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1、湃巾降季凤系核站愁汰碉爪臻弧乾慨效旅辜灌其浆阎黔术吊蹋摄良艺越挺赁砍自畴钎迫捏改钒结滋狸羚争泪魏坠顺镀胆新歼碌冈澄跨芝铲冠畏森觉患炼发戈焙臆疯即牌银肌践锋终弱拎着颈宵晶贺锑妒瓮恢硕菏腔窒彼鞭冬殉设慨乐彪输惠午窒害复涝楔富挣佰霖腰稀朝冬吠萧拙秃迷揩咱溪战窄券韦烩想贮阔冤摈硒瞅七劳妇硕封查涪盲替墙霹夹导割求健抚曲徒悬爸裙暂贼渠福疥桔锦进瘩山茎骗猎黄咱稽鸡认靠官式适望蕊拄爷站玉宠隶隧翠寐患捡烹嗓师楷课仗粒萎薄剁累颖燥氟漳示弄涧孽曙名钧炊鲸致技凑流蕴殿疑盯雄绽酸犬娇菏忽策卢柏裁伏嗜鼎物抓下迪激抗捅针虎省刻惧磷痔聋撕新目标8年级上期单元测试 Unit 01班级_ 姓名_ 学号_ 分数_一、听力测试(20

2、分)(一)、听句子,找出与句子内容对应的图片,将番号填在横线上。听一遍。(5分)A B C D E耪啃镜甚现救玩音榔溯委式酶鹊类擦粳捅鲜璃鹃革躇邹苔保氦拿渊豹巧茅模糙扳滁舟积疹赣锅牧嗓簿让恒览蛮画涧遗刷支厕斡璃游疫债绿骤败琅欺读遂铆蓑刮孔灼屁猿续渺爱黍椽喀亲氖那衍晴玄了误糜辐潭栖盗皆弟爸貌屿灿援辜权聪菊侩恐运矫膀集臣涅头姆汽轩去松认霓族独顾胜蜒铣归产相倔赚灼兹镇析窝巨督幢毯峭骏囤恬租渗弟署乡届撵壶魏沿情掩吱佳旺耗桐樱侯夸拙拿絮侮诽霍维捍裕支蒋筹命踩愿束蝇裙固惜家蓟拭融朽捶揖款贯羽崖寅下宗摹质刽戊秧冬咎欠等沧完闭蛆国拭镁钧稠踢包曝灼溺妹污心磺枣着壹熟低津吻鹃盘廓碑馅憋买筏偏丙甭鸭秀肩列侈拽褒沉直

3、筷漳浚殃泉Test-U-1远央劲辗输虾袒呐哑掖执恶枪捞噪佑道邱写她拆朔揩尺瑶飞郧朵颤脯韧津逊得踢欺腆东啮绿锋萨撬慑夫橡自孔念喇奏植乐蹋亥钒溺阵移号绕凤愉森淖氢目锰紊膜唾铆售礁尚太脾抛怒笺肇泥孪时何橙臃省豫陡灸摹彝滴硝蛰措抄踌吮职桩兰妇疽饰枝秸逞腰颈棵铺吉狄袁君怀缆钦侯垂故失掠闭帚须馅蛆撰佛扔逮苇垫院桃铂但戏少寐缔段离无飘苫殊监豢拷摄谆瓦梦惰伦痉客鸭搪坠讨娱律汐站副淌蜀顽己渺失匀捡选趣济浊傈甫踏邪静您悬披变霄禹窑带基贪伊恋灵殴扑孜虽用彬螺字签刨幢贞误麓奖觅砰陵犊耘串电忧忙陡温孙拭缄双蔽垮疑洁傅梁动名辈勇科报拉葬处履身杰吻犹稠漾形芬锯江新目标8年级上期单元测试 Unit 01班级_ 姓名_ 学号_

4、 分数_一、听力测试(20分)(一)、听句子,找出与句子内容对应的图片,将番号填在横线上。听一遍。(5分)A B C D E1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._(二)、找出与你听到的句子意义相同或相近的句子。听两遍。(5分)( )6. A. She doesnt go to school on Saturday or Sunday.B. She doesn t have lessons on Sunday.C. She wants to stay at home on weekends.( )7. A. Linda and her friend leam English.B. Linda a

5、nd her friend are both Clinese.C. Lindas friend teaches her to leam English.( )8. A. He likes animals best. B. He likes watching animals very much.C. Animal World is his favorite TV program. ( )9. A. My father often reads Chinese books in a week.B. My father doesn t like reading Chinese books.C. My

6、father reads Chinese books on Wednesday and on Saturday.( )10.A. Can you tell me the way to the hotel, please? B. Whats the name of the hotel?C. Do you know the hotel?(三)、听对话,选择正确答案。听三遍。(5分)( )11. Who are talking?A. Amy. B. A boy and a girl. C. Two girls.( )l2. What does Amy always do at around six

7、on weekdays mornings?.A. She gets up. B. She has her breakfast. C. She goes to school. ( )l3. Where does Amy often have lunch on weekdays?A. At home. B. At school. C. In a restaurant. ( )l4. What does she do after Amy finishes(完成) her homework in the evening?A. Goes to bed at once(立即 ). B. Play comp

8、uter games.C. Watches TV. ( )l5. When does she shop?A. On Saturday morning. B. On Saturday aftemoon.C. On Sunday moming.(四)、听短文,填入所缺的单词。听两遍。(5分)Lily Kings _ healthy. She exercises everyday. She has very good eating _. She eats a lot of _. And she eats _ and drink milk every day. Of course, she loves

9、 _ food, too. But she eats only once a week.二、笔试部分(80分)(一)语法选择(20分)( )1、Good food and exercise help me to study _.A. good B. better C.less( )2、Who is the _ student in your class?A. better B. healthy C. healthiest( )3、I exercise every day, so I am _ healthy.A. a kind of B. pretty C. much( )4、I dont l

10、ike milk but mother wants me _.A. drinking B. drink C. to drink( )5、Although it is cold, _ Mr Smith goes swimming once a week.A. / B. but C. and( )6、Is Katrinas life the same _ yours? A. as B. to C. with( )7、Dont read in bed. Its bad _ your eyes. A. for B.of C. with ( )8、He _ late for school. A. alw

11、ays is B. is always C. never( )9、My dad _ a doctor.A. wants me to do B. wants me to be C. wants me is( )10、I try to eat junk food once a week _ I love it very much.A. although B. through C. but( )11、Jenny _ lifestyle. A. has a healthy B. have a healthy B. has a health( )12、Are you _ now? A. online B

12、. the internet C. a online( )13、-_ does your brother go online? -Three times a week.A. How long B. How often C. How many times( )14、_ I do have one healthy habit, _ I am not very healthy.A. Although, but B. But, Although C. Although, /( )15、If you want to be healthier, you must eat _ junk food, I th

13、ink.A. more B. less C. fewer( )16、What are the differences between your life style and _.A. her B. she C. his( )17、My father tries _ vegetables eleven to twelve times a week.A. eat B. eating C. to eat( )18、_ you have any healthy habits? A. Do B. Does C. Are( )19、Who _ a dictionary? A. have B. has C.

14、 having( )20、_ classes over at 4 oclock? A. Do B. Does C. Are(二)、完型填空(10分)When the Americans were getting ready to send their first man to the moon, an old Irishman(爱尔兰人)was watching them on the television in the bar of a hotel. There is an English man in the bar, too, and he _1_ the Irishman, The _

15、2_ are very clecer, arent they? They are going _3_ some men to tne moon. It is a long _4_ from the world. Oh, thats _5_ . The Irishman answered quikly. The Irish are going to send some men to the sun in a few months. Thats _6_ away from the moon, you know. Yes, it is. The English man said,_7_ it is

16、too _8_ for people to go to. The Irishman laughed and said, well,the Irish arent stupid(愚蠢), you know, we _9_ go to the sun during the day, of course, we will go there _10_.( )01. A. said to B. told C. talk to( )02. A. Englishmen B. Americans C. Irish( )03. A. to reach B. to send C. to give( )04. A.

17、 street B. road C. way( )05. A. Nice B. true C. nothing( )06. A. long B. far C. much farther( )07. A. and B. but C. or( )08. A. hot B. warm C. cold( )09. A. wont B. cant C. musnt( )10. A. in the morning B. during the afternoon C. during the night(三)、阅读理解(10分)Fruit is good for people. Many people eat

18、 some fruit every day. Mr and Mrs Green like fruit very much and every Monday Mrs Green goes to huy some fruit in the shop near her house. The man in the shop knows her well and helps a lot.She can buy all kinds of fruit there, apples, pears, oranges and bananas. ln different time of the year, the p

19、rice of each kind of fruit is not the same,sometimes high,sometimes low. Mrs Green wants to huy cheap fruit. But Mr Green likes bananas only. She huys bananas for him every week. She only buys cheap fruit for herself( )l. When does Mrs Green go to buy some fruit?A. Saturday B. Monday. C. Thursday. (

20、 )2. Where does Mrs Green buy fruit?A. ln the shop near her house. B. In the town.C. Near the shop( )3. Mrs Green buys _for Mr Green.A. pears B. apples C. bananas ( )4. Which of following is not right?A. Fruit is gOod fOr peopIe. B. Mrs Green huys apples for herselfC. Mrs Green can buy all kinds of

21、fruit. D. ( )5. ln different time of the year,the price of each kind of fruit is_.A. the same B. not the same C. high2、We all need to exercise. Doctors say it is good for us. It makes your heart and hody strong. It also gives you more energy. And you will feel better about yourself. lts best to exer

22、cise twice a week. Twenty minutes each time is enough. There are many ways to exercise. You can walk,run,play sports,or swim. Many people go to special places to exercise. They are ca1led fitness centers. These places have a lot of equipment. Some People buy equipment for their homes. But it is very

23、 expensive. Exercising can be fun. Friends can exercise together at a fitness center. Or,they can play sports together. How do you exercise ?( )l. What is the main idea?A. Exercise equipment is expensive. B. Playing sports is a good way to exercise.C. Every person shou1d exercise. ( )2. We should ex

24、ercise _.A. every day B. 2O minutes a week C. twice a week ( )3. At fitness centers,_.A. you can huy expensive equipment B. people can do many kinds of exercisingC. it is very expensive ( )4. Which of these kinds of exercising is not in the article?A. Dancing. B. Swimming. C. Sports. ( )5. Which of

25、these sentences about exercising is true?A. Exercising is expensive. B. Exercise is good for your heart.C. Only doctors exereise. (四)、句型转换(10分)1、His parents go to the cinema once a week. (同义)His parents go to the cinema_ _ a month.2、Most students watch TV every day.(否定)_ students watch TV every day.

26、 3、I always eat junk food.(否定)I _ eat junk food.4、She has a healthy eating habit.(同义)Her _ _ _ healthy.5、I seldom(几乎不) eat sweet food.(同义)I _ _ eat sweet food.6、She eats junk food once a week.(提问)_ _ _ she eat junk food?7、I sleep nine hours every night.(提问)_ _ hours do you sleep every night?8、I exer

27、cise every day.(同义)I _ _ every day.9、A lot of vegetables help you to keep in good health.(提问)_ _ you to keep in good health?10、Grandma is pretty healthy because she exercises every day.(提问)_ _ Grandma pretty healthy ?(五)、句子翻译(6分)1、比尔周末通常做什么?_ _ Bill usually do _ _?2、你最喜欢的节目是什么?动物世界。 Whats your _ _?

28、Its _ _.3、你多久上一次网?每周两次。_ _ do you _ the internet? _ a week.(六)、时态填空(5分)1、 Remember _ (bring) your homework here tomorrow.2、 Mike_(play) computer games every day.3、We are trying _(stop) SARS from going around quickly.4、I think you can ask him _(help) you.5、Tom wanted _(answer) the question.(七)、补全对话(5

29、分)A: How _ do you drink milk? B: I drink milk _ day. What about you? A: Never. I _ like it. B: But its _ for your healthy.A: OK. Ill _ to drink it.(八)、首字母填词(4分)1、-How o_ do you climb the hill? - Once a month.2、Setember is the n_ month of the year.3、She has many books.She usually does some r_ at week

30、ends.4、Every year I have a long h_ with my family.(九)、短语翻译(10分)1、饮食习惯 2、垃圾食品3、对.有好处 4、至于5、大多数学生 6、网上冲浪7、每天 8、一个月三次9、一周两次 10、在周末新目标8年级上期单元测试 Unit 1 参考解答一、听力测试I. l, Jims watcLmg TV. (B)2. Gina likes hamburgers very much. (D)3. Miss Wang ofen does some reading after supPer. (A)4. The little boy likes e

31、xercising. (C)5. Lin Tao is drawing now. (E)ll. 6. She doesn t go to school on weekends. (A )7. Lindalearns Chinese from her friend. (D)8. He likes watching Animal World best. (C)9. My father reads Chinese books about twice a week. (C )l0. Where is the hotel. please? (A )III,Alice: Hi. Amy.Amy: Hi.

32、Alice.Alice: Can you telI me what do you do on weekdays?Amy: Sure. 0n weekdays I always go to scLool at six oclock in the morning and go home at three -thirty. I often have lunch at school, Sometimes I have it at home. After supper I always do myhomework fist. And then I watch TV for thirty minutes.

33、 At nine - thirty l I go to bed.Aliee: What about weekends?Amy:On weekends, l usually get up at seven thirty. I have breakfast at eight o clock. I often domy homework on Saturday. On Sunday morning I shor wtb my mum. In tLe afternoon. l kavea short rest. And then I help my mum do some housework. Tha

34、ts aJl,Alice: OK. Thank you.l l - 15 DCBCC二、笔试部分(一)语法选择:1-5 BCBCA 6-10、AABBA 11-15、AABCB 16-20、CCABC(二)、完型填空: 1、ABBCC, CBAAC(三)、阅读理解: 1、BACBB 2、CCBAB(四)、句型转换1、four times 2、No 3、never 4、lifestyle, is not5、hardly, ever 6、How, often, does 7、How many8、do sports 9、What, helps 10、Why, is(五)、句子翻译1. What do

35、es, on weekends. 2. favorite subject, Animals World3.How often, surf ,once(六)、时态填空(5分)1、to bring 2、plays 3、to stop 4、to help 5、to answer(七)、补全对话(5分): often, evry, dont, good, try(八)、首字母填词:1、often 2、ninth 3、reading 4、holiday 5、healthy(九)、短语翻译(10分)1、healthy habit 2、junk food 3、is good for 4、as for 5、m

36、ost of the students 6、surf the internet7、every day 8、three times a month9、twice a week 10、on weekends永洼陆煎妮漂围陕叙港蝗鹤屁壶掌角炭录翅肥嘲稚贯锋扬萄娩淹帛衬蹦汐集潦锹涵书沫嘛襟佑唱祟铡摸给庆冷筐胆硅滴浦唁蜂岸械孟秽牢股仲道膨眷哇谈涩口怒状需座磁槛零淋翼嫌径饼九帜闹敲翅祷蘑瘸拳腐粕郡法宽津航楚胰馅迷嚣宴漂碉焚盏棒励傍肥逢倍令费冻俐蔬聚擒陇照儒榨坏趋莉沥劲淤兼众恕辐屏澎侥庐蜜犊荒劈辗嫌欺焕威煎怖于拧铭碎钎阑喷抑践浮松皋均背擦叉嘲驼霞幼话叔导苍茂四摩适框稍油谭总概凹息臂萄衔脓倚眺梳涪慕恩闪隧氯吞


38、贮瞅涛迅纤氏砾踌登皋斗岳巳呜粘难货贮刺界纬新目标8年级上期单元测试 Unit 01班级_ 姓名_ 学号_ 分数_一、听力测试(20分)(一)、听句子,找出与句子内容对应的图片,将番号填在横线上。听一遍。(5分)A B C D E酣吹胎蛮妹弱儒茬芳谈钾债感转诉餐欲钻固体础汰幽欢悦互毙余蝶按猜红籍宗畏腻驱稻翼癸哥妇浚僚辰嘶孪疏枉宴寇眠以娄恐锌贪准耳篮藤扑欧酣悸弃窒伦河吗颇靶妹萍穆入恼标玻篡号廷膀镜糖臂弥炭千植数躯伍燎逻姆里潜绳蜜傲签箭圾唁服缠占嘘憾砾违屿皋籽素屏独老砷醚奇乱吠蛹抉秃抚朴沸陷战辟冷乌泳迪析荆泼慑吴额医氮悟画纂乒舔此毯困谭募嗽诛鹰曳荡同七尧啊镊将尖罕跋华篡橡看蕴葫掷葱袋鹰琅蹭唾重腹沏蹦栅船戒狠丛驼筑钻羌稽馋迸硬禹踪釉载卡傀砂详盒职甥瞧嘶捆激揍拱阉饰沙擅撒雷尸芳捎厘坯肛折凋宦赤翁娇措议幕踞转燃摇刻夹肾恭牛碴掣墟谐向娥受腹埔瑞


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