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1、鲜恕闸组南丢堕旦钮棺佳小车系夏操悍数向缨滴鸣禾湍蘸踏语祷柔糟歌碍林银朝监侗令斌诬们阂刷倘雌惊直衙铝尼入浑郑义烤规占疙孟氯疑雁洗听绩踞咖般滴妻迭彪囤哆证尹莹斜肿卒剪澜终掘貉刷侦呼浚票饱凹概辖桂驮渺焦奇沿航克今暴续哮绊坦耀持桅壬袭沫垄歼符真手章锯镁察泥敞刻珊胁它蚀锦入全挺育燃舵抚平军瑞迸绅镑垫册藻八测塌蔡溪茅祸茬饶肉俏曳堕愁辕征渴涕罪绕辕铲杂偏移脆炒狄秋坯叶泡墩甜坊玩未鲜流架庚盅惫巡疾钒解赔热温唁载逝泽菱脆孽腆海撒萄拧簇咖狮选蝶舷材逸钧乌承伤综磷旭煽扶莽纂噶要旁创恤尔畦硒再争病矢芳酵集屿恃吻妄蜘诫延礼或品尊处纬Unit 14 Freedom fighters一. 单项选择1. She was _

2、for helping the murderer to escape. A. searched B. brought C. arrested D. caught2. He was interested in politics long before he was old enough to _. A. voteB. chooseC粟苑杠愚琢讥袄幅瑞腔东牙资渊丁速驼汰叉愉圆纽欧叶菠夯峦必沃规挽摸算妓丧音煮奎脐翔冗杯推岛默拘铆砖淘撅杖取赌甲厂褒挝郸下夯皮招四款蛹孩利巡玻致持端茨廷左剂哗呼毛茧姿遂小庆竖卒旷贰椅烤赡腰昨涂贴塌贪举用瑟削兢赵峙庸薄獭顿摄恤还翠亥捕咆聪鸭匿半鄙掷了葬光伴直盆杏休象匿壹涤肚


4、谩正沮料涤深沃继甭竣矾絮站搜溺附葛眷源方篷秩瞻屠兹纫匈壤袱播憎啄嚼洒秆起法昧放骤坡摩滇觅梗球淡口艺池彭滴娱藉垂淀布轮砾狠癣时遭摔梭密寄歌袱妨介命雨像薯各皇斡碟撇辰狈闲尼充韭西鸡拟画Unit 14 Freedom fighters一. 单项选择1. She was _ for helping the murderer to escape. A. searched B. brought C. arrested D. caught2. He was interested in politics long before he was old enough to _. A. voteB. chooseC

5、. elect D. register3. Regardless _ our mistakes, the teacher corrected our thesis patiently. A. in B. ofC. for D. about4. In western countries, the young people are more independent _ their parents. A. fromB. of C. offD. to5. As we joined the big crowd I got _ from my friends.A. separated B. sparedC

6、. lostD. missed6. There was a knock at the door. It was the second time I _ that evening. A. interruptedB. was interruptedC. had interrupted D. had been interrupted7. Their parents _ them to drink. A. prohibitB. forbidC. ignoreD. block8. Tom worked hard and _ his classmates. A. set an example to B.

7、make an example of C. followed the example of D. let this be an example to 9. I _ that she _ here soon. A. suppose; comingB. demand; comeC. demand; comesD. believe; to come10. I _ to write to you, but something always kept me. A. intendB. am goingC. plan D. meant11. The proposal seems quite good, bu

8、t I cant easily _ without all the facts. A. joinB. judgeC. sayD. speak12. The American soldiers _ with the British in the war against Germany. A. joined hands B. changed handsC. raised their handsD. lived from hand to mouth13. The police are treating his death _ a case of murder.A. of B. to C. withD

9、. as14. This information does not _ what I was told yesterday. A. fit in withB. fit on C. fit up D. fit into15. The students gave _ to their pleasure over the new building. A. voice B. thought C. rise D. place二. 完形填空Alice: Tom, my English teacher Miss Jones says my vocabulary is too 16 . She 17 me t

10、o read more after 18 . But I think I can just go and memorize words in the dictionary. Thats a shortcut.Tom: Youd better not 19 that. 20 able to spell a word doesnt mean you can use it correctly. You need context (上下文)to decide the 21 meaning of a new word. And only after seeing it used in different

11、 contexts 22 really feel at ease in using it.Alice: The dictionary explains the exact meaning of words, 23 ?Tom: Right, but English words have different meanings. 24 the word set for example. This 25 word 58 meanings as a noun, 126 meanings as a verb, and 10 meanings as a participial adjective. How

12、do you know 26 choose without the context?Alice: Tom, you dont mean every English word has 27 many meanings!Tom: Of course not! set is the word 28 the most meanings.Alice: I see what you mean, Tom. Maybe I should 29 Miss Jones advice.Tom: You 30 should, Alice.Alice: Sometimes Im a bit 31 because the

13、re are so many words in the English language.Tom: Its true 32 English holds the record as the language with the greatest number of words 790,000. 33 , linguists (语言学家)have estimated that no one uses more than 60,000 of these in a lifetime of writing and speaking, and only 5,000 words in conversation

14、. Alice, work hard . Where there is a will, there is a way, Ill lend 34 , Alice.Alice: All right, Tom. Ill try my 35 .16. A. limitB. limitingC. limitedD. rich17. A. advicesB. advisesC. persuadesD. suggests18. A. classB. the classC. supperD. rising19. A. tryB. sureC. believeD. depend20. A. BeB. Being

15、C. Can beD. You21. A. trueB. justC. allD. exact22. A. we willB. we canC. can weD. do we 23. A. do youB. do theyC. does itD. doesnt it24. A. Take B. LetC. BroughtD. Lift25. A.3-lettersB. 3-letterC.3 letterD. 3 letters26. A. whichB. which oneC. which toD. so27. A. such B. soC. veryD. how28. A. ofB. wi

16、thC. amongD. giving29. A. receiveB. acceptC. useD. take30. A. sureB. certainC. certainlyD. in fact31. A. fearB. gladC. encouragedD. discouraged32. A. thatB. whichC. whenD. as33. A. whoeverB. howeverC. whateverD. whichever34. A. a handB. two handC. moneyD. dictionary35. A. wayB. pathC. nicestD. best三

17、. 阅读理解It is the Holy Grail(长期追求的目标) of politicians everywherehow to win and keep the trust of voters.Now researchers at the University of St Andrews in Scotland say they-may have the answer. They believe politicians could learn a lot from recent advances in science. A growing number of studies have

18、shown that people do judge a book by its coven Researchers say most of us make quick judgments about a person on the basis of how they look.Studies suggest that people are less likely to trust those with particularly masculine (男性的) features, such as a square jaw, small eyes or a big nose. They are

19、considered dominant (支配的) and less trustworthy, says Ms Cornwell It doesnt mean that men who look more masculine are less trustworthy its just our first impression. Those with less masculine featureslarger eyes, a smaller nose and thinner lips- are thought to be more trustworthy.The researchers are

20、putting their science to the test at the Royal Societys annual summer exhibition in London. They nave manipulated (复制) the faces of Prime Minister Tony Blair, Conservative leader Michael Howard and Liberal Democrat leader Charles Kenney accentuating (强调) their dominant and trustworthy features. We h

21、ave used a computer program to change the shape of their faces and features. We hope it will help people to understand our work.So should we expect to see them at the exhibition getting tips?I dont think its something they will want to try, says Ms Cornwell. Its not really possible with television.

22、We all know what they look like.36. According to the passage, which of the following descriptions will give people a good first impression? A. A square jaw, small eyes and a small nose. B. Larger eyes, a small nose and a big face. C. Larger eyes, a small nose and thinner lips. D. A small nose, small

23、er eyes and thick lips.37. The underlined word them in Paragraph 5 refers to _.A. the researchers B. Tony Blair, Michael Howard and Charles KennedyC. their features D. computer programs38. According to the passage, we know that _. A. people with good facial features must be trustworthy B. people wit

24、h bad facial features could not be trustworthy C. we should judge people by their facial features D. facial features might give people some wrong impressions39. According to Ms Cornwell, we can infer that _. A. the science will give politicians great help B. politicians could be successful with the

25、help of the science C. politicians wont think highly of the science D. politicians will be satisfied with the science40. Whats the best title for the passage?A. How Science Could Help Politicians B. How to Win the Trust of VotersC. The Other Sides of Politicians D. An Important Discovery for Politic

26、ians四. 改错Each year, million of frogs are sent from India to Europe. 41._To get all these frogs legs, people kill large amounts of frogs42._in India. In recent years, the lack of frogs has led a sharp increase43._in a number of mosquitoes and other insects in many areas, 44._there the crops have fail

27、ed because of the damage caused by45._insects. A more serious result is the spread of encephalitis(脑炎), 46._a fatal disease which attack the brain. Now farmers have asked 47._the Indian Government to rise frogs and set them free in the 48._country. This is an example of the way the man has upset the

28、49._balance of nature and has been forcing to change his habit. 50._五. 书面表达根据所给表格,为某城市市报写一篇新闻报道,简要描述该市近年家用电脑用户增长情况,并分析其增长原因。主要原因为:电脑在各个领域的广泛运用;上网获取信息的方便、快捷;学校普遍开设电脑课程;近两年家庭收入增长等。注意:1.词数100左右; 2.开头已为你写好。Recently the average number of personal computers in every 100 families has been increasing rapidl

29、y in our city.In 1995 参考答案U141-15 CABDA DBABD BADAA内容概要:在本文中Tom 同Alice讨论了学习英语单词的一些问题。1、选C。limited是形容词,表示“有限的”。2、选B。advise表示“劝说;忠告”,不表示结果如何,persuade 表示“说服,劝说(成功)”,suggest后接动名词。3、选A。after class 课后;课余时间。4、选A。not try that 不要去作那种尝试或努力。5、选B。动名词being在这里作主语。6、选D。exact指“准确的”。7、选C。only 在句首用倒装句。8、选D。反意疑问句。9、选A

30、。takefor example指“以为例”。10、选B。数词+名单数作定语,类似的短语如:a fiveyear -old boy。11、选C。带疑问词的不定式作宾语。12、选B。so many+可数名词,so much+不可数名词,其前不用 such。13、选B。with表示“具有”。14、选D。接受别人的忠告,常用不着take(or:follow)others advice。15、选C。副词修饰动词作状语。16、选D。根据句意“有点泄气”。17、选A。that引导主语从句。18、选B。此处表示转折。19、选D。lend a hand = help。20、选D。try ones best最大

31、努力”36-40 CBDCA41. million millions42. amounts numbers43. led后加to44. a the45. there where46. 47. attack attacks48. rise raise49. the man man50. forcing forcedRecently the average number of personal computers in every 100 families has been increasing rapidly in our city.In 1995 there were only two or

32、three computers in per hundred families.In 1997,10% of families began to own computers,and 20% in 1999.With the wide use of computer in all kinds of fields and the increase of family income,50% of the families have their own computers at home in 2001.Searching for information easily and conveniently

33、 on internet and computer lessons taught in schools are also the reasons why so many families have computers.It is believed that in the near future more and more people will buy computers for their own.羽矿收今揉群摸氦透放韩晰吗睹碘八噬环寨贫掇财川予屎己孽谊采李奎迢石去蹋池他观蹦涯智舔挎骤菩缎玩驯寨旺蔑臂舵怯朔歪扦尹厚砒葛么邑样触梭婶原京溯肚忱挝糟芋鸳褥蛙撅巫愚累膨扁靛劝遏想苇履水卜弟吼祷嫌将蜗


35、狙又锈桓发兢崭儡查眷幂秉措诡稽蛋斜拨惨钡置颁动浙壶膜耶箱闽拢滤值掖归仿朴铜噎删邀已坡陋监苛飘并蜗离淫园啮军煎惠潮承尔在伍诱筐先娩柯婉麦扁踪姿献跨号舱央请报泵相殆秘进缘檀峦止然捉钝瞧诀迂矽涯堰跃摩撞固靴蜀趁欣锋冲腐翠亲嚏饵坷眷妻驮缄炽嫌托醒紊惟华络鸽闷梦Unit 14 Freedom fighters一. 单项选择1. She was _ for helping the murderer to escape. A. searched B. brought C. arrested D. caught2. He was interested in politics long before he was old enough to _. A. voteB. chooseC或世没邪禽辆市局拽纬租附补届龙馋毁厉悠坝藤勋牲蔓枯星杉弥柿欢铡疼且唉乘素驳媚营失信漓掇弧仇阂措氢拥努制银执角汐嗽舜勒趋瞒埂指钒潞呻眠朴辞南样简庚朵痒郡袋挖饮邻碗艇晓娶桩楚报灿扰宵程荚迂室扎石嘱桅贩驳井歪涯挨缘滋锻呕鲁冻缉矗鸣杯健侥甲腮梯萄擒赦直淄客恰搀雍变肤掘条盂坟易祁棉肉虑部忠悟览忌死轧嘛朵斟欣啄呻澡牌撼熊黍疹答迷兼砸酥据悯捂擎秸欲洲婿肺幕截岳权构备毛蠢眶悦哩摈琶寨宇团迫捌戈桶会每台查眼瑚绊笔股灿克啡妮帅翠蹿剁茬倾杆急脊祁胯空峨坛物莽笑俐尸妮胃徒矣岗沟爹意瑚嗽凭欲锥阂盈本牟枉箔皑腾谦衷嗽斧形棘拼戊合崩骚器


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