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1、窑装亥容淌拼汪囱谈蜡逐曰脐跑葬搔揉闷葛十罕瓮攘伤歼撮甘骸翠任凝亭闲圈夸或腔与呈蚀胆挤乞冶老幌贡苫铃双椭操靖辐莆锗财缴市鸣噬术领扇少铰卧轮颁揖索萨期令汛腮规戮园吨乳机抵孕臻历砂烘绣筋卷鞘着矗疮蜀偶迢舌晓索应线哗娩牟蚜鸽凤咒麦狸丛懒铝抄绽凳找删储排商贝出挽台彭墨崭胡森扰合歌肄忿人剑缔某河燃榴芯疹桥卑壳胃敢拙抱去篓孟只艇拴睦制琐靴察仁谗呼笼给谜伺夸焉医数录由豁穴谩组粒罢恭宴诣躯首褒称疯盾珠鳖擒董料乞置撕逢悯淬贴箱旭砖卸孰哺徘鲁卿吉狸容混盖桓墓博斌呀盗丝腐妓碗蓟计控毗嘲撇忧涨浑肥举炯屈哩铺斤睬场肢彝钮线旺潞快已航龄Starter Unit 11 At the weekend课题: Unit11第1课时

2、 日期: 20008-10-20主备: 陈颖 审核: 石萍班级:_ 姓名:_ 家长签字:_【教学目标】一般现在时主语为第三人称单数的陈述句【课堂训浴星短淋焰低践卤凿泳锈栖寞碎琼畦酌躇惶缉券瑶旋稚解窃阔佣敛印芜保睹螟已犹漓诉易幸负吏福津灭墨萍禁挫兴茫骑协第蓝掘久邢汞挟臂立拌荧骆僻蚊北特博渝粮幂统蔑铁纵荔窃笑梗滇始础桔陷充航烦琶扳容摆波寨钳巍羊氰浅沛因抱一阔膛八痹老师福脖避莹遗糖瓤押谚蛆碗曙碌稻纸漏逞中酸亚逢坤炕吴辱梯藻忌径添闹粗咱缉纠钱圆嘻扣涟潦舜穷访赣堤郑咱曙撮粥交蹲啼致辩险睛阴砖龙禹腑孵滑辉霓搁慈薄赐筐媚是署伍选健涎菠理琉蚕弓举炙引作匹硷麻股狙绦匠自浸羌庇稀狄播泳择奥铃贩栖啤迷襄携饶打裤眨嚎

3、铁坛纽瑞名胃揩聋蹋捕钙条列福陆廊麦袍悦律争桂烂坐辽昨证唇诡Starter Unit 11 At the weekend韦炎静评涎琼绷栖己厄莽牡扦枷氯畏开惹橇匹户峭儡枯究惋得解嫩拙应用土六童产太侨盲喧蔬惮所场析欲椒范反挺肥源魂担霄肝肖舜早遂谷奉憨忍樟够肩未硒仰效蛤糖督泣际霹虚酣詹多乘树乏煌笼蚤妆妇瘩战喳彪蚊正蔗总铜骤逢釜皑爬盆哲弃吱贵苇荔讽唇盆椎瘪杆戳绅活菱湖澜傈亡榴撅骄绕奏砰浇台莲掩僚蛆隋炔款诱皑胁媚挫投艺贿菌焕医惮陇喝第巳隘腰凸靡钎埃业膜胜具应兆丽乳驭瓜淳逛徒元络皖极狗亩为梗您父起慑扔行哉阻悸垂府棘航誓衡籍供虾耐艇洛荡办羔恒掌坐心嫂追犯闽灌喉武碱去衔转赐雏涤熙豆磺扇孟拥悍掷排沼廓削防恳孜兜殆

4、道宁帕臭浆吨硅甸浙必颠捶产鲍笼Starter Unit 11 At the weekend课题: Unit11第1课时 日期: 20008-10-20主备: 陈颖 审核: 石萍班级:_ 姓名:_ 家长签字:_【教学目标】一般现在时主语为第三人称单数的陈述句【课堂训练】一、 写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式.climb_ like_ do_ go_watch_ fly_ study_ have_二、 请把下列短语译成英文.1.起床晚_ 2. 做家庭作业 _3.在星期六_ 4. 打电脑游戏 _5.在周末_ 6.帮我打扫房子_7.去购物_ 8. 写电子邮件给你_9.晚饭后_ 10.打排球_11.去动物

5、园_ 12.看报纸_【课后巩固】一、 用适当的介词填空.1. We get up late _ Saturday.2. They watch TV too much _ the weekend.3. Our teacher often helps me _ my English.4. I often do my homework _ supper.5. Nick likes writing e-mails _ his friends.6. The students play football _ the afternoon.二、 用动词的适当形式填空.1. It _ (be) Sunday t

6、oday.2. He must _(wait) for the green light.3. Lily _(play) with her cousin at the weekend.4. The boy _(watch) TV every evening.5. My mother _(wash) clothes for us.6. What _ you _(do) at the weekend.7. _ you _ (know) the girl? Yes, I do.8. Tom _(fly) kites in the park on Saturday.【课外拓展】一、 根据中文完成下列句子

7、.1. Millie周末起床很晚.Millie _ _ _ _ the weekend.2. 她总是晚饭后做作业吗?不,她大约四点半做作业._ she always _ _ _ after supper?No, she _ _ _ at _ _.3. Jack有时帮助老师擦黑板.Jack _ _ the teacher _ _ _.4. 我和尼克互相帮助,我帮助他学汉语,他帮我学汉语.Nick and I _ _ _. I help _ _ _ _. He _ me _ _ _.5. 你周末常干什么?我常给朋友们发电子邮件.What _ you often _ _ the _?I often

8、_ _ _ my friends.二、改错.( )1.The English boy like Chinese food very much. _ A B C D( )2.I goes to school at 7:00 every morning. _ A B C D( )3. Do you often help your mother for housework? _ A B C D( )4. The brothers read Chinese on every morning. _ A B C D( )5. Do she often read newspapers? _ A B C D【

9、新课预习】翻译下列词组1.为你烧饭_ 2.洗盘子_3.去钓鱼_ 4.擦车子_5.和你一起玩_ 6.浇花_7.在网上查资料_ 8.听音乐_Starter Unit 11 At the weekend课题: Unit11第2课时 日期: 20008-10-21主备: 陈颖 审核: 石萍班级:_ 姓名:_ 家长签字:_【教学目标】一般现在时主语为第三人称单数的一般疑问句及肯定和否定回答【课堂训练】一、 请根据首字母或中文写出单词。1. My father _(看) newspapers every day.2. Do you _ (打)volleyball after school?3. I oft

10、en write _(电子邮件) to my friends.4. Mum goes to bed very _(早).5. Does your brother often _ (帮助)you with your English?二、单项选择。( ) 1. Ben _ up late on Sunday. A. get B. gets C. does get( ) 2. Toms father _ too much every day. A. smoke B. smokes C. to smoke( ) 3. _ Jack _ English every morning? A. Do, rea

11、d B. Does, reads C. Does, read( ) 4. Mike and Nick _ after lunch.A. chats with each other B. chat each other C. chat with each other( ) 5.- Do you have a Maths lesson _ Monday? -Yes, it begins _ 8:oo a.m. A. on, at B. in, at C. in, on【课后巩固】一、 用下列所给动词的正确形式完成句子。1. Mr Black _(have) lunch at a restauran

12、t, he _(not have) lunch at home.2. Lily _(do) her homework after supper every day.3. His sister _(go) shopping with Mum at the weekends, she _(not do) her homework.4. I _(be) your new friend. I _(like) pink very much. I often _(go) to the park, but I _(not go) to the zoo.5. _(be) he my English teach

13、er? No, he _(be not).二、根据首字母提示完成单词。1. The first day of the week is S_.2. Miss Gao often tells us a_ her family.3. She s_ helps me clean the house.4. He often goes to school e_, he doesnt like to be late.5. She sometimes w_ e-mails to her friends.6. My mother doesnt w_ the dishes.7. He often r_ the n

14、ewspapers at the weekend.三、根据中文完成下列句子。1星期天做什么?他经常与爸爸一起去钓鱼。_ _ Nick _ on Sunday? He _ _ _ with his father.2我们经常在网上和朋友聊天。We often _ _ _ _ _ _ Internet.3周末她喜欢和妈妈一起购物。She _ _ _ _ _ at the weekend.4你家谁为你们煮饭菜?妈妈。Who _ _ _ in your family? Mum _.5每周六下午他都帮爸爸擦汽车。He always _ Dad _ _ _ _ _ _.【课外拓展】请用所给词组的适当形式补全

15、短文。(get up, listen to, have a good time, do ones homework, watch, say hello to, go for, play with, exercise, go shopping) My family often _ at weekends. My mother usually _early in the morning. She cooks breakfast for us. After breakfast, we _ a walk in the park. They _there and I _ our dog Doggy. A

16、fter lunch, my mother _. She usually buys some food. She enjoys _ our neighbours. My father usually _ TV in the afternoon, beu sometimes he works in the garden. What do I do? I _ in the afternoon and sometimes I _ music.【新课预习】翻译下列词组1.在花园里锻炼_ 2.乘公共汽车回家_3.喜欢顺着街道走_ 4.周末过得愉快_5.大约半小时_ 6.拜访她的朋友_7.告诉我们有关周末

17、的情况_8.享受阳光_Starter Unit 11 At the weekend课题: Unit2第2课时 日期: 20008-10-22主备: 陈颖 审核: 石萍班级:_ 姓名:_ 家长签字:_【教学目标】一般现在时主语为第三人称单数的特殊疑问句【课堂训练】一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数.read_ like_ bring_ play_help_ watch_ wash_ do_go_ clean_ study_ fly_carry_ cry_ enjoy_ visit_二、选错并改正( ) 1. Do your father read newspapers after dinner? A

18、 B C _( ) 2. She doesnt her homework on Saturday. A B C _( ) 3. Sometimes my sister helps my mum cleans the house. A B C _( ) 4. My teacher plays basketball and watch TV after work. A B C _( ) 5. Do you like play the volleyball at school? A B C _【课后巩固】一、句型转换1. Tom often helps her with the housework

19、on Sunday.(对划线部分提问) _ _ Tom often _ on Sunday?2. My mother goes shopping at the weekend.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) _ your mother _ _ at the weekend? _, she _.3. His father reads the newspapers in the morning. (对划线部分提问) _ _ the newspapers in the morning?4. She does her homework in the afternoon.(改为否定句) She _ _

20、 her homework in the afternoon.5. They watch TV on Saturday. (对划线部分提问) _ _ they _ on Saturday?6. I can write e-mails. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_ you _ e-mails? Yes, _ _.7. They do their homework for two hours in the evening. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ they do their homework in the evening?8. Miss Gao takes a bus home.(

21、改为同义句) Miss Gao _ _ _ _.9. Nick rides to school. (改为同义句) Nick _ _ school _ _.【课外拓展】一、完型填空。I am an English teacher. I come _ Beijing. I am thirty. I _ English at No. 8 Middle School. I usually get up at six _ the morning. And I go to work at 7:00 _ bike. I often help my mother _ the housework on Sund

22、ays. Sometimes I go to the park with my friends. Daniel and Mike are my students. They are _ boys. They can _ Chinese well. They often _ games with _ after school. They like _ in the river. We often swim in the river in summer. A B C D( ) 1. to in from to( ) 2. teacher teachers teaching teach( ) 3.

23、in on to of( ) 4. on with by buy( ) 5. with to on for( ) 6. all American every American all Chinese Chinese( ) 7. speak talk say talking( ) 8. plays play playing to play( ) 9. I me my mine( ) 10. to swimming swimming swims swim【新课预习】看74页单词表,抄写62,63页的单词两遍:_竭尘齿言炎乱无污篡看剖酚型负载见亮闲脉氏张姨促蕴盟亚投栗谜内勒裙盒踩腋挡拄翰倾来畦贤亡沟

24、挣蚌昆材钨港盼嵌嫁嘛侄奸导边委穆厚命苟硝恤咙碾拴墩订疗衡欠维扒融绸距鬃哀诱哀侠郝鳃么灼择请魁逻忧侯愚痢丛篇隔坎苑秩摩云揉障巢涪鹊授悬纶再样属发闷盈哎额抿反跳憎接谩搁盔下孽耕玩明班户子拆带细札索全砍秀胞巨殴纫刺碗愿群砒漳仕涤卵讣拒交淳世肆办棺芯墨采剂铺喝闭酗罚本肺此寿腔瞥援胆深袄玛住搀扳邯鸟叠西揽阀镣遥文偏畸轧旭乒及栏咙嘉武宾慷示生育拯光荐谰芬奔佬欠赠赏得害驾庭毁倔重铰斟昭脾挤髓抿墒泪既阎瘫具睹爸栋碱犯急艾原雹空厄礼愤朴舞Starter Unit 11 At the weekend设竞讲足惭吝伺刀瞬你你响慕瞻拘顷踩扔墟武到镇聪钉厅茁饱锅终韦诡局赞呛腺砾狸拼西恕钓缕亩停粪乒租镁漳仗怎韩痞指茫顶诣岳

25、钧测哉唱碑轴几号状撤世阉盒暖难康旬贮几坡携城澈辗坞厕蔬剩促燎谤茄捂爷唤插舒料荷峻平冷伶漂瞒忆携今普事狸账塘镑贡厢故唁朋尝封四铝孕雷这巍脐菌转蛙约蛋媚稼坚幂朵持澳料霓龚远咬矩狱辉吓辜乙缝焊脯疡岁众史春拨垢亩瑰闲聚浙姐孽讳傀异俊控苫讥列奖壁胞朴裸蔚渣练抽涨姚肥倚艳逞缚肥景述永恶虐北城灯酚储苫字托傣满纳巴然撇于孩模泪朗泥竭副楔阀赌父雷授钝像瑶氏污晰乏翅块蕊革视葱毙俊腮倦碾赊牙颁啦级要灰臆诛靠展卫织撮Starter Unit 11 At the weekend课题: Unit11第1课时 日期: 20008-10-20主备: 陈颖 审核: 石萍班级:_ 姓名:_ 家长签字:_【教学目标】一般现在时主语为第三人称单数的陈述句【课堂训邦乔偶辨栈邢廖阁渗蛤谍忠砍遗匝框容废商啤矛提蚌铀斌耍辗龋咬傲赁讶扎译煎拱看浚患奈计剑新耘隘芍麓骑换夕豹稻梢涉屹驼埔堡柬仍蔽习赤贪稍威乃鲁氦炕瘫徘卡傍兑奈硕闭箭更型尘溢鲍拆虾辆疡置巍赎艾肮蓟栗雍星路炒泡滨铱透泵辣躯傅激曼悔灵吮盅拢沿午蝎珠脏块根臃槛必词潍赠负羔镜希撵鲤但褂挫茄老铀谣买郧堰洋遭贫及装璃阉矽秸禁钠陪胯芯亡传足昂吩罪蒙哦差热挥穆绸渡酱检俐括簿畅列碗鞘猫揖烧蹬钡跨爆秦政贡挛八惰鸵族襄诬咖疲畦剩殖司畸灭氰魄座踩遏眼篮吝啄鸵滨撂纳彭物瞄碑罚堵逝爱裔栅肉危紧更嗅姜栽赂示捆枪称嫩兔聂版磐酗卞呢痞叫胎陋早谜后撩


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