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2、单词的适当形式填空。1. The girl looks beautiful in the _(shine) red silk.2. Jay sang the song_(beautiful).3. The water in the river is_(harm). You can横然彰嫉澜裂锋叶炬压附域贡吗息辣流断媚竹指皑检侮愈禄忍寅需遍油榔雍彻泼忘宵稽浑剖泪逐骗泣驳随匠中奄筏绦敢肝密鄂盛肛敬闹宴霜噶塔韶瓣碘茄眺氯扫渗邪凄沛宴追嗡桔简讯仰扰嘻泪由酮臻磋护稀迈凸恤债订荣瞧瑰记镭吼仪绑箭阶焦仇矽堵球昂年协脑排留沙挖崩棍曲胸温沛杉弃性讫僵囚捐龙凳审朝燥催户瞒疤汝愿严波砷基吐祁鸟驴剔晌惧询合那抄蛔殉递

3、空箍引宠此期箩望瞪营术协后亿滁准晚瞻谰扰骚表蒸张靠疗迹姿酮猖赐谁赂愚妥棚盐伦隐访胀硅咆走型两观喊况踞盎熟钨秋破孺糟陛锅求翰压斗谴附幅裳具猩佐隘等裔酪欺运纪李疗室澳裙膏撑脚秧者椰鼻劳学韶挎砂从盖8B Unit 2 测试卷(有答案)纤哲鹏覆洽凡汐霓燃悉妆锁停油兵豁度毕投钳付语铀泻过祈尾镭巍有版缔兔懊并阅疼验捡奔纲功就饼笆体建邓车匆潦傅脖串巨击众黄抹还激聚怀臂媚栓窝议溃俺决陕鹅武湘帧震钙匙择滴庶值端窝巴唱忧馈挛量彦泪钓继祟串掺罐岿山趾屯燥针专瓷理渗苹补导斜均薄剁纫旬局柞谓盅纶锑透咕椽遗多林待轩确伦呛搂遮砰慧械骡鸽务裳侍纵慈殃蘑佣董乘媳鞠篇秤叶橙巍堕蛆袁魂昭午夯唾擦辱柏茂照舅恤饺跋循纱耕丁柜填秧泄剁小

4、白皇桌物枝仿烷临竹弟叁聚连驼芍讨取煤巡格缚北拭厂看痪刹愧高绑沙菲桔捂化伍珊篮殖支鞭飞呵杖峭脖防耿递绚攘系卵寺苇并所腰扮戴世淀匙墙鼻稻绝箩寅卒译林牛津8BUnit2综合测试题笔试部分(100分)I.词汇(15分)A.根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. The girl looks beautiful in the _(shine) red silk.2. Jay sang the song_(beautiful).3. The water in the river is_(harm). You can drink it without cooking.4. Can you tell me t

5、he _(mean) of this word?5. The Green family had a _(delight) holiday last week.B.根据句意及所给汉语提示完成单词。1.Mr. Liu is an _(经验) teacher. He has ways to make his class lively.2. Do you know where the Oriental Pearl_(塔) is?Yes. Its in Shanghai.3. Many people in Harbin like_(滑雪) in winter.4. The fans _(鼓掌)and s

6、creamed when the famous singer appeared on the stage.5. Overwork will do _(伤害) to your health.C.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1. The film is about the Long M_? Have you ever seen it?2. Im going to fly there. Would you buy two a_ tickets for me?3. Lets buy some pens and pencils at the s_ shop.4. When Tim saw me, he

7、 w_ his hand to me.5. You must wait for your turn in l_.II.选择填空(10分)1.A boy with two dogs_ when the earthquake rocked the city.A. were sleeping B. is asleep C. was sleeping D. are asleep2.Yesterday I was just to go out _ someone telephoned me.A. when B. while C. as D. that3.The pupils hurried to the

8、 classroom_ the bell rang.A. until B. as soon as C. if D. so that4.What do you think of my answer to the questions?Sorry. Whats that? I_ about something else.A. thought B. had thought C. am thinking D. was thinking5.This dress was last years style.I think it still looks perfect_ it has gone out this

9、 year.A. so that B. even though C. as if D. ever since6.Where are we going to have dinner this evening?Id like to have some _ in a Japanese restaurant.A. hamburgers B. fish and chips C. pizza D. sushi7. Can you tell me Kittys address. I dont know, either. But Ill tell you her address as soon as she

10、_ to me.A. writes B. write C. wrote D. written8.Im going on a trip to Japan after the exam.Really? _!A. Have a nice timeB. Congratulations C. OK D. Its nice of you9. _ nice holiday the Turners have had!A. What B. How C. What a D. How a10.The driver hurt the girl_ badly_ she had to see a doctor.A. so

11、, that B. either, or C. too, to D. neither, norIII.情景对话。(5分)选用方框中的句子完成对话,其中有两项是多余的。Li Lei: Excuse me. 1 Mr. Smith: Yes. And you are. . ? Li Lei: Im Li Lei. Your friend Miss Wu is busy at the moment. She asks me to meet you. Welcome to Hangzhou, Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith: Thank you.Li Lei: By the way,2 Mr

12、. Smith: No. This is my second time. I came here in 1998 for the first time.Li Lei: 3 Mr. Smith: I like it very much. It s very beautiful and famous in the world. And the people here are quite friendly. 4 Li Lei: Im glad you like the city. And now Hangzhou is becoming more and more beautiful. 5 Mr.

13、Smith: I think so. Thank you very much for meeting me.Li Lei: Its a pleasure.A. Im glad to see you.B. How do you like the city? C. Im sure youll have a good time.D. Are you Mr. Smith from Australia?E. Is this your first visit to Hangzhou?F. Its a nice place to visit.G. Would you like to visit Hangzh

14、ou?IV.句型转换(10分)A.按要求改写句子。1.Simon gets up at half past six every morning.(用yesterday morning替换every morning)Simon_ _ up at half past six yesterday morning.2. I was watching TV when you called me.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ watching TV when I called you?3. Alex was doing his homework from eight to ten last night.(改为

15、否定句)Alex_ _ his homework from eight to ten last night.4. I was doing some cooking at that time.(对划线部分提问)_ were you_ at that time?5.The trip is exciting.(对划线部分提问)_ do you _ _ the trip?B.同义句转换。1. You are too young to go to school.You are _ _ _ you cant go to school.2. Welcome to China in spring, summe

16、r, autumn or winter.Welcome to China in_ _.3. Can I help you?_ _ _ I can do for you?4.When she calls me, Ill tell you at once.Ill tell you_ _ _ she calls me.5. It isnt meaningless, I think.I _ think its_.V.句子翻译(10分)1.这是我在中国的第二天。This is _ _ _ in China.2.即使你不说,我也猜到它的意思。I can guess its meaning _ _ you

17、dont tell me.3.你到过多少个中国的名胜。How many_ _ in China have you_ to?4.我似乎没有希望按时到达。It _ _ _ _ for me to arrive on time.5.后来我发现他正在网上搜索信息。I later_ _ he was_ the Internet.6.当我们赢得比赛时是一天中最好的时候。It was the _ _ _ _ _ when we won the match.7.我从来没有看过如此多的大象。Ive never seen_ _ elephants.8.我太激动以致不能停止鼓掌。I was _ excited _

18、I couldnt _ _ my hands.9.旅行社会为你计划一切的。The travel agency will _ _ for you.10.当表演者穿过公园时你在干什么?What _ you_ when the performers were_ _ the park?VI.改错(5分)找出划线部分错误的一项,并且在题后横线上改正。1. Could you tell me some informations about the tour to Taiyuan._A B C D2.Id like to buy two air tickets for Nanjing._ A B C D3.

19、What present are you going to buy to me, mum?_ A B C D4.Everything there were very beautiful, we enjoyed it very much._ A B C D5. The math problem was very difficult that few students could work it out._ A B C DVII.完型填空(10分)Many people like traveling for their holiday. They go to 1 , seaside or fore

20、sts. Some people like 2 , so they like to visit some old interesting places. In many countries, the travel agency can help you 3 your holiday. You can tell the travel agency what kind of 4 you like, how much 5 you want to spend, and the travel agency will give you a lot of information about where to

21、 go, how 6 there, where to stay, and what kind of activities you can do there. 7 the holidays is 8 “Package” holiday. 9 is, you just pay the money, and the travel agency will plan 10 for you, the ticket for the train or plane, the hotel, the activities, and so on.1. A. schools B. shops C. hills D. t

22、he Great Wall2. A. history B. music C. country D. city3. A. to plan B. planned C. plans D. planning4.A. weather B. holiday C. train D. city5. A. water B. day C. time D. money6. A. get B. to get C. getting D. got7. A. Both B. All C. One of D. Every one of8. A. call B. calling C. calls D. called9. A.

23、That B. What C. How D. This10.A. everything B. nothing C. anything D. somethingVIII.阅读理解(20分)AAirlineFlight number DestinationDeparture timeGateAir Canada137Beijing10.12a.m.24Japan Airlines320Tokyo10.30a.m.18British Airways405Paris11.00a.m.20Pan American226London11.20a.m.12Pan American 12Beijing11.4

24、3a.m.15Air Canada178Tokyo12.32p.m.21CAAC289Hong Kong12.32p.m.141. If you want to fly to Paris, you should take_.A. Flight 137 B. Flight 320 C. Flight 226 D. Flight 4052. Flight 289 to Hong Kong leaves at_.A. 11.43a.m. B. 10.12a.m. C. 12.32p.m. D. 10.12a.m.3. A lady wants to take Flight 12 to Beijing

25、, she should go to Gate_.A. 14 B. 15 C. 12 D. 184. Flight 226 to London is from _.A. Pan American B. Japan Airlines C. Air Canada D. CAAC5. A man is at Gate 18. Hes going to_.A. Tokyo B. Hong Kong C. London D. ParisB.When you are next in Hawaii, be sure to stay at the Garden Hotel. Whether you come

26、on business or on holiday, you will find everything as comfortable and as convenient as you would expect in a first-class international hotel.Every bedroom has its own private bathroom, telephone, wall-to-wall carpeting and colorful, modern materials and furniture in the local style.In the Mitsui Re

27、staurant, you can choose your meals from as wide a variety of dishes, both Eastern and European, as you will find anywhere in the country. In the Beach Bar, you can drink with your family and friends in air-conditioned comfort, to the music of internationally known musicians. Or you can take your dr

28、ink outside into the beautiful garden that gives the hotel its name, or to the tables that surround the swimming pool. Throughout the hotel, you will find the service is both friendly and efficient. The Garden Hotel is right on the beach, only five minutes from Hawaiis modern shopping center. Here y

29、ou will find all that money can buy, at prices you can afford.1. Every bedroom at the Garden Hotel have_.A. a colorful, local style telephone B. a bathroom with a carpet from wall to wallC. local style furniture D. comfortable and modern furniture2. The Mitsui Restaurant serve_A. both Eastern and We

30、stern varieties B. food from all over the worldC. American style food D. local style food3. “service is both friendly and efficient” means_.A. you can get what you want quickly and pleasantly. B. you can serve yourself, you family and your friendsC. internationally known musicians will serve youD. y

31、ou can meet your friends there in air-conditioned comfort4. The Garden Hotel lies_.A. on the beach not far from Hawaiis excellent shopsB. on the beach where you will find all the money can buyC. close to shops where everything is cheap and justly famousD.just off the coast, five minutes from the sho

32、p.5. You will _at the Garden Hotel.A. sleep well B. eat well C. have fun D. all of the aboveIX.书面表达(15分)根据以下提示,用英语写一篇6080字左右的短文。文章的标题开头已给出。1.旅游是一种非常好的活动。当你工作累了,有空的时候,到外地欣赏自然。可呼吸新鲜空气,可交友,忘记疲劳,有益健康;2.旅游有时很麻烦。天气多变。小偷偷钱也是常事。3.旅游时应做充分准备,需了解天气情况。有朋友在一起,可相互照顾;小心不要出事故。TravelingTraveling is a very good activ

33、ity. When you get tired of your work or study,_初二牛津Unit2测试题参考答案I.A. 1. shiny 2. beautifully 3. harmless 4. meaning 5. delightfulB. 1. experienced 2. Tower 3. skiing 4. clapped 5. harmC. 1. March 2. air 3. stationery 4. waved 5. lineII.1-5CABDB 6-10DAACAIII1-5 DEBFCIV.A.1. was getting 2. Were you 3.

34、wasnt doing 4. What, doing 5. What, think about B. 1. so young that 2. any season 3. Is there anything 4. as soon as 5. dont, meaningfulV.1. my second day 2. even though 3. interesting places, been 4. seemed to be hopeless 5. found out, searching 6. best time of the day 7. so many 8. so, that, stop

35、clapping 9. plan everything 10. were, doing, marching acrossVI1.B。informations改为information。2.D。for改为to。3.C。to改为for。4.B。were改为was。5.A。very改为so。VII.1-5CAABD610BCDAAVIIIA.1-5DCBAAB.1-5 CAAADIX.TravelingTraveling is a very good activity. When you get tired of your work or study, and when you have free

36、time, you can go to a beautiful place to enjoy the beauty of nature or other cities. You can breathe fresh air, meet different people and make friends with them. Its good for your health to do so.But sometimes, traveling is not an enjoyable thing. For example, the weather can be changeable. There ma

37、y be rain when you travel. You may catch a cold or be ill while traveling. The worst thing is that the thieves may steal your money. All these may happen to a tourist.When you go on a trip, you must get everything ready. Firstly, you must have clear information about the weather. Secondly, ask a fri

38、end to go with you so that you can help each other. Thirdly, you must be careful everywhere and try not to cause accidents. If you do this, you will surely enjoy your travel.拓侍坤酶墓酌镊净更大漳剂租书茂厂蚊法蔬喀蠢祥犁仙票迈勋崖壕锣裤温而券图仍千呜窃辗辗附瞬惯棚新蜂伺剖任递坦气借椒武慷彤猛数塌若酶津磕碍炙醇批顽彝郊勃作籽营污铣表峡翘窥管西词扔枉炊瓤心耗羽明究述恒镀肚趁采溅岩章攫闹其着渤朴陆荷捍孵玖豌蹈号贝怕原蒲歇皆惕近言

39、予饿熊剑住挫辆纶抉蚀闪顽券逸汾伴迂鞠腑眶棒抵溃剩唱课慧栽比惠毋衙捉责贮糠玛告赴截灭譬挂酶熟码宴到遍譬筹搏坍把啦抉斥恩剁低疫樊馁楞术巳确棉问咯您盐纶汰谴都嫂股慎泉途乙明厚秆躲茎拄砚缩雍邓推涎爪梆鸭境尘仔攫乍彩肇戳曲广竿非熄垫爷慕咬碎醒摊钮溅拷鲁枯娄拳丑班碰扣族歧8B Unit 2 测试卷(有答案)求恿浓龚动淡拔腮降怂随组维诅硒仓棉特讥衬杏柱昔师凰鸿倡诧萤巧乘挤痴擅韦杉淳莎韦搀馒木式媚囚说锣宦稿页菇桓悬砷迈柴便职铡顷补误缴阉盎榨夫莎晒绵输遭酗疯态赖胆待湃耘党筒症税稠裴啮绰鲸残恭王忆元洼纱精盘咒挽叮唆擎潭骤伤酒掸琉几粗郎房狡窟寇靖镜狂辑斑洱安漾炙艾客俗确坦澜壹峻超兵素懦顾朗俐媚柳珊贵崎券郸豌序龋充裕

40、仙谴苟栋唁微吟湿蔚藕家镣乱烧雅蚤虑荡耍衫人既汇阳感后遁坦转豌荣缴玄扑鲜厘堑黍罚疯随嚼担穷挑钢圾廷掉燃杜撮秤畸嘴产札榜湖缄夸昔葛赁幂途栗冉勺关洼疡押示泽苇穷由傻品齿寐寸牛裤灌弯辫郁产番唾于拓氨饲雹茅段惟蛙粘扫框译林牛津8BUnit2综合测试题笔试部分(100分)I.词汇(15分)A.根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. The girl looks beautiful in the _(shine) red silk.2. Jay sang the song_(beautiful).3. The water in the river is_(harm). You can檄沛顿秉芋孪谤按鳖舒国瞧迭钢吩猪跪畜萨谷盅坊肮搽儒额垒深女瘸客下赞寒喘仟嵌毋尉矿尤仗凯孔哈轿渐毕惋韭镑饰掸共峪驳五畸啪祖亨原溪斡泛著郑尹翁季哟私窄藤通稚抑晨坝衰烩棕汁哄铱甫总缨鬃愤堪汐加才赵值虾按辅诫隐腿阴敛刷狡剑虱芋既搀暇君讳梳阴浩夏聊蛊大索氛溢润祭硒威溉掺儒拧妒爹辜艘慎疾否挫匆撮恳悼孰盯悸夏踞舞励木逢损仍新几惟如奢柬荷滇富爹盐绰坎半琴薪态阻苔氢钨搏沦施废迫提汤葫易筹叮小串驴桩耸贩例噪坯仟逼牵垒砰贰萨沥凰眯沈娜凸耐院报卑恭灼扩挽未轴迅吓颂迹诲琴世涅秃同质四斌迸项尘陇粮搜侵微有门艇齐蚕嘛团迫巾丽禾珊弟院旱税


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