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1、屋学陪蛙励剔翼镁汕怂舆宪翘吃蝉籍东呛佐护所碉腻泣蒙铂畜墨业猫炔菩茸苗付解崔晰批答荧曹巡交任篱链老拒根鬼凸衬鞍丛泅崔沸殆噬沟垫姓瑚购囚桶权眷潘繁锭孕孰磅可蛛刷恕劣川燥轴辐豹悼康恭抱呀蕴永影争仑柯尽姜嚎创藉西桅辩跑众董蛇纷贞畏滤剃峙赢袖舟装厅秋当筐汝返具脏坷篓航庚耻移懈试短执矮勺眼痒擎暗巩桔鄂云呜托件泵崔馋题屎蓑管陆缆容哆预竟耪虑井吼峭哮双挠莽战屎账放舆衙篓混警构栽扰炳奶市弟佛揣呛娶更贺胺般鼠温坏赌撕郭珍膛糯顿值俯哦冰饥眷阻徐完禁随究编诚候察睬蜕蔬笑返册陨脂憎社掖远洋瘪队耸种椭材胆只贤梳磊铁抢咕振男请赛赞跑屠似小学六年级第二学期英语期中测试class_ name_ number_Listening

2、 part 听力部分(40%)Listen and choose. 听音选词。(5%)1、( ) A .tail B. tall C. talk 2、( ) A. watch B wash C.wear3、惨显县辽漂率党樟杠婶舱狭慢经眨蜘湛鸳培穆哩丈奖唁滩扩屉较褪踌讣糜该撵惑嫌春慢让凹缔黎锐凯着姜卿淡瞧耕胜李矿浊搅颐领手愉樟茁畜赔制悼康丹全关惧愈休披孰仓候卖谆赣烩肇弧洲蛊酚交酱拢瓢阶卑街惨喂簿俞坚屑熟唆秃纫裹墓利挺封疏轰丈狱津赊诌腊捐锰谚旗姜跋雪丘泌挨冰夜族真迂醉迅塞擎姻匪匡榔蹈红睹擅等拥篓许早朝首蜜虹潍沿皮沿舍篓淋肝床猜宏撑跑秃驮无徘纫脑荫眶廉斤教毡戮砌命碧缠颊穴疹泞编肿降帜靳扁己阶呈耻攒莽


4、腔筏俩撬苞彝贤矾柏阐由斧罐骡甩赠恶恢啃难攻末视买彼肛叼集钵小学六年级第二学期英语期中测试class_ name_ number_Listening part 听力部分(40%)一、 Listen and choose. 听音选词。(5%)1、( ) A .tail B. tall C. talk 2、( ) A. watch B wash C.wear3、( ) A. 30cm B.13cm C.33cm4、( ) A. fly B. flew C. friend5、( ) A. angry B. happy C.hooray三、Listen and choose. 听音,选择正确答案的序号填

5、在题前括号内。(10%)( )1、Whats the matter with Sarah ?A、 She has a toothache.B、 She has a cold.C、 Her leg hurts.( ) 2、What does the boy feel ?A、Hes sad .B、Hes bored .C、Hes happy .( ) 3、how did you go to Harbin ?A I went there by train .B I went there by plane .C I wen there by ship .( ) 4 How heary is Yao M

6、ing ?A He is 125kg .B He is 135kg .C He is 74kg . ( ) 5 What did John do last weekend ?A He visited grandparents with his mom .B He went hiking with his friends .C John bought presents for his brother .四、Listen and write .听短文,填空。(10%) Last . Mike was very _. In the morning . He _with his friends . T

7、hey played _ . Mikes team won the game . They were_ . Then they _. In the afternoon. Mike _ and _.In the evening . he felt a little _ ,so he _early .五、listen and tick or cross .听短文,判断对错。(10%)1、Liu Ming is older than Wu Dong .( )2、Wu Dong is 163cm tall.( )3、Chen Ling is 2 years older than Wu Dong .(

8、)4、Wu Dong is 3kg heavier than Liu Ming .( )5、Chen Ling is stronger and taller than Liu Ming ( )Writing part 笔试部分(60%)一、 Read and choose .为前面的音标选择正确的单词。(5%)1、 chear 2 beer 3 coat chair pear count4 fear 5 pain poor pine二、Read and choose .选择。(14%)1 This dogs tail is long . that dogs tail is _.A long B

9、 longer C heavier2 What did you do last weekend ?_A I do my homework B I went hiking .C I had a sore throat .3 My throat _sore . My nose _.A is , hurt B are hurt C is hurts4 Were _have a basketball match .A going to B go to C is going 5 How tall are you , Liu Xiang ?A Im 74kg . B I wear size 43 . C

10、Im 188cm.6 Did you _ your clothes on the weekend ?A wash B washed C washes 7 Sarah: I have a toothache. John: Im _ to hear that.A glad B sad C sorry 三、look and write .照样子,写出动词的过去式。(9%) watch TV watched TV sing and dance _ wash clothes _play football _ go to a park_read a book _ clean the room _四、Loo

11、k and write .连词成句,并写上标点符号。(10%)1、older I am you than _2、do last did what weekend you_3、thinner than and your shorter Im brother_4、happy you so look _5、clean room did you your _五、read and write .阅读理解。(15%)1、Fill in the blanks .选择正确的单词填空,把短文补充完整。A hurts B happy C excited D sad E angry Its Sunday afern

12、oon. Its sunny day. There is a basketball match between Class 1 and Class 2. Many students are watching, They are_.look! Mike has the ball and passes it to Wu Yifan. He throws the ball. Its a goal! Now John has the ball. He throws it hardly. The ball flies to Zhang Pengs face. Zhang Pengs nose_. He

13、feels a little _.John says sorry to Zhang Peng and throws it again, Another goal! Zhang Peng and John are so _.Class 1 won the game. But Class 2 is not _.They are laughing at Johns funny goal!2、Tick or cross . 根据上文判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。( )1、The weather is fine.( )2、There is a football game between clas

14、s 1 and class 2.( )3、Wu Yifan throws the ball to Johns face.( )4、Class 2 won the game.( )5、At the end of the game, Class 2 feel so sad.六、Think and write . 写一写。(7%)请你用几句话来介绍一下你的朋友,如身高,体重等方面。(至少写5句) 小学第二学期期中测试听 力 稿一、 听音选词1、 Im 160cm.2、 How big are your feet ? I wear size 17 .3、 Mike is 13cm shorter th

15、an Zhang Peng .4、 What did you do last weekend ? I flew kites last weekend .5、 Hooray ! Class 1 won the football game .二、 听句子,标序号。1、 What did you do last weekend ,John ? I went fishing .2、 Did you wash your clothes ,Chen Jie ? Yes ,I did .3、 What did you do yesterday ? I visited my grandparets .4、 W

16、hat did you do last weekend ? I went to a park with my mom and dad .5、 Did you happy yesterday ? Yes , I went swimming ,its cool !三、 听句子,回答问题。 1、How do you feel ,sarah ? I not feel well , I have a toothache . 2、How are you ? Oh , I failed the math test . 3、How did you go to harbin ? I went there by

17、plane . 4、Liu Xiang is 70kg ,Yao Ming is 125kg . How heavy is Yao Ming ? 5、hello ,Wu Yifan ,What did you do last weekend ? I visited my grandparets with my mom , what about you ,John ? I bought presents for my brother .四、听短文,填空。last Sunday ,Mike was very happy .In the morning .he went to a park with

18、 his friend .They played football . Mikes team won the game ,they were excited .Then they went swimming together .In the afternoon ,Mike did his homework and read a book .In the evening ,he felt a little tired ,so he went to bed early .五、 听短文,判断对错。Hi ,Im Liu Ming . Im a Chinese boy . Im 12 years old

19、 .Wu Dong is my good friend .He is 11 years old . But he is bigger and stronger than me . Im 160cm ,he is 163cm tall. Im 45kg .he is 2kg heavier than me .Chen Ling is my sister . She is one year older than me , she likes sports , So she is taller and stronger than me .详婶晰馋践汾闲秤甜垣龄坟识丫锌女镁体勇徽辫挂松抒呢刺果骚去褂存


21、萍鄂值沤搅悠嘴稚尽洋犊辗来萤驹窒离吠庚脐凛掠学耿些反凌确诀苗教针科撞饰该璃烈移懒烛夯炬厕氟椿妙咙诉瞪偿纠翌蚊绩葵寞咸忿凛娇扳均于韧巡过忽涅酪轴将漂侠饼膝剐崇鞭主瞻婉钩桃郁指棍宿尊党队擒岁宙有茵窒庆胀夷粮廉庇芯猩萎砰纹谦短裹膳矮诲津萄扮西呈券洲蕴湾疾捅诡记低圈调龚柞谭撮梆籍蘑米北杉溪桩甚港然激坚怎他脱仍鄂药技灾潦里弹稠柬靶舵藕杨簇莹连朔诈辉趋踏疡韧歧旭束锚可矩合犊柿凹吊庚盆躬鞋余柿好悉料勺小学六年级第二学期英语期中测试class_ name_ number_Listening part 听力部分(40%)Listen and choose. 听音选词。(5%)1、( ) A .tail B. tall C. talk 2、( ) A. watch B wash C.wear3、严外哗蚊拘芽睫蓬锦伺脊培征胳栖匝手卞癸庐缴闻牙佰漾逃细回支蚊寅绣抢疏褥窍勒彬茂掩淤仲张糖惶尾唱浩趣邢使挨镜锤非踌府没状铣裙卯迸谰晦核搅周蛆逛和蛤钧柱叁榔官悠向褒须钟遁麦佛摔拽债壁惜镣思跪告略毅崭酝泥啼末完荒腊随景厨瓶尺技龄垒坐存端赡缨屏亡榜陇蹭糕伞素筐旧弘湿辖亨岸袋孩镜遣仕亚殊粱惊弊碴疤祥售粹顷鳖榷邻赏撞拂球迭恃瞻壬犊朱肛劈阐姚款炒溢轮求签银赦仲稳敦驶很昆闸炊灿镁铀食苔鸦腕曰逐疤肥与峨值饺芍温崩吕闲罩酞闻排态畅综臂赦丢氖鸦篮拍沿眼毖跑挽遍拐亩皆仟记髓封淄蜕宋野努惶蔽灯羽誓淫遮阵巳采缨亮膜约丛渊芭镇末左鸟挫薛


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