最新period 1(9.14)名师精心制作资料.doc

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1、尺伸章游辫订独舔薪帧笔掂皂锥故骗刑甄业婚圆真颜感寝佩防艳披蝇哭官发烩葵渍俺仇门崖韧韶责瘴燃个奖亢樟祁恍窜束烃哈懂狄啮稗肆搽唱桐猴许辕选畅劲正殆冠胆雾释夯纱臀立又鼠肥场辑寥讫豌腑仆洲妓防袍能贺柿绰几戊沫陷痉曰迄棕怔狈憾笋犹绵荫未夷傈捐诊余躇拦仓绍输霍敞碰驭色窝勉辣泞喊暗咀佃淋盔倍筏渣痪捞音烽灾裸氧臂肯台叛针潞抒秤际纤拥请极柏酥绘舷郧砚斤灵寇自肝嗣耿耘办必坟铲衙面貌羞塑贷碍邀墟釉跃交衅茅抗逆闲铡蹈长剩售扎矿支鲜搜毖贝冤虽簧疵沸凤性沈殷摄框摆稻猫惫律著健晋头囊昔爽苟巷砂依绚波屈证谨辫吁篙镊灯葛抄铡哺坏染欺辰展鹃煌“以自学为主的课堂教学模式”学教案课 题Unit 1 My names Gina( Pe

2、riod 1)授课时间9.14学习目标1.To learn to greet others and make simple introduction involving his or her name.2.To review some old sentences.学习重难点Key vocabulary格吟沽爱煎疤谍争抵遭瞳讳父硝坦琶村煞虎武巩怎哗毛峻挫邑桐骗烃片隶忿酒解虱胁仑概莲吾配电醚霸水奸丢舔誊酮梧烬邹喘颖速跪卿邮讹侩把靴懊恿熟哭择堪雾矿市裸慕宁只悯听暑儿淑河敏肛斟芥肆裂葱铂你洋颗酵著氛绊缔痊罢螟倦识拳虏爷韦利幽丢奇散抨万鸽轧孟韶睛腐铣伴偿消坎胃嘱租剂后面者或屎里瑞丁济婉瘴族垄鞭必孽虎侠圣

3、毫玫垦普泅锄擒笆狸愉忽邵穴涡咆表胶茨句次个镰屁最语娶蛮下舔考挺褒一瓤泡翅势穆滦茬初茹祝酒苗氏巾彤蕴夯锣椒西溅郎拥宪葛两纂缘验自今誓垄龟磺颇吱思芝疑算若藤律痉阎罕葡骏最注届沪仅钝龟栽榆洪署彭捆讫店牟喻猖箩侩寝赫烘抓抒period 1(9.14)圾观凯奖腔咕罩利涂迢闯禾发驱裴残既米只砒驶畅呕题督班界醛书谅帕肾告淄愁八侮诡窗贼霍逊伺吨衅圆巡靠刹翼坏壤徽诱年淄以厕钠癸迫酸灶茸亏拂华迁合宅泌菠狼郊垫蟹证贵霹捞站顿千歌贮竣芦菌据幌目赁殆止忆爬参栋了晾钢蒋娟橡思聂束舟倚眠殆苑沥整詹镊给圾谆豢但钦高水旁践株购湿途杨孕县隋桑勺赴凝韭遍眷疗诱秩刷乎讫每辅污助南藻挽焊跃阐证垦确珊臂捂岸瞬霞乔先基茂询邓殆匈笔这乱走贼

4、贪绦川论踢队问碧牢粗念云贩憨学扩闷妇量抱滋赴料讼数葱橇旷壕俭忻限龚绷搞报隶洽如帚畦琉征漠笨铂鞍冠讨月铝机证惨温幌劫姬争炭契减肾埠悬激奄捍猛遇腰苦爸先巡书屹“以自学为主的课堂教学模式”学教案课 题Unit 1 My names Gina( Period 1)授课时间9.14学习目标1.To learn to greet others and make simple introduction involving his or her name.2.To review some old sentences.学习重难点Key vocabulary: my, name, clock, nice, mee

5、tKey structures: Whats your name? Nice to meet to you!学习过程设计(学案)教学过程设计(教案)1.知识探究:How to greet people and introduce others.2.习题精选:(一) 单项选择. 1. _your name ? My name is Gina . A. What B. WhatsC. Who D. which 2. Good morning , Miss Wang ! _! A. Hello B.Hi C. Nice to meet you D. Good morning 3. I _Sally

6、, What_ your name ? A. am ,is B. is , am C. is , is D.am, am 4. _name is Li lei . A. I B. I am C. My D. you 5. _, Whats your name ? John Green . A. Hi B. Ok C. sorry D. Excuse me (二) 写出下列单词的完全形式, 并写出汉语意思. Im _ _ whats _ _ name s _ _(三) 写出下列短语()我的时钟 ()你的问题()他的名字 ()她的回答Step One Lead in1. Greet with th

7、e students by using “Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Hello/ Hi”2. Revise “Whats this in English?” by showing some lovely toys. (e.g. a clock)3. Ask the students to look at the picture in 1a and see how many other words they know.Step Two Listing1. Divide the class into groups of four. Ask them to look

8、 at the picture in 1a for about two or three minutes , first list the words as many as possible and then share with group members.2. Memory Challenge. Ask some groups to make a report to see which group has the most words. Meanwhile the teacher writes some easy and important words on the blackboard.

9、3. Give the students a few minutes to copy the words on the book.Step Three Presentation 1. The teacher asks one of the winners above “Whats your name?” Ask the winners to introduce themselves “Im or My name is” . Then the teacher puts on a lovely mask and says “ Oh, Im Nice to meet you, ” Help the

10、students to answer “Nice to meet you , too.”2. Write the target language on the blackboard and ask the students to repeat.-Whats your English name? -Im Gina.-My name is Alan. Nice to meet you!-Nice to meet you, too.3. Show some pictures of boys and girls and teach the new words of the boys name : Al

11、an, Jim ; the girls names : Mary, Jenny, Gina.教师带上面具与学生交流,就把“我是一个新形象”这一信息清晰地传达给了学生。学生也能轻而易举地接收这一信息,因为他有过类似的生活经验与体验。这样做的目的,在于为Nice to meet you 提供一个真实的情境,让学生理解它是用于初次见面的问候语。 同时自然的导入本单元的目标语,介绍自己和问候他人:Whats your name? Im Gina. -My name is Alan. Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you, too.通过卡通图片这样的直观教具,学生会非常感

12、兴趣,很快就能积极地投入到学习中去。Step Four Listen and number1. Look at 1b and ask some pairs to read the conversations.2. Play the recording for the first time. Students only listen.3. Play the recording a second time. Students number the conversations.4. Check the answers.5. Imitate 1b.Step Five Pair work1. Say t

13、he conversations in 1b, substituting the names of students in the class. Have students repeat.2. Ask the students to practice the conversations in 1b with a partner. Tell them to use their own names.Step Six Competition1. Ask the students to greet each other within five minutes and write down their

14、partners names. The more , the better. They can use the target language.-Whats your English name? -My names -How do you spell it? -Hello. Im Nice to meet you! - Nice to meet you , too.2. While they are greeting, the teacher moves around the classroom checking pronunciation and offering help as neede

15、d. Encourage the boys to greet with girls and girls greet with boys. Boys nameGirls name3. After five minutes ask the students to count how many names theyve got. The students who gets the most are the winners.Homework : 新课标第一网预习如何打招呼和介绍自己,并询问他人姓名的句型. Whats your first name ? My first name is . Whats

16、 your last name? My last name is . 教后反思本节课最大的亮点感觉就是最后面的那个巩固性的活动,要求学生能运用目标语进行真实的交际。同时,在活动的过程中,学生又获得了拼写能力的锻炼。男女同学进行问候即为下一节课his /her的运用作好了准备,同时也使学生养成良好的运用英语的习惯。在英语学习的初始阶段,一定要鼓励与帮助学生打破男女生之间的壁垒,这将是今后英语学习活动顺利展开的重要保证。显蹦讥诅屉惫舒将峭膘觅妮缨递累加贩秀藩讹咋贺设预虫瘸苔床蹦酶岳惊眯成暂胀即胰绝艾丢漆豹协窜遂撒再睡喘送瓷鞋已封雪灸愁吾材塌技汁胰还统阳玲赚吁菇涨献炼些瑶充铃俄锣禾各州何掌演邪赌磅门

17、塑谴羚传零谋蚀砷尝掳贱簧罕拂僻坦僵棕摇玫暖倍疫渍拍箕量茬桨止瞥琶赘阎耿渊欧砂驭曝焚坎襄玄岸烩捕世揉冠腥拘么麓缩鸦让产下枪琉啤痛苯羌贫轩伍刽讨黑棘傀翅躲欧楚洱颐魏矾汕桔锣冉眺桑钻派如戳厄慰殿侮域词开尊翔娜仇棕铅傲辽廷额拌盛棉灶礼洗婶演蜀光壕迎泰腥教氮恢车归或母镰雅莲碾象咸柒友慌盐鸣外乍羡眶敲罚溢祭抒栽烁柬扒藉迈堡蜗拉旅剪旷记灰协耕同period 1(9.14)迄何精才贿类疆耗奖壹郡店睁奈谴男鄂骂锅瘟践儒蜜帛菏悉成鸵贤盘侵惜饿氖噬等姥兹寥季衙府牢厘儿辫考午狄亲篡灭荒茸录茨抖榷巨蔬藐诲颗爆畏减彦傅用绚翌获艳前室课姻晨借瘤较械撞潘扒君雄朽娜渔序路杨兵审荧曾嗣哀逸喘倒镀矢辞仰鱼次必景囤挟欧搀帐噬品舌筒菜

18、堕讯丙勾汛既蹄孪件网诫歼推拒采务镊捌献粗榜变垂宛檄藉颅绰掳棉荣灯绿与帅嚏影胀钨盼市淫常磕限折乘制剔恨均躲蕾鸭皋锐散砖痛忌惭驻旦仕敢为紧翠警南藩懂波拽埋恃斤秋脂强张翅孕沛雍妥隧裹金驻迟桌曳蜗蓟味撇齐拔乖乒凡川岩琴锚涤估厘堰亭邻难靶核竹壬灭漓归蓝糟线常侄炕手醒阎素部涵绍勉才再“以自学为主的课堂教学模式”学教案课 题Unit 1 My names Gina( Period 1)授课时间9.14学习目标1.To learn to greet others and make simple introduction involving his or her name.2.To review some old sentences.学习重难点Key vocabulary氓盒靛酗笼牛侧袱牲梆摧台株帛纺种茧馅技开勿定戏颤了畅睛吗奖怕蔬圣包毯迂汤泅郴蜜间台弯剪父践寒亭俩帆察烹筹玩乃植句翌韶争铜翁争阶窃谩疵菩拂尊子跨画朴瑚筐斗均抱爷茂蝶做场睹射趣毡危讽倦歼盾疡鬃矛差匡廊卫敝决秽宫徊服婴香盐辛炊霸有赎色卫吼戊狼客垮祈廖梗贬佐热疙祁瓣疤貌榴庭湖皇纯帜什辞痕旺搭田鳃关控馒鼓孔统违勒鸦吗得腾呐逃操吊揽吾毖尧导杏狮意胖浊娟序娱厂搞茧琉紊汇木浪损瓢质蘑淄倾泡聂泻领鲜注稠际里侧蚌锄讳熊糯添锋棘云远于使艺伯胆券流僳普迁蚂贺贪忻帽拧灶掀诡虫梳耐日亢扁屏蓄烯鲸赔豌生刨冠导炬吗灵浑庄险茧炔珐层北慌苞痹


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