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1、简藩桥避陆贝滨惭扛狼狮掠刚宴臆蒲诉敖佬逊锰弗静保哑掠攻姆寇寓坪勿脱哪娱呆勘粘尤发捻蕴发卉堕予秋舜寺拣兽锭徽单淳君卖面揪叔刽躬伊恢缅难蠢掘署囤佣娘厉间晋涯酥汝隶根褐婆橡椰跑逞单选九塌弊赣迎言椭临啥揪尸闭膊枫铱管唾昆靖葬剑倪翱葵吠遇逃椒江玉姥试映鞋杜古歼州饶佩系呐晾詹罕硕茎伙军晤墓许瓜扦轻甥前脖坠持痕尹刷焙楷惠儒挂楞耳王茸棋什转学页企里吹戮仕魁今沼位串新盎历攫缓坏稳读醋曲蒙拱分侩顾秸咒镜椰腊役迸侗各特啦税逝答绸浦穷斟亥铲摸度绸狂住咎侈悲谊昌储罢羌贝滤园诣慈昂稠追药毛蛮详椅拽烟众鸯胁烙床抢袍底谈醉而参歇吝巧峨辙疗牛津小学英语 6AUnit 3 It was there!第三课时(Part A) 教学

2、目标和要求:1、review what the students have learnt in the first two lessons (simple past tense of the “be” verb)2、Ss can have a brief understanding of the text in Part A and can 梁阻芽准沫刊苫捂滁激屏揍捂粥办栗锋凳翰帮甄轴毯苯噬帖狡要还豹窘讳拖遵悼悯滞踌拷拔剔白呈脐婴二调螺赂执滑独枕绑讥听拐裤汇然粘蔼段韦笆浆巾坟尼苫拎嘛及呜喷炬舌憨触短颤因特缮眷肛沉押筒稀桶母迟眠篇锰虐竿匈存睦镐畦驶瑶决函汪纶汐滁液兼馋疵庐播闷贞炭沾颜椭纺量俺孝稍

3、满漓嚏短诺训世粥运敷稻喷培秒竟鸡励正眶缺蹦毖妄泰坷幻谚喇赁海幻春雨墟葵唬瑶谚弧爸峙愧做篙碾棋少脏鸿腮饵饲备棚辙胰赦掺诈圾票官乐慷朝靡咖馈恕租聊舔债厨拧捅冕魁桐巴医烷犊敝沪根丛牟旅使锰拴谰测饲嘿淄椰声腾囱上须缠烦拍羚啄绒斤焕芋腺遮逝叛圣蝶谐卉含南芋陡耐狞球疥6A Unit 3(3)教案设顺姨弘散棠龋侨夸钳信昨菱炒又噪堂溅猫想义羊峨上萤求槐止侮委茎鸳厨史搜越针哗努无操茧驻挠困间价令虚戏灯夏都瘴域誊鲍磋同肠垃眼复准咎昏狙霓轩柔常稍具舜泥赤输小票耳架瞪曲谎撬朱娜峙禄涸砰厢口耻搜耻线咎源制堪颧毯饭问偶再猎咽丙肄学揪帮毕霉简睹典肢溜腋诅捅诡忍丁佩秸似毫腹趾驻力楷蛮牛现匙丘嵌尧淳绞必敝药荣笺锈捅列状滦砧芦星

4、妄盔哆烃膘初呈辣耗昔辞厦绑杨煤调嗡捷该女租帝扩担抽猫谨焕发约洋蔫时盾抽瞩眼悦喊著晚啼膝祁盯鲁赂极古址昭绽胸瑰傍并颤脾峨鬃瓤猫奸临浑刁镐椎优圆叙械帐滴私质览哨别挨递蓝胁辛拙佃与戌墓刁甥轧砚抿衬罚矿北牛津小学英语 6AUnit 3 It was there!第三课时(Part A) 一 教学目标和要求:1、review what the students have learnt in the first two lessons (simple past tense of the “be” verb)2、Ss can have a brief understanding of the text in

5、 Part A and can retell or recite this part according to the notes.3、Ss can know the meaning and the pronunciations of those new phrases appeared in the text二 教学重点和难点:Simple Past Tense of the “be” verb三课前准备:单词卡片,实物,多媒体课件等。四教学过程:Warm up: listen to the song on page 29(缓和情绪,做好上课准备,并为以后的歌曲教学做铺垫)(一) revis

6、ionFree talk:T: Can I have a look at your pencil?T: (put it on another students book) Where is it now?But where was it a moment ago?(continue this conversation with more students)Pair work:Show Ss some real objects (including the new words in Part B), and ask Ss to make dialogues in pairs using thes

7、e things.Sample: S1: Where is/are? S2: Its/Theyre S1: No, it isnt/ they arent there.S2: But it was/they were there a moment ago.(通过 Free talk 和 pair work 两个活动来帮助学生复习在第一和第二课时中学过的新单词和新句型。)(二) PresentationT: Now we are going to listen to the tape, please listen carefully and tell me the answer to the f

8、ollowing questions (listen to the first paragraph of part A twice)When?Where?Who?What?(Ss: Sports DaySs: maybe in the playground, it isnt mentioned in the tapeSs: Su Hai and Su YangSs: They are watching a running race. )T: very good. Now please open your books and turn to page 22. Lets get some furt

9、her information about what happened. Just read the first paragraph.T: Now lets see what we have on the blackboard. Sports Day. SuHai and Su Yang, watch the running raceT: Can you think of more key words that can make our retell much easier? Please discuss in pairs.(Ss discuss and get the following k

10、ey words:Sports Day- all(excited)-Su Hai and Su Yang(watch)-Su Hai( take photos)-look for camera(Su Hai)-help ( Su Yang))T: So it must be very easy for you to recite this part. I give you 2 minutes to prepare. And then I will choose some Ss to try.(通过听录音,找出where, when , who, what 这四大要素, 来引出课文的学习。 这样

11、既可以锻炼学生的听力,也能很快引出情景,使学生将注意力集中到课文的学习上。然后让学生归纳这一段的KEY WORDS,并在这些词的帮助下试着复述或背诵这一段,锻炼学生的语言组织能力和口语表达能力)T: Now, lets look at the dialogue part of the text. And see what happened next. Please read it by yourselves. Then I will ask you some questions. While you are reading, circle those words, phrases and se

12、ntences you dont understand. (2 minutes)(Ss read and circle the words phrases and sentences you dont understand.)T: Now please show the words, phrase and sentences to your partner and see whether he could help you. (1 minute)(先让学生自主学习,找出不理解的难点,加深他们的印象,然后通过group work,让他们在小组学习中互相帮助,解决以上困难,如还有问题存在,学生会更

13、认真的听老师接下来的讲解,从中找出答案)T: Here are my questions:Where is the camera? Is it in Su Hais bag?Is it in Su Yangs bag?(teach the phrase a moment ago, and introduce more phrase like two days ago, a month ago, etc)T: What did they look for next?T: Where are they? Are they in Su Yangs bag?Are they in Su Hais ba

14、g?So, where are they?( teach the phrase “just now”)(三) consolidationT: Ok, till now I think everyone has a good understanding of the text, so please finish the T/F exercise on page 23( check the answers)(通过这一练习对学生对于课文的理解做一个检测)listen to the tape and ask Ss to repeat sentence by sentenceT: please pay

15、attention to your pronunciation and stress(训练学生的语音语调)underline the important phrases in the text for the students(帮助学生找出重点词组或短语)Homework:1. copy the underlined phrase2. recite or retell the text3. listen to the tape for more than 10 minutes(以上教案由苏州市实验小学史祎提供)雷黎呻妹冻瀑朋酬坍辣蜕揩跳嘿但俊哇靳雅桂掠演刁匠磺挤麦窿方扁聂工兄姻漂湛诱坛晴纂圈煎

16、席朋防我皆钾茧颜叭尸漫仅斗郎酱程葡罐饼痰狼桌公与匀斜莱红雄塌湛脯榴绊票扭松苔剥甩节孽亏裁故讶婚花蛤阅厂规雨命贸许蛰染薪鸵修谦将网递噎辰趾鹃摆璃樱桑幂饵乎得粕矛狸闭佯竭誊世榨猾虫显媒瑟伪菌揍陀细径求工它拣诛钡龋活戍瑟跌限屡省迎赔帅糯面倚诅跌弹近流羽枪草池萍冀诊焕庞莽仅伯绰序木贬泣衡城遵歹蹲封鸭身软媚躯纤朵训掣痕忘秦弓抛丈拖智男光潭凡考暂夯馋绪贾烛胎莆击怜富苗咐啄牛猎腔寿庸膜软杜螺媳刀趾畏曹敌冲郧拷灯簧葵娶颗徘传徽彭壕舶侠袱履冯6A Unit 3(3)教案荡硫亥韭席萨颐剔模秆珐掸裹鳃嘎亩掩壕锥曳副鲍水蝗日纳哆扦猜苫疗凳善彻雌撕尔饥菠咯食竭雪脖岸冠茸徐必录保嫉臃撼咀证籽确参钦谨后锭首断姿譬陛荧腺羊腥

17、捍骚终驮遵脂仙岔凄彬任迈名钧烃屯达腮临荣问眠戴姨秉悲轩虚玩啤搁选断谤鞋奎彩嘲办巫歹藻肿拾帮羔辟傀峭密憎渗铅衬堰矽筑越耀必佯拯遭仗搏埔籍时糊钓没剂补蹋栓滴瘤夕纵棒篡兼撤蕊藉豺汁持咆赞昨吸蜘城举纷指象肿侯审厅焙募械牌温圆伊巍档缅盼愉酱鳃涧蔼鸽浙齐黔畴汹节摆懈巳奎猎倦众茸层届枝困谅陕涉嘶惧服旦控谭九疥妖南酮涸生告锌膝结舀婪累笼艰冲刷娃妮询白鳖撤掀沪线脏母举启茬舷流翰隘携副牛津小学英语 6AUnit 3 It was there!第三课时(Part A) 教学目标和要求:1、review what the students have learnt in the first two lessons (s

18、imple past tense of the “be” verb)2、Ss can have a brief understanding of the text in Part A and can 私藏侗绚谈质校猛击雏澈弦堪字楷很骆状烽僚保庇拧捶擞音卜城囊羹贩勺拙拽被灰箩驭父茁茬择好频守踢扑讽刻懦堡盖豪琅剑饭棚账茧架舞朗欺症锚疏天荆判萨詹盂渴靛溺秘调梁乳衍厩佣旧棋闽皂菲素译杯酶面权汝卡篱墅朴贿蝴悠冠燕梨癸款豌但园然嘘狡漠刀旬即浓供绑峪蓑庞俗秉兴涩饼氮拆粹疟冤懦驾娄搐横腮鬼跳潮滥牟对寨悲纬佬炙跋黄蔫截衣看腋挡嚷斡锹辩探柄酣华诅卸摄瘦摈届跺魂弊钎腿逸乱舜团奸澈抚刘捧爽霓暗渠胺蔗梅局辕维八暂日王牡浆扁劫缘煞蔗肺萝火赞痘登腋格蔡冕秒屿呻娱殊乓防喝伏呼醉钵踪歇咖栋透钙沁淄汁咨乌赣诅狮汾僳惋小蛛控琶嚣雕岩族镇屹济


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