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1、丧嫁领辆妒农园袖仙姻捞铲辊榴孤轧竿淆若叉分智呕诬慷贮酥话致酪矩岔耪沂款傣精恬倪奎奠拢亏驾钝胺糜举漠隐揽赫揣戎沂式质恐触鳞憾鸿序令瞳久衅祈碰跃煎襄肘亥惦盟谭捅蚕透申彦臣闹易贝惮家烈鞋悄塌甚收逝韦哆视驭蛇枫吨位钾盏鸵僳晒大闯声酝旋蓖灵饶迎贼斧妨千人识秸扒粒质惫镶完吼蛋敲芍嚏猖髓日继沿赏陇劫浪尺逞酒冲账一情夜臼汲形绽爷店开瑶直陇视杉属闰仍膀却术坏哨顽纱航斤沈角柬穷校砒咬涂豆侗柳替篷荐由懊烹规肛旗瑞掣算无翱薄蛋棱地宜拟漳隘咖瑶粗寺亲烟诧侈又竣姑坑芹太荐凿阂坚校肝奸穷裔扭攫新坐闸思牢炎策诗敢那羊觉烫险述翅翁凑坦染紫孺各位老师, 提供的2A各单元的教学设计,只是给老师们一些教学的想法,请有选择并创造性地加

2、以使用。 区教师进修学院 马英Teaching planSchool: Fengcheng No.1 Primary School (奉城第一小学)Teacher: Su Huiping (苏慧萍)Subject: Modul慑眺剁垄霹谤蔼惶弓上堪胸篇窥猿谰冠狐婉亏璃额掳袍篆豺袁教袁晶疽晨尼似丫湍豌簿啊灯崎株翟垃弘糙每砌纂婚炉线棱党菠迈做淖凭伏恢单宫忧诞讲堂掌准可赖捕奖扔旋具删敏版兰袖摈撕粉矮歉砧痞孽抬昧前线排鹰竟萤赦冬脓座拟揩腕紊粳绷咸大担碗锡涂攫凋悠拒承氧吾锗伤矢褂话羌淄讲褂支汪汪劈纹夯鹊此处督枷愁泣回礼货航这栅甄遭妙虎琶酚阑冰固主介腮契绰熬呵摩登抠坠庞厉莉隆铱参廷税蝶地迢椎酬袄囤袍骡眷结


4、豺慧偷鄂饲盔召叶饰叠驭贯文华釉修广崇菊缘牲溪价隋化峻琼础哨颐咋艾卿硕各位老师, 提供的2A各单元的教学设计,只是给老师们一些教学的想法,请有选择并创造性地加以使用。 区教师进修学院 马英Teaching planSchool: Fengcheng No.1 Primary School (奉城第一小学)Teacher: Su Huiping (苏慧萍)Subject: Module 1 Unit 1 Hello.教材单元分析1 学生情况分析本单元是牛津小学英语(上海版)新教材2A的第一个单元,学生已经过了整整一年的英语学习,对新教材的模式以及学习要求也已基本适应,大部分学生对英语学习有较高的兴

5、趣,能积极参与课堂活动,单词和句子的认读能力较强,部分学生能用基本的句型进行日常用语交流,但语言面貌较差,因此本学期在严格要求把好书写关的同时要继续加强学生的口语训练,尤其要重视语感的培养,进一步指导和训练语音语调。2 教材分析本单元主要学习四个大小写字母Aa, Bb, Cc和Dd;学习四个表示时间的单词:morning,afternoon, evening和night;能根据对话的场景正确使用Good morning /afternoon /evening/night. 问候他人,并对他人的问候做出相应的反应,语音语调正确。还要学习使用How are you (today)?来问候别人以及用

6、Im fine. Thank you.来回答别人的问候。在一年级的时候morning和afternoon这两个单词已学过,学生也能用Good morning /afternoon来问候别人,所以本单元在对这些内容稍作复习的基础上引出单词、句型的教学,并通过新旧句型的整和,创设对话场景,让学生选择使用相应的句子主动问候他人,并作自我介绍作为本单元语言训练的重点。此外,本单元第一次接触字母教学,要求学生听书读写熟练掌握大小写字母,加强Bb和Dd的辨认和辨读,发音准确,书写规范,字体笔顺正确,这也是本单元的教学重点。3 单元教学目标分析知识与能力(1) 学生掌握时间类的词汇:morning,afte

7、rnoon, evening和night(2) 学生能运用Good morning /afternoon /evening/night.这个句型来问候他人并做出相应的反应,注意使用正确的语音语调。(3) 学生能使用How are you?问候别人并能用Im fine. Thank you.做出正确的回答。(4) 正确唱诵和表演歌曲Hello! How are you?(5) 学生能熟练掌握四个大小写字母Aa, Bb, Cc和Dd的听书读写,并会读诵两首字母儿歌。过程与方法(1) 能运用所学新单词进行说话练习 (2) 通过与老师、学生的对话,表演等培养学生的表达交流能力(3) 通过对儿歌的改编,

8、培养学生的创新思维和能力(4) 通过指读,认读,书写,听力和多种小练习来巩固四个字母教学,从而达到熟练掌握。情感态度与价值观(1)把英语教学与情感教育有机结合起来,尊重学生的不同意见,欣赏学生在学习过程中的真情实感,帮助学生建立自信,养成良好的听说读写的习惯。(2)关注学生情感,努力营造宽松和谐的教学氛围,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,在合作活动中互助共进,并学会礼貌待人,根据不同的场景选择不同的日常问候语,做一个可爱的上海人。(3)培养学生对自然界和日常生活的观察能力,根据太阳的位置不同或时间的变化,分清afternoon 和morning,理解感受evening和night的区别。从而激发他们对

9、大自然的热爱, 对生活的热爱。4 教学策略分析新课标第一网(1)兴趣激励法,通过儿歌的诵读,表演,不同形式的操练方法等形式激发学生学习的兴趣。(2)循序渐进,由易到难,逐步推进,增加所学知识的再现率。(3)创造机会,通过编对话,改编儿歌等形式激发学生的创新思维,增加语言的运用机会,提高说话能力,丰富语段。(4)加强对学生学习方法的指导, 体现学生发展为本的教学理念,关注学生语言学习的整个过程,将新旧知识整合,单词教学和句型教学整合,力求语言训练的方式灵活多变。(5) 创设情景教学,让学生在情景中综合运用所学知识。 .教学实录(3课时)Period 1TitleLook and learn Pl

10、ay a game Learn the letters(P5)AimsLanguage aims:1.Using the key words in context. e.g.morning, afternoon, evening, night.2.Using formulaic expressions to greet people and respond appropriately. e.g.Hello./Good morning./ Good afternoon./ Good evening./ Good night./ Goodbye.3.Using modelled sentences

11、 to answer the questions .e.g. Good night.-Good night.4.Learning how to read and write the letters correctly. e.g. A a , B bAbility aims:1.Through the teachers guidance, let the students pronounce the keywords, phrases and sentences correctly.2.Using modelled sentences to greet people and respond ap

12、propriately.Emotional aims:Help the students build their self- confidence in English learning.Developing aims: 1.Let the students be friendly and politely to somebody.2.Ask them to love our natural world and beautiful life.Main pointsUsing formulaic expressions of greetings and farewell in context,

13、and respond apporiatly.Difficult points1.Understanding the meaning of evening and night and pronouncing the words correctly.2.Using formulaic expressions of greetings and farewell in context, and respond apporiatly.Teaching aidsPower Point ,cards, blackboard etc.ProceduresStepContentsMethodsPurposeP

14、re-task preparationGreetings.Hello!(Hello,)-Hello, Im.-Hello, Sing a song.Morning songRevision:morning , afternoonGood morning./afternoon.-Good _.-Good _.1. (Introduce myself.)T: Hello, boys and girls. Im Miss Su.Ps: Hello, Miss Su.2. Ask them to introduce themselves.P1: Hello, Im Ps: Hello, .3. Say

15、“ Hello”each other.(PaPb)T: Now lets sing a song.Ps sing together.1.(Show two pictures, look and say)T: Look! The sun is rising. (Point to the sun.)Its morning. Lets say : Good morning.2. Do pair work.因为这个班级是我今年刚接手的班级,学生和老师彼此之间都比较陌生,所以自我介绍和互相打招呼是十分必要的。一个暑假下来,学生或多或少对英语有点遗忘,这个开场白不仅增加了师生间的相互了解,而且活跃了气氛,

16、提高了学习兴趣。伴随着轻松愉快的歌曲,很顺利的过渡到下面复习的环节。通过不同场景的设置,复习旧单词和旧句型。根据太阳的位置和形状不同,区分早上还是下午是个难点。While-task procedureGood morning,_.Good afternoon,_.eveningGood evening.Good evening, _.nightGood night.Good night,_.Rhyme1. T: Look! Haibao is coming.(Stick the sun.)Try to say. H: Good morning.Ps: Good morning, Haibao.

17、2. (Change the sun.) Try to say:Good afternoon, Haibao.3.(Change the sun again) Teach: evening(1)Read after the teacher.(2)Little train.4. Try to say: Good evening.(1) Read after the teacher.(2) Read group by group.(3) Play a game. T: Now Im standing at the top of the big mountain, and I shout: Good

18、 evening. What will happen? We will hear: Good evening! Good evening! Good evening!5.T: Haibao has many friends. They will have dinner with Haibao.(show Winnie Bear, Kittty Cat, Mickey Mouse.)Greet to his friends.Make a short dialogue.A: Good evening, Haibao.B: Good evening, _.6. T: Its very late. W

19、e should sleep.(body language and point to the picture).Lets say“ Good night.”to Haibao.Teach : nightGood night, Haibao.(1) Follow me.( Low voice to loud voice,then from loud voice to low voice)(2)Little teacher.7. Greet to Haibao and his friends.Ps: Good night, _.8. Work in pairs.A: Good night,_.B:

20、 Good night, _.8.Read the following rhyme:Good night, Mum.Good night.Good night, Dad.Good night.Good night, my little bear.Good night! Good night! Good night!9. Make a new rhyme.海宝是大家非常熟悉的卡通形象,人见人爱,学生兴趣高涨,为新旧知识的整合与运用起到了催化的作用。机械单一的操练形式是学习的大忌,因此在操练新授单词和句型时我采用了不同的操练形式,力求有效,新颖,牢牢抓住学生的眼球,激发学习的兴趣。运用回声效应学生

21、说的欲望十分强烈。引入维尼熊,米老鼠等小朋友们非常喜爱的卡通动物, 创设了朋友聚餐,晚上问候的情景,学生们学习热情高涨。不同形式的操练形式满足不同层次的学生需求。树立学生自信心,勇当小老师带领同学们跟着读。进一步用琅琅上口的儿歌来巩固操练新学的单词和句子。鼓励学生发挥自主创造能力,改编儿歌。Post-task activityLook and read.Play a game.Make a dialogue.A: Hello, Im_.(name)B: Hello, _.A: Nice to see you.B: Nice to see you , too.A:Good_ .(morning/

22、afternoon/evening/night)B: Good _, _.A: Goodbye, _.(name)B: Goodbye.A aB b(Show many pictures at different time)1. Read one by one.2.Play a guessing game.3. T: Boys and girls, now choose one picture and make a dialogue like this.(1) Make a dialogue with the teacher.(2) Make a dialogue with the deskm

23、ate.1. T: Now lets enjoy a song about abc.( Ps listen to the song).2. (Show the letter card )Teach : A(1) Follow me.(2) Read by all kinds of means(3) Write after me.(T write on the blackboard then ask Ps to write with their finger.)(4) Write themselves on the paper.(5) Greet to letter A.(Put A in th

24、e picture of four sight. Ask the students to say: Good morning/afternoon/evening/night ,A.)3Teach “a”, “B” and “b” like “A”综合运用,提高学生语言运用能力。因为这个对话比较长,对于刚一年级升两年级的小朋友来说可能有点难度,所以教师要给于示范,然后再放手让学生同桌操练。让学生欣赏这首欢快的字母歌,既放松心情,调节紧张的学习气氛,又为接下来的字母教学做了铺垫。作为字母的启蒙老师,严格要求学生熟练掌握26个英语大小写字母听说读,还要严格规范书写端正,笔顺正确。Assignment

25、Homework1. Listen to the tape.2. Read the new words and sentences.3. Copy the new letters.4. Make a new dialogue. 作业布置从听说读写全面入手,培养学生良好的学习。板书设计Module 1 Unit 1 Getting to know you morning afternoon evening night Good morning/afternoon/ evening/night. A a B b教学反思(建议从目标反思、过程反思、效果反思、改进意见等方面反思)Period 2Tit

26、leLook and say Say and act Listen and enjoy Learn the letters(P9)AimsLanguage aims:1.The pronunciation and writing of the letters: C c and D d.2. Using How-questions to greet people and respond appropriately.e.g.How are you (today)?3.Using the modelled sentences to answer the question: e.g.Im fine.

27、Thank you. (Im very well. Thank you.)Ability aims:1. Pronouncing the sentences correctly.2. Using formulaic expressions to greet people and respond appropriately.Emotional aims:Help the students build their self- confidence in English learning.Developing aims: Make a new dialogue.Main pointsUsing fo

28、rmulaic expressions to greet people and respond appropriately.Difficult pointsUsing the modelled sentences to answer the question.Teaching aidsPower Point ProceduresStepContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparatio nSong Revision1.Enjoy the song.2.T: We have learned two letters Aa and Bb.(Present the le

29、tter cards) Please show me your finger.(body language) Lets read and write.(A-A-A, a,B-B,b)3.Quick response.(Present the letters quickly,Ps look and say)4.T: Who can write the first letter Aa on the blackboard?(Ask two students to write Aa and Bb on the blackboard)轻松活泼的儿歌营造英语的氛围,引导学生进入学习的状态。复习旧知为新知识

30、做铺垫。抽个别学生来写一写上前课学习的两个字母是检测学生的书写格式是否规范,书写笔顺是否正确的手段之一。While-task procedureC c and D dRevisionMr Mr _How are you ?How are you, _?Im fine. Thank you.新课标第一网.MrstodayHow are you today?very wellIm very well. Thank you.1.(Present C )T: Look, this is the third letter.Teach: C(1) Follow me.(2) Read by all kin

31、ds of means(3) Write after me.(T write on the blackboard then ask Ps to write with their finger.)(4) Write themselves on the paper.The same teaching other letters.Look and say: Good morning/afternoon/evening/night.1.T: Today Haibao will visit his friend. Look! Whos she ?Ps: Kitty.T: Yes. Heres the L

32、i family.This is Mr Li. ( Point to Alices father.) Please guess:What does Mr Li say?Mr Li : Hello, Haibao. Good morning.Now youre Haibao. Greet to Mr Li.Haibao: Good morning, Mr Li.Mr Li :How are you ?Teach :How are you?(1)Follow me.(2)Little train.(3)Practise the sentence.How are you,_?( Haibao/ Al

33、ice/)(4) Ps : How are you, Miss Su? T: Im fine. Thank you.Teach : Im fine. Thank you.(Present the sentence and read it.)(5) Ask and answer.(T-Ps) (Ps-T) (Boys-Girls)(Pa-Pb)2Role-play act out the short dialogue.A: Hello, Haibao. Good morning.B: Good morning, Mr Li.A: How are you?B: Im fine. Thank you

34、.3.T: This is Mrs Li. Shes in the garden. Its three oclock in the afternoon.Now Im Mrs Li. Youre Haibao. OK?T: Good afternoon, Haibao.Ps: Good afternoon, Mrs Li.T: Im happy today. How are you today?To elicit: today(1)Read the sentence.(2)Do pair work.A: How are you today?B: Im fine. Thank you.(2) No

35、w you ask, I answerPs : How are you today?T: Im fine. Thank you.I can also answer : Im very well. Thank you.To elicit: very well承上启下教授第三个字母和第四个字母,让学生对这四个字母的先后顺序有一个概念,方便理解今后找左右邻居的练习。让学生猜李先生和海宝之间的对话,鼓励学生有创新。稍加点拨学生马上能领会句子的含义与用法。通过师生问答,男女生问答,生生问答等多种形式反复操练,达到熟练掌握。综合运用,提高学生语言运用能力的同时加强了同学间的合作精神。对话形式也是针对新旧知

36、识衔接非常有效的方式之一。通过两种形式的回答,让学生明白日常问候别人时回答我很好可以有两种表达方式。Post-task activitySay and actMake a new dialogue.A: Hello, Im_.B:Hello,_.Good_.A: Good_. How are you today?B: Im very well. Thank you.A: GoodbyeListen and enjoyExercises1.(1) T: Open your books, turn to P4. Listen to the tape and follow it.(2) Read t

37、he text together.(3)Group work. Divide the students into four groups, then ask them to act out the dialogue.2.T: Look! There are four pictures.Choose one and make a dialogue with your deskmate.3.(1).Play the casstte, students listen and enjoy the song.(2).Teach : How do you do?(3).Play the casstte a

38、gain, sing the song together.4.Do Workbook P3听录音模仿语音语调,提高学生语感。培养学生连续说的能力要从简单的说起,先模仿例句,再放手让他们自己大胆的说,从而克服学生胆怯的心理,发挥其主观能动性综合运用,提高学生语言运用能力。Pair work可以培养学生间的交流合作精神。开放性对话培养学生的创造、想象力。AssignmentHomework1.Read and imitate the tape2.Copy the new letters.3. Sing the song to your parents板书设计Module 1 Unit 1 Gett

39、ing to know you Cc Dd Mr Mrs How are you (today)? Im fine/very well. Thank you.教学反思(建议从目标反思、过程反思、效果反思、改进意见等方面反思) Period 3TitleRevision Rhyme ExercisesAimsLanguage aims:1.The pronunciation and writing of the letters: Aa, Bb, C c and D d.2. Using formulaic expressions to greet people and respond appro

40、priately. e.g.Good night.3. Using How-questions to greet people and respond appropriately.e.g. How are you (today)?Im fine/very well. Thank you.4.Learning how to use a/an correctly. e.g. An apple and a bagAbility aims:1. Pronouncing the letters, the key words, and the sentences correctly.2. Using fo

41、rmulaic expressions to greet people and respond appropriately.Emotional aims:Encouraging the students to like speaking English.Developing aims:To help the students make a simple rhyme with other nouns.Main pointsSay out the rhyme fluently and make a new rhyme with another two words.Difficult pointsT

42、he using of “a/an”Teaching aidsPower Point, four boxes, an apple ,a bag, a toy cat and a toy dogProceduresStepContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationSongRevisionSing and act together.1.(T-Ps) Ask and answer.T: Good morning. Ps: Good morning.Good afternoon. .Good evening.Good night.How are you tod

43、ay?2.Look and say: Good3.Look and choose:4.Review the letters.(Aa, Bb, Cc and Dd)(1) Read and write. (2) Do some exercises.(Workbook P4,P8)营造英语氛围,引导学生进入学习英语的状态。简单的问答快速复习。教师利用各种题型来巩固操练字母教学,如正确抄写,大小写配对,找左右邻居等。While-task procedurePlay a touching and guessing game.A-a-apple big and redB-b-bag big and ni

44、ceC-c-cat small and brownD-d-dog big and yellow新课标第一网an/aan or a.and.Listen and say1. (Show four boxes, BoxA, BoxB, BoxC and BoxD.)(1)T: Look! There are four boxes on the table. Please touch and guess whats in the Box A. Ask some children touch it. What is it in BoxA?Teach: apple(2)Follow me: A-a-apple big and red ( clap and say)2. The same teaching: bag, cat, dog1.T: This


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