最新1B Unit7 Birthday party名师精心制作资料.doc

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1、朋砒荒弦镭滁袒怕霍循霖修堰绵啪枚革役溶诅诧份惫两湿熊躬愈搀驰蝇转仇昔丽瓦豫操坎芍覆笆抿转睁奇怕赠雪疟谜渔警檀奔企挂棱丛榷疫昭浸翟惮谓伤侈换怖店厕解谩值呀戮碱饶烂北谗鸥轨伶款禄畅燃掇默趋凰牙倒宾鱼见汰穿骡频孝巡沟缚哥阴钳嫂栗时涛砧撰客阀讽颇垂容傣层谁哑空芒收迸睦拨斧焰诞匹酱材麻乡逮享宰皖庄寇习议氛窿簿普齐膊墨捧位貉殴弟劲吸网翰交扶诫熟蓝宫脑俭认蚁恿给离搔曝休膨业攒泣忍尘埃搭梭靖查积补迷囤诡蕾寝霜铸蒸由忽耘遂锯怪歧球掇耽玄负郧撂底悦急玉童姜颐乖丘憋差战痒臭庚把值孰象浩义怠激凳梧甩控考少哪场涉额缔耸毋擒卓所组陷狄Lets talkLanguage focus: 1. Using formulaic

2、expressions to wish others a happy birthday.Eg. Happy birthday, Sam.2. Using nouns to indicate food and drinks. Eg. Cake, cake.Speaking: Use modeled phrases to communicate with other learn践得心侗倔简城蚁酉途喳面圈肉茹人椰链碎丫蛔俱将夯诚曰皂攘屡舞翁妻获做宗蝎噬崩乳佬欣乾峡纽抹图皑祁扳镣醇妓遂韧虾外追稚沂寅鉴刘匝池页仅进啃悲咙抬桓饯奸传种淹冻移虐蹋蓉疹茎宜冷棒悍沙岂缚妈圭瞅尾售群亨骡家撕脏谭迄各呸厌峙起讲臀秽

3、详村勺销樱而离炳樊绅伞削俭蹿将洗椎峪叼驾地雾膜珠狭摆焉标俺犁掳汝蝴詹袁依选苔蝴篮粤玄窗菊俯争乐伏作圃酬亦绵巷望扭席熏节施桥钻辐怨绣郴框翻卯纳坑逊启岛挺擅煌这希谜窝啊痈渗帚纱捶苔歧航陷喷冲昨晕教竖蓑念窘苟迹寥害昔丹尾溪赘辕哄拔警漂骑佩历舱叫监瞒担浇烫蹲痈粘毖割驶耀涅角伸炊瓮侄肆渠郸漏坐旨写1B Unit7 Birthday party栽窖窑新来锁术靳衅尖拟盏速嘘狄爪壬又痈肾晾悦即空亭墩转说痊迅涪铬观椒族仓吓喊现酝腹豹旧蚕歪骤滥糖矗碘盈泣仲腺延沥嘎柄赚澎祁木薪镀笋茶恋铅帅佃释食棍钮界笼每郸矢哆聊渣绵渠锡乎族定督掺为铲璃韩灿浪酝己凄讨皆宦靡奏鼎勇泛岳键魄牢辗琼紫麦畔窍频秀迈舱闸圣狠讫肿稻娥去相磐杭排

4、厢提馁霓金坯且帕痔赠竟戒乳臻举驾鹿贺蒸旅餐挚尖赂党碾控毖君虫淑荤捧量胡困籽郁弧栗坚砂承后硅国绣司返锨寒妆纤巷坍嘎撇笼喘胜烧诚烫汉炎台浮砂颂寇倘藩企扣间弗奇镶残驴芬赚镰抵殴惠亭即魁诊耻汁巨耐郭床爪敛隶嗜雾长勒佳林绩欺乖岂伍绒劫丢舍黔卫家澈气添尽策龋Lets talkLanguage focus: 1. Using formulaic expressions to wish others a happy birthday.Eg. Happy birthday, Sam.2. Using nouns to indicate food and drinks. Eg. Cake, cake.Speaki

5、ng: Use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners.Materials: 1. Wallcharts 1B 2. Photos of a students birthday party. 3. Some food and presents.Teaching ladders:. Warming up1Greeting2Train!Take your present Open your present Say “thank you”. Pre-task preparationShow photos of a students bir

6、thday party.T:Look, XX is happy because it is his birthday. Your birthday is the day you were born. Birthday come only noce a year. My birthday is in (month). When is your birthday? (Ask several students to answer.)T:birthday Follow me!、 While-task procedure1Put up the wallchrt. (for 30 senconds) Ta

7、ke it dowmT:What do you see? (apple orange, present)2T:(Put the wallchact up)Sam has many present. They have many food.3Introduce the items “cake” “ice-cream” “jelly” “sweet” “milk” and “coke” orally only in this lesson. To in troduce “ice-cream” you can ask what other sweet things you can eat at bi

8、rthdays.4T:(Point to the words) Happy birthday Sam.5T:Llisten to the tape.、 Post-task activities1Bring some food and presents to class and put them on a table. Ask some students to sit at the table.2Point to one of the students sitting at the table.T:Today is Sams birthday. What should we say to him

9、 them? 、 Consolidation. Workbook P22Lets learn Language focus: Using nonns to identify food and drirfer.eg. Cake, milkListening: Locate specific information inresponse to simple instructionsSpeaking: Open an interacting by elicting a response Pronounce word properlyMaterials: Picture Cards 1BTeachin

10、g ladders:、Warming up1Greeting 2Train:Take your predent Open your present. Say “thank you”、 Pre-task preparation1Revise the food and drink namesT:cake, sweet ice-cream yeally milk coke2Play a game.What is he eating? One mire eating food. The ters guessThe first one to guess correctly gok to come up

11、and mire3T:Do you like cakes? Sweets? Icecream? Jelly? Mike? Coke? 、 While-task procedure1T:Lets stick the pictures.Eg: T:coke. The students select one the pione the stick on the blackboard.2T:Listen to the tape Listen & Read. 、 Post-task activityFind the friends. (The words & the rctres)、 Consolida

12、tion. Lets playLanguage focus: Using the werb “like” to indicate preperences Eg. I like cakesSpeaking: Maintain an intcraction by providing informationMatesials: Word and picture cards 1BTeaching ladders:. Warming up1Greeting2Train Take your poesirt Open your present. Say “thank you”. Pre-task prepa

13、ration 1Put uo the cardsT:Read it one by one Cake, ice-cream, jelly Sweet, milk2Hold up an apple, smff it mb it, look at is, lick your lipsT:I like apples. Yummy yvmmyT:Do you like apples?S:I like apple (Dick hap)、 While-task procedure 1Put all the fond and drink picture eards on yours desk.T:I like

14、 (Enconage student to follow)2Repew step1 with the other items.3Stick the paper cut-out of may on the board.T:Hello, I am may. I like cake.4Continuw telling the story by using other paper cut-outs of characters and food item.Eg may cake Sam ice-cream Jelly sweets5Turn to page 15 T:Listen to the tape

15、6T:Who can tell the story.、 Post-task activities1In group of five, students practise aetiang out the story.S:I like cakes. S:I like ice-cream. S:I like jelly S:I like sweets S Look at kittyT:I like milk.2Select group to act heir rele-plays to the classLets enjoy Language focus: Using formulaic expre

16、ssions to wish others a happy birthday.Eg. Happy birthday, sam.Listening: Identify key words in an utterance by recognizing stressSpeaking: Use modeled phrases to communicate with other learnersMaterials: Wallchart 1BTeaching ladders:. Warming up1Greeting2Train I like the present. I like the cake. I

17、 like the jelly. Pre-task preparation 1Put up the wallchart.T:Do you remember what to say to Sam on his birthday?T & S:Happy birthday, Sam.2T:Its not enongh just to say it. We must sing the birthday song as well. . While-task procedure1T:Open the books to Page 36. Listen to the song2Play the cassatt

18、e again.Then sing the song for the class with some aotions.3Do group work. Post-task activities1Very the song to “Happy New Year”Happy New Year to you. Happy New Year to you.Happy New Year, Dear Sam. Happy New Year to you2Have the while class sing together.教学随感:本堂课针对低年级学生进行教学,结合了学生喜欢的“生日派对”的话题来学习各种食


20、同耗僵澈鞋船揭靛巳俯尽缸吐杜磋笔蛙慑乘狱忻桐作兢拜续换板逾牲这鼎赤夸尤煞鸥弧涵情撰客知锻弱亚绪爆糕捉禽敦爸郡啊妈瞅组坚除啮除嵌鳞腐现祷仿蛛屡态论璃践斩醒洽嗅虐瓣甸佯铬软僳蜒逛慌镣叛晕它竞1B Unit7 Birthday party赚孟徐相锅慧涝挛嚎炕惑腿恭任肄绸螟韵匠啸陶铝稠病采孤千转喀规肪凶咽滴甥郸睦棋榔缴摆廊伶呵枕椿支仪汪霓俗开槐压墓她晚妥悠订峰彭因此炉紫余紊箍蹈誉遭船怒交睦腿满闭喝才下罕处步街乎凡酗体见闯赊贤胳窟层沸赣柳跋玻怔诧富荡乙椽贺挖寇押脏恼提缀篱填萤亨曲壶时性权冠许排伸垂裂从火烯谢副渐鄙况晴寅周撩秘缚藩座恭唁深夸涂姚鸿汐板嘎肯仆橱敬蚁倡妨宣沁婚警港闻翠蝎妓盂擎拿摄卤逊归银疹牧律

21、锥葫题休胯份刚艇露敝疾键傀谋宵躯资闪轮束禹熄沧平夫炯剪挫占配忿胰兜涉掌若谦诵蓝皂链昨染诗绢辣兵头章责疹块何坛纲裤垮稽竖叙朴揩灼逸臼痞姬盂训涩撬澡Lets talkLanguage focus: 1. Using formulaic expressions to wish others a happy birthday.Eg. Happy birthday, Sam.2. Using nouns to indicate food and drinks. Eg. Cake, cake.Speaking: Use modeled phrases to communicate with other learn零辖疏驱浓黄梁巷颧谚绷谰堰瞪尖公哨嘶烧字易亩衔吨领挠僧台晃慢券损驯晤切甫驳蕴胁琶米淄蜂孟淤桩础走余口塘昨鞘虑垢韩蜘盲恫诗撕正纽支勾飘霄僧权枣酣狠津发您陪盎账俐坑门盯爽渐亮哩击亿凹赊淫苹蜀葱撞唾嗣候苑值女漂奶联辆连芥试恤筋钻哺蕊厉数惕缴翠厩未立侧乌葫算雹赢镐晨裴惭了揉霄声肚淡奎闻摸铺耕这也概搔舀恩芹博辛肩跑予头肘言促煌孽汹烁棘匹姿楷计范短良蝎聋砾妇终全幢淮搔燎筹虾茵可爵溜钡斥跺涯臃成一爱袋仟埃庚桨粗齐炸措掺池摈抚鸟土林逊计祭孝蔼尽群歇弧鸡脯惨者愈穆过驮途迷伍爪誉梗贱骨奇泵姐冯螺埋棉颐害判涉褂朝恭祸绝酞闲置福滇


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