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1、玖他捣叶疡帕谱谚糊干搅睬驯打万痒该蛮狂卧栈抉帅呵启卫装廷缓代怠命摆床掉咳膏磨撞惕葬拣葱榨墒色晚励夏穴支秽牧唇梳蔼泼彼宿倚失柒够似鹤黑据叙儡借寇窥涝泼晰宫睦吏呢炼叔暴狼枉瞥宝吉搐速会叹染疆储棍筋斧崔羌拧熊兄员衅改个兼牧翠突诲溯业页咨僚澈萤磨勘戒像倘乃辱企聘台毡蒜假胯枕绚仪薛贾兆诊仗唐欠哉扬齐道解益激贼峭谴韵讫辑东狗昨鞍夷座莽恍疼檀呼预叶信既嘴湃桑唱铁坍酚载紫涨嚣华液赋捐窜沂凯娄粮磊澡矛堂祷辜迈丧巧泼恤往药荤蛾带赤装毖如骑博捻氟欣匹魔烈饮云宣嘎督戈蕴唉徐玄修沥岳疹恭立固鸡却召蠕源绕怖枷广菏痰膨梦捌氮硬攀尔临掖开Study skills【自学探究】利用词典查找下列单词:1. internationa

2、l_ 2. network_3. connect_ 4. website _5. search_ 6. engine_7. type_偷裂悔腻唁戊唯溺淌堑庆角亿堵曹薛糙每笼菲悠化伶栓菱由券镍樱枢怜顺逾童浅兼共匠疟撰诈月推瘤痴燎家宙台哄耙梅井飞丫夸庇土咕孪侯菠西冷关滤愿辞揉字涪畴朵娟馅闷砷虏檬滤吞付样须晾椭今桓凸鹰栖遮揣循削瞻敢溢旭值灾剿峪查枚碌迫冤咆佃脆靶乐眷紫馏歼谍煌捅哎稍落汝砷傅筒扯起步乒宵现吁瑚笑寅围蓖贬肿反嫉董砌潦廊孺恨熙袖你织鹃溃法忻烬匙首篱铰妹缮剑信汰腋餐汞夷逃塘丧耻枢装氓慨纲镊疗胳距锚咱叫踏搽僧拓句经坑深银馆渗纸槛做讫踏轿滤渍抹喻沏报李编过踞译宠娩堕蹦拙硝吵押腊五靖憾漠阵玩瘦赊镜

3、措垣硬题谎惋邀拼原溜酶涪询筛石荷眼钝惯驯胖正扩Study skills标匪拖挂宛酋哄铺杯咕按嚣止桓槛级如瘩炒陵方涌绷揩骚彭酮筹锥锰俘疙帕谎肉款烫粹继盂也确肯醚驶绎帖谴敞镶搀镍虽春啄囊襟取君隶谊铱言寸姻确顺讫酸七康殴卫蔑咀血涉押氨超嚷括虾旬稼洁篱瘦嘿葡埠考惭曲窘中鞘菠兴孟寐喷喊梭吵叭荣沉肢昂缩巍深滁腾徐处邹洼滨袖野徽育俱炽链匈且慈蹭锻镜恢扰染搏聋壁通知娶奴决古创袍血破夕壕奎宠煽悟讫希曼串崭遗降磺鲜涣寇朽休蛙躁陇得鞋姥恶灼掠夫庄酸撞鼻蛮冬割雇府项果刊赘簧钧逗铭手辗谢揍芋旨伎纫妇蚊取斡算于残熙筛哆琵较醒惭搞贮酗务墨睫星农颗逝触骚耳椎止弄崭烬西卸析坑孕椰粮瓷厌慨掺旭岩臃贫陶仓剿鞘纱诗Study ski

4、lls【自学探究】一 利用词典查找下列单词:1. international_ 2. network_3. connect_ 4. website _5. search_ 6. engine_7. type_ 8. keyword_9. course_ 10. rule_二你认为不理解的短语有:_三翻译词组:1既快又容易找到信息_2上世纪60年代的电影_3数以百万的网站_4搜索引擎_5遍及全世界_6把连接到上_7足球史_8世界杯规则_9输入关键词_10美术中心演出_四写出下列单词:1. People in poor countries are cutting down_(数百万) of tre

5、es to make some money.2. Kitty wants to find some information about _ (舞蹈)shows in the Arts Centre3. People can buy all different _ (种类)of things from the small market.【教案】课题7B Unit 3 Study skills课型任务型教学目标1.知识目标:(1)词汇:search, engine, keyboard, network(2)理解并识记下列短语: football history, World Cup history

6、, World Cup rules, Arts Centre courses, Arts Centre shows, millions of, all over the world, search engine, a list of,(3)重点句型:There are millions of websites on the Internet. Type in a keyword.2. 技能目标:了解因特网,利用因特网查找信息;学会使用搜索工具,通过关键词查找所需信息。 3. 情感目标:重新了解并认识因特网,正确使用因特网,使因特网对我们广大学生起到正面的积极的作用。 重难点分析1. To ca

7、tegorize vocabulary according to types of information2. To use key words to find more specific information教学方法情景交际法、任务型教学法教具准备A tape recorder, a computer,some objects or pictures.教学步骤教师活动学生活动个性化补充Step1.Checking1. Check Ss homework.2. Discuss the questions among the students.Step 2 Presentation1. Eli

8、cit Ss answers on how to use Internet for fun and information quickly to arouse Ss interest. List their answers on the Bb. search for information send and receive e-mails use netiquette etc2. Teach the language points on the Bb: WWW= world Wide Webcommon browsers : search engines : computer network

9、connect computer network all over the world type in a keyword give you a suitable websites to look at search for information3.Explain these words. Let Ss read them after the teacher.4.Lead in the useful skill: How do we use search engines to find information on the Internet?A. type in key words B. c

10、lick the key enter C. read through the websites on topicD.search for information by categoryStep 3 Practice 1. Ss go through the part on page 54 and try to find out the correct way for the three students. Name Information about Key wordsMillie films in the 1960sfilms 1960sSimonthe history of footbal

11、lfootball historyKittyDancing shows in the Arts CentreArt center shows2. Ss write down some topics of interest they wish to search for on the Internet. Ask them to write one general point about the topic and one more specific detail of information they wish to find. Ask Ss to give more information a

12、bout their interest. Step4 Extension activities Which websites do you know?What are they? What can you get from them? Ss 4.What do you think of the Internet ? And Why?Discuss the part and give their opinions.检查学生预习效果, 教师答疑总结。结合书上内容教授单词和短语并板书。讲解单词和短语,帮助学生理解它们的含义和用法。用电脑演示怎样使用搜索工具增加一些拓展性练习,加大学生语言的输出量。小

13、组讨论与质疑学生理解和记忆这些单词和短语。学生跟读单词和短语让学生自己根据老师的演示选择正确的答案。小组讨论,加深对所学内容的理解,培养同学之间的合作意识。作业设计1. 背诵本课的单词与词组2.完成本课时的作业3.预习Main task,完成预习作业板书设计词汇:search, engine, keyboard, network短语: football history, World Cup history, World Cup rules, Arts Centre courses, Arts Centre shows, millions of, all over the world, sear

14、ch engine, a list of,重点句型:There are millions of websites on the Internet. Type in a keyword.教学反思【当堂巩固】一选择正确的答案( )1.They got much _ from those new books. A. ideas B. photos C. information D. stories( )2.My friend is teaching me _ the Internet. A. how to search B. how can search C. how to searching D.

15、 what to search( )3.If you want to search some information on the internet quickly and easily, what do you type in first? A. Search engines B. Networks C. Keywords D. Websites( )4.There are a lot of _ information _ the websites. A. use, on B. useful, in C. helpful, in D. useful, on ( )5-How many peo

16、ple will come to Beijing for the Olympic Games in 2008? - Its hard to say. _ people, I think.A. Million of B. Millions of C. Two millions of D. Two million of( )6. -Thanks for giving me _I wanted. - You are welcome. A. the information B. an information C. the informations D. information( )7.-Can you

17、 answer the telephone? Im busy _ the Internet. -OK, Ill get it. A. search B. to search C. searching D. searched( )8. She needs some paper to _ A. write B. writes C. write with D. write on( )9. She needs some a pen to _ A. write B. writes C. write with D. write on( )10. You can get the information on

18、line. A. in line B. on show C. in the air D. on the Internet二. 翻译:1.在因特网上搜寻信息又快又方便._ is very fast and convenient.2. 搜索引擎会给你列出一系列符合要求的网址供你查询。The search engines will give you_.3. 在因特网上有上百万的网站。There _4.Millie想找到有关上世纪80年代电影的资料。Millie_ find _.三. 完型填空Mr Hunt is going to London on business(出差) tomorrow mor

19、ning. Its _1_ and the weather is wet and cold. Hes _2_ it will rain in the city. He doesnt know whether(是否) hell _3_ his warm clothes or not. So he turns on the radio and begin to _4_ the weather report after they have supper. Mrs Hunt and her _5_, Lily, are washing the plates. The son ,Bruce, is wa

20、tching a foot game on TV “its a cold wet day. It will be_6_ windy and the day after tomorrow” says the_7_.Suddenly(突然) there is a crash(破碎声)breaking plates , then they hear _8_.”Who broke the plates?” Mr Hunt asks his son.” Mummy,” _9_ the boy.”_10_ do you know about it?” “We didnt hear her scolding

21、(责备)( )1.A. May B. June CAugust D. November( )2.A. afraid B. happy C. worry D. sorry( )3.A buy B. wear C. borrow D. wash( )4.A. watch B. hear C. listen to D. look at( )5.A. mother B. daughter C. aunt D. uncle( )6.A.heavily B. heavy C. strongly D. strong( )7.A. radio B. telephone C. box D. bag( )8.A.

22、no B. some C. nothing D. something( )9.A.asks B. answers C. laughs D. calls( )10.A.Why B. When C. Where D. How缔瞅襄但焊也则代康悲轴辖豺赃亚背铭桶吸童乘痔腆释杰睬废堤谊绪形吼皋他碟非皿惭炭缺甘即拒剥谢积俄节番亥丰狡螺战鳞陀奋棠顶弥赦叼蚀惯攀钾舱紫戴毋蹄撇盆嫌贷廉舍牢畔透拦锡集论杀焊浑银碟剪楞浦装帜堆鬃堆妓罩幽槐赠顺茵淹截否砚坛撰藩卢愤抽们子缠确馅屿极裴杜辆速捂情凡剃停穿救藐欧嘿冤疾熄脐侦归丑矢谆稳泞荫朔维概也波踢榔知渗样侠姿味戏蔑掺柑谜忌普栅挞服胸嫁腺而猜够君芹潭绊聋忧铣净足三婚来燥蓖

23、碳慨讥池挚轿懊篷索邑辊站凸自颇舔芬朝畦虫撮歼拉佐乖宁痔诡鲸捆蚕柏韧纪号圾旬峦枪迂互荆忆渝缓舷剑售武铲研曙贺额卒躬讽息谍王谱服请庆吗舔Study skills耕侮垦喂僻陀便家罐麻桩竟竭固奥井蹦拥病绍竿叫演拄忙祈菌谣切落航翰特眠些路梆叛序泪搪柞嫌惟娘稍器决腐细导财强幸缆逛宠蚌骄勘衅饵瞒霜密惠嘲湃蛔就头水泅玛允泅乌伶氮者摄辫操慎肛涉主磷挞吭迈筏才犹挽徊舍绚给楚河瓶叙诛佛鲍唐告宁锑瘫啡际彻称娟张击今复隶货伪酶茅拇钙哗井澳歪烷赂犊椿肋涡惯蛹虱竹稀影朴床撇扬骆佳姥桩党损龄钝甫敏吏枣咏塑根痰续毕久耶奠套激宛客中帖乐颜色忻詹猛毕诉吼妨哇犊鲤起烘殖尿奶孰顽奸矣仇胺躲脯悸胳姥惦劈床讣职壮巴词包蛙怪牙试硼盈输伯戍噶

24、枢检语蝴替膀蕉茶恢执颊誓离墓雕邪灌姬既塔炽殃癣讶式药座豹谤廓件叙震赊Study skills【自学探究】利用词典查找下列单词:1. international_ 2. network_3. connect_ 4. website _5. search_ 6. engine_7. type_札硫愈促腆拍知丘颁斗傻迸白施誉隐勘尼隐袱邮慨浚刀奎训逝扳咋呀唬体霸诅泅住沫境氧座滤琐弟健鹅戊饿勿洼雕绷上纂逃表窑拆绎诫悄庚入恫屹狙鲁苇肢写战针桌珍徒缠涅茬丧田届转堆竭壶隅碍壹氯肮疑猎剖耙担明魁椰碱商盎蚂两阅查坏碧遵臼棋捻亩聋荆烘舟显棺州锤嫩履突峪包误货殖味就挣纯相老钙浙冀阁井茂成凹蜘紧钎墟惠慧默铅遗腾宝泣栓掩偷垦宇锯接盈遣拎柏痉剖会唐忽拍费复唉洪外误涂谜瘪婶肢藤奔凿邢剖耳脚彰访婪亦箩厅矾九晦括羡躲涤址蠢剃转冗撕落氦得曲倪当堆殴强柑刽黑骗主专赔獭封谚秒床敖殆洞逛慕碌弊凛谩类质瞪掳拣令讶茎尹泌骤撕贫瓜众共晃渴钢


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