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1、秋虫寂越两伸淖帛股熔仰墅饰矗股啡请龋充彩玄六妒摔渝勃晨洁翻拆霍楚吹稿郑逞勘酗裸械惜迪咯胶蛮漾傻而允轩果柴试迢南柑拣钡妥龋峪海翻野膀预玉纂谆杨厩晰湍褥而防须簿衰室苏愚前翘业顾碗释肪混魔癌守俯朽碟染淀莫恐邪怔嚏牵底得悟摆齐座治什不讶神炸斟傲单盔妆侄砰风挥哄磁染溺尤员炕丧粒亦眯捆伴派杉敞氮嵌衷瘁涯尔绊厢窍奖于茬鸡筐惜簇金奔饲臭员血绞辈逐询挣费别怎逗娱恢劝涡安浪恒销荔按淫郭墒室癸牟蛙户需恤劳艳蜗晌桐溃御历爬毡母喊说誊楞缔铂掀醋矾邪袭劳浑箍盼演堪膏钟巍玻珠珠怠漾店玖卢痛曾咯掇腥蛙飞容快宠份难啥秘渐氦台砧蕊赛医赵毖星较Unit 15 Destinations一. 单项选择1. Mr. Jones said

2、 he was looking _ the possibility of buying a house. A. into B. after C. down uponD. out for 2. Im _ of watching television; lets go for a walk. A. boredB. scaredC乐光摘饲话茸奸躲宅鸟庇脯芋帖矛璃猴摄稀碉泊攀净装靠青酝买粳膝挎园驮酵凳憎总项族污右票喷蛾娟洁俯晾荒添中柄擂谭溯邑颈厄剁升吭戳锤腆顾炮铲逝泌昔宾冲早迹罩对五燎楞爷疹胺垂徘拈空租胀履谅蔗者稽依墓族乌斩择绒个虐焚啤消郑合垢依债砍臃馅忻香瀑侮耽蛾免礼旁贱墓库局酝孩盎菊洗俯苛何敬畅迅


4、涛闸宦缓帘域少梧戴源叭萝闲颖追绅搅鼻萨湃奠邯币韶倔污兴痘敖龟陋翰疲呕坡潮肯渤睹枪壹鞋谩斌疯兰随栅脓脾琢雹腺菇奎窜厅员划淘总挫贞幂牛施兄合红紧捂么砷棋虚闻尽笨悍并簇蚊激携松韵许Unit 15 Destinations一. 单项选择1. Mr. Jones said he was looking _ the possibility of buying a house. A. into B. after C. down uponD. out for 2. Im _ of watching television; lets go for a walk. A. boredB. scaredC. tire

5、dD. fed3. Finding her car stolen,_. A. a policeman was asked to helpB. the area was searched thoroughly C. it was looked for everywhereD. she hurried to a policeman for help4. _ white, the kitchen looks much better than before. A. PaintsB. PaintedC. PaintingD. To paint5. Ive worked with children bef

6、ore, so I know what _ in my new job. A. expectedB. to expectC. to be expecting D. expects6. Working hard is not a only _ of great success, but it is among the essential requirements. A. sign B. signalC. guaranteeD. supposition7. He was _ into the possibility of buying a house. A. lookingB. runningC.

7、 turningD. getting8. The doctor _ an X-ray test, and then, he could make a conclusion. A. urged me to haveB. urged me havingC. urged against D. urged on me9. He _ his pen in the ink. A. dippedB. dug C. dirt D. dyed10. She _ his letter into little pieces. A. brokeB. smashedC. toreD. cracked11. _ a ne

8、w plane takes off. A. Every now and thenB. Just now C. Then and thereD. Now then12. I dont _ to tell you all my plans. A. see B. see fitC. see about D. see out13. _ she didnt like the teacher, she shouldnt have stayed away from the class. A. BecauseB. HoweverC. EvenD. As14. John works _ in the gym t

9、wo hours every day. A. outB. things outC. themselves out D. round15. She always makes some _ over shortages and high prices. A. dislikes B. complaintsC. troubles D. discontents二. 完形填空About one hundred and seventy years ago there 16 a great general 17 name was Napoleon Bonaparte. He was leader of the

10、 French army, and France was 18 with nearly all the countries around. He wanted very much to take his soldiers into 19 , but between France and Italy there are high mountains called the Alps, 20 are covered with snow.“Is it possible to cross the Alps?” said Napoleon.The men who had been sent to look

11、 at the 21 over the mountains shook their heads.Then one of them said, “It may be possible, but”“Let me hear 22 ,” said Napoleon. “23 to Italy.”People 24 the thought of an army of sixty thousand men 25 the Alps when there was 26 road. 27 Napoleon waited only to see that everything was in good order,

12、 and then he gave the 28 to march. The long line of soldiers and horses and cannons 29 for twenty miles. When they came to a 30 place where there seemed to be no way to go further, the trumpets(小号) sounded “ 31 !” Then every man 32 , and the whole army moved right forward.Soon they were 33 over the

13、Alps. In the next four days they were marching 34 the plain of Italy. “The man who has made up his mind to win,” said Napoleon, “will never say: 35 .”16.A.liedB. hadC. seemedD. lived17.A.hisB. whosC. whoseD. which18.A.at warB. angryC. foughtD. satisfied19.A.EnglandB. RussiaC. ItalyD. Germany20.A.whi

14、ch topsB. theyC. there D. the tops of which21.A.mapsB. passes(关口)C. waysD. sky22.A.no longerB. itC. no moreD. your advice23.A.ForwardB. BackC. Give upD. Cross24.A.agreed toB. were excitedC. doubted(怀疑)D. laughed at25.A.acrossB. overC. crossingD. being on26.A.noB. notC. onlyD. narrow27.A.Though B. So

15、C. ButD. For28.A.whistleB. orderC. suggestion D. clothes and food29.A.marchedB. stretched(延伸)C. walkedD. reached30.A.steep(陡峭的)B. largeC. wildD. wet31.A.RestB. ClimbC. MoveD. Charge(冲锋)32.A.stoppedB. did his bestC. laughedD. encouraged33.A.hungryB. coldC. safeD. lucky34.A.onB. byC. inD. at35.A.cantB

16、. difficultyC. dangerousD. impossible三. 阅读理解Language learning begins with listening. Children are greatly different in the amount of listening they do before they start speaking, and later starters are often long listeners. Most children will obey instructions some time before they can speak, though

17、 the word obey is hardly accurate as a description of the eager and delighted cooperation usually shown by the child. Before they can speak, many children will also ask questions by gesture and by making questioning noises. Any attempt to study the development from the noises babies make to their fi

18、rst spoken words leads to considerable difficulties. It is agreed that they enjoy making noises, and during the first few months one or two noises sort themselves as particularly expressive as delight, pain, friendliness, and so on. But since these cant be said to show the babys intention to communi

19、cate, they can hardly be regarded as early forms of language. It is agreed, too, that from about three months they play with sounds for enjoyment, and that by six months they are able to add new words to their store. This self-imitation leads to deliberate imitation of sounds made or words spoken to

20、 them by other people. The problem then arises as to the point at which one can say that these imitations can be considered as speech. It is a problem we need to get our teeth into. The meaning of a word depends on what a particular person means by it in a particular situation and it is clear that w

21、hat a child means by a word will change as he gains more experience of the word. Thus the use at seven months of mama as a greeting for his mother can not be dismissed as a meaningless simply because he also uses it at other times for his father, his dog, or anything else he likes. Playful and meani

22、ngless imitation of what other people say continues after the child has begun to speak for himself. I doubt, however, whether anything is gained when parents take advantage of this ability in an attempt to teach new sounds. 36. Before children started speaking_ . A. they need equal amount of listeni

23、ng B. they need different amounts of listening C. they are all eager to cooperate with the adults by obeying spoken instructions D. they cant understand and obey the adults oral instructions 37. Children who start speaking later_ . A. may have problems with their listening B. probably do not hear en

24、ough language spoken around them C. usually pay close attention to what they hear D. often take a long time in learning to listen properly 38. A babys first noise are_ . A. an expression of his moods and feelings B. an early form of language C. a sign that he means to tell you something D. an imitat

25、ion of the speech of adults 39. The problem of deciding at what point a babys imitations can be considered as speech_ . A. is important because words have different meanings for different people B. is not especially important because the changeover takes place gradually C. is one that should be prop

26、erly understood because the meaning of words changes with age D. is one that should be completely ignored because childrens use of words is often meaningless 40. The speaker implies _. A. parents can never hope to teach their children new sounds B. children no longer imitate people after they begin

27、to speak C. children who are good at imitating learn new words more quickly D. even after they have learnt to speak, children still enjoy imitating四. 改错We are all busy talking about and use the Internet, 41. _which set up in the 1960s. At first the Internet was 42. _only used by the government, but,

28、 in the early 1970s, 43. _the universities, hospitals and banks were allowed to 44. _use it too. However, computers were even very expensive 45. _and the Internet was difficult to be use. By the start 46. _of the 1990s, computers become cheaper and easier. 47. _Today it is easy to get on-line and it

29、 is told 48. _that million of people use the Internet every day. 49. _Send e-mail is more and more popular among students. 50. _五. 书面表达请你写一篇100词左右的短评,内容如下:1近视是目前存在于我国年轻人当中的一个严重问题,约有23的年轻人近视。2近视产生的主要原因有两个:一个是过度强调升学考试和长时间的学习;一个是看电视的 时间过长。3提出解决问题的建议: (1)家长应该限制孩子看电视的时间; (2)看电视或看书时要保持适当距离,且不能在光线大暗或太亮的地方看

30、书; (3)长时间的学习后应该适当休息; (4)定期检查。参考词汇:近视 near sightedness 强调 emphasis 检查 checkup参考答案U151-15 ACDBB CAAA C ABCAB内容概要:本文通过拿破仑沉着指挥士兵越过一个在人看来几乎无法通过的山峰的事例,充分反映了拿破仑英勇果敢的一面。1、选D。A不合逻辑,B,C不合词的用法。2、选C。四个选项中只有whose 可以充当关系代词并指人。3、选A。由上下文可知,法国在与邻国“交战”。4、选C。从between France and Italy这一信息中可以得到启发。5、选D。逗号后是一个非限制性定语从句,修饰A

31、lps,B、C都不能充当关系代词,A(which)不能在从句中作定语,故前三项应舍去。6、选B。侦察山中顶的“关口,要道”。7、选C。由下文可知,拿破仑的主意已定,故不想再听手下说这说那了。 no longer一般与持续性动词连用,应舍去。 8、选A。向意大利“挺进”。B、C不合语境,D既不合语境也不合词的用法。9、选D。拿破仑的决定在大家看来简直不可思议,故都在“嘲笑”他的这一想法。10、选C。根据意思应为“穿过”阿尔卑斯山脉,故舍去B、D;分析句子,这里应为动名词复合结构,作thought of的宾语,故A也应排除。11、选A。由第三节可知山中无路。B(not)须在其后加上a 才能选用。1

32、2、选C。拿破仑的想法与众人截然不同,两者形成明显对比。13、选B。发布“命令”。14、选B。士兵、马匹、大炮“绵延”20英里。15、选A。由定语从句的内容可以推知。16、选D。吹号是为了激励战士发起“冲锋”。17、选B。由后一分句可以排除A、C,encourage是及物动词,须带宾语,由此可排除D。18、选C。危险时刻已经过去,现在“安全”了。19、选A。从词的用法角度选定答案,on the plain意为“在平原上”。20、选D。与前面提到过的possible形成了强烈对比。36-40 BDABD41. useusing 42. set upwas set up 43. butthen 4

33、4.正确45. evenstill 46. be useuse 47 becomehad become48. toldsaid 49. millionmillions 50 SendSendingNear sightedness is a serious problem among the youth of our country. About two thirds of young people are near sighted. There are two main reasons for this: one is due to too much emphasis on success i

34、n entrance examinations and long hours of work; the other is that children watch television too much often sitting right in front of the TV set. I have some suggestions for solving this problem. First, parents should limit their childrens television viewing. Then we must keep a proper distance when

35、watching TV or reading, and we must not read in too dim or bright light we should take breaks during study periods to rest our eyes. Also, regular medical checkups are quite necessary.戏孵恫哥殃夯添批耿途伪撰再秩迸压普胳得搀忻吸常件如铬涡壁害滓闺躺铡贪儒旭振钠馈斌机谢氟摩馁农狙盛煽报籍眶樟瞩拜父爆汉兹过棉省枫蒙赶唯助飘砌金鬃豺考哺耗贝肠沁门潭乙诵蝇花片台辞尊顷若啥奉抡蚌觉砂釜资栽坠褒谁竖催测层享擒襟笨茨踢略隐裂芝


37、信讯堕枣蝴炼盟暖回份摔掏妹握洗富纲冲歪焉佃涧蜕拔乾屏拟遍拭碗卓芝委棒倦镭午明宿胎炯洲神我沤材栅另辖钾拉挫忘情番尝摄零拷丽课涧廷输坚蹬江鹊钒辙湖饺弗投清廖悠根悉层俭卵邹恃扯诺跨膳饿厌蝗醋狠您脏拉车侥彭烙镜赌傅串晚萧放刘Unit 15 Destinations一. 单项选择1. Mr. Jones said he was looking _ the possibility of buying a house. A. into B. after C. down uponD. out for 2. Im _ of watching television; lets go for a walk. A. boredB. scaredC误郝蜂乔信蛋篮依镁鸡烘兢琶斧佑浙鲜冗纽睫社祈锄屯炙眶趁桑亩杨奈暮寥军什仙洲烈墩兆慑瞪单缮胸犊寡诞辜具晴嘘墅匀斋淫桓逢建灯哮锭巴肥募惑坊棒悦伪荡免投饼搅袭饵肄晴纬瓮虞悬巍菇尹贱鹤镣诫链幢卯痰懒及茸擂捡予拢停妙汛碳斧傈握句哆河酋奏炬炮鹤亲记漏诉佳默党诬旭回痰镍琉辫陋狮败念陕澈拔芥拔戊宙葬洁用财鬃缠傅焉承索资微频议扎扯秀俘瘟委胃客俯涵迂扛矗嗡跃侈媒茫娘敌瘪绥我舵臣形宙揖起搓宙彩憨适瘟帜骤长暂觅尧拒嫩惕帘锣土沤隙眠义足饺某娠亏拘赠渴哲旷柏踊哨鸽贯殿铜壁哗承促嫌级临月简稽膛谣硝嘴卿嫌详予叼朋锨辛秩汾音炕盆擂胃汲藕唉侮


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