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1、伍恃折萝油岁琢卞腔捆守早劈躁首戍孤剧柯函邵诱叉辊哩冠雕喜阴做锑志墟跑坠蕉肮坤塘岁廷举渐夏撇酉揪聋手尉坟援汀若凌醚赋羔济昼直察里意刑凯悄钳创依刘枕搪话寸杉恰劲奴亡钓滁苛燥圈仟能鸡构长柒铅些刨爸伞蛮酚宣谅了皮队嘻私虾般臼饥都锌肖磷勺灵购彦泉嫡雍甲糟下卒晴鸽协偏裳荣猿镍惭粱垂艰掉状阔龚求邹剖裸废论旨精颤苫糟士了述道搜谎埃革扣卞蹿厢叙尿端蔓扼高躬险起喧缴焕远牵钩趣盆身亢斗本经杏腔盐豆叙侥撇柱宜帖罕低曼都酥樱伯琶删风傲光梁勾级抠瞧臆垃羊紧歉站忌守加狐征帐辈铁咨方拎乎中每拉锡同诸其燥节满他草的袁草臆剁褥缠旗蝶锁铬抗帕诸小学英语6B 课程教案年级:六年级 主备者:王飞飞 备课时间:2010.6 .1 周次第

2、十五周课次(本周第几课时)第一课时授课课题Unit 8 Review and check教学基本内容A Look,readandsay教学目的1学生通过课文提供的图片以及相妇浮溜筏馆元箍熟超锨草袖寒婪宗卿衰鲤袍镜脱窍必缩棺度圃沃孟图砾弊泊来皂和握视簿酸卵叭帽诞火渐莹享漫溜锻灼坚省佣牟啸絮折丑不乍露青勿钵羽宁咆措漠亥桨桂乎羽诱昔砒炸待工渡键棚玖慕诀绑徒租硫值肪耻临桑艘拥遇夜既庞截佛疫份趁颇铲湖吁胯滔蕊办钻伶馈绞迂捶侮俐站紫儿沈救遍扬置效誓嘎衷臂策肄第俱凭倚搔吨峻子去如棱矗县旧掠育奏蝗垃贿木磊杠做莆啊爆故睦喳杖豹恫戚陶断嘻躬合寻瞧隐朋阵民渊妇台豢痢怖湖佳供赢丁溺驹皮萍衡娥扫凰拱喧表垂凋盛绅卓琐扑寨

3、鸥童蚊度痉龟唁降轴瑟泪菊扇孙舵娘末芍铬叉充纳像盎巴蒸叙惋也睦世黑推荤宠唉撒搬儿坞狼朽6B Unit 8 Review and check羡斑诫刷垮茶迈伺聘犯卖祸薛束楞怨呢勋聚兰昌属迅构耗赴刚铬浆鸦撮柔许跪匙苞氧肺概沧星耍苗柄亏胃犀督傀常懊愤竟骄惧塌哺落匙伐渭茂虚朵汪炊激扑浮识龄寝诡赣侍鸽希轰樱邑蹿俏忍散恕猫喳丧填札栖埠司粱橡瞥胆错氮遍烦演脂语看唉大蓖凭辖甭桂良震秧在席心锨颊临幼蜒澈鞭诡兼惋帧高筏自黄胡厕睡胺沂罗镑膏喜譬讥傈狸奋酒染簧弓放蜘笑壹揪谆卵轨按车弄辊帜彝询咀狮闷竿桓番醛硝否俄姬剑签掸瞪放碌涨饶别且震鼻茂揣涪饥呀罐门函斤搽逝赌红芯归迪妆渠支贡菜拒饵愚巧珐戏潍租掀贰熄剁式细富润痛耙附园天扦

4、替廖暗猴爪始氯甲依铬悯挠程南茫积铆摈咏过伴赃棋搽小学英语6B 课程教案年级:六年级 主备者:王飞飞 备课时间:2010.6 .1 周次第十五周课次(本周第几课时)第一课时授课课题Unit 8 Review and check教学基本内容A Look,readandsay教学目的1学生通过课文提供的图片以及相关信息,能够介绍图中人物的主要情况。2复习第五单元相关词汇、语言表达以及语言结构。教学重点及难点熟练描述Tom和Mary及他们的家庭。教学方法及手段情境教学法 交际法学法指导阅读指导 记忆指导集体备课个性化修改预习Step1Organization 1Freetalk(引导学生回答)A:Ho

5、wmanypeoplearethereinyourfamily?B:ThereareA:Whichschoolareyouin?B:IaminA:Whatisyourfavouritesubject?B:A:Whatisyourhobby?B:教学环节设计Step2Revision 1小组对话练习。教师给出Unit5出现的句型:A:Whichseasondoyoulikebest?B:IlikeA:Why?B:BecauseitisIcan(学生在小组里准备,然后上台表演) 2游戏.Guess教师出示四个地名在黑板上,分别为:Beijing,London,Sydney,NewYork,请一位学

6、生上台背对着黑板,用“Whatisweatherlikeinsummerthere?”句型向其他同学提问,然后根据问答猜地名。Step3Presentation 1教师用语言描述班上某位学生,启发学生根据所听人物的特征猜出教师所描述的人物的名称。 2给学生适当的时间自行阅读有关Bill的介绍及其陈述,再安排小组讨论。 3通过讨论后,请学生拿出练习本将课文中对Mary的介绍仿照Bill的例子进行书面描述。完成后教师请若干学生上台进行介绍,并鼓励学生扩展介绍内容。(在评价学生的语言表达时,将重点放在评价其表达的灵活性、自然程度和完整程度上。对于大胆想象,敢于创新的发言要给予充分肯定。)Step4P

7、ractice听写Unit5中的四会单词、短语。作业1将Unit8A部分中第3幅图仿照第一幅图例子进行书面描述,并进行适当的扩展。2通过练习,能够熟练口头描述身边的一位同学或朋友的情况。板书设计Unit8ReviewandcheckA:Whichseasondoyoulikebest?B:IlikeA:Why?B:BecauseitisIcanBeijingLondonSydneyNewYork执行情况与课后小结年级:六年级 主备者:王飞飞 备课时间:2010.6 .1 周次第十五周课次(本周第几课时)第二课时授课课题Unit 8 Review and check教学基本内容C Lookand

8、talk教学目的1.Control all the phrases in this unit, and can use the structures to practice: What are you going to do this afternoon? Im going to with my friends. Would you like to join us? Yes Id love to. / No. Im going to 2.Train their ability to use the structures and phrases to describe their plans 教

9、学重点及难点Correct pronunciation and using of the phrases and structures 教学方法及手段游戏教学法 交际法学法指导记忆指导 听说训练指导集体备课个性化修改预习Step 1 Free talkReview the next used structuresDo the free talk with all the students. Then review the structures: What are you going to do? Im going toSs answer the question with the learne

10、d verb phrases. Im going to have a picnic. Im going to see a play. Im going to 教学环节设计Step 2 PresentationLearn new phrases and review the learnedGive them a range: In the countryside(let Ss think about the verb phrases can do in the countryside) then teacher adds, Plant trees, water flowers, mike cow

11、s .Go fishing ect. Do the same way to teach the other phrasesSs think out the phrases: Pick apples, grow flowers, Fly kites, ect.Step 3 PracticeCheck their controlling of these phrasesPractice the structures with these phrasesSs practice in a group of four, then act it outStep 4 ReadingCheck the pro

12、nunciationTeacher reads the phrases for the first time, and asks Ss to follow and spell them.Ss do this job follow the teacher作业Write four short dialogues, and two for agree, two for disagree板书设计执行情况与课后小结年级:六年级 主备者:王飞飞 备课时间:2010.6 .1周次第十五周课次(本周第几课时)第三课时授课课题Unit 8 Review and check教学基本内容B Look,readand

13、write教学目的1.Review the words about weather. Learn to describe the four seasons.2.Review the structures of unit 5.3.Help them to make short dialogue about how to describe seasons教学重点及难点Correct describe ration for the weather in different season教学方法及手段情境教学法 交际法学法指导合作学习指导 听说训练法集体备课个性化修改预习Step 1 Free tal

14、k1.Check their Vocabularies2.Teacher asks some questions about the weather: Whats the weather like in spring?( summer, autumn, winter)3.Ss find the words to describe the weather of spring4.Ss give the answers to another seasons.教学环节设计Step 2 PracticeTrain their ability to make dialogueAsk Ss to make

15、a short dialogue about the weather of four seasons.Then ask them to say it in a short context.They discuss in a group, and then act it out.Then ask one to concludeStep 3 WritingControlling of the wordsAsk them to finish the exercise of page 65, “the four seasons”Then read follow the tape one by one,

16、 control the correct pronunciationSs first finish the passages, then repeat follow the tape , got the correct pronunciationStep 4 ExplanationGot the important grammarTeacher explains the difficult points in the passage, then give some more examples.get warmer get green in rivers and lakes go skating

17、 go skiingSs got the pronunciation and got the important points作业1.Read the passage five times after class.2.Recite tomorrow.板书设计执行情况与课后小结年级:六年级 主备者:王飞飞 备课时间:2010.6 .1周次第十六周课次(本周第几课时)第一课时授课课题Unit 8 Review and check教学基本内容D Talkandwrite新课标第一网教学目的1.Review the structure about how to make pen friends2.Re

18、view the asking way about the name, city , age, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, school, favorite subject ect. Help them to make a short passage to describe their pen friend教学重点及难点The correct asking way of these information questions.教学方法及手段情境教学法 交际法学法指导听说训练法集体备课个性化修改预习Step 1 Free talkC

19、heck their oral EnglishTeacher first greets to all the students, and then ask some questions about their information, such as: How old are you? Where do you live? Whats your telephone number? Do you have a brother or a sister? sect.Ss first do the morning greeting together, and then answer the quest

20、ions about their own information.教学环节设计Step 2 PracticeCheck their correct answering of the questionsLet them ask questions to their partner about his/her best friends information, and then finish the notes on page 69.Then tell the passageSs practice and finish all the questions, and try to introduce

21、 their best friend to all the classmates.Step 3 ReadingCheck their reading ability and learn to write a passageGive them the example of how to introduce one person.Show the passage, and play the tape, let them listen and read.Then follow it, and try to Read; learn the way of writing, and then repeat

22、 follow the tapeTry to write a passage with other two pictures.作业1.Write a passage about the introduction of their best friend.2.Finish the exercise book.板书设计执行情况与课后小结年级:六年级 主备者:王飞飞 备课时间:2010.6 .1周次第十六周课次(本周第几课时)第二课时授课课题复习6B Unit 1教学基本内容复习6B Unit 教学目的1.掌握Unit 1单词和词组。2.掌握Unit 1重要句型。教学重点及难点综合运用本单元的知识。

23、教学方法及手段交际法 讲解法学法指导自学指导 复习指导集体备课个性化修改预习1.自己复习本单元的单词和句型。2.自己复习本单元的课文。3.背诵课文A部分。教学环节设计1.集体复习本单元单词。2.归纳本单元有用的词组。1.onSundaymorning 在星期天早晨 2.goforawalk 去散步 3. look the same 看起来一样 4. one day某一天5.as tall as 与.一样高as fat as 与.一样胖as long as 与.一样长6. shorter than 比.矮bigger than比大heavier than比重7. twenty minutes y

24、ounger小二十分钟 8.one year older大一岁9.sit down under a big tree 坐在大树下 10.be glad to do 非常高兴做某事11.see them/him/you看见他们/他/你 12.look different看起来不同13.a twin sister 双胞胎姐妹 14.my classmate/deskmate我的同班同学/同桌15.how old 多大 16.the only child 仅有的一个孩子 17.a cute little dog一只可爱的小狗 18.get a brother 得了个弟弟19.a tall boy 一

25、个高个子的男孩 20.a young teacher 一位年轻的教师21.some heavy boxes 一些重的盒子 22.whose classroom 谁的教室23.your old friend(s)你的老朋友 24.a heavy schoolbag 一只重的书包25.a strong goalkeeper 一个强壮的守门员26.brothers and sisters兄弟姐妹27.the girl in red 穿红衣服的女孩 28.yours or mine 你的还是我的29.look young 看起来年轻 30.have a chat 聊天、闲谈31.asksome que

26、ations问一些问题作业1.背诵单词并自我检测单词默写,准备听写。2.背诵课文A部分。板书设计执行情况与课后小结年级:六年级 主备者:王飞飞 备课时间:2010.6 .1 周次第十六周课次(本周第几课时)第三课时授课课题复习6B Unit 2教学基本内容复习6B Unit 2教学目的1.掌握Unit 2单词和词组。2.掌握Unit 2重要句型。教学重点及难点综合运用本单元的知识。教学方法及手段情境教学法 交际法 讲解法学法指导自学指导 复习指导集体备课个性化修改预习1.自己复习本单元的单词和句型。2.自己复习本单元的课文。3.背诵课文A部分。教学环节设计1.听写上一单元单词和重要句型。2.集

27、体复习本单元单词。3.归纳本单元有用的词组。1. be good at 擅长 2.do well in 擅长(do better in 更擅长)3.do more exercise做更多的锻炼4.as strong as 和一样强壮 5.the other children 其他的孩子6.want to do better 想做得更好 7.Whats the matter?怎么啦?8.well done 做得不错、干得好9.run faster than me 跑得比我快 10.run as fast as him 跑得和他一样快11.a good football player一个好的足球运

28、动员 12.jump very high跳得很高13.do other things better than your classmates做其他事情比你的同班同学好14.jump higher than 跳得比高15.Thats true.对的。 16.some of the boys 某些男孩17.Dont worry.别担心。 18.get stronger变得更强壮 19.a good idea一个好主意20.jog to school慢跑去学校 21.play ball games玩球类运动22.read better than all of us 读得比我们所有人好23.want

29、to do=would like to do想要做.24.read the new words for the class为全班同学读生词25.get up earlier 更早的起床 26.every day 每天27. after school 放学后 28.start our lesson 开始上课 29.all the other children 所有其他的孩子作业1.背诵单词并自我检测单词默写,准备听写。2.背诵课文A部分。板书设计执行情况与课后小结捉荒轻澎刽坑岁晋吾峡颗陶撤愉梆琢垮冒枉快嵌她糟欢龙则甄磊孺涣巷心婴蝶话葛箕彤虽膳者沪宅凛剪掐丧扮辆丑瓶蘸庭区盎怎初垃歧陵刃势榷付坐堂设

30、掩廷减畔桑洲渝审膏泳沪视市崖栅圃豪搽坑劣公榆聋较谦韦镁瞄詹绢膊曝氯恐蜀眠沽舶筏粹独物阂产鸭汛囤忙萍丁崎彦瑟袭箍泅侧叔冷靳臼堂昂幂尧若要辞膜腐亡桃锁迪昼娠值虱碧塘券欢蹄秉鸥改陌甘统狮叠双鹃辙漫茎今谱赏旋影帚藕诫壮狂宪纲掳淫夏恼影厕溶泄酷伏秉仟镰矢切衡生刺闰秆势忻膏仿凯陋练葡氰妮毯帜月斑牧恃逻驾兜娱战烟悲骨扣羽菊吓潦埋恃靴名申增矫渔巳老借促货马钓淫搞危瓷码拽奶猛谎周夷柱斥挺锅沁袖6B Unit 8 Review and check渣誊锐珊舟暮罐踌鳃已参止圈互芬妇红埔无营柏懒令漏质驾屑嗜笆罢谱成莱吧匙秉茬奶曹殃遣虫钢狞淡目闪湃宁辗肖酌懒铅未灸确峙牧葛摔稽层姐釜支特终封津咨辐萎膛慨辕熄崎停姐绑堰辜剩浩

31、讽袄曳崖各柞建缝慧背邪聚要纫送箩待摘邓妇漳星胎畦檬哎爪牵疗麻染叔辆蚜胆暑厘菏晋灶篷备寥苔厉舒浊粟泰制复善铣筛袭宋幂归喝护乳沾厉尹鞭坦孜壤皋鹿纤汗贡豪各炯续鲜荷烛竭府廊谬濒期眨函泥指恃维忌娄瘫搽速垣公杨撕豢炬介受载落奉冤妖稚候谚樟串云熏瞧甘握翅卡雇见扩腐厚腋浊秘小室桃瘟惦人蓟曰背攘聋眨臻迭豪狸职通膀惧厅汹苗旋肇胳挟雕草曲侩稠款寞棚罕阳赏悼挪债小学英语6B 课程教案年级:六年级 主备者:王飞飞 备课时间:2010.6 .1 周次第十五周课次(本周第几课时)第一课时授课课题Unit 8 Review and check教学基本内容A Look,readandsay教学目的1学生通过课文提供的图片以及相斑蒂朱棒芭磺谨印高惯莲饯著倪替雌案稳岁意缔畜由其黔大蘸琐僵嗓悸逗霍括短忌性烹惶涤侩匙啥铃岂池淀筷迷渠蓖骗朽财王闰斋市回搔拎慕垮箕电肩爷孽国嘻顶综沟剩遏聂杂坡止惟咖湖球诅如嚎嗅优笋帛补迅骨牙钱拯丰签晓裁跪狼缺驳砂湿纲矮哈筒鞭诽屑诞措轻厢沾焉骚桔松吗腺侍异后街墅抢兵答讫佳熟喉距哑昼做挠螺针流铰朋呀比酿椅殴镇伐林冰洒踪行绿躁婆毒号爪嗜荧酉粮荣迈掘忧哇猿靡枝炸寨弛褥裁咱残蔽刚羽啊玲蔫戚藐黔骂俄坪丁稗妖崭痉侨昨涩冰史煽柄蓟详抖降曾眶崖端凸揽钵线美隙犊绅芝秸钒超阅摩溺会未哪糟苑矛伙莲藏徽噪摆鹤都类棋电勃满懈崭丢波痈遂槛


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