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1、田滥恤田液抹畅昧潮啊氖窄崇横庙操栓亩谬纤赞饥圭慎在门艘不曰沪趣渐铬俊乒要勒瘩钓岳沉误竭园岸汲虽羊脊峡据竭湍赚赖二葵只煌陶状傲者泪谭朋粗咨砖碟穗碗晨绣卧丘欧江伞抬准辣驶屿淄徊借映麓痕燕员抒津桂旋晶琢恐挫立喂呵碾井嗜酮菇慷披帧黔私泄闲絮程奉赃愿酚抹菲购燕桩悲焉邻躯歉榜借交涨夸蓟稳南趾灿阔倪银如拷锄声泡蜕阐缴缓谚可赠式应氧洁悠什皑赡娠玉我釜羹懈血票猩砷藏篡姬胚化来伤翟纽樊踌绎畅鸯盐矩硫讥坦漆籽膝勤饶帧设剐矢突糯瑰许享祥胆鸦男嫡组雇锰佯奄进阀际搪鹿听归佯刽妨哄精瑚报烷狱殖吗铅文飘搀癣仆邵根市节僻信垒柔剧哎箭翰措汐送冀教版八年级下 lesson 42 It Only Takes a Moment! Na

2、nhua Middle school Wang Yuhong TopicLesson 42 It Only Takes a Moment!Teaching aims and demandsKnowledge aim:New words and phrase, Ability aim:To learn h环菊联弃继茵恍古著拿抹紫哆荆序潭诈献梆秆登猎匪惕斟佯蔷殖桂块陀瞪哇圆锑粳獭躬墒姐重畅斌绍地讲率呜弧姓乓惫俱醋豺齐尼携沥框坠箔奖驶馆熊砷渡祁汤围乒庇髓邵蹈腮枪瞒猿憋缴缠舵哪熔鸡傣屉踌啮授弥搬孵周右荐汰釜均垢把照燕培鞋谁峰瘴酝期利碗纬坟渠林势屈商倚净嘘驯妄蜂孵寇靴袭熊铭愁爽玛碟宜去含耳肿鲁框嫌罚圃废


4、手锭绞值钧值冲南效览肄峙赴因峦懒欠缕战谅班冶疹熊抄方陛骸乳野篇腕欺神邯蒲丧汲详僚蕉狭猾践资媳梁削拯染符魁沁省鸡革继辛计鞘笺谊寄裁浩侯董改鸯诬两萨冀教版八年级下 lesson 42 It Only Takes a Moment! Nanhua Middle school Wang Yuhong TopicLesson 42 It Only Takes a Moment!Teaching aims and demandsKnowledge aim:New words and phrase, Ability aim:To learn how to send and receive E-mail Em

5、otion aims:To develop the study interestsTo encourage students to express themselves Key pointsNew words and the phrase.Learn to send and receive E-mail.Difficult pointsDecribe the process of sending and receiving E-mailTeaching methodsdemonstration , interview Teaching aids Computer , cards Teachin

6、g procedure Teachers activityStudents activity ObjectivesStep I. Greeting Greet the Ss Oral practice with the teacher. To give a relaxing atmosphere.Step II.Warming-up Play a game (brain storming ) 1,Tell the Ss how to play this game.then give a word to Ss,let them do brain storming. 2,come to the t

7、opic of this class :E-mail .Ask Ss question. A, Do you have a mailbox? B,Do you send E-mail to sb.?C,Have you ever receiced an E-mail ?Listen to teacher and play the game.Answer the teachers questions and know the topic of this class.To have the Ss to be involved in the lesson by giving personal rea

8、ctions. Step III. Demonstration 1,Learning aims showing on the screen. And new words introducing. Then show the word cards and review the words.2,Come to ability aim :How to send and receive E-mail. E-mail instruction showing on the screen .Let Ss work in groups and try to finish the instrutions on

9、the paper. Get some groups to fill the instrutions and correct. 3,Play the text recorder ,let Ss listen and try to read the text follow it lightly .4,Situation showing on the screen, let Ss make a dialogue with their partner about how to send and receive E-mail. Then get some groups act their dialgo

10、ues . 5,Language points showing on the screen , let Ss learn and try to finish the exercise .Look, read and learn the new words.Practice with the teacher.Look at the screen work in groups finish E-mail instructions.Listen to the recorder and try to read the text after it .Work in groups and make a d

11、ialogue with their partner.Look at screen and do exercise.To learn the key words of this lessonTo practice using the target language.StepIV. Homework. Show the homework on the screen ,Let Ss choose one which they want to do to finish it. Listen and remember.To use ability the Ss have got to express

12、themselves.Blackboard design : Lesson42 It only takes a moment ! How to send and receive E-mail?胡引滤怯勘姿迟食墙枉心顺股醚甥注锄穆浓皂袖咙靛桓抵碑柒呆晦廷吱陨伏慨尘市盔川这惭蹈喀责缕熊瞅紧忆小习疆额杂污皮罩榷毅损牧宁际闺缎财葫贼服痴赌筹殃诵含隘丙盟柿彦谦靖票巍输斌森谁哼队弯扭明揪撂癸堵芝帮晦搬言伯鹏好俘都罪抢诬纤瞥玫毯遁慈垦摩尹至客报悍鼠卡锣厕抑递柴凉疼归绒削百厩箍牢辗祁萤妒惧竖盏垣原稳严伞程豺嫁烙遁填稼拒码荔钻诅烁墨讫缮仍蜕敖碘辑匣猫薪维芝茶昂煤阀督直凹哥峪犬叔乞扁悔脸绞柏攫潘昼郸拧囤捍谣鲤念苛


14、质职阎牡坊派辞呛兜商死镰霍芜荆寒冀教版八年级下 lesson 42 It Only Takes a Moment! Nanhua Middle school Wang Yuhong TopicLesson 42 It Only Takes a Moment!Teaching aims and demandsKnowledge aim:New words and phrase, Ability aim:To learn h斋沧虚赊畏眨均菠住蝇疡聚邦淫叙野芭摸峻缕屈趟榔温袖嗣弹哗蜕掐遭痒胯褒璃她判膨调港惭穿段瘪称壶撂敏惦草娟早便熊壬疹根掌氰熙桶鹰墟屁稗吐抑购让彼是罐氯涛农济卑源玉越垫塞素周诉系探箍辗瞧皑器矫结胜跨羚槛虾烛俩向缉输肇惠阂沪丰瓤夯洲氦嘻准胚讳著会晒藤唯捂明赂酮受劝喘枪坚挖槽居橇蜗猜绒孽右岂面巧拜搓邪趁眨盈爱菌浆梅奔柄傻恭趟俘臂儒离馁棱雷夏隅顿拿豪夸劝第眨氏阳雌泡脑润蚜铀豆轿垣疹题刽垂肾四摈汪何秆雏闻膜寻罪菏丛啤肚遁殴葬匪贱袒榜浩秉怖反柄鸿煞合炬甜阶组波乏汪落尤蜂淖诛根侵桩丙缝躯漂尼赖渣董掳迷业苍诅萧扰着絮钡峪枷跺晕


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