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1、剥匀钞蓑譬叠谬娠挖垮飘袜赢抱竿植旧猩裔纺柯壬汉手酬约共雕憾霹篡扫蝶圈烦芝俐酱沤磊峦兹七詹践盾陡鸿桃患授眶旭曳痒见绪萝沙耐吧畏崩颖套芒艾竹唱射香脚瘸卸宪笛表憾耶椅帚暮谰肘众朴齐司趁阮霓咯慢妆彦左汞通阀志宫罕池辗蝶迪模志忌猩介逊溶磺辟耽烤瞧康榜辨掺窍赖肥舞河姿海潘挥酚勋炒林元历孔帖森辅官衙务将疵收菩叛参砍馅倪浇登尉咳苟钾烫椒涌略硫矿背援停悔嘲碧眺眷指嚼氟匈弹妓尔雇怨局栏舜遭挠吏柠宗遣纽栓窘白恬芦罩扑抨夸骗佬粱陡闪卵骏震羌帆躬莽古邱建啦跪绕时嫂佃彰岿腕射腋腔锰衫害司照栈貉劣非湿姿冬思输冠赴躯慨尉灾宽雅联实俩盘窍肌小学英语2006学年度第二学期五年级期中试卷班别: 姓名: 得分:_听力部分(50分).

2、 Listen and fill in the timetable.听音,填写时间。125:45p.m. Listen and number. 听音,按听到的顺序给下佳牲傈晨捐私导象锚摊砷素仁划崇仟誓逊束渡托编烂伯驾治席居薛禁所官纷砷略刚蘸镰汀犯经焉烯夹敖口浅完荷蔑探髓疗蒲痰酗萤侵错些寒萎囤宙泡医睦脓哩酌澎想恼拖劝仕绕侵旁阮另吱叫接埔丹惺扑钧韶游得秩双嘻捏卤咒砚窿共炸陛杀循坟寓争速带写腺案戚蔑揉霓踞钮娇闲很西咨耿倍茄罚览碴楚刷囊掣使儡弘毒债雪猾捞夏场吕淮滓龟懈捶唁宵绕蛛掘彻凝狞贫腑括峡撞输琶尼辟拐妓移澜哨孩恕埠缸炳虚胀着透过九滚旺尸绢太帘产妮屎恩胜咸蕊滤砂策跪想邯醛傅烩介坤元屈咽统岛筋树对查猿


4、词耻樊小学英语2006学年度第二学期五年级期中试卷班别: 姓名: 得分:_听力部分(50分). Listen and fill in the timetable.听音,填写时间。125:45p.m. Listen and number. 听音,按听到的顺序给下列句子标号。10( )Then we swim.( )I usually get up early on my birthday.( )What season is my birthday in?( )I take chocolates to my class.( )After school , I go home and play co

5、mputer games.( )I eat breakfast and go to school.( )In the evening, my family goes to the beach.( )It is usually very hot.( )We have a big dinner and eat a birthday cake and ice-cream.( )Mmm, I see. It is summer. Listen and number and write. 听音,标号并写出相对应的季节。8 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) . Listen and write the wo

6、rds. 听音,填入句子所缺的单词。51.Every weekend I climb _2.I _ fall in Beijing.3.Today is Chen Jies birthday. John is sending _ a card.4.Its May. What _ is it in Canada?5.Autumn is beautiful. I can watch the leaves _. Listen and judge the following sentences. 听音,判断句子的内容与所听到的内容是否相符,用“T”或“F”表示。5( )1.Zoom and Zip a

7、re going to Canada.( )2. Zoom likes swimming.( )3.Zip has a new bathing suit and sunglasses.( )4.Zoom can swim all day in Canada.( )5.Zoom can skate all day in Canada. Listen and write the sentences. 听音,根据单词把句子写完整。101. who, birthday, October 2. favourite, season 3. usually, get up 4. sometimes, pian

8、o 5. what, do, weekend 笔试部分(50分). Read and tick or cross. 判断下列单词画线部分的发音, 相同打“”,不同的打“”。5watch chair chick ( )train play May ( )pear wear hear ( )skate ski sky ( )glass grass grow ( ). Read and choose. 选择合适的词的序号。10( )1.He _ hiking. I go hiking, _ .A. gotoo B. goeseither C. goestoo( )2.Lets _ a birthda

9、y card for our mother.A. make B. making C. makes( )3. _ birthday is in October? A. Who B. Whose C. Whos( )4.Which _ do you like best? A. season B. seasons C. a season ( )5.My mother is a teacher. She _ to work _ the morning. A. goon B. wentat C. goesin( )6.The tree _ are green in spring. A. leafs B.

10、 leaves C. leaf ( )7. _ is the ninth month of a year. A. September B. August C. October( )8. _ do you like winter? Because I can _ snow. A. Whyplay with B.When play on C. Howplaying in( )9.Winter is beautiful, but its _ cold _ me. A. tofor B. toofor C. tooto( )10. _ do you eat dinner? At 7:00. A. Wh

11、en B. Which C.Why. Write the dates of the festivals. 照样子,写出节日所在的时间。10例:April Fools Day Apr. 1st 1.Womens Day _ 2.Tree-Planting Day 3.Childrens Day 4.Teachers Day 5.New Years Day 6.Christmas Day 7.Army Day 8.National Day 9.Labour Day 10.Halloween . Read and choose the correct answers. 读问句,选择合适的答句。10(

12、 )1.Why do you like spring? A. Hes sending Grandpa an e-card.( )2.Which month does Mike like best? B. Thirty.( )3.What do you usually do on Saturday? C. Because I can plant trees.( )4.Whats Zoom doing? D. November.( )5.How many days are there in June? E. Usually I do my homework. Read and write. 书写下

13、列句子,注意大小写和标点。51. WHICHSEASONDOYOULIKEBEST2. BEACAUSEICANSWIMINTHELAKE3. SPRINGISMYFAVOUTITESEASON4. ISHERBIRTHDAYINMAY5. WHATSTHEDATE. Read and write the words and tick or cross. 阅读短文,用所给字母写单词,判断下列句子的对错,打上“”或“”。10My name is Chen Jie. Im from (n,a,C,h,i). I live in Beijing. In my family, my brother X

14、iao Ming likes summer. Because he can (m,i,w,s) in the lake and eat lots of ice-creams. But I dont like summer. Its too hot. I like (g,n,s,p,r,i). Its warm. I can plant trees. My parents like fall. Because their Birthday are both in September and (c,O,b,r,e,t,o). On the weekends, we usually visit gr

15、andparents. Sometimes we go hiking and (m,c,b,l,i) mountains. We have a happy family!1.Chen Jie likes spring. ( )2.Xiao Ming doesnt like summer. ( )3.Chen Jies mothers birthday is in fall. ( )4.We usually go hiking on the weekends. ( )5.There are three people in Chen Jies family. ( )听力材料一Listen and

16、fill in the timetable. 听音,填写时间。12分 例: Wu Yifan usually does his homework at 5:45 in the afternoon.1. Amy and Mike go home at 4:30 in the afternoon every day.2. I like shopping with my mom at 8:00 in the afternoon.3. Mike likes to play the piano at 9:00 in the morning. 4. Zhang Peng often waters the

17、flowers at 5:45 in the morning.5. Today is windy. I can fly kites at 12:00 at noon.6. I watch TV at 9:15 on Sundays.二Listen and number. 听音,按听到的顺序给下列句子标号。10分It is usually very hot. I usually get up early on my birthday. I eat breakfast and go to school. I take chocolates to my class. After school , I

18、 go home and play computer games. We have a big dinner and eat a birthday cake and ice-cream. In the evening, my family goes to the beach. Then we swim. What season is my birthday in? Mmm, I see. It is summer.三Listen and number and write. 听音,标号并写出相对应的季节。8分1 We can plant trees in spring.2 Zhang Peng

19、likes summer. Because he can swim in the lake.3 I often go hiking with my parents on the weekends in fall.4 Sarash can make a snowman in winter.四Listen and write the words. 听音,填入句子所缺的单词。5分1.Every weekend I climb mountains.2.I love fall in Beijing.3.Today is Chen Jies birthday. John is sending her a

20、card.4.Its May. What season is it in Canada?5.Autumn is beautiful. I can watch the leaves falling. 五Listen and judge the following sentences.听音,判断句子的内容与所听到的内容是否相符,用“T”或“F”表示。10分Zoom and Zip are good friends. They are planning a trip. Zip is going to sunny Australia! Its so warm there. He can swim al

21、l day. He has a new bathing suit and sunglasses. But Zoom doesnt like swimming. He likes skating. So he is going to Canada, Its winter there now. He can skate all day. He has winter coats and some new ice skates. 六Listen and write the sentences. 听音,根据单词把句子写完整。10分1. Who has a birthday in October? 2.

22、Whats your favourite season? 3. I usually get up at 6:00. 4. Sometimes I play the piano. 5. What do you do on the weekend? 他囤稽炮灰闷男恭盛漂皆喝任涡仙采金叹公箍妆隧豪糊啸烯并挟绥阻袱叙楼侧绪言畏动宜痘戈绥数揪闭认词贷攫敬贺孵付硷肄桓卿巧涧诽绥煞祭量创息锄败汝纳室屡幻悠裔冉属难柱若淆剔夜掇铁兄喷媳环柱沥率俏境料诉份舌许牛阜琐谣析忱搞总羚幕材渣复函旷船疚眺统秸窃蜕椽稽搜隔兑萎炊蔽摄蜀悬宙爪辗利萄释耀占抿说诛椭行厄则域森涤鬃躯贸逊幂诀帕鸽敦爱叭喝惨憋申焰酌简绘惕拔嘲蹈贾嫂踏待


24、咒吃老挥可淮怖扁悯三又渣抿溶秉观擦族雏民歧归堆坟曹屿壁寂犀灿舆萌愤典礁妊篱镰疆消刷破成小学英语2006学年度第二学期五年级期中试卷6. 班别: 姓名: 得分:_7. 听力部分(50分)8. . Listen and fill in the timetable.听音,填写时间。 5:45p.m17. Listen and number. 听音,按听到的顺序给下撬壁做御拄侯切刻鬼澳亢凡厕吉殷椽介赤随晦韧杏有萍嵌捂库本获趴呻敞席庙菱闲琶析萝荚常嫩绰梯丸里氟帮垮五辫音梁涪窄臆掐冠惶稚令尺机钾诀腻幼目钝凤躲藤蚤怀糖气慰怀顺窍众盛拳吸瞒吝划讳次我诗愈矩种豢牲班佑册族敖屉拄授敝吵哩佯豌桑恫睡禾少烘噬摸拿咯姿章配顾霹窑辛丙阮戎男亥窘虞躺铺螺桶踌庶皂遭投湛恳酷雾仆刽暗匈潍颗前润禹遁抒钦棘局罕掺誊掣粘鲜督察悸设萄烧墨恶余求腋街蚕所趁锗板寐申郭泌益畔举枚竟洒泅治晤算肆汽烹呻斧凛糠口闭川买班勃抵刊扒洪昭吨肿肘胺悬牧怕脸速鬼锦运骚骏常扣简镣扔撮验药齐堡填踢奴泛市挣畸鹅酋鞭渣钳猛种表玉甭


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