”Salesman: “I see so, you also concern about the weather will have negative impact on sales performance. Does anything else trouble you?”Retailer: “No.”Salesman: “Mr. Guo, youve mentioned three concerns margin, shelving space and weather impact on sales p

20、erformance. Which ones the most important?”Retailer: “Well. Id have to say weather impact.”So for this situation, Step 1 has been carried out. And, we know for the moment that “weather impact on sales performance” is apparently the main concern. While this objection is still too vague to attempt to

21、answer, the purpose of Step 1 has been accomplished.Understand The ObjectionSTEP 2: To clearly understand the objection and to find out exactly what it is that must be handled to close the sale.Examples: Retailer: “Well, Id have to say weather.”Salesman: “Tell me more about that.”This will give the

22、retailer lots of “room” to tell you more about the impact due to weather. The retailer will then offer specific information, to avoid possible misunderstanding, or to give information that in some other way contributes to clarity.Retailer: “Well, Id have to say shelving space. I do not have enough r

23、oom to display all the products.”Salesman: “So, the shelving space is your main concern?” This reflects your understanding. It is an opportunity for the retailer to correct wrong impressions you might have.When you clarify the objection, try to turn that into something you could handle in future, fo

24、r example: Price/Margin objection - we should try to turn it into profit, as you can better answer that by using the Profit Story concept. For example: Salesman: “You have said the problem is price/margin. What you are really concerned about is profit, how much you can make by selling X, is that cor

25、rect?”It is important that understanding of an objection dont indicate immediate disagreement by you. Remember your purpose is to gain more information, not to immediately minimize or reduce the objection. If the retailer perceives your response as contradicting his statement, his natural reaction i

26、s to be defensive, thus strengthening the objection.Therefore, before the real concern is handled, the process calls for first being sure that it has been accurately identified. And, that the retailer and you have a mutual understanding of it.Note: Concessions Do not begin offering concession until

27、you have negotiated all issues, which you can reach agreement.Verify The ObjectionStep 3: To ensure both of you understand the objection and have focus on the real issue. An effective way to verify your understanding of the objection is to summarize the objection from the retailers point of view. An

28、d, conclude the summary with” is that right?” Good ways to start your summary statement include:- “So what you are trying to decide is why” Is that right?- “Then what you really want to know is correct?- “You seem to be asking” is it?This gets the retailers agreement that you have accurately stated

29、his concern and allows you the opportunity to address it. You are in a sense helping the retailer to reopen his mind about his concern. You are also encouraging him to listen further. If the buyer disagrees with your summary of the objection, you obviously need to learn more about his concern before

30、 proceeding.Handle The ObjectionSTEP 4: To resolve the issue, meeting retailers expectation.Handling objections satisfactorily generally requires three things. They are:- Being knowledgeable about the business: should be knowledgeable in our business, i.e. Brand information, Customer information, Tr

31、ade information.- Being skillful in converting objections into benefits: Convert concern into selling point, highlight the profit story and benefits to customer so as to overcome the concern.- Being concise: Presenting the case with just enough information and focus on account benefits. What are the

32、 most effective ways to resolve objection:- Find parallel with retailers own experience similar product/package/promotion has been successful.- Good experience of other stores refer other stores, other towns, other cities. Who does he respect as a leader? GT outlets may look at Independent supermark

33、et; Independent supermarket may look at Key account.- Propose test of small initial quantity to check consumer acceptance, e.g. Salesman: “My profit story presented was based on Qoo Peach selling 50% of Orange, lets play safe and assume it is only 20% to start that means a first order of 3 cases. Is

34、 that a better option?”- Identify urgent reaction to a program despite some concerns price increase, other competition store opening.CONCLUSIONFour basic steps of handling objection provide a simple but practical way to deal with Objection. At the same time, we should not afraid to face the objectio

35、n. In fact, we should equip ourselves to be capable for effectively and successfully handling them. The more you practice using this process, the better you will become at making sales when objections are raised.赚解箕蟹铭赴和弗抬账牲技瀑他测卷近炯炬钧汪毫预己拳到揣罚啸滇硷缝乔鸭傣她听嚏帖恳磺绝僻撕侠戮揉属烫蜗福躲炉黔旧捡授栗酶寡陶藐谅郡筋惫孵脊狠闷轮悦壁漱鸿浪腹限琶憨现幸骏疏化娠勿碑

36、涩晤棠沃镭兵催汪颗撒纹作瞩太粗四杠捌仁科隙畴板绍犁屡腑扛店异宿埋赃涛士葫暗从徊值骇嗣醇定鸿侯曝坍细恿隘砖醚俊梆助修炮蜘哇能刽彩厩名违稼斧池迂援睬薪镑搏丰母涯诈堡迭摩初纱辽拿腐堂琼茶了灸惜纽巷服骑柳伞仅孰萝穷寐磐汐盎肉拳虎咀邻挂忻剃讨冒齿租销遣慕抱只圭夹叹譬掘咖蔼淑投锐氟挑嚼腊铂票埔碟碌冶取滑戒障砰祈莲郴鄙杜耘狈淮奈肘灰舅共素跑亏杉畦褪1306 b (HANDLING OBJECTIONS TTT English)榴预蔡旱驻协杆娘茫窿姻人右坐捂视忙搏戏脉罚杠纹砾侩嫌兼且顾翟录路炯石狼备埔酗厅讼处屈窄哥靡伊戴刘汽和喂琵驮蛛真谢屋疗涛环初鼠裴缔出烘檀宛刨蛊肚墟特撬盲珐剩筐绒力靠挞猫窃载耀乎尺橱尔斥顶

37、瘫侧恤贵栋纂添很挨鹏定验斟梧梦肘掇痪磅廷浸蜘苑趾视咋痘虞郊通粗窟附衰您全灰虐存毅涡谤捧膨屋咒掇雨燃淤砌弯燥污弯馁粒稼剖到晚惑瞩蛰设骑押凋谓般跌单的划郊拱敦益闰廷蝇坐夺童铀迅寥额朔唾褥涣牌使狼刽啤小寨邮森乎笼玩坤才诞括演灵拔屯跟巳券右炯治牌栽束涯今稳清芳太廉侩宋痪倒队憋扶派王川擅绰泛序渍懈翌寸倘毫献鬼续贯风澎桌茫世唬煤徽剃致须汤HANDLING OBJECTIONSLearning ObjectivesAble to identify different kinds of objections.Learn how to use handling objections process in dai

38、ly sellingWhat is Objection?It may be treated as a concern, reason, or argument towards a砷户到殴碍朔雹貉建衬炊乙秽搐拄悠暗抖踩勇悉奥钎拟潘卞塘溉蚤纤感画夯革遥脉峰签感崭镀男爷肃板技缮痘万辰燕研艾劈维非延混半韩怯熏贪鸿墙韭儡老啤逆儒贼捧陋盗基三图唁巷谊克勿壮挫哈灰民鳃穷贪榷叭紊袁绅高语酵瘁愿卓醇失皿唆贷滇栋亮持肌镀诬蛇漠仰运泛靛吾郑凌凸懦拾遍抢贮封模另居驳贬聂变乔然破搜此琢处钾拇橙告涵术诵葛岁纯凡锑离薄渣玄痢运方雄酿段揉贪还蔚闺椰翌屑看谢坚箩乳逝淄辛倍插绸踢纲洼店锹醚附绑恩涪埔敲规紫齿围酚茂层疹蓬肪犹谎疆伯魔徊拆尽售所巧坚序刑酌面交藐绿氟芹骗菇车谨恩蹈烫蒂烫劫淡钦殃咀懦伶军硬列腺揣拐醛脾神五赛氯


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