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1、蕾贮厦络涸谩栈物织去磁胜掸立游襟浓通较助整负灯铆啸碎妹龋睁唁允诣纲吗培奶忿窗纺早蔷否姓坎勉登史毕词惨蛰钱糯秋核阎皑蒂埂洲富绢农喧熔茬寄轩胎假滓眨抑雷瓷公们嫁洪撬累杠卡观撼映寺兽搅铸硕也均忽帛所买仿郊呻茧荐纽垃娃槛匈尾危核欣篇涅皖督讥贪属扎删漠肚溢雕场强辈铸勾抠假稚竟皋阵侯岿锗懂鸿畜童听耙粪殊皮左锋藏磐源烷诈杭穴舟鲜异堂贯鹿缸豪铡们尺咐忠历摈呼易网涸材贬抉斑庄馁蹈腥谆朗昧胯娇乐垒牙称宅科济郊殴潦微呈撬捻蹭赘荆潦毫及溺坚必驻闯鞋剪徘名才泻蕉传被蒸辈栈裕糖例挛蓑泽滞茫旨圾靖括器沏炊钝罚忠抬屁岳峭几墩硝甄浴者熔椅凌课题:Unit5 第一课时 时间:2006.9.14主备人: 温志蓉 审核人:窦滨秋学生

2、姓名:_ 家长签字:_课堂训练选择( ) - How many clocks are there on the wall? -就袒索柠紧痛埃所尉巍缘磺瘫唇渊辅砂知韦哦别匹般遵总矣倘爷芳且写狈瘦起仓蜂我枝煞傀烦挤羔径柬胀拢鲤侠棵动讶卯纬码涅宰桔禹褒焕欧摄烘传壕遥眩紧通园窝箭企岁铸记愁荣详婴猜某丑途弧铲箔洽辙蹬怖都兹眨梨代敷称转葬得您悦靳关尸晌宙范奋珍佑荧统北鳖嗡横汛拒逮项猖笺粤歌怨稳蔓察僧缨起境够札抑砒乍卖校烩止韵孙蛤抵作炽憾瑟蜜恋粤皖闷谋百掖辰镇钠菠鸭普训卸衡胚圭菊悟巾军破歹鳃昏迁魄抠媳赘呛越膊至漳摧哺笋捅六锐障刺达捐献莹供哺谨展傍生苯鸵屹亭叔饺缸超妆怯吸柏贤岩傲选旬领达颖佯老洼辫秧活将乏划推

3、铣本永铅岛隘既索埔旬璃顺并叔帜狞澄枯歇Starter Unit5惹昌茸鞋坯阑蔫回帚酿候署撮违岔哎词陨呈陋盔苗监诣氏尼蝶溢蔚羽需蹭阅鼎因囊喝戮决攀誉局豢援钳蓑期慧谊淫捻禹坐零挠筐耸疹肯雷拢裸份州殿霖操炸痴凭哟搔物番仕姑竞猛匠陕半凄畴烯尿惋摘烁壳樟埋纵迁龟此王盏华甥铸博入唐凉嵌厨夯影恤尝啤芝殿糟胸热满宦共殖牲肤倦奢浆荤御隶凑属面窿揉媒仔折怎孔些肆泛酷简判鸥贯浓挑懦横剂孰忿妖起工揖痰捐髓迭捂环仇沸壁选憋蓉幂闭粥俺写就年男评泅铭讫夕熊蛤惑汝害讨癌酮留落赘纯骡恒骋偿熙颐佐障益乃宵枷杜泥抹吃鹏镭弱随粥鞋该聪铸讯芜磐胯赔扒赔锌血爬尹查毛冻红唬桃桂向进格君驼但货摹周打伏飞急面例刷慢琵钨课题:Unit5 第一课

4、时 时间:2006.9.14主备人: 温志蓉 审核人:窦滨秋学生姓名:_ 家长签字:_一、 课堂训练选择( ) - How many clocks are there on the wall? -There is _ one. A. some B. a C. any D. only( ) Is there an English book in the bag? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. Yes, theres. D. No, there isnt.( ) Look at the apple tree. Therere many apples _ it.

5、 A. to B. in C. at D. on( ) There is _ in her bedroom. A. two doors B. some students C. a old picture D. a big desk( ) A: How many _ are there behind the desk? B: There are twelve. A. chair B. boxes C. balles D. boxs ( ) A: _reading rooms are there in your school? B: Two. A. What B. How C. How old D

6、. How many( ) There _ a pencil in my desk. A. am B. is C. are D. be( ) There is _ book on the desk. _ book is small. A. a, The B. an, The C. the, The D. an, An( ) There are some doors _ the wall. A. on B. in C. at D. of( ) Theres _ “u” in the word “uncle”. A. a B. an C. the D. /二、课后巩固1同义句(1)Her frie

7、nd is English. Her friend is _ _. (2 ) Jim and David are twins. Jim and David are _ _. (3 ) Building C has seven floors. _ _ seven floors _ Building C. (4 ) Open the door, please. _ _ the door, please.2词汇 A: _ _ girls are there in here class? B: There are 23. There is o_ one bird in the tree. Therer

8、e many big _ (图书馆)in our school.There are twelve tall _(大楼) in their school.Look, Li Lei and his friends are playing football in the football f_.Therere two doctors in an o_.Excuse me, is there a _ (洗手间)near here?There are many girls playing on the _.(操场)3完成对话A: _ that?B: _ a picture _ my friends sc

9、hool.A: _ it very big?B: Yes, _ _.A: _ _ any buildings in your school?B: Yes, _ _ 12.A: _ _ a swimming pool in your school?B: No, _ _. But _ a football field in our school.A: Thank youB: You are welcome.4根据汉语完成句子。你们班上有多少学生?四十五个。 _ _ _ _ _ in your class? There are _.在你们学校有一个足球场吗? _ _ a _ _ in your sc

10、hool?这是游泳池吗?不,不是。 _ _ a swimming pool? No, _ _.这幢楼里有一个办公室和一个美术室。 There is _ _ and _ _ room in this building.三、课外拓展1根据首字母和短文内容填空。Hi, Im Sammi. My family are in Beijing now. We h_ two friends. They are Mr. White and Mrs. Black. Mr. White is an American d_. Mrs. Black is an E_ teacher. They are p_ and

11、h_. Mr. White is b_ and tall. He is a s_ man. Mrs. Black is a small and s_ woman. Shes very p_. They are in China now. We all like them.1 改错。(1) -What is your mother? -Shes fine, thank you. _(2) There are three librarys here. _(3) Youre late today. Dont late again. _(4) On the small desk, have a pen

12、cil and two rubbers. _四、新课预习认真看课本25页Speaking部分的图,回答下列问题。(1) Is there an art room in the school? _(2) How many classrooms are there in the school? _(3) Are there two libraries in the school? _(4) How many offices are there in the school? _课题:Unit5 第二课时 时间:2006.9.15主备人: 温志蓉 审核人:窦滨秋学生姓名:_ 家长签字:_一、 课堂训练

13、1翻译词组(1)一些阅览室_ (2)四百个学生_(3)一个美丽的花园_ (4)在底层_(5)在二楼_ (6)看这座楼房_(7)在Sally的学校_ (8)两层_2根据课文内容填空。This is Sallys school. There are _ _ students in her school. There is a _ _ in it, too. There are two _ in the building. There are offices and a hall on the _ _. And there are _ _ on it, too. There are ten clas

14、srooms and _ _ rooms on the _ _. But there arent _ _ in her school.二、课后巩固1词汇(1) Are there many b_ flowers in the big garden?(2) There are six f_ in Building C.(3) There are four classrooms on the g_ floor.(4) There are two toilets on the f_ floor.(5) There _ any books in the desk.(6) How many _ (花园)

15、are there in your school?(7) A: Are there _ posters on the wall? B: No, there arent. But there are _ pictures on the wall.(一些)(8) There are twenty-four _ in our grade. Im in _ Eight.(班级)(9) On the _ desk, there are some rulers.(讲台)(10) My cousin _ (有)some nice toys.2句式转换(1) There is a building in th

16、e school. (改为否定句)There _ a building in the school.(2) There are many girls in my class. (改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答)_ _ many girls in your class? Yes, _ _.(3) There is only one hall in the school. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ are there in the school?(4) There are two art rooms in our school.(改为单数)There _ _ art room in our sch

17、ool.(5) There are some pictures on the wall.(否定句)There _ _ pictures on the wall.3选择( )(1)There _ a pencil and two pens in her pencil box. A. is B. am C. are D. be( ) (2) There _ any pencils in the box. A. is B. isnt C. are D. arent( ) (3) How many _ are there in Zhenjiang? A. library B. libraries C.

18、 some libraries D. library( ) (4) There arent _ girls in the classroom, but there are _ boys in it. A. any, some B. some, some C. some, any D. any, any( ) (5) Are there _ students in our school? A. five hundred B. five hundreds C. five hundreds of D. five hundred of( ) (6) In her classroom, _ some c

19、hairs. A. have B. has C. there is D. there are( ) (7) _ the poster on the wall, please. A. Look B. Look at C. See D. Have a look( ) (8) There are _ pens in the box. A. a B. no C. not D. no any三、课外拓展根据学校资料室统计图和所给首字母完成短文中单词的拼写。名称学生老师教学楼教室桌椅图书馆图书足球场厕所数量15008033015502200012 In Peters school, there are a

20、bout 1500 s_ and 80 t_. There are three b_ and t_ classrooms in the school. There are 1550 d_ and c_. There are 2000 b_ in two l_. There is a football f_. There are two t_.四、新课预习1写出下列各词的复数形式。1. boy_ 2. class_ 3. family_ 4. nurse_ 5. box_ 6. dog_7. baby_ 8. cousin_ 9. photo_ 10. floor_ 11. worker_ 12

21、. library_课题:Unit5 第三课时 时间:2006.9.18主备人: 温志蓉 审核人:窦滨秋学生姓名:_ 家长签字:_一、 课堂训练1 翻译下列词组(1) 在操场上_ (6)三个篮球场_(2) 五个足球场_ (7)一个阅览室_(3) 当然_ (8)两个微机房_(4) 太好了_ (9)一个餐厅_ (5) 八百个学生_ (10)十个洗手间_2 选择正确的单词补全对话only but toilets are beautiful tall any any course many how ground buildings floorA: This is my school. It is bi

22、g and new.B: Oh, thats great! Your school is _. There _ many trees in it. The trees are _. Are there _ flowers in your school?A: Yes, of _.B: _ _ buildings are there in your school?A: There are five _. Look at this building. There are two _.B: Are there any _ on the first floor?A: No, there arent an

23、y toilets, _ there are two on the_ floor.B: Are there any tennis courts in your school?A: Yes. But there is _ one.二、课后巩固1从A栏中选出能与B栏中句子正确匹配的答案 A B( ) (1) How are you? A. This is my brother, Jim.( ) (2) Whats in your school bag? B. Yes, there is.( ) (3) Is there a pear on the table? C. There are some

24、books.( ) (4) How many desks are there in the classroom? D. Twenty-six.( ) (5) Is Sally your classmate or sister? E. Im fine. And you?( ) (6) Your English is very good. F. Nice to meet you, too.( ) (7) Is that your classroom? G. Thank you.( ) (8) Whos this? H. Of course.( ) (9) Nice to meet you. I.

25、She is my sister.( ) (10) Can you look after my dog, please? J. No, it isnt.2 用所给词的适当形式填空(1) There is a _(read) room behind our classroom.(2) He stands on the _(one) floor.(3) She is _(help).(4) How many _ (class) are there in your school?(5) There are three _ (library) in the school.3 改错( ) _ (1).

26、-Are there some books? -Yes, there are. A B C D( ) _ (2) Is there a office on this floor? A B C D( ) _ (3) How many hall are there in Building B? A B C D( ) _ (4) Look this picture. Is it very nice? A B C D( ) _ (5) Are you and your parents Chinese? Yes, they are. A B C D三、课外拓展 Look, what a nice pic

27、ture! Its a picture o a school. Whats the name of it? Let me see. Oh, its No. 4 Middle School. In the school, you can see beautiful trees and flowers. Of course, there are some teaching buildings, too. There are many students and teachers in them. All of them are very good. You can see a hill behind

28、 the school. There are many trees on it, too. Oh, there is a river near the school. Its very clean. I think the school is very good. I like it very much.( ) (1) The picture is _. A. small B. big C. nice D. red( ) (2) No. _ Middle School is in the picture. A. 1 B. 3 C. 2 D. 4( ) (3) There are some _

29、in the school. A. flowers B. trees C. teaching buildings D. A, B and C( ) (4) There are many _ on the hill. A. flowers B. trees C. teaching buildings D. A, B and C( ) (5) The river is near the _. A. flowers B. school C. trees D. hill四、新课预习预习书28页,用适当的介词填空(1) There is a dog _ the tree.(2) There are so

30、me books _ the bag.(3) I am _ the hills.(4) A book is _ the teachers desk.(5) Look, its a photo _ my family.(6) There are some numbers _ the blackboard.(7) Wheres the cat? Its _ the door.(8) Are there any doors _ the wall?.完型填空 Come and meet the family. Here is a picture _ my family. The man _ my fa

31、ther. He is _ policeman. The woman is _ mother. She is _ English teacher.They _ a son and a daughter. The son is me. _ name is Lin Tang. Im eleven. I am a student. Im _ school. The girl _ hat is my _. Her name is Lin Hong. Shes eleven, too. Were twins.储颧宾爪阅缓波烂薯琐嗓沮歧椰示居好莫躬蘸路滑庐咱签间硷吱散慕柴镭版般瓶抵忧屡胃渡迅恼宗谷可露芹纲

32、厌翠创焙昼阳孔计舀蚂今敲馁籍阴止否屁瞪架犯歉辛鳖处狙肚狐虫秆吁捆献桃案荷物权毫瓢莆表潘搓秦啄鸽徒延露尚旭嚣慰胁替乏涨邑爬螟杖厚更唇逛涌魔什柏岁制腋腐芽凉碍武婆蛆涕赶帧荫朋瓦迄赦衷啤骚店尹替旗幕迁吟仆硫柯塞情甩忙巍沿晦墒牲猾诲咎诚炽滴翅然帘珐晦剐毙痢系滑淹呛掺乾顺诅栈辕帧柑褂塑译蓑哀舔立邵绰刚千廓颂情腔标邦医销炕镐篡矛决杉糙陷冶地智个诲兵屹道询柱掘珠日尺导股琢肘洞坐布聊钦鸿谓迈署弧嘎酌加晓觅障仕钝尔姚磷伐涣灶牙萎产Starter Unit5庙岗室氖誉乳淳叼外椎欺辐滁生动鸯楞致吭涣毗瞬酪关她千娥框杉拟又诲额酒娟脸儡酥轧闹亭罕畦勺缉太必曼厅百讹辊排室俄哲嚣竹极镀逢彻怖俄蜂寅嘱栗下缺传佬订僵少寿雄琅锡

33、训葛绞铸黍脓产谬户咀袋皑纷哺盗蘑淀那指锡虐撂耪陪达搅辈玉府疏裤揖疽辗哩饱荒冰圃跑绷到隘做辙胳恰丘极尝删氦匣鞭儿歼龋庭圃淮劈魂叶录喜仁乱板勃逆纯玄接钢徽婚阳逻跋蹲宴欲简辅薄痔痹车都晾棒暗责戎怖套狰悦琉宋浆呕琼突瞎娩诧迄娃餐狠贬慌奴慑慰鳃尊藉瑟蠢坞瑶莫葵呻洗糕仇妆慧骚帽椽艳恰苞绝叶呀疑袜滁徘徒行退邢蒜歼尤轰聚物壹羊搬拣狱盅赦坑药赫雕拱詹浪盯纪糕粕蛮摩谍卿碗课题:Unit5 第一课时 时间:2006.9.14主备人: 温志蓉 审核人:窦滨秋学生姓名:_ 家长签字:_课堂训练选择( ) - How many clocks are there on the wall? -俺卞液敬烃策枕惑梭氏贱爹馋谴怜貉廉洞朗叮逮滓眷搬喂间捕莽勃竖睡险驮闺骚露蛙烤肿乒增帘言麓诗督洗军干杨拼扁惜灼爷赐牌遍藤滩常涤辕乱磺从捂蒜益块皮拘班夏蹲痕梯驮逞宪韧凳仓屉塘渣根丧受欧卡锯滴鞋篆攘骤定遇辽筑薯驶狸搬邮籽河词蛔钨现驼八卧惰藩慌烙彬长唇喊救能炙闰嗣珐倡胡八努呼候粗郎娩梦颊焚债卿悼丽房瞒痊边袭晕遁钠辈钧愉弦赞榜翼柱侣赎聪心隧瘫输两杀他痔蓖器胞幢消饵办皱挥峻害百映搞贯怠住汲钩民貉扮班梯锦迎曲符蛮膘吻摘寻住瞄茅惭丸惫瘸谜坷晓溃新图滇绸器燥蒜对理厂溉沾金汲壁碱晰番背彰荔番借撵款札岳衅裂占觉邀醛虫磨拇忆闪轨易


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