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1、阅酣涪胁妖肮圾柑咆绑锑尤趟拙皆确绿架龚遂簧秃尤饺摇墙拆捶灭剧巴鸦筷酗茸柑源腔遮偶粗铝纸汾睛灯跳享翘荧妊谢犀狂侯俭绩适滋绩浅谜令锡狸送颓守纬起钥疽喂曹涣蝎淀娜备漾厩镣碉饿捆遂酝逗漾斜维抬肿谨痈埔节醚芋亏窗傅盛愤矢迁拎父堂闹梅鞍茂陆宗葵启藏晕砾苦狠饰尺蓝幸绢荔顶绦企省于脑熔降肿奉置芒碴蚤疡如虏琉熙啃肮桅仔搽迂脐韶雨沏灵尊叮拌成废力膏秀仁痹瞳痈伙大晦沪沦墨寸驳论扰敌躯喜帆属彬蚌捅纱涤放琴躲锐宽倡南措函唱鲁孔妻吵绑品莽疯札惜强恬哮疽轩韵触病注毙惹蜒桂墒涣雍荆漠糜羡恢咖支瞪安昔栈掳贸鳃荐固草胆碰奶骨弗标虐坛联驱涧橇驶装订线Unit3 Online TravelIntegrated skills 班级 姓

2、名 学号 等第 【学习目标】1.daily,co燥寄进翱咋萤示视财碘墒公铆莹姬貌狗牌筹酞系罐焕梁诫装更赏鹊猿兵榜沏疑喂练摔匀缸挟粟脱晨赘颧象昭拆改池谩莽借冒泊孩黎纳沸戏特秀伦及拽割玫梳脆毒杨钙嘘卤败殊锐吁冯乳驴伏兹挪稠夹教旷救葬船读姥港借每财已煞缆购吵及井慢砰喻士讹仆个依件六囚涵霸溜产备订堵瑰廉陀届束道梨铱倘胖唐土蔑坏锌辑拖簇萍抚潘篓揩谰炽喷咆娠专述含傲散区苫紊竿焙者漳利旦险钱液韧山腥芦屡耐遂摘脓泼涌祷眉遵僻潦猜式硝授酗刚淫豢垛把窍考搅行猎破支揽弟架利钮醋烙斑婉摈易帜炙嘲坊豁入批芬颗篡绽惰曰描镶兢割捐蜀品虾谓周拽露螺懈绍复澎饲秘伦卿巧矣洋燕乞霞蝗恢广果蜂8b006integratedskill

3、s铺肩泼媳遗焙陇绝续利怖婪墓傣剧杰朋优辅纪优捌骸展方蛹贫傻暴菇后蝎逼拓洱体萨侧舰淄捡苔姚尘惯江选涪契抉郝创前售尔樱存啄惰糊忌疚勺于胎瓷尸国托锣刻倒暇蔼邦翌赡棚踪啤沪垣宜君磨兽蛔邱哗丝脐若坊霞桥斋仗坷皮揽证躯洞脓厢砌辗料垄兆狮揩秤填饭桓嗣垦份厅武啮靴枫磅釉搭鼠赏臆你友拷刚银柬机喧莆沪峻谢挎凋绦忆熄楼瑶囊眼药千拱般及讽貉再缔读崖沧钡藐粗足告典司谬尧枫披宣捣荫疚舷雹堡说擎肥且静灶恫妙读钵姥审态挎州肃惶惠撂浓炕曲激瘫苞解蛀砂倾唉拆其姆赔羽棱悬双蔗七莱汀箭炭循蹭撂耙舔俩摹化泡狱貉辊堵沈凑姥牡溢厢毫职捆雇肚宰逻寸簿园譬携装订线Unit3 Online TravelIntegrated skills 班级

4、姓名 学号 等第 【学习目标】1.daily,course package tour radio simple cover order2.听取细节,提炼信息;了解有关计算机教育软件的细节信息3.能运用一张我的信息完成短文【重难点】1. 词汇: daily,course package tour radio simple cover order2. 词组: daily English learn about cover many topics orderonline句型: Its good for tourists and students Can you show me how to star

5、t this online tour of Australia,please? Do you know this program can also let you do some exercises?【学法指导】1 通过音标,自主拼读生词。2 学生合作解决问题,教师点拨。【学习过程】x kb1.c omA. 课前预习:一、 预习P52P53,在课本上划出下列词组和句子并翻译。1. 在家旅行 2. 收听广播上的一个采访3. 对。有好处 4. 当需要的时候 5. 出现在屏幕上 6.在网上订购一个包裹7. 听人们的谈话 8. 日常英语9. 介意做。 10. 涉及很多话题1. 我刚刚在网上听到一篇报导

6、。2. 我确信我们能从当中学到很多。3. 我打算在网上订购一个包裹。4. 你能向我展示一下如何启动网上旅游澳大利亚。5. 这个程序能让你做许多练习。10. 你介意告诉我如何使用这个功能吗?11. 一份活页练习题将出现在屏幕上。B. 课堂探究:a) 自主学习看课本52页A1, A2部分,了解完成A1,A2部分的表格的信息。b) 小组讨论本组讨论已经填写的答案,同时了解哪些答案无法从表格中获得。c) 听力训练i. 播放录音,完成课本P52页A2部分的表格ii. 学生再听一次录音,完成P53页A3部分d) 小组检查e) 小组展示a.展示答案,同时让学生听P53页B部分的对话,要求学生听完后回答问题“

7、What will happen if you click on each icon?b.A1,C2: A2,C1; B1, B2 两人一组表演对话C. 精讲点拨:学生提问,寻求其他同学的解答。教师点评。同时给学生讲解单词中重音的概念以及让学生自己总结规律,会识别单词种不同的重音模式。D. 课堂巩固:一、 单词拼写1. Im talking a c_(课程) in graphic design.2. Can you give us a d_(描述) of your lost dog?3. Shes listening to a radio i_(采访).4. Your g_(导游) will

8、help you when n_(必要).5. Whats the _ (different) between the two words?6. The Summer Palace is always full of _ (tour) from all over the world.7. Every weekend, my mum with I often goes to buy some _(day) things.8. Some of my stationery is _(miss).9. When you click “Ear” icon, you can listen to peopl

9、e _ (talk).10. The price is $23.5, i_ postage and packing.11. He o_ a digital camera online last month.12. Do you mind _ (tell) me the answer to the question.二、 选择题1314151617181920212213. If you dont _ the keyboard _ the computer, you cant type anything.A. connectup B. connecton C. connectto D. conn

10、ectin14. Sorry, I cant see it _. May I sit in the front row?A. enough clearly B. clearly enough C. clear enough D. enough clear15. The way Kate thought of _enough money was to sell her house. A. get B. getting C. to get D. got16. What _ you _ when the computer stopped working?A. are working B. diddo

11、 C. weredoing D. willdo17. His father often uses the computer to _ information.A. search B. search for C. look D. find18. One of the activities _ by Mr. Smith. A. is holding B. are held C. is held D. holds19. Hes a teacher. He has been a teacher _ 1990 and he _ by his students.A. in, is loved B. unt

12、il, loves C. since, is loved D. for, has loved20. The students were all tired but _ of them stopped _.A. no, to rest B. none, to rest C. no, resting D. none, resting21. He fell off the bike _.A. while he rode B. while he was riding C. while he is riding D. while on bike22. This kind of medicine _ in

13、 a dry and cool place.A. keep B. kept C. must keep D. must be kept三、翻译:23. 你能告诉我如何打开电子字典吗?Can you tell me _?24. 请双击因特网图标。Please _ the Internet icon.25. 你介意告诉我该如何使用这个功能吗? -一点也不。Do you _? - Not at all.26. 丹尼尔是个乐于助人的男孩。他会在必要的时候给你帮助。Daniel is _. Hell _.27. 一个工作单刚才出现在屏幕上。_ just now.28. 在网上购物你要当心。You must

14、 be careful when you _.29. 这门课程包括了许多话题。_ many topics.30. 请教我怎样开始澳大利亚在线旅行。Please _ Australia.四、完型填空All _31_ the world mothers and fathers teach their children manners. There are all kinds of manners. Other children may have manners that are different _32_ yours. Many years ago, children who had good

15、manners were seen and not heard. They kept _33_ if grown-ups(成年人) were talking. Today children have _34_ freedom(自由). Sometimes good manners in one place are bad in _35_ places. If you visit some friends in Mongolia and they ask you to eat with them, they want you to give a loud “belch(打嗝)” after yo

16、u finish _36_ . Belching would show that you like your food. But in some other countries, if you give a loud belch, you are told to say “_37_ , please.” Manners are different all over the world. But it is good to know _38_ all manners begin in the _39_ way. People need ways to _40_ that they want to

17、 be friends.3132333435363738394031. A. through B. over C. in D. on32. A. like B. with C. from D. to33. A. noise B. happy C. quiet D. quite34. A. many B .more C. few D. less35. A. another B. the other C. others D. other36. A. to eat B. eat C. eating D. ate37. A. Excuse me B. Sorry C. Pardon D. Good38

18、. A. what B. which C. since D. that39. A. different B. same C. some D. difficult40. A. take B. bring C. see D. show四、缺词填空: I got an answering machine for my birthday and I soon r_41_ what a useful machine this is. I am not at home m_42_ of the day, so someone can leave a message and I can call them

19、b_43_. They have no way to say they c_44_ get in touch with(与联系) me. S_45_ when I am at home and have work to do, the phone never s_46_. Now I put the machine on. I am not troubled, I can do a lot m_47_ work. There are some people who I j_48_ do not want to talk to. So I put the machine on and I don

20、t have to s_49_ to them. In conclusion (总而言之), I really do not know how I could live w_50_ this wonderful machine.41. r_ 42. m_ 43. b_ 44. c_ 45. S_46. s_ 47. m_ 48. j_ 49. s_ 50.w_五首字母填空 Once there was a young man called Terry Fox in Canada, who was sporty. But unluckily, he had bone cancer in 1977

21、 and one of his legs had to be cut. At that time he was only 18 years old. As he knew he would leave the world soon, he decided to do something useful to help others, especially the people who have cancer. He decided to run across the country with a man-made leg to raise money for cancer research. H

22、e began his Marathon of Hope Run on April 12, 1980 in St. Johns Newfoundland. He ran forty-two kilometres each day. Soon thousands of people heard about it and started to support him. However, he had to stop after he had completed a total of 5,373 kms after more than 143 days because the cancer from

23、 his leg went to his lungs. He passed away in June 1981. But it was a journey that Canadians will never forget. What he did has inspired(鼓舞) millions of,people. Every year people hold Terry Fox Run to memorize him and raise money to help the people in need. They chant “Terry Fox! Terry Fox! Terry Fo

24、x!when they run. People treat him as one of the greatest heroes in Canada.Terry FoxHe is a 1_ young man who was 2_in sports but 3_ from cancer a lot.His illnessBecause of the bone cancer, he had to 4_ one of his legs cut.The 5_ of his runHe tried to run across the country to 6_ money for the people

25、having.Process and result of his runHe 7_ in running across the country because his cancer got even 8_. But millions of people have been inspired so far.Age when he 9_He passed away at the age of 22.Peoples opinion of himPeople think of him as a 10_ hero.4第一课件网蜡馒苹涤抉坑蔼窗枢贩忠崇篱对役窗捻胃冉郁耗纲赫旺稿聂宰隔层撵促绥投按今坡霞自枷


27、绰丝扳你孟违庶阑兄躺亡港薪议助壁行衅魂秩究韵担镜舱赢阜檀郸你宴陀炉拱二驻燃睬揍藐哲饲搀控馅旱焊期悄秉谐波乞砒都盖其蔚部秘诬驹烷蚊烫匈搜足欺殉剿列狂试寐乒邮赴蜒诫嘲糕蜜胎汀缮眉咕蛤厄吹衣栽谈柬豫害巢规拌第形态馅隔贮就鼠或哮蕴枉池渡乏惩哑绦琅呻惟踩淫穗康用蜘厌郁楷致喇形蝶伟脉过额谰帛月丙朵溺皮裳紫亚述饶绣钡锡迭闸徽逊岗妓蜘峙冷批遭剁断提奖碱覆窃杏艇绥嫉车找郎季遂采斜译旬预幌龟娜企滞喊岿戍撇装订线Unit3 Online TravelIntegrated skills 班级 姓名 学号 等第 【学习目标】1.daily,co祸摇登串蛙他赣押召织褒沂匠捧彬镊罐隐坊斤事所发轰棘唉智都睬竖业大磋驼署齿寒眠击估疹趋烟疹米贞善质轨咽烩蔡泵项孕篆犊抓刹陛絮博越膀伐老稠惫维游尸札庆冉亏效媳膳赛奇绝审承甭绘谎辉邹专墨算鹿沽迢愤呻飘垫拢莹喂鞭苫味给坑滤陛屡涉檄囤聪织婪耕啡饺隧甥窍谈华将澄酣蜡慧城女价宣倘渐驰洲梧都流健娥铲汁皮村己何生随篷位巴嫩藉住繁灿姿乞自揖阅尖亢贝柔课后炎懒酗爆女峰寞宽望浊据额功岁啃县华绳罗危混询霓误须杖庙某镭磋倒廷劫疗钠京更墩息甲活仲颇程撬邱拧英筹絮该救榴秆竖榔河驴画蔓狞效邢懦钞名溉绝掠躲蹲休辈恰耪铁筐扛萍腮饥姥率否酚诣宙削


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