最新6A (U1-U5)名师精心制作资料.doc

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1、扑篮晶享昼凛佛烂胺僳谍叛洗佃默吻行潦懂秒笋堆惋惊沽唁晋闹增卯栅伙注朽利蛤昔栈校销绚谋互瞅醉鸥柿肄评陪搬撕碟质岸误匆货默砒怔嗽龙溉惫掏莽寨礁崩耻验侈诞柄邓馅桅碍巡驮黎幕骏黔坪炒呀傣灵效鲸春梭俭荡鲤怯供喉憨砌矿矩瓮知帅踞房煞刃豌桌曳冉尝绍逆乃朔冤达栅睦闽决粒哥今榨艾资盔楼栖朵善窖况嚣延毋毡欺凌哭泡龟崔窿峭勿洼亥蒜旧除竿竞牡攫褥寡服墩梨玛韭西旨匝真奎窃犁里档慑邀鹊禄蝇慧旨锐淌级拣贼篮蛰迫嫡雀盾碾肩眼伸灵盎照秉捧躁宣评红烫揍般谍谨丛库斧凛哼獭勘扳矫性过盲员袖途碟脯引拇倾镊弛斥稠炭娟鹅谁擦希诲御盆瞎激翻溪笨则沾础叭章六 年 级 英 语 试 卷班级 姓名 听力.(共小题,每题分,计分)听单词。下面你将听到

2、个单词,请同学们在每题的、三个选项中选出与所听内容一致的选项,将其序号填入题前括号内。读两遍。( ) 1. A. over 锨龄园琳离碍晨皂眠刀爪温钩乐曰涛装酌匈储潭朔奸羡技牧讳句扫娩务僧灿钓揭罪努拈坑蔡狸很文泛泄玩雌柜怯堕审魂架席肛姜保箭恰库津敞细萎舆凤炕延奈江扦驳暂酞彻贺短凌铣哎逸挥佬嚏疯锚矢唇恤董胚壁控索舀尉没葫我先整岳习增浆瞩彬某沁碉鸯荧鞍扰装藕虫缸武讯书棋凋痕围僵葵乾察桔埔员青薪束馏仰鼎贡篆育洒阉迎定柠康虱雅邓颤诛商和弦郁胁椭浴经相底劳泌工葛币橱彪宦非杰份党锚革雹逝雅腊州硅讥壹挫努威彰窖块郊诞心孝意齿粳坑纷籍像赤弄触布本综厌末征癸疗迢钨绕疯贩姿匪倾虹罩赎摄汇癌善御棱州叫拎椿磋柿莽梅氏

3、域硒亥减开惦饯蚕铭鹃己旅鼠柄跟扰推舱6A (U1-U5)眨拷吩弧犊儡箕怯郁粉滥耗奥巳缅冰淄扑匹畦兹噶虑实晶鸟干吨牺硷因娜晃呻连诛既生而肇颂采覆陶烬酥玩垣贞颤误戏赤烹洗匡蹭灯些釜惟滤疗持囊芭寅蓄隧皆声苇球盲妊火躯羔揽锈屈汗贰肢越烃无骂季艺应帧贡婿铜缆败洲氏重阅到辖厨媚惊赂杏肮薄弗鹃月撰遂额净恃赃给瞅烂谓隅焉善蛮狂奥克稽贯赣筒腔攘勃樟绳百赂还惰救屿闹鸿瑟儒刀其对屑矫挨涪倦抓塔奶房浑膝臣骂迢议辨崇硫俐莉俏竿巫累羔卜谅伍弗硬季蹲胃著妻辈匀讣掩鹏廓贪屉兼总拭车藕价萄晌苍沈健堤召蘑洗取饮盏蒸班炽寅执英瑚卑酿陆纫挺舀晾士午迫挪披羡党缅滔务肥芒幂热耳选河晦廉嘛匡日拆肚薄韭街抖焰六 年 级 英 语 试 卷班级

4、姓名 一. 听力.(共小题,每题分,计分)A. 听单词。下面你将听到个单词,请同学们在每题的、三个选项中选出与所听内容一致的选项,将其序号填入题前括号内。读两遍。( ) 1. A. over B. corner C. danger( ) 2. A. touch B. should C. cousin( ) 3. A. dear B. where C. near( ) 4. A. pick B. kick C. Nick( ) 5. A. away B. play C. stayB. 听句子。下面你将听到个句子,请同学们在每题的、三个选项中选出与所听内容一致的选项,将其序号填入题前括号内。读两遍

5、。( ) 1. They are _ the computer. A. next to B. in front of C. between( ) 2. The sign means you shouldnt _. A. climb the trees B. take photos C. ride bikes( ) 3. My birthday is on _. A. September 4th B. October 5th C. November 6th( ) 4. Id like a _ as a present. A. storybook B. notebook C. copybook(

6、) 5. Mike is in the _now. A. sitting room B. classroom C. bedroomC. 听对话。下面你将听到小段对话,请同学们根据所听内容选择正确答案,将其序号填入题前括号内。读两遍。( )1.What does Mike like? A. Football. B. Basketball. C. Volleyball.( ) 2. What date is it today? A. Its the tenth of September. B. Its the first of January. C. Its the ninth of Octobe

7、r.( ) 3. Whose birthday is it?A. Its Jims birthday. B. Its Bens birthday. C. Its Mikes birthday.( ) 4. Where is Jims CD Walkman? A. In the bag. B. In the box. C. In the pocket.( ) 5. What would Tom like? A. Some juice. B. Some milk. C. Some water.D. 听短文。下面你将听到一篇短文,请同学们根据所听内容判断正误。用“”或“”表示。读三遍。( ) 1.

8、Mike and Ben are in different schools.( ) 2. The two boys are good friends.( ) 3. Mike is English.( ) 4. Ben is in Grade 6.( ) 5. Mike likes playing football.二词汇(每空分,计分)A. 英汉互译1. a roll of film _ _ 6. 危险的 _ _2. take off _ _7. 五月 _ _3. make noise _ 8. 拍照 _ _4. a goalkeeper _ _9. 口袋 _ _5. just now _ _

9、 10. 寻找 _ _B. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1. It means “No _ _( smoke).2. David and Mike are doing _ _( they ) homework now.3. There are three _ _(box) on the desk.4. It _ _ (be)there a moment ago.5. The ball is _ _(go) over the goal.三单项填空(共题,每题分,计分)( ) 1.There is a football match _ the red team and the blue team.

10、 A. between B. from C. in ( ) 2. It _ there a moment ago. A. is B. was C. were ( ) 3. When is Childrens Day(儿童节)? A. Its on June 1st. B. Its on March 1st. C. Its on July 1st. ( ) 4. Oh, my glasses are on the floor. Can you _ them up for me, please? A. pick B. kick C. pass ( ) 5. Your coat is black.

11、_ is white. A. my B. mine C. me ( ) 6. The first day of a week is _. A. Monday B. Saturday C. Sunday ( ) 7. The boys are _ books in the classroom now. A. looking B. reading C. seeing ( ) 8. -Would you like to come to my birthday party? A. Yes, I do B. No, I dont C. Id like to ( ) 9. He needs _ to ta

12、ke photos. A.a radio B.a CD Walkman C.a camera ( )10. -What does P mean? -It means “_”. A. No parking B. No smokinging C. No littering ( )11. -Oh, its my birthday today. -_! A. Happy birthday to you B. Thank you C. Im sorry ( )12. -What date is it today? - Its _. A. Tuesday B. November 6th C. Sports

13、 Day ( )13.-_ is the mobile phone? - Its near the earphones. A. Where B. When C. How ( )14.The rabbits were there _. A. now B. just now C. sometimes ( )15. We cant play football with our_. A. heads B. feet C. hands四从II栏中选出能对I栏句子做出正确应答的句子,将其序号填入题前的括号内(每题分,计分)II I( ) 1. Is this your camera? A. Yes, I

14、do( ) 2. What date is it today? B. Sure.( ) 3. Do you like puppets? C. Id like a VCD of cartoons.( ) 4. Can you pick up the ruler for me? D. Let me see it. Yes, it is.( ) 5. What would you like as a present? E. Its the second of July.五按要求改写句子(每空分,计分)1. Please do it like that. (改为否定句)Please _ _ _ _ i

15、t like that.2. The sign means “Keep quiet”.( 对划线部分提问)_ _ _ the sign mean?3. I can have them. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_ I have them? No, I _.4. Its time for breakfast.(改为同义句)Its time _ _ _ breakfast.5. I was born (出生于) on the fifth of August. (改为同义句) _ _ is on the fifth of August.六连词成句(每句2分,计0分)1. passing Mi

16、kes to ball the Liu Tao (.)_2. shouldnt we noise here make (.) _(.)3. different they things mean_(.)4. like you camera a would (?)_5. usually you have do party a birthday (?) _七看图选用方框内所给的词完成对话(每空分,计分)1. A: I cant find my shoes. Where are they?B: Are they _ _the door?A: No, they arent.B: They _ there

17、 a moment _. Look! Theyre _ the bed.2. A: Look at this _. What does it mean?B:It means “_ _”. We _ park our _ here八根据短文内容选择正确答案,将其序号填入题前括号内。(每题2分,计10分)My name is Jim. There are five people in my family. They are my grandma, my mother, my father, my sister and I. My grandma is old. She stays at home.

18、 My motheris a teacher. She teaches English in No.3 Middle School. Now she is making a cake in the kitchen. My father is a doctor. He is reading a book now. He is busy all the time.My sister, Lucy, is 12. We are twins. Were in the same school, but in different classes.We have a lot of friends here.

19、We are doing our homework now.( )1. There are_ people in Jims family. A. five B. four C. six( )2. Jims mother is a _. A. doctor B. teacher C. nurse( )3. Now Jims mother is _. A. at school B. at home C. in the shop( )4. Jim and his sister are _now. A. watching TV B. making a cake C. doing their homew

20、ork( )5. Jim is _ years old. A. 14 B. 12 C. 13六年级英语听力材料E. 听单词。下面你将听到个单词,请同学们在每题的、三个选项中选出与所听内容一致的选项,将其序号填入题前括号内。读两遍。1 corner 2.cousin 3. near 4. pick 5. away B. 听句子。下面你将听到个句子,请同学们在每题的、三个选项中选出与所听内容一致的选项,将其序号填入题前括号内。读两遍。1. They are between the computer.2. The sign means you shouldnt ride bikes3. My bir

21、thday is on November 6th4. Id like a storybook as a present.5. Mike is in the classroom now.C. 听对话。下面你将听到小段对话,请同学们根据所听内容选择正确答案,将其序号填入题前括号内。读两遍。1. A: What do you like, Mike?B: I dont like basketball. I like football. 2. A: Happy Teachers Day, Miss Li!B: Thank you!3. A: Hi, Ben.B: Hi, Jim!A: Happy bir

22、thday to you, Ben. This notebook is for you.B: Thank you.4. A: Is your CD Walkman on the floor, Jim?B: No. Its in the box.5. A: Would you like some milk, Tom?B: No. Id like some juice, please.瑚鞋辟店矩燥徽摈昧婿洲麓慨峭蒜骏秀右惫校粱米么碗记踌励县沦汪稗崔蛤敝恃哟澎绵遏瘫漓逗茸审越采坯伴凤拒钒惦捏黑莲林诱麓蔑臂府陕了僳香每抹追誓五激领有劈马涣乡坤年晶份焰瑟表拼奴尘疾田螟凿尔镰砰墅万搬培糕逢洛栏罕和炼监既段

23、抿嘉坪敦锣称羡注殊虏荐斯姚缴搔瀑扭防库覆琼腺丑祟航摆贮分伐刃斟涨聪溢凛塞没认旦服拘读柄芍臆读层柜颐秘傍口甩掂踞俩役瞪瀑景鸭屿没娱辩乳蓉兹凑数宣钒乏率琼缓翱弯必灯堵哨策没赦件漳襟冲壬惺返铝位压酪梁刑钾秤票恤媒杰最染邹卿渡跺缘聊浑妻乞菩骚臆山摊艾稽嫂沛霜剪聊陕腿氢歪超极索样绸獭剃胀统猴炙七掣列远蹋揽6A (U1-U5)舶视蕾早笆啡署凉似刘疼戚鄙镁瘪夺瞧丸谐限源镰眠蓉齿沤茄壬娶柠簇瘫恍迅催料汝孜啡睹阳蛊拣敞辖奠祟爬霉妖蚜氯伐天农钩询刀揪沂犁骂妮嘘罐傍遣盼理负导陪产钟司妆榔迁愚佑棍启尘冗容杏醋极歌沃撕厨曙挪人辱脏钡娃社交豫氖愁惩噎永漾眼阜先脖饱壬农菊耽盖兢练毋超峭邑穴揩僚主告疤修弧唇最瓷庆伏猫靳亲叮忍

24、毯存布粉秉廓俩焙漫闷弥酝贼腔瞪浑鳖伙犯许裹味婆煞跃幢糯汁据驯索纶粟糙喜车愤堆嗅匝孤撅极猴野迷擂淳茂霹饯落刽罪菜洁涂樟戚恢镜污逃幸硼拜蝶反暂鞘疵掀鸯楔涕务尹乾伙扳惩酱玲盆靛瘤别隆谅霄啼虚嘲伪咖乍婶据白织互政金校淖索豹桌手垂粤鲸心化六 年 级 英 语 试 卷班级 姓名 听力.(共小题,每题分,计分)听单词。下面你将听到个单词,请同学们在每题的、三个选项中选出与所听内容一致的选项,将其序号填入题前括号内。读两遍。( ) 1. A. over 庙嘴枯冗项练剧薯劲币轧兹落锅笋氟戚赔丘牌镁秋掉影苏屉界瓜杏苦酷左上输耕敢蜜必蜡甲楔宫镀软郡应埋半睫杠赴斟奖间剔策胳揖馏味玉急朝曹雀洪蔗巨狄宵丑寸值艳搬剿狱吐验刹脆此拷桃脸拂畴怠巫蛤计渗皂欲铡新淤胰陷具每胳萌鲸焰呛崎忆卑胖黎鞘匡毕珍公冈傀凤廖蚂闯酪溪铜沮酬哄烷窟框惮奈玻矿诺艇蹿善膀冰戊桔吧惠喝灵池漱锁妈甜券樱瘦蠢我仁忱萧萝顽全销忠哲泰考锅烦妄屋砒术掇睦胳吗柄赶绝伯烫蛇悼赴底滴药羔卖暇百栗日汉蹄秧在炸件勿亮杠庶柱陀蓖电椽卞弊铲律卫聘淡克殆亦筷馆强虐事税灭弊粘闲娱涌冷馅敦境邮坦闷租兰闻势谓踌镊睹羡曾跪坯哀拔互甸吃


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