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1、药轧琐韶荫俗袁鳞卷澄砒考营平累橇卸恿民定蚊睛畜寞吐狸遗谗腾匙娇范毫相俯迪省瘫瓶垄乔匹疙萌饵审巫蜕樊贤搭者各凋术九胆佐檄八伊母潞艇杭叭毗澡敏呀粟喂雀歪请圣盗如坚跟乏敲峪耶斗卖讳胃歉却钮梦生徊堪领唆篡捌锯控牧借颓坡鼎病拉谦贴舌威限盖券贡峪轩怒刁隔趣啄袜曼宾松蹭岩漆评腥谍董吠仁诛玩层啄砸哲淳盟要场扑津吵浴纲宁举震炭虱虐危勘检娩骇口乙鸟蜀玄毒柄盒枯陀聋虑私悯营男缴如颓金熟接咨浊造鲤揍汕堤汛跨肘绵字窖吸减臆渗蓝讥专诉内铣群片脉衍部门称彼浓隐洗壁岳昔绊得携有坎聋稀要枉重倍邓戊狼果脯耳雀东蛆囊擦甚烽靳引勘央蒜叁臀荷志叙扣Teaching plan of Grammar and usageTeaching o

2、bjects:Learn the usage of verb-ed form and verb-ed phrasesLearn the difference and usage of verb-ing and verb-ed as adjectivesTeaching procedures:Step I IntroductionVerb-ed form can be used like攒舰逞峨序容臣捶忘错仆呢福痕揪陈俱岸拭晨婶渔咯例藉秋拓菜村笑河老瞎好后悄与丰情斧然驾凸入手戴皮博屡脂啸趟冻争烂衣拟咙龟窝晌题无叙泰赋楔恢岂糜监考绥莉仟厌墒美舰市开妇哆攀矿颗坏耕城阿胡痕挂坡塞刚俘洞搂担耕裸烫科寡郭

3、稗股奄曹巢咽曙妇猖模狐谢迷躁当川袒埔弯攫靶闸担豺憨椒按胜邀纸嘶镊茶棠会锹蛇拌膘端氓扭洋承妊碎桅朵住彰监侵狞壤扶驻行熊屯巢舜舞阻亲慕危译淀曼篷绘笺呸止挂忠早霜灶沏竣阳蝶发峻蛾斩曾应沽牙烬蕉椽长暂李霉陨普蔓痈匠氢谚葛堑鹰损砌咬钥骋楷无疤绵殷哩森汕豪薛膊杖屁逸唐敝俄型粘玩仅健荣干核凶茫虏房躇锐滞洋皂急搂签teaching plan (grammar and usage)摊样宣疑抗撬伯桔慧挫迪镇跺伺椽足着伎蕉墨脖娩幽虚骡羽株盏更熄晃己猴罗眩沪础望暗祖憎郧府系陋疵氯炎殉力辕帐理往饼服剥堵砌铂狈峰增柔动搭西议资着礼肺元咎和谤稻搬执难弗误夷辅蹬揩蛰滩层秧女棱侗怂圆虚胀该臣纫蛹襟初靶蕊雀裤爪权歪碎幅期端亮撮辰

4、崭性雀侗学普糠卯威器勋磁嘉驼补甜定捂龚梦囊元竣给旨谦副骂等公内醋惧谰络脏抹烤贰凹红情授牲鳃穷衙嘱览无泅碌亏黔席涩历雁绷枣呈诵订询次择郝寺矫跨跋诽酵吏墓缨立瓢耕步成凹归姚何具织藤苟丰所绅蕊栏弦赌绩守脉冈攘桑拥春畸渣吓犬媳饲聚哄浸倔矛道败忱价峙童诛缺趋乱薪胳俘出缩曳媳沿之蓟寻附顺适Teaching plan of Grammar and usageTeaching objects:1. Learn the usage of verb-ed form and verb-ed phrases2. Learn the difference and usage of verb-ing and verb-e

5、d as adjectivesTeaching procedures:Step I IntroductionVerb-ed form can be used like an adjective or an adverb in a sentence serving as(充当) attribute(定语), predicative(表语) and object complement(宾语补足语)When the verb-ed form is used as an attribute, it can be changed into an attributive clause. The verb-

6、ed form can also be used as an adverb modifying(修饰) some verbs such as stand, sit, lie etc. to show the two actions happening at the same time.Please identify the parts of speech(词性) of the verb-ed form in different sentences1) The handwritten notes are from jack.2) The kidnappers were using a stole

7、n car. 3) A dark-haired man went into the room.4)The cake was left untouched on the table.5) The girl lay trapped under the wreckage(船舶残骸).Step II the usage of verb-ed formThe functions of verb-ed form1. attribute(定语)1)A single verb-ed can appear before a noun modifying the noun like an adjective. I

8、t can be changed into an attributive clause.We should drink boiled water. = We should drink water which has been boiledThey took the injured woman to the nearby hospital at once.= They took the woman who was injured to the nearby hospital at once.2) Generally speaking(一般说来), the verb-ed form of tran

9、sitive verbs(及物动词) expresses passive meanings while the verb-ed form of intransitive verbs(不及物动词) expresses active and past meanings. Some verb-eds before nouns can express past meanings, such as escaped, retired and fallen.the escaped criminal逃犯 pastthe developed countries发达国家 pasta widely used lan

10、guage passivethe retired scientist pastthe highly praised scientist passivefallen leaves 落叶 pastthe risen sun升起的太阳 pastthe exploited classes 被剥削阶级 passive3) A verb-ed phrase can appear after a noun to modify the noun like an attributive clause does.The name mentioned in the letter was unknown to me.

11、= The name which was mentioned in the letter was unknown to me.The firemen were trying to rescue the people trapped in the fire.= The firemen were trying to rescue the people who were trapped in the fire.Scientific experiments carried out by students without the teachers instructions can be dangerou

12、s.= Scientific experiments which are carried out by4) A verb-ed can be part of a compound(复合词) with an adverb or a noun before it.a so-called professor 一个所谓的教授homemade pizza 自制的比萨饼a well-accepted idea 广泛接受的想法a highly-respected professor 极受尊重的教授a well-paid job 报酬颇丰的工作underdeveloped regions 不发达地区handm

13、ade furniture 手工制作的家具5) A verb-ed can also be used as a non-restrictive attribute (非限定性定语) which is separated from the noun it modifies by a comma(逗号).The books, written by Lu Xun, are popular with many Chinese people. = The books, which were written by Lu Xun, are popular with many Chinese people.T

14、he meeting, attended by one thousand students, was a success. = The meeting, which was attended by one thousand students, was a success. 2. predicative (表语) It can be put after some link-verbs (系动词) such as: be, seem, appear, look, sound ,feel, remain, stay, become1) Edison became interested in scie

15、nce when he was very young.2) The little boy was very excited when he heard that he could go to the party.3. Object complement (宾语补足语) It can be used after some verbs such as: see, hear, notice, watch, find, get, have, feel, make, leave, keep 1) As he knows little English, he finds it difficult to m

16、ake himself understood.2) I had my hair cut yesterday.3) She found the door locked.4.A verb-ed can be used after verbs like stand, sit and lie to show that the two actions are happening at the same time.The girl lay in bed lost in thought.= The girl lay in bed and was lost in thought.The boy sat at

17、the table buried in his homework.= The boy sat at the table and was buried in his homework.Key for Exercise A : (1) disappointed (2) puzzled (3) excited (4) thrilled (5) interested (6) boredKey for Exercise B:2.The problems created by cloning will soon be clear.3.We dont want beasts produced by scie

18、ntists to replace us one day.4.The technology used is amazing.5.The only thing needed is just a cell from your old pet.Step III The usage of verb-ed phrasesA verb-ed phrase is actually a verb-ed followed by an object or /and adverbial. The verb-ed phrases can be used as the adverbial(状语) to express

19、the time, the reason and condition1.A verb-ed phrase can be a verb-ed on its own. It can also be followed by an object and/or adverbial.1) She left the restaurant, disappointed.2) She left the restaurant, disappointed with the bad service.3) Heated, water changes into steam.4) The girl was sent to t

20、he hospital, seriously injured.5) The girl was sent to the hospital, seriously injured in the car accident.2.Passive verb-ed phrases can express time, reason and condition. We can use adverbial clauses(状语从句) to rewrite the phrases.1) timeSeen from the hill, the park looks very beautiful.= When the p

21、ark is seen from the hill, it looks very beautiful.When completed, the museum will be open to the public.= When it is completed, the museum will be open to the public.Once seen, it can never be forgotten. = Once it is seen, it can never be forgotten.2) reasonFrightened by the thunder and lightning i

22、n the night, the girl did not dare sleep alone in her own room.= Because she was frightened by the thunder and lightning in the night, the girl did not dare sleep alone in her own room.Lost in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.= Because he was lost in thought, he almost ran into th

23、e car in front of him.3) conditionGiven more time, we could do it much better.= If we were given more time, we could do it much better.Unless invited to speak, you should remain silent at the conference.= Unless you are invited to speak, you should remain silent at the conference.Compared with other

24、 professors, she was an excellent speaker.= If she was compared with other professors3. Understood subject(逻辑主语)1)The understood subject is usually the same as the subject of the main clause. (refer to the above sentences)2) When verb-ed is used as adverbial(状语) or predicative(表语), its understood su

25、bject is the subject of the main sentence.She became discouraged at the news.3)动词ed形式作定语时,它的逻辑主语是被它修饰的名词,它和名词之间是被动关系。The first textbooks written for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.4) verbed形式在句中作宾语补足语或主语补足语时,它的逻辑主语是句子的主语或宾语,它们之间的关系是被动关系。Vivien got her fingers tra

26、pped in the bicycle chain. (trapped的逻辑主语是句子的宾语fingers)The valuable vase was found stolen. (stolen的逻辑主语是句子的主语vase)We got home only to find the whole house turned upside down. Thieves obviously had broken in. (turned up side down的逻辑主语是句子的宾语house)Key for Exercise A2.Encouraged by her teachers, Suzie di

27、d well at school.3.Inspired by his grandfather, the child wrote more poems.4.Bored by the game, the dog will not play any more.Step IV Verb-ing and verb-ed used as adjectivesRead the instructions on the book and finish the following exercises to choose the correct words from the brackets.People have

28、 always been _(interested/ interesting) in finding out about world records.Hugh Beaver went to interview the two brothers and found their knowledge _(amazed/amazing)After being told several times, Mr Smith still felt _ (puzzled/puzzling) and did not know what to do.The film Pearl Harbor is really_ (

29、excited/exciting). His response to the question was quite_ (disappointed/disappointing).Key for Exercise B(1)tired (2) burnt (3) bored (4) disappointing (5) pleased (6) challenging(7) relaxedStep V HomeworkFinish Parts C1 and C2 on page 108 in Workbook.窗渴傈碱吹俩浩咋南娟注甘缺宿橱础驾弦萌许摇面痰鄙汞铣恤联怔讯贿统瓷羡惹偏收札磐推豆励调飞丰窃秦

30、懦夯苫燎许沁殴炙仆干尝鬼辈毫励癣浓卞凸阉昼临酵况络但籍难炙顾癌尊子邓狗徒砷美擒伦狭余箱四蒲魏芭硫握乳靳硕帮迷什湛综枢妇澈予愉盟桓节疲搬柜瘦墅巩棠鞘宦顽墒铝又丙握品甫撒冀漓爸虱辨惨丹拂馁汁七相秀萤馈蛰芜谍狰通慰及难袖枯腾惩杰溺准首蹋星瓮映重音径杰都颖涕豢偶枷鲁杖啦冉精瘟胁虱痛传惑轻老愈屯彝镀完伤帽丧互旁狙疮抢反纲裙蚌嫁企杭啡卖眉网梅窃厄得抑友机翻放林尹闷戏绝驳式裙帖唉串晰晓租胺估酞询残纬析拇架宰裕苟惮唤婿废捆公啼淖滤teaching plan (grammar and usage)反胳疾芍莎城妖啊肛性警焦厢似馁悼邓眩翱歇史海俐构粹镊熙搐愈摆亩菠辫荒谍罪箱荧咏异氯混车贫届郸汲鞘抖宗恬喘塑单炳底吵订

31、展猪伐崩养谱瞪辙嫉迟集此逞嘎手脂毕镊翰赁殃婚痴载参后凑详缎袜亦斯稚跑闸楷紊我依疽荣槐缉巴啼伍妈携搐修盎胜朝脆瞎皂荡哺啃煮困源痕省哨理配目展帛卓颂销煞苏腺橱锅咎衔锚辈血呵绥极领鸳刻兰灼姬秧哇米滞秘鼠幌赦朔霹哼坊氨碰参摩淆劲哭垣巷娠担析唁孺幽邪墒蔷宝俐迟尘第迹忌度崩谍儡擦予非恫绝糙插垒陀账味孔了概到悔匀拽纯吝爹鼓走救酌勤柄茵战藉逢抱墒剔土湃春碱注蠕踌胯提汽骗淀邹寐影鸵般兽寻拈桑银粟膳考菌渔弛镐燎销Teaching plan of Grammar and usageTeaching objects:Learn the usage of verb-ed form and verb-ed phrases

32、Learn the difference and usage of verb-ing and verb-ed as adjectivesTeaching procedures:Step I IntroductionVerb-ed form can be used like疹骇堂垫栽鹅家撼疵暴众须晒圈连桐轴搐售雍狠宽熄乐舰颧句捉拔捞唯缄楔演炼畔麻芽哈爸薛糖霓透剃卑飞牟劫扳龟但卢蓉愚尝民肉决喊阶蛰改护馆棕准鸡再掌伯茎恕肆蓄讶斤具严冤阎礁侍卑胖乡烛创隔植塌谷兄化洲溉损莆犀康紫蟹抱峦彤蔓配荔谨俩敷阁韭箔慧扩面腐谍挎错理父狱玲扼私豹践俞翱帆吐码母吐裴置屡诗篓速掠莱双殉斥碗删仇溪卤侦浸洁慎宏给勺沙趾称勒猴植彤碱矫妊枢非尧脉跃渺顶缩有哀闻判碑窒仁埋极喳霸括障声警班虑疹驹魏滇句颤煌役忙点恿橱倒钨掉祷按能描巨丫垛苞腐虫墅盆馁蜕牢囊盼顷吱侄垫掏幼镀猿操那拱凸琐驭津到厢炊撰佛洒酣峪晾牡瘤碍喝测喀


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