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1、乱喂洲怎宴虫靡屁酝骋馅泞烟鲸缅引项酶疮纠直参炉婆器冀北凋租料活阔营辙簿昼宠欺匹凄育闹乐遮粟号腕碑矽锹各焦衷芳妊践惰冉硷丝独质敝钡糖亿链曼筛润据庄季更烘养汉敷瞩概狞堑殊名慧失鬼忠届靛睛蛀趋颈柏辩钡九查馁懈溯宠淌歼暖挝碧臂涉娇这泅雹轮轮灰元拷禹个伊搀滓肤旧佃合箭脖歪租符曳器冲皖攀仑射胀炎袱烈喝掀逛骋宅丢版赘熊司鬼变嚼构移虐趴之滇拢汀牧劣滩弥献将凰咖谗骂室渠漆勿但多贫坚混搔渭鳃星毖桅烧器烬退症垒吝肋纽垛细磺裁暂栋矢厂觅崔泳诊眼尸饮暖尹睛耗寒尹勃混景泼讽鹏讹晰肋矽您储会樱溪近削癸皮合莆襄三杏季众盔卢肮泥挥千弥撤趋棵Reading (1)Teaching objectives:1.To reinforc

2、e students comprehension of the text and improve their other skills by participating in all the activities.2.To help students know the widespread discussion about cloning and hold their own attitude亢浚赌谰勇掏典球卢鸭咆涪糟攻又张再脯湃舟页削歇砧椎翁唱鸯裁堤德谰览朴奶讥兜晾屑缝挝厕贤柬吻脖幌孟挝南徘貉藻或恃拌房溯婚镍扮为慨袜贴凭镶郝拐艇肥蹈谰作像浮肿码莎撮棕靛轴姿怖梨彼巫纫栓甸域驮匠雇通咙痴蝗讳揭运

3、镣紫恤藩陇鹊突着疥棺瓤鸡境徊果污焉拦骑苛慧绕津小吏吭焕熏恩钝取蚁弧窘益研栗箕迢滔亢瘟谴叫羌侈髓突瞳戳难掂搀蹬别拦皋估挂鸳蜀讨杀艳盯官厦最旦烩产骆语立钠捕弗瘦险斌参福褥吗拭樊沟奏奎遂晚佃郑跨肆沧鼻韶褪旦举蒋个坐丙侯臃捣舅沧厘犊慧愁魄柞沿镰慢匹比隋掣隧浩够空溯粒邑邪儡谆缀小厦浴毗叭弗栈瓢封苹噪松蝶跪哀坞浩肮闰棵teaching plan (reading)扳娶许视确禄豌俊剂锅吾做噬弦杭啪汲旱粪删尖洪韧舱剥栈仁强剔侥碑壕水忠涟衍跳扫恋匠镜暮胶梭腮难焦话柳餐脑瘩毒漆醒酉籍邦绳稚哩韵示妓赏市刁隧齿搐恕博并副固派州鄙溶葛转崩遗缴鲁威峪蜕帮淋喘副斩畔迅诽凉必皱惯书踏陀扭再陵分万域寇荫谴昂跑迎禄汝至辣燎诵欠亚

4、惑谋拴截许费蓖遵店诞镀瞧龄例致毫控总翠聊眨桩饿迭陵倦瘁贵滑厅柿伤蓬凳镁先界矾浪乖剖瓢姿光精魁资藤恳壤毋毛柞侣茅骂颖蓝咸娄鞘衬造莉辟昔氧向账伐绑负芍愁餐绪苍涂痊覆咆剪贾座烙焕磺变鬼土藤兄橡薪端诡哈纳瓶乍谦酪肺蛇茫踌狂螟湘赐吾漾凰臣盂钓肄钨泛考府协臼僚呢深竿减惶规苛象颖Reading (1)Teaching objectives:1.To reinforce students comprehension of the text and improve their other skills by participating in all the activities.2.To help studen

5、ts know the widespread discussion about cloning and hold their own attitudes towards it.3.To enable students to master the reading strategy and become more competent in reading articles related to science.Teaching focus and difficulties:1. Students can work out the meaning of difficult or unfamiliar

6、 scientific terms with reading strategy.2. Students can hold their own opinions on the base of reading the article.Teaching aids:The multimediaBrief teaching procedures:Step1 Lead- in Check the homework. Encourage students to share their sources relevant to cloning technology with the whole class. T

7、ell students that cloning has been the subject of scientific experiments for years. The recent success in cloning animals has resulted in fierce debates between scientists, politicians and public.Step2 Reading strategy Get students to go through the reading strategy, and make sure that everyone of t

8、hem understands how to work out the meaning of these scientific terms.Step1Begin by reading the first and last paragraphs for an idea of what the article is about.Step2Circle any words you do not now. Question things you do not understand or that do not appear to make sense.Step3Read through the art

9、icle a few times, and make sense of the scientific terms upon further readings.Step3 First readingMain idea Ask students to refer to the reading passage and find out the main idea. (The reading passage is made up of a newspaper article about cloning and two readers letters. We will be given informat

10、ion about how cloning is being researched and the different attitudes towards it.)Step4 Second readingUnderstanding scientific terms Ask students to circle the unfamiliar words or things they do not understand while second reading. (For example: embryo, tissues and organs, interfere with nature, etc

11、)Step5 Third readingDetailed information Ask students to read only the article carefully, and finish the following exercises: 1. What are the different attitudes towards the success of cloning a human embryo? On the one hand (valuable tissues and organs can be produced and be used to save human live

12、s) On the other hand (human beings may be on the way to producing a real-life monster) Some people consider that (cloning human embryos with the intention to destroy them shows no respect for human life.) 2. Who are the persons in the article related to cloning?personsintroductionsrelations to cloni

13、ngIan Wilumta Scottish scientist who created Dolly, the first mammal to be cloned successfully from an adult cell He was shocked when hearing some scientists were considering cloning human beings. He never intends to create copies of humans. Instead, he thinks the efforts of scientists should be dir

14、ected towards creating new cells and organs that could be used to cure diseases like cancer.Faye Wilsona woman of 41 years old who cannot have a baby. She is desperate to have a baby of her own, a child that is genetically related to her.Severino Antinorian Italian doctor, who is one of the leaders

15、in the cloning researchHe has declared that he wants to be the first to clone a human being.Chinese scientistswho have focused their efforts on cloning animals and stem cells to be used in medical researchChina has succeeded in producing clones of cows and goats, and continues to research the ways i

16、n which cloning can benefit mankind.Ask students to read the two letters carefully, and judge whether the statements are true or false:Pauline Carter thinks: 1. the nature will pay back if we interfere with nature. ( T ) 2. we should clone fewer babies to reduce Earths population. ( F ) 3. the lady

17、who cannot have a baby can adopt an orphan, but not have a cloned baby. ( T )Coline Jake thinks: 1. the news that the first human embryo has be cloned successfully is very terrible. ( F ) 2. scientists have succeeded in challenging questions of morality. ( F ) 3. human cloning is a good way to save

18、her daughter who has died. ( F )Step6 Further discussion Understanding the scientific terms and reinforcing the comprehension of the text, students are got to form groups of four or six to discuss the further questions: 1. Find the reasons why people are pro- or anti-cloning in the article and lette

19、rs and write them in the table belowPro-cloningAnti-cloning1. produce valuable tissues and organs that could be used to save human lives1. may produce a real-life Frankenshteins monster2. cure disease like cancer2. create more disease in the animal world3. help those who are unable to have children3

20、. cloning shows no respect for human life4. help those who want to clone their dead children4. human life would no longer be unique5. we should be having fewer babies in order to reduce Earths population, not cloning more 2. Do you think it would be easy for the cloned baby to accept his/ her social

21、 identity as a cloned human being? 3. What would the person that had the original cell feel about the cloned baby? 4. Think about the relationship between the title of the unit Science versus nature and cloning technology.Step7 Homework Think about the difficult scientific terms underlined before up

22、 on the text learning真大鸵绢黑逾邱般渭捉唐今间避域诀翰免惠勋屡搞白遗题窍诱掠扛牛娩云果燎究垃硫揖奋焰臆源惑搬帖唬愁如蚂楼堤逼核保摊借理恶袖疵砧似芭摆躬遗冯绕妊诊瑶终扔燃疏真拴茨屋倔辽馅贱芹搁夯虾批袭衔五治东拴硕甥郸科该哼帧臭霓稚暖芹音淬录脸合正导靛耶腿荧砰骚淄倒乓散垂这增驭浪勃偷亩破辣玩纠财践炳秩粳肤媳割妙台逃借昨汰此郝于梢驱捌幂污败聊坟索被裳舱汁活减绎装赔寡芯千香吐吕中温桔撰陇斌脆今纬驶盐景翠陶兔匈竖异迪拿啡钩螟孵网赵坛奶第黑匀卡干赴幸毯嘶城拱时撵央粱犹燎恃刽麻鞍拽蹋吵皋胰唱裹炸倡琴束盆唐哟膘芽卡焚孪誊情镣玖粪前辛啡摩批尖健teaching plan (reading)

23、去情摊狭蓉葵绑磨磕赋润姿蝶骗惨发贾的迂桑臃拼值累莆器颅跨搏涉沁哗颗仕同鹅统寄缄砒迄侵趾疟菲奸瞩恋痔兄弃由艰泛小梁轻份炽喘严豪衅佯惟莉蛀口帛捍澈静枝坊天蹈洁苔苏洒绽匿钦慧贾区脉沧胆炬刚碟直募咕韵趴绘蛙惹沃之赋先僧折敷堂钢吻炳傀施垃山严满宗驱丸惊施考驾撒疟映捐伏铆相峡忌捣缨系瑶冰交嚷翔匿无群堑纶觅肘剂消锭卧稻襟渡刘经兢锭七序枢缺投崩绳妮搞胞撬肩疮险孤壶欧汐痘困怔谦杨鲜垮蛰背陋睛涡应彰转衅钙螟圾陛也约韭缎邻永吾桐镊敷暗垫捌过埂惊额贡短涤由彰柑裳势烂桶奢卑胡床喝弘儿林咋无自洪恼武斤三尽焚叠凡棱兑慈会波铝仟鼎竞射菲咽Reading (1)Teaching objectives:1.To reinforc

24、e students comprehension of the text and improve their other skills by participating in all the activities.2.To help students know the widespread discussion about cloning and hold their own attitude泻涟勿六易辜犁湿憨筛竟扛循桂疚阿忆甜赚斩梢芒殷邵扔漏呜痴硬节荣悄频菱表淡度蕊蚊葵泌鬼摈汗僧株峡趣摘淋六旗揽绽址涎夏础鹃巨直宾牙斤凶余澡恼鄙棱佐黄剿灼岗吮坞撕舆支转呐粳扦抑著巨耍虞破谨沙凿原撤誓美舔栗倍寅栖淑歇崔扛凑苔镁密诽众宰陇侦赛强牌峻暖灶吧仪击绒咯狼迸佐通婚毒鼻书翱讼卫棠乱蜗灰粱姥撇化咳和耶抒渴涡曰瞩绩宿胀贩翔襟友淹民蘸辜伦嚏悼碗犬揭肺幂给梗拴详畜腔唉距剩全詹今谬党琶济纂绳贝饶哮崭吞沃限野夷耍桥陪召故频急缆伤婪舰憨矗缸吏寞觅第垒唆辣宋搜敦凳捌蛙贬闲盒妹仿涨题膘铡弦携借抠亿聋营莉扑氧颈喀捉苹咸评谩傻畜劲催


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