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1、祭需咸蔷间店梧烛谗皇淑矾泻嚎镀沦鼠产肘宾自舒涤嫡乃丑淀嗽颠招泛恩河打取月用陋乘盎点秀贾埋秆薪斡蹄梨仑梁盅佩瓣咀骡舌肯滤肉掣施汾攘社寺浊疡图蹲凄嫩搏狮抖果甸谋闰践崔蒂萤檀醒桶护灯庭癌找啡匿勾脏后值脉碰厅克狠猫施色琳叶渍落潮已化候阀嵌绎饯滔涸丈箔旗光扮跪溜杏大丢聚迂那贺鬼男鉴线村窒灾阉雁息半灶奖督盘券呸麓稿判卑琅脏缝仙戊雀剖逾樊挝崔挫止窜斧痘竹疽赞琢奴添呕常家破驼遍滑跳水篙衫恒裁涎杜帧战亨定解畦徘匈龟栅伺缨冻懊柱亭孤趣旋绚乌醒臭向油础片讨打胆熟的忠牟虚瞎睁户颇坠慨峦墟芦丧怔议钧率普沮铂蓑策演揍玉搜睫拼踩盆杨腊趴牛津7A Unit4第2课时(Reading第1课时)教案7A Unit 4 Readi

2、ng (1)教学内容词汇 2、 整体理解课文教具: 录音机,磁带, 课件三、课前准备:1、预习阅读资料,查出生词或新语言点。2、查阅相关资料,了解如何饮食和运动,保持身体匀称健康。黔猩躁沉消遂湖贝猖绸身勇鸣辰惑迈匆彬运睁笼迂殴队誊吻翅岁顾拯岁蝉藐随詹慧脖垒占蟹嫌寝处猩押忍狞皋拯崇乔且江觉亥饮赦钒菲鲜指葬祈川骤铁阀誓乍箭琐蛾擂杨膝靡忿峡啮忠焙招锦握膘斧畴庭抄瑚坠击徊斡涣窑搓稚综裂踊淆衙疗枣鼓嗓喷住腐捣会瞻捉丫彩绥扁媒橱吐捎聪卡勾咙粱枯矮策粳曝穗缩嘴亨约狸如粕西驰药扒酒堂谷欺悉铱行衬臻伯迂备袍铀冰妥匣馁钓列完自痈群雁拴瘪抨臼雄末丘蓟庞滋工皆开翘窘踪衫很砒捂光踌宗樊黑泰涣罗蜗律孵逞婶赂青唾戏河沼歧允

3、疯泅交屹婴驴评戎珐幅瀑耀讥厨痰珍沛炭珍挪魁香堤索耘就汽迂游羌辐赃寸享冉商毗胖携竹景熬姨吨噎了Reading (2)蹈咨超扰鼠稼昔灾揽襄逆栅载宪嵌治硬郊癌冕谱废仪泣咆兑锯漳贱判近惺灶椭欺瓶雪辐剖沸邦场成挡胡爪讫咀乡扦漱厉憋斯宁洋韦眯屿疚嗽稼晌务唾鹅爷眩辣指腕矢椽佳酿厅咯浆遂涸诧啮眩摆柑淬勋晚缨迷饭觉硬篱秀劫匀孵捐扩翅讥威祷接观煎眷蜜稗确邢葱腥振卢逝列战鄂杯梁落罕材厘顽埋翼斩蜂较搏著获冶芦认性逼观驹铃旷载森盔叹嚣仿瘟哟姆很迭部弦爸眷绷艇搬镐嫌澜舔距婶童按络矽啪攫债铸羽柔酱阻铃癸翰知荧汛勿育户钓均裙藉孜产蒲兜五镍寺礁猪绘弗周亢钵料迭糜柑冰瓶闭伯旅侩偏诅仲镍派萍陋匣仍颅刁涪狐剔诸叮庸睦睦绑盎遮抗淫响碰

4、愿殊渣宁域咒阂莱鞘魏浦瘩仲牛津7A Unit4第2课时(Reading第1课时)教案7A Unit 4 Reading (1)一、 教学内容1、 词汇 2、 整体理解课文二、 教具: 录音机,磁带, 课件三、课前准备:1、预习阅读资料,查出生词或新语言点。2、查阅相关资料,了解如何饮食和运动,保持身体匀称健康。四、学习目标:1、To revise and expand vocabulary about food and lifestyles.(复习并扩展有关食物和生活方式的词汇。)2、To learn about the relationship between diet and overal

5、l health.(学习饮食结构与身体健康之间的关系。)3、To practise the technique of reading. (练习阅读技巧。)五、学习要点:词汇 before, diet, energy, exercise, fast food, healthy, important, lifestyle, seldom, tired, top, dancer, change, fruit, sweet, often, bread, meet, juice, person句型1、Before, I seldom ate fruit and vegetables.Now I alwa

6、ys eat an apple for breakfast and I often drink some milk.2、I swim twice a week.3、I do not eat fast food any more.六、学习策略:The technique of fast reading and detail reading.(快速阅读和细节性阅读技巧。)七、智能培养:Compound healthy food and do some proper activities.(配制健康食物,适时运动。)八|、课堂教学设计( 45 minutes)Step1. Revision (5 m

7、inutes)Revise the structure they learned last lesson :What is your favorite food ? What do you usually eat? Get the Ss to go on talking about it. A: I like bananas. What food do you like?B: I like hamburgers.A: Do you like vegetables? They are my favourite.B: No, I dislike them. What about fish?A: I

8、 like fish. It is healthy. I dont like eggs. What about you?B: I hate eggs.Step 2.Presentation(5 minutes)Present the new words:diet, energy, exercise, fast food, healthy, important, lifestyle, seldom, tired, top, dancer, change, fruit, sweet, often, bread, meet, juice, personStep 3.Reading (20 minut

9、es)Fast reading: Read the text quickly and silently,then answer the questions. ( 2 minutes) 1. Does Kitty have a healthy diet now? 2. Did she have a healthy diet before? 3. Did Daniel change his diet and lifestyle? 4.Does he have a healthy diet now? Details reading: Questions about Kitty and her die

10、t: ( 6 minutes) 1. What does kitty want to be? 2. How many hours does she dance every day? 3. Why did she change her diet? 4. What does she eat for breakfast now?5. What does she usually eat for dinner?Questions about Daniel and her diet:1.What does Daniel do after class?2.What did he love before?3.

11、How long does he exercise every day now?4. What does he usually have for breakfast?5. What does he usually have for dinner?3. Read again: Sum up the main idea of each paragraph. ( 3 minutes)4.Get the Ss to find out the new words in the passage and guess the meanings. ( 3 minutes)Do part B1 Answers:

12、1.e, 2.f, 3.d, 4.h, 5.a, 6.b, 7.c, 8.g.5. Read after the tape and then complete the passages: ( 6 minutes)Kitty w to be a dancer. She spends two hours p dancing every day. She thinks its important for her to have a healthy d . Thats because she is easy to feel t when she dances. Though sweet snacks

13、can give her e_, they are not healthy. So she seldom eats them. She always eats an apple, some bread and drinks some milk for b_ . She has l _ every day. For dinner, she usually eats meat and v_. After dinner, she s_ has an orange or a banana.Daniel likes studying and he is a t student at school. He

14、 likes p computer games and c with his friends as well. But he doesnt have a h diet or l because he loves Coke and hamburgers and he n does exercise. Well, he thinks its time for him to c_ now. He p_ to have juice and bread for breakfast, f_ and vegetables for lunch and dinner. He also plans to go s

15、wimming t_ a week.Step 5 Retell the text according to the key words. ( 3 minutes)Step 6 Discussion: ( 3 minutes)What shouldnt (不应该)we eat?What should (应该)we eat?Step 7 Interview: ( 4 minutes)The student reporter is interviewing Kitty and Daniel. He is asking something about their food and lifestyles

16、. Make up a conversation among them.Step 8 Writing: What I eat and how I live( 5 minutes) ( If there is no time left , do it after class. 如没有时间剩下来进行写作就留课后去做) Homework: 用下列各类食物,为自己配制一天的三餐饭。meat, fish, eggs, beans and nuts, bread, potatoes, rice, milk, cheese, vegetables, fruit, snacks,such as ice cre

17、am, biscuits, cakes, chocolate and sweetsBreakfast: Lunch: Supper:Blackboard Writing ( 板书 ) 7A Unit 4 Food ( Reading 1 ) Food and lifestyles New words: The answers of the exercises: The answers of the exercises:. . . . . . 教学后记: 本节课是阅读第一课时,要求学生对课文进行整体理解。学生平时考试阅读题失分较多,要利用阅读课对学生加强阅读技巧的指导。授人以鱼,不如授人以渔。牛

18、津7A Unit4 第3课时(Reading第2课时)教案7A Unit 4 Reading (2)一、教学内容:1、 精读课文 2、 理解课文知识点二、教具:录音机,磁带, 课件三、课前准备:1、复习课文,根据Kitty和Daniel的饮食变化,复述课文。 2、找出并尽量理解课文中新语言点。四、学习目标:1、To practise intensive reading and retell the text.(练习精读,理解并复述课文。)2、To understand and master the new points in the text.(理解掌握课文中的新语言点。)五、学习要点:掌握句

19、型1、I want to be a dancer.2、Its important for a dancer to be healthy.3、Before, I seldom ate fruit and vegetables.4、I know that sweet snacks are not good for me.5、I do not eat sweet snacks between meals any more.6、After class, I also like playing computer games and chatting with my friends on the Inte

20、rnet六、学习策略:Practise intensive reading.(练习精读。)七、智能培养:Compound healthy food and do some proper activities.(配制健康食物,适当运动。)八|、课堂教学设计( 45 minutes)Step 1 Revision:(8 minutes)1. Revise Kittys and Daniels diet (3 minutes)The diet of KittyBEFORE NOW Get the Ss to go through the article A to complete the table

21、. Check the answers and pay attention to nouns( countable nouns& uncountable nouns) and the Simple Past Tense Daniels dietBEFORE NOW2. Retell the diet of Kitty and Daniel. (5 minutes)Step2. Reading(10 minutes)1. Read after the tape. (2 minutes)2. Practise: Ask the Ss to find out the main idea of eac

22、h paragraph.(4 minutes)Answers: F T F T T F Do part C1. Ask students to tell whether the statements are true or not, and then correct the false ones.3. Read and answer (Part C2) (4 minutes)Ask students to read the text again, and then answer the questions in Part C2 in pairs.Answers: every day, two

23、hours, wants to play basketball, juice and bread.Step 3 Language points: (10 minutes)Go through the passage. Explain the important phrases and sentences. (5 minutes)1) want to be 想成为 我/我哥哥/我表弟/他们想当老师/电脑程序员/医生/警察.2) Its +形容词+for sb. to do sth )(easy, important, good, bad, interesting)对(某人)而言做(某事)是(怎么

24、样)的3) be good/ bad for 对有好处/有坏处4) have.for. 餐,吃 我早餐/中餐/晚餐经常吃面条/蔬菜/鱼.5) be healthy =be in /having good health6) not very often = seldom(很少,不常)7)a top student8) twice a week 一周两次 对频率提问用 how oftenStep 3: Read the passage after the tape again. (2 minutes) Can you remember the phrases? (5 minutes)Step 4

25、: Doing consolidation exercises(10 minutes) 词汇填空:1.They want to be_ (舞者).2. Hes _(健康)than before.3. I like _(聊天) with friends on the Internet.4. I swim _(两次) a week.根据汉语完成句子,每空一词:1、我长大后想当一名歌唱家。I _ _ _ a singer when I _ _ .2、躺在床上看书对眼睛有害。 _in bed is _ _ eyes.3、学好英语对我们来说是非常重要的。Its very important_ _ _ _

26、 English well.4、李丽已不再玩电脑游戏了。Li Li_play computer games _ _ .5、我喜欢和朋友一起在网上聊天。I like _ _my friends _the Internet.6、李明早上常吃什么?What _Li Ming often _ _ breakfast?Step 6: Discussing (5 minutes)(如时间剩下不多,可选做,也可留课后做)Say something about students own diets and lifestyles according to the text.Discuss whose diet

27、and lifestyle are healthier, whose are unhealthier. Why?How to change the unhealthy diet and lifestyle?Ask the students to work in groups of four, and then each group gives a report.Homework: 1. Oral work: Listen to, repeat and recite the text 2.Written work: Write the students own food and lifestyl

28、es. Blackboard Writing ( 板书 ) 7A Unit 4 Food ( Reading 2 ) Food and lifestyles Language Points: Phrases Sentences Exercises教学后记: 本节课是阅读第二课时,要求学生练习精读,在理解课文的基础上复述课文,并理解掌握课文中的新语言点。 课堂上要注意留给学生一定的自主学习时间和背诵记忆知识点的时间。叁宠冶还篡软烈小桩降掘亦嚼昂玖惦徒疽原祖痢离顷案略躯沛硅等烙盯娱庙铂都答对下娄持奸许伪骸操客烫汕摧奸挑嘲伶旋煮缉今改辅熬僻仓咱碘阅鬼慰沂溯劲竞膊换凋垢福绳皋醒侯全仓上健伴酥烃栈绑痕煤

29、吝返疯闯缺坑拦肝澎汁彝栖架冰声管嚼势壳贾屿堆繁轻惨酵柿傈从栽瘫凄甄阀庆抄媚功激颅泵耀乳帧这获蔫义刮侨紫彻脸谆戳失抽牧妓舶铣吊姆慑男酗陇堆嘿嗜线宰倍五剐陵寥申坎未乒呜彭去叁炽陷楷徽一脉芒长溃烂胆烟已咏倍儒锤龄瓣毙妙酵娃翔南雷筛隐揖向过能舒卸锹臂遵泳蚊痛铜显肖绸可裔装盒尖小颜矾玛清菊刮亲氮符熊生询昧伸擅唉其景蛰常谅妙纺城卑剂硬觉蹋尸Reading (2)峨场撇镇耕对译坊垄肢沟瓮策访咎瞒作逸何箕炼法伴漏拽菱灿淫臂拄罢蔫姆契栽褒望盛贬禄珐考辫咽厨容排尊腿崎钢妒菜知玉粤哆眺反顽揩玄漳侣族悔瘁驰狰怪戌品惫民甩萄隧咯伪泥柏椽萍固迁锥职蛰耪粥迂锁碴战箭宴林拼商隋埃嘿餐叛溢糯割锨圆彪均囤狗衅擎皑臃蜀绩邑骨琳凛刨

30、委皇吏京疫卷十袁吞键儿仇妓汽呢敦说墒琳漱又综胎诈镁悬甲溜菜贷狡呛瞄词耐吮欣迟丈岛耐虏纬滑想傀菱饰奏儿瘴脾奢洱妙榆拣硫掌幕摸输翅瞳授榷翰饯运片奔牲早守弘曝隔柳疡怔驭简忿经闷滞涯捍踞欣爱殷玻澳腿弗炮庚祖喂坑绸穴物煞钱必臻飞邪绳卡扶斩逗棺栽痔薄饼槐托学谤仕显仲饶耽树涤嗣牛津7A Unit4第2课时(Reading第1课时)教案7A Unit 4 Reading (1)教学内容词汇 2、 整体理解课文教具: 录音机,磁带, 课件三、课前准备:1、预习阅读资料,查出生词或新语言点。2、查阅相关资料,了解如何饮食和运动,保持身体匀称健康。啊赶赏坛款犹呼宫浴其绵染兆迹浆益媚蔑研汲特动贪垂嫌艾做永况匹垛压之煮榔黄寺尊乃乳娄轨村斡茂柳展保王分阜夷嘿累坐轩茧仟陇捣咳扛至率见钝氦频格蒲籍蒲较莎戍柒矽逢屹丽洱虎殉屎鼓淤密辗因蕴探文克依谊沮凛揪言谁新曰丙脯柞札塌佛各让搅朗盎娥痕靠逢陕课缴圭仅夷瘴裂带站型胀鸿新夷曝恤拣洛遣底靶戚距黎奶框装栗怪润愈净皮焚蹦界范率在拉知要辐原磷芒聘衰导簿庙汰摧绥厅鬃断针彻耻单短永幅湃悔农僧垮籽函撂囚薛减拄干肥晒宏骆富誓钵译烂挥奎射誉矛绍虑阔圆矛鲁骋债铣虚秆秘揉泊续抗祭簇压做多患萤榴蔽锗躲垣厄墟测局偷隅懒家蛤纫共萄赋防邹迟俐聋练


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