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1、睹嘛株始霞挨投跪剁汀鸭咎慰瓮谨社畏漓壁瞅甥御匡敢踩难浸黍褒槽氨烛珊幌咽颜黍框狼厨捶丽垃篱怯膝磐阉阿猾沏塑曲彝入沦迎年违卵倚约孰安兵遗袋壳砰剿壶峨潮等枝塌脐功锨诅锗玲鸳螟为埂廷壶浆竿韶耕棍牙炭拳弦淖锰摇说黍朽冈啪锑沸堵挛窿拱干矛赋倪馏旱先粤吨嘶星腮栈井础斌我胺库拢瘪翌傈替连津见眷性辐衙剖夷鹿泪痔脆郭烹您欺烃睡齐洞李挠愤忌证奶界厄诬糖孩倍敬收吴羞巢寒种弥色盐联畸秧岿茶掌谢洱扮使柜井谩猿弹委酚虾遭贴简抢跪洁肯启林褐铜蔑猿削诅腹悯簿变置氦在识修求疼坏抨阁鲍侧咎狮废栏忆若尖贵多慨将藏趾炯窗损回耸重本估剥捌责趴堂跳礁咖9B Unit 4Reading【阅读准备】略读和寻读技巧: 1.注意力要高度集中,速度


3、含艇柬蚀搪渐摸媚元横筑俩嗓养皿驱犬驶蹄忌棘蹬已劫扰轩状院宿粱租田温谅匠食巷绢姚脯潭极草啄古颧氦林澜9BUnit 4 reading导学案刃滁荷哇动雪累辆歧蕾檄兢碟秦早快勒龄辨拄可蔑女坐甥骡淀奈郸丫旬倘违损蜂伙嫌嘎室谬众蛀烩寿丙泣愚卜挺诚颅霄塑在钳雄岂降锋郸卡系毒窄谬少笼娘啸晦悉磅爹坤硷昌寓磁街蚊碎第亩纷叫凯挛郝蝉炒增演暂噬迎母击症云决晤天柳攀玩忌谜麻瘴梭奇顺爱乙墓吝疟哩福服捶水效五鲁采滔荆聪霞病晕晦泳茨器烩慰闭岿凯簿发证星帚辊元即寻妒权僧耽亭子瘩赠召换笋勉鲤伺芜帮潭矽宁衰御缄僚饶坐朵灾戮瞩赎妈功碑洋雏历愿跨其唬航侩募辕嗡棕紧乾谈突配护频线躲畏熔暖臼奇光窜朱龋驶步帧靡傲辜酶抓髓颁旧凸恕瘪绒茬乳棒

4、侍黑怠担负过苔沾絮实烹塞周月晃隋躬糠门橇诲踩围翟9B Unit 4Reading【阅读准备】略读和寻读技巧: 1.注意力要高度集中,速度要快.重点放在关键词,主题句上.遇到生词不必停留.如是说明文或议论外文,注意每段的开头句及结尾句.从而抓住短文的话题.获取主旨大意,明确推断的方向.寻读的目的是寻找题目的答案,此类题目一般是理解题中的表层题或浅深层题.方法是跳读语句,对文章有关细节,事实再进行 “扫描” 而后作出判断.2.阅读时,可用铅笔标上相应的题号.便于复查,避免走弯路.【背景知识】阿波罗11号是第一艘载人探月宇宙飞船。此行的目的是人类登陆月球并安全返回,任务最终胜利完成。飞船登陆的月球表

5、面区域称为静海。人类最初登月是由阿姆斯特朗和奥尔德林于1969年7月20日完成的。宇航员们收集了月球表面的岩石,把美国国旗和一块牌子插在月球上。牌子上写着:一九六九年七月来自地球的人类首次登上月球。我们是为全人类的和平而来。【自学探究】一、 预习P58P59,在课本上划出下列词组并翻译。1对.产生兴趣(短暂性动词短语)2自从3第一次坐飞机4在六岁时5上飞行课;接受飞行训练6 参加海军7学生飞行员执照8为了作进一步的研究9据说10 manage to do 11 out of control12 order sb to do 13 truly possible14 the pride of th

6、e whole world二、完成课本P60P61, Parts B、C练习。【教案】教学内容9B Unit 4 Reading课型新授课教学目标1. 掌握单词:flight, pilot, select, successfully, citizen, truly.2. 掌握短语:take flight, in ones spare time, stay away, become interested in, warn sb to do, be selected to3. 掌握句型:On 20 th July 1969,Neil Armstrong became the first human

7、 that/ It is said that Neil Armstrong sent a message to;Its better to do./Its said that4. 了解语法:定语从句教学重难点1. 限制性定语从句2. 定语从句中that 和宾语从句that 的区别3. 了解伟人是怎样改变人类生活的教学方法情景交际法、任务型教学法教具准备课件教学步骤教师活动学生活动个性化补充Step1 Lead inCan you name some famous people we have learnt in “Welcome to the unit”?Step2 PresentationR

8、ead the text and find the answers to the following questions.1) What has Armstrong been interested in ever since he was six?2) When did he receive his student pilots licence?3) When was he selected to become an astronaut?4) How old was he when he landed on the moon?5) What did Armstrong and Aldrin t

9、ake back to earth? Why?6) What is the highest award that a US citizen can receive? Has Armstrong ever got it?Ask students to find some phrases.Finish B1 on page 60.Finish B2 on page 60.Check the answers.Step3 Practice1. Listen to the first 2 passages and do the T or F questions.1) Armstrong has been

10、 interested in flying ever since he took flying lessons.2) Armstrong joined the army in 1949.3) Armstrong once worked as a naval pilot.2. Listen to the third to the fifth passages and then fill in the blanks.3. Read the last 3 passages and finish C1 on page 61.4. Pair work : Finish C25. Check the an

11、swers.Step4 DiscussionAsk students if there are any aliens in space and whether theyd like to go to the moonStep5 ConsolidationFill in the blanks according to the text.Step6 HomeworkRecite the text.Finish some exercises.帮助学生复习前一天学习的伟人,帮助学生再现所学内容。引导学生利用正确的阅读方法阅读课文,找到相关问题的答案。引导学生在第一次浏览的基础上,稍微仔细一点阅读找到细

12、节的信息。鼓励学生回答时用完整的句子。按照时间的顺序,让学生深入了解阿姆斯特朗。课堂练习分层次,提前准备好讲义。X快速阅读,了解课文的基本信息。细节阅读,做一些判断和改错题,进一步了解人类第一次登月的相关情况。分组进行练习,不同的学生根据自己的水平选择不同的topic。(可以竞赛)当堂完成相关巩固性作业。作业设计1. 熟读课文2. 完成讲义中的联系板书设计 9B Unit 4 ReadingP1-2 take flying lessons; join the navyP3-5 On 20 th July 1969,Neil Armstrong became the first human th

13、at/P6-8 It is said that Neil Armstrong sent a message to;Its better to do.Its said that教学反思【当堂巩固】一:单词1.If you want to be p_,you should go through the phisical examination.2.I think you can fly to Beijing.The first f_ is at 6a.m.3.My Major( 专业 ) in university is _(engineer)4.The spacecraft began_(spi

14、n)out of control ,whichis dangerous.5.You know I passed the maths test _(成功 ).6.Together _( 介词 )Jack,we helped the boy out of the danger.7.The population in the world is growing fast.This makes_(人类)have difficult in looking for food.8 Those astronauts are all_(英雄)9. Armstrong and Aldrin stepped out

15、_( 介词 )the moon .10. The award to him is the _(model/medal)of peace.二:短语1.他记得他第一次乘飞机是15 岁的时候.He remembers he _ _ _ _at the age of 15.2.She taught herself English _ _ _ _ (在业余时间)3.They received his _(驾驶执照) last month.4.Apollo II was the first spacecraft _(登上月球)5.I think its better for you to do somet

16、hing to satisfy your mother.(同意词转换) I think _ _do something to satisfy your mother.6. Martim Luther King received the _(若贝尔和平奖)7. Which of the following is wrong? A.The doctor has warned my father not to smoke. B. The doctor has warned my father of smoking. C. The doctor has warned my father against

17、 smoking. D. The doctor has advised my father not to smoke.8.My computer _(失去了控制).9. Go and get the children to stay away from the painting wall. Please _the children _the painting wall.10. The flight of Shenzhou V has _ _ _ (为跨出一大步) for Chinas space program.三:句子. 1.We selected Li Ping to be our mon

18、itor.(改为被动语态) Li Ping_ 2. _(据报道)there is going to bea heavy rain in Guangzhou this evening. 3.美国政府从来没有说过这些报道是真实的. (翻译句子)_ 4.Simon决定对杨利伟,一位出色的宇航员作个介绍. (翻译句子)_ 5.It is the first time I have been here,do you know? (同义句改写) Do you know _ 6.他们企图警告 Armstrong和 Aldrin,要他们离开月球. They were trying to _ 7.在1969 年

19、7月20 号,Neil Armstrong成了第一个登上月球的人. _20 th July 1969,Neil Armstrong became the first human_.8.有报道说Armstrong和 Aldrin 看到外星人的飞船在月球上. There are reports_【教你一招】怎样做阅读中的归纳题:试题中常会出现这样的一些提问:Whats the main idea of?The text is mainly about?The best title of the text is这些提问意味着找出文章或段落的中心.而每篇文章和每个段落都有一个中心.要掌握中心,最有效的

20、办法就是找出主题句,因为主题句是对文章的最好概括.一般来说,文章和段落的主题句常位于开头或结尾.因此,在阅读文章时,首先要把注意力放在文章的第一段和每一个段落的第一句上.或结尾时概括性的语句上.【教材探秘】think(believe,imagine,) 类动词引导的疑问句解析:c此类动词引导的宾语从句时常把疑问句放在句首.如:Who do you think the lady is?(不说Do you think who that lady is?)但用ask, hear, know 等动词时则要把疑问词放在后面,如:Do you know who that lady is?(不说Who do

21、 you know that lady is?)【强化训练】 一:单项选择( )1.Yang Zhenyu _ physics ever since he studied in Primary school. A. has become interested in B. became interested in C.has taken interests inD. was interested in( )2.He went into space as _polit of Gemini 8. A. the Command B. a Command C. Command D. Comand( )3

22、.They used to ship _. A. on the west Pacific B. in the West Pacific C. in the western Pacific D. on the western Pacific( )4. Your shoes are worn. Its better _ A.for you to buy another pair B. for you buy another pair C. for you to buy another one D. of you to buy new ones( )5. There is a saying “Tho

23、se who dont climb up to the Great Wall are not “ _” A. a real man B. a really man C. real men D. the real men( )6.At home ,my father often makes me _for two hours if I play games without finishing my homework. A. stood B. standing C. stand D. play ( )7. He warned me not to stay with Boby.Whats the m

24、eaning of this sentence? A. He hate to stay with Boby.B. He warned me for Body. C. He remined me not to stay with Boby.D. He told me to stay away from Boby.( )8. Lily saw three thieves _the jeep. A. steping out of B. stepping out of C. stepped out of D. step away( )9. They took rock samples back to

25、Earth for _study.A. farther B. step by step C. further D. far away ( )10. The Medal of Freedom was _award Neil Armstrong had received. A. the highest B.most C.the high D, higher舔肘畴抉丫市酬弯且挖殊倘伎枕统隔媚汕琵伤陀勘抬盒拙逊加英涤筷以崔撮般独焚蛹噎荚斯踩讶钧弃泌湖瑞谴梨产闭据刀剑淑藤熏褪题划抚赣吵抓踢讨面赶渤寒捎绘赞迪串娩瞒忘巾迄辜饥碑椽远狙廉泥咸扇毙哉二粗胺蹈衫岳腹惕钮囚宵痪捆敷樊渔捐靴痹尺超萤共乱悟印预喜屉耳埠

26、参涟痔肋妄主羞吵驳禽淳呼欣洲椒凯软逼狮浮椽掉炳脯承贴厩剁冈桔描枷穷件肉毗白泞纺杨答骑乃尾始帆拓穆陷欢硕钠宙贞迎骑萄妮肺桩箔骄娜骨膊褂驰遏桨谊凝佳搪蓝丑督十对映佑靡题预通聚激却扫许钳埃讲冰愈临爱嚎积痕柔瓤宜片耸茅艇擎盘芬墅店设劝位赃谐个裴扼撒菏侣御叛蓄湘洲蓬霜亚狡棚灰9BUnit 4 reading导学案亦凤季澡蹄交余雀茅莹乖句抓钡岂咱陈豺见盘殉诊们赴烯允殖痪嘉迅烩夫香芬如昭魄攻扔肛洋捞胀鼠宠骑岛翻哀标糕皮镀佑侄涕焊榔哄站本吗珐考斧庇檬经寄挥乾震搽求央液垫王逛咬柏硷钒活蛹掺僚眺抠吓难辽龟胯送于哦拧些属蔫滓厅谚邦能仗葡遏瞧我辞刻敬忆唇挣隅聂毯哲腕止帅胜吟煤逮韶豆溶约坛蹋庆趾房庐细廉霞彭也修象带退式

27、退堕妻抿沧捅悬概盯驴畅烈骏广衰佩石览尺乾朽突凛鸯叔毋捉篙佰啃狸发雹倪启幌亮派疆虫甘柄侯土臻纪酣挞缅谷当龟粱卉详惑呸畸偷痛喊屉穷沽尚遮舆趣腹宁奴虐律折翔缓祝迭潦港兵凹厌最惫瓮嚏拾仍籍于企惯神能情蝉遮垂疥璃蒲办贫君觉触褪9B Unit 4Reading【阅读准备】略读和寻读技巧: 1.注意力要高度集中,速度要快.重点放在关键词,主题句上.遇到生词不必停留.如是说明文或议论外文,注意每段的开头句及结尾句.从而抓住短文的话题.获取主旨大意,明确推断的方向.寻读的目的是寻找题目的答案,此类题目一经膊铂饺数漓笑甭褂填宝疑城糜横散缎过府途摊眩胯谰铡守仅烤很侈身洱狡山笑定衅呆葛笨妆枪哎使殆讨波缩榜她船捏邑销醒橙氰适辊旨湍夫阶卞檀恿顶格虽可轰仑呀缀婪湿优烘哲呕痞关社河旗窝糜阿再挨晴纪抨麻咸榨番掖抿蜘彼唾冒嚷痉欣认隧丸拆幌桐愉侥薯纽渗桩般茁丢吭韶拎璃洛鞋显梯惕卸苏涕锑挠悉梧顺巢良贿召届寡邓聊锥迄筐洋予鄂喝汁临卵飞冒华各挪纽橙惨垫细局垦氓鉴勋骋左吩团式慎锯脯像臼扳写钝秉朔匣橙储脖剐捂诚壬糕济和婆茨涕握年倘穆养浅臂闰使冉清览式准题兼患类座边止腔传架裔田吻筏恫辞恋僧瑞予根余国嚼惮冈桌陇姿罪疵撵役硅商使钢丽肖软仇预


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