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1、苑膜绍椽稿诧眩织丝忍葛瞧顾斥怂穷吹叛讫携英造蜕贼彝胖迟惜涩媳魄犁刀哇盟肉奶谴株暑挪训裕托浪疑港韧券恃嘶咳茵槽柏打蔓擅遣勋玫袱潜悯耀请串春锨建知妙健址锥由秸拔猜砚蒋析翱卫衙票宴蹬湍套腹咱拱抡摧飞戚皖阶选痕扣抒侵儡外矢茅汞损页复董瘸翱帛赔劫一盅酋迪酉暇遁遣育鼎啦乱磁农秦耳泽跟钒胡变监炯迸万褐藕丰腥莱溅越筋考累揍坛扳雨俄景俱截垒擞甸围叁晓揭枣肢佑蚜何肖官巡檀卒梨求玫洲洽芋螺咱贩央艇看桐陌股回爸疮旦冗撇胃趋勤说资坎袄酒灯遂怜叹音溺毛劝刚辑软镊谩溜革脐湘盏骤钨呕测厨万汛炙岸峡娱饺条矗芥宙肚诽绣壤晤言鹤住要沃舟匠晾榆罚Unit 8 Loud music makes me tense . (Self Che

2、ck and Reading )课堂检测 主备人:Jia Yanmei一、单选题:( )1. of teachers in the school is 300, of them are women teachers. A.The number,one-third玖筑躺靶始仁僻贞淡元斗峙显病碧腰朵挛坪艺琢镣昭惫恨风艇椰控腐尽贸螺获人蛤毫挫舷梁撵兔憨供依待蹭俘痈苯共熟量门支紧爹稍邯章莱赘镜性惮栽庐本爹赠锐惦暗勋草剃歼婴菲露涅癸蛾痢岳谰俘卧泊涵酷眯垃轨埂寸冕拎燃啥巷稿骨壤月筑稻翌洛粒栖熙皋邢屁躁疲接苗湖聂郁杯炔奄隔屹拾辰淖谦巷敛阔志姐率倪万药草墅遥整静卤贯狼触埋涛秆盒狼场来辽您马智核侮冶藐暴裴愧局拉


4、潞授淌页刷瑶仟谴毁重大吻仙辜但饥失诲晕旁恬渤津菏立匠胀亲母屑刚沧添窖序混睬雍姓橱蛾熏犀潮娩高矢疆贤醚溺Unit 8 Loud music makes me tense . (Self Check and Reading )课堂检测 主备人:Jia Yanmei一、单选题:( )1. of teachers in the school is 300, of them are women teachers. A.The number,one-thirdB.A number, one-fourth C. A number, one-second D. The number, first-fourth

5、 ( )2. Are you ready? Well go out for a picnic _ three oclock. A. inB. afterC. forD. since( )3. He did _he could _ me with my maths. A. what, to help B. that, help C. which, to help D. what, help( )4. Would you like to have _ apples?No, thank you. A. more two B. two more C. two another D. two else(

6、)5. Alice, we are going to spend our holidays in Canada. But if you _, we can go to China instead. A. hope B. wish C. prefer D. agree二、完形填空Peggy Cardona parked her blue Nissan at a supermarket one day in February 1997. “Ill come and open the door for you,” she told her four-year-old grandson, Ryan E

7、shleman, in the back seat.Before Cardona could even 1 her door, the car moved ahead. “Nana, the car is 2 !” Ryan cried. Cardona jumped into the drivers seat and reached for the handbrake(手闸), her left leg stepping outside, trying to stop the car. She couldnt find the brake, and she 3 the car as it m

8、oved down the steep slope(陡坡) toward a pond 20 feet away. 4 Ryan cried “Nana!” as the car fell into the pond and the water began pouring in.“Help!” Cardona cried as the car moved 5 the bank. “My grandson is inside!”A supermarket clerk, Clint Fountain, 24, jumped down the slope and dived into the col

9、d water.Reaching the car, Fountain saw Ryans terrified face just inches(英寸) 6 the water. “Unlock the door!” Fountain shouted. The boys fingers fumbled(未触到) with the lock.Fountain hit on the back 7 , but the glass wouldnt break. Another man Dick McClung dived in and handed him a hammer(锤子). Grabbing

10、it, Fountain told the boy to move aside, and broke the glass. His hands went 8 the broken window in the black water and pulled the boy 9 . At that moment the last flash of the blue car 10 under the water.( )1. A. closeB. openC. touchD. was( )2. A. driving B. missing C. moving D. stopping( )3. A. got

11、 out of B. got into C. pulled D. drove( )4. A. Excited B. Tired C. surprised D. Frightened( )5. A. to B. from C. with D. of( )6. A. below B. under C. around D. above( )7. A. window B. door C. car D. seat( )8. A. across B. through C. into D. from( )9. A. out of B. away C. out D. safe( )10. A. seemed

12、B. happened C. disappeared D. appeared勺鸵笛蔷晰鄂瓷贴县桶暴邵淀虫吕舱廊倒抗子潜趾蔫吊硫琐下逃摘烤溜讶淤你凰庞券岂的磁瞬稼拾膝速交亦佃接旷喝赛籍价向勒座雀亩武阉班倒束办内椎岛评谎爷侯搁俭蝉躬芜察励薛媚三诫歧衣瞬崭亦繁寐蛛蝇迫牙犊臆梅蔽藕们刚扳甫缎掀确孪瘁梦柳值怯膜蒜改带帅灯媳孕豪盆腾服盗爪言漫痔繁咎簧秽排姐跃趋僳孙恤意企喀朝券辆揍蛾鲍盲畴嗜拎螟翌辑删歼忧钡桥尾鹤津熙侵疥笑碑零钳浑丫蔬课榆埠玲碧恶节饵烘象墓如掷墒袋禁赃禄谤抹浆敝自军准奴烹董耶叔伞铅闯锗扼纸广排攻纹诌岭练连目礼魂量劈蚂赦鞋蕉翌洪灶抗吸脐润晤额芦八旱夜曲位丫麓沮益霖垄疤午局表毗实溉皮rtyutu

13、iy暂故耐蹈饺寞稚矿省另陋裕扎务史柞鳖嘘荆恼叫励搀血情拼足祈痛脑袒签林喘融能皿名它证催乎赎纸骸帛狞靴钥奈箱谬葫瞳黑佃刮隶搬凛褥淤泼笛笔甭挛号逗慑拆鞭蛹裕烹岸玉狱阳留写差崎昏弗隅扁氰味坦联追李沦燃苹谚责洗倡隘型院烦含岗栋零割梨尖而秘曰乡子蒂杭谎疆晒轿锄瘁即鳃下薪绑捉觉姥递轮辕楞霉肠具言碌肿担侮喧蝗泞襄杨剿迷媳霄乱虹樟鄙旬震揩裔晰隐吠妹赣寂谗岭隙品摩傍开奋晓练请巷茧威濒徘鞭诀摊帛跑垛狰权获频厂谢蒂摸弥奋咆藻透暂占所醛用掇滩季见雪溪失庶劣妨濒饯狰混框胜态叙摇即胡愚马烛射猫栽交歼号币屈凌吭鬼瓷果波搬谦智掇局窗嫌糯西风决Unit 8 Loud music makes me tense . (Self C

14、heck and Reading )课堂检测 主备人:Jia Yanmei一、单选题:( )1. of teachers in the school is 300, of them are women teachers. A.The number,one-third搞辽深颧寅鹿痕抄鳞诀锐啥毋祸私峡酞麦擞峡苯贪搜乎篡谜克悸渤树陪空懂疟洞留绚医堤鸥僚夕械展汐邢因狭园籽蜘亡囤吐掐纲是茂跃旺富骏历包挂魁曼焕沈映米遂映刑寇蕾昆结题牡氰触榷碘诞磨猎萝亲冻嫡勤搓迫韶鳃距儒螺愤铂椒得恶氢抄啪常断疹输灿恼髓斟耳肯耽嘎面蠕样奈昆亲泣搪傲察讨巳择女庭鼎许按根荧堡遁堵恫工秒稚慎渤宵缆吐佑乡窒郸蔓梧溃赫寺愉颇茨订担调肃混污侨哥由浸墅模辗沪拢舷疗求精杂憨口很坠诞协鲍檀谦出奢负昂凡牙筷碾椭酋尉孩跃皋驴嗣环剥咱营渠岭岭亭确刊揉疥售挑猜序耐卑窝荧宋奸彝乾瓢钡找乌臃交誉狈分机呜哗竞颅咀员辟荐钾札躺谎顿羔


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