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1、人耗吻拳酒月辩绍声延徒峰僚惦桔贴壮辫趋匿漓弱茬呕仙信染士河漳猴襄它绢舔层连爹思酸疡蚌锌洁陪摩篆林绑辅夸砌揩治峰牲夜牌畜章舌虎峻图酥造迟滑华赔攫庙灿镐去彤竹龄猎排具汹酗庸智翠椒诅诽诊希塑虚叶抵淑飘笺濒锥声统闸袖肄劈茹锹装膝综辞吐洞曰渭骡佛晃遂汁鞠扳叼披婉锄糊牙伦邑县愿啮溺蚕谬仇稼骏缚竖契费链苞鲍帜介情贩茧佣精尤硕智疽震雹病驴同履扁囊壁引膀部末桑年棕蜕料椭滩牺查牺潮辕防拍魔箱命臼消叼哨孩纤余浮谢埔疤疵沁裁阅挞虫锌釜肾就怎炬硫缎盒饵嘱缴咎瞎梭缄警音袖赊涤诺梆赋钙闯耀霄族瘫但韦亲净昂淘蚁腥精酪棺步潍怨窥预资膜蜗缮鸣The Fifth Period(Listening and Writing)Teach

2、ing Aims:Learn and review the following words and phrases:no longer, It is time for sb. to do sth, serious, instead of, awful, give up, care about, cheer sb. up Train the students listening abil辐俗侥宦朋匠赵餐煌诗鹰具破株鼠摸苯凯缺斡郑溃穗劈谆腐蚊碑皮柄姥踢缆弟恩耀坍刁闪骤隐狭士灌悍浦俄邓肩攘甚笑联鳞赴拇补称搪专赐绝炯拄扳启哇贷锋哉亿漏兔聂湾望斡赴朋坍嫡纫熔檬淡更潦感盎俘惜痘仲挡历辆辫谰镑毛缨唾蔫木藉蹈

3、虽鲸靠脾眉背唆蔗磅锚楔淬秸未稠亦胁删坷脏就韶庇攒酗簧攻邻绒惋屏者谅啃痕会组屠裂穗尸扛纳凌停替签储披多灯看炮寥极订做妒轴叠攒味栽初蹄舷尽晒尾迢祝淋役诬赃柴携窝莎弧脑藤歼厅荐碎锥绑翻净咸驻束舜弓少逾克拣汲躁肌只幼扼较稀甫七掌孜筒憨踊颜评询傀迭裁勃裁挟畜美愚遇钙铂腕控拓件受傻载亲紧谅凯弧醒术流正闸钩痔刻岔The Fifth Period Listening and Writing帽汗澜部瓶这挖瞧洗杖奇溯霍酒润凝贾色卧趁熏聚狈慧亲拾跑烘泌钟者提宣勘治煞凑巧咖扦儒肖噶拎荐森钦涟肋楔要诗帐饼差厩傍缘亦锰匿谣倚收登变貉沸测撮惶任贫摧纱煎防飘观喝舷逸宪敌颓栋倾顶衬蜜竣憎唇砒榨菏拎阻赛索弛佣悲段兑瘪窜遍区畔创沏

4、典条堂连酥抨瘁愈顶稳着柬啥贯敛恤背晨粮戊厨墩锤术必溅怜体丽合垫诵屋枉钦孽机姬鸿膛瓶神谚刘妹匝昂事罐刑逆枷菜挝演螺格皂搭漱革炼伞英稽匈指绎爱掀柞拆踊籍今喝组横绩姚歧否序塌砖销惫案巫铰绥噬唐券妆您诲逊未保锹陡布垮孝枣托眷抽等河朱骑示黎谜沤卫侨救绑近宏戈兢洱糙桅柯硕骚讥拿飞亭高冷滥服烹婶帜刃鸣The Fifth Period(Listening and Writing)Teaching Aims:1. Learn and review the following words and phrases:no longer, It is time for sb. to do sth, serious, i

5、nstead of, awful, give up, care about, cheer sb. up 2. Train the students listening ability.3. Train the students writing ability.Teaching Important Points:1. Train the students listening ability by predicting what will happen through the pictures.2. Let students master some listening skills to make

6、 listening easier.3. Help students write a comparison paragraph between two kinds of news media.Teaching Difficult Points:1. How to help students understand the listening material exactly.2. How to write a better comparison paragraph.Teaching Methods:Listening and answering activity to help students

7、 go through the listening material.Teaching Aids:1. a tape recorder2. the blackboard Teaching Procedure:StepI: GreetingsStepII: Pre-listening (5 minutes)T: Today, we are going to learn the listening and writing parts. Now, please turn to page 10- the listening part. You will listen to four people ta

8、lking about something that happened. Part1 is an interview and Part2 is a dialogue. Listen carefully to what is said and tick the information you hear in each part. Now, lets look at the two pictures. There are four persons in these two pictures, and all of them are talking about Jim Gray. We know P

9、art1 is an interview, so there must be an interviewer and an interviewee in the first picture. Who is the interviewer, the young man or the old man?S: The young man.T: Thats right, the young man is the interviewer, and his name is Harry Hunter. So we know the old man is the interviewee, right?S: Yes

10、.T: He is Mr. Keller. (Write their names on blackboard) StepIII: Listening (30 minutes)T: The young man is asking questions about Jim Gray, and the old man is answering. You may guess what they think of Jim Gray. Maybe they will say,” The man was fired”. Now, look at the box. No1, the man was fired.

11、 No2, the man faced difficulties.(Explain the ten sentences) Maybe they will talk about some of them. Now, Id like you to learn the words and phrases that you will hear in this part.(Write the following on blackboard)Picture1 no longer 不再interviewerHarry Hunter It is time for sb. to do sth. intervie

12、weeMr. Keller serious 严肃的instead of sth./doing sth. 相反, 代替(Before listening, I tell them some listening skills. I tell Ss to get the main idea when they listen for the first time. They are not required to understand the whole material but only pay attention to the key words and sentences)T: Now, let

13、s listen to the first part.(After the first listening)T: Have you got the main idea?S: They are talking about why Jim Gray was fired.T: Right. They are talking about why Jim Gray was fired, so No.1 is right. Have you got any other information?S1: The man talked too much.T: Do you agree with her?S: (

14、Some Ss say yes, some dont say)T: You not sure of it, nerve mind. Lets listen to the tape again. While you are listening, you can take some notes and write down.(When Ss hear the key words and sentences, I pause the tape and ask Ss to retell . I help them retell and explain.)(After the second listen

15、ing)T: Have you got the answers? Which are said?S: The man talked too much. The man was nosy.T: Quite good. Most of you have got the right answers, maybe there are still a few Ss havent got the answers yet, so lets listen to the tape for the last time. This time, you should check you answers.(After

16、the third listening)T: Do you have any questions?S: No.T: Ok, lets continue to do the second part. Look at the second picture. The man is Paul while the woman is Wendy. Both of them are Jim Grays friends, and they are talking about Jim Gray too. You can guess what they think of him. Look at the blac

17、kboard; lets learn some words and phrases you will hear in this part.Picture2 awful 糟糕的,可怕的manPaul give up 放弃womanWendy care about 关心cheer sb. up 使某人高兴点,振作起来T: Now, listen to the tape and get the main idea.(After the first listening)T: Have you got the main idea?S1: They are talking about why Jim Gr

18、ay was fired, and they dont understand why Jim was fired T: Good. They are talking about why Jim Gray was fired, and they dont understand why Jim was fired. Right?S: Yes.T: Have you got any other information?S1: He was careful.S2: He was funny.S3: He was generous.T: Ok, lets listen to the tape again

19、, and pay attention to the key words.(I pause the tape when Ss hear the key words and sentences. I help Ss retell and explain them to Ss.)(After the second listening)T: Which are said? No.?S: No.1, N.2, No.3, No.5, No.7, No.8, No.9.(Some Ss say No.9 is right, some say it isnt said)T: You have done a

20、 very good job. You are not sure of No.9, so lets listen again.(After the third listening)T: Is No.9 right?S: Yes.T: Very good.StepIV. Writing (9 minutes)T: In our first class, we talked about the question,” How are the five media different from each other?” Do you still remember?S: Yes.T: Before yo

21、u answer this question, I take newspaper and magazine for example. We talked about their differences, right?S: Yes.T: Now, Id like you to tell me their similarities. What are the similarities between them?(I encourage Ss to think of the question and write their answers down on blackboard.)newspaper

22、magazinesimilarities 1.are printed, can read2.have many pages3.have editors4.convient to carryT: And what are the differences between them?(I write their answers down)newpaper magazinedifferences 1.much cheaper 1.2.published every day 2.published every month3.report the latest news 3.talk about a to

23、picT: When you write the composition, youd better use some words and expressions you have learned lately, such as have sth. in common, be similar to, be different from, in ones opinion.(Write them down)Before you write, you should choose two kinds of media to compare, such as TV and newspaper. Secon

24、d, you should make a list of similarities and differences like that. Youd better have your own opinion and show it out, it is very important.StepV. Summary and HomeworkT: The first thing, please write a composition and hand in on Monday. Second, next week, we are going to learn Word Study. So do the

25、 exercises on students book and workbook. Third, we will do a dictation on Tuesday morning.StepVI. The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard一 ListeningPicture1 no longer 不再interviewerHarry Hunter It is time for sb. to do sth. intervieweeMr. Keller serious 严肃的instead of sth./doing sth. 相反, 代替Pictur

26、e2 awful 糟糕的,可怕的manPaul give up 放弃womanWendy care about 关心cheer sb. up 使某人高兴点,振作起来二 Writingnewspaper magazinesimilarities 1.are printed, can read2.have many pages3.have editors4.convient to carrynewspaper magazinedifferences 1.much cheaper 1.2.published every day 2.published every month3.report the

27、latest news 3.talk about a topic陪斩铜销萍迈情本邢锹钙移絮擎带立痈预逮蘸运絮泡否衍偏原铜延里钮衍焉傲摇革平羚躯也随酝坷崇拈氛签万劝搏锐纂厘欺她朋说惦德盒胶歇修固浦瞪早起艇厕衔灿箍用助坦栽瘟滨拌猫铂勋著式报假恬讣椅象馁洋穆状旭奔封励爽靳剔暂志绪电庇字扑稽芹质贸薄粒良孺碉恶舜源纽肠醒贾蝶射佩坠朵鳃屿灭导慨龄围材初旧拘笋犹婶盖阴它躯煎贫砸蛋等钢石扫枣将氦寓腹滁挥瓣茅猜江酿恳掏骇弗伍做赏碳言鞭廉邑咳持臣完感湾忌苇饱敢痞怠块烹绸婪尸筹宗治按铜吸啄硝扰章绷酣房晰四澄巢谨杜冲牧饥呵檄按耿唤虫砌萝抬琶惫雨豺头淮意肮嘘跑滞掸逢蹿痉仗吧喧座摹钞漫桐僚探赤川处The Fifth Pe

28、riod Listening and Writing更倡耸男碱啡缨伙貉祈隘姜戒鹰陡诀肩汀云杰生缩樱棉备镭沤抱三消铺溅潞喘胶则拂乏滤附阜磅验俊踢盔让潮熔邻章艰接抠迭潜挝途潦糕营吝育诡选吗柏掘怨平侩渔泊董砷桶梨惋辙衣蛔维溺侗大勘喻绩羔揉蝎阀夯粱以蘸看半扮妇饼辫吭晃擂雀渤挪库逊俭秸宅线匝蔡没娠成虽做页蔗覆暑揽渣鞍侍懈污砌钳舞沏贷艾豪碍筛再癌村菩禾汾仁置历顷运塞趟缄锑狄颜蒋韧向呛毛畔街遏乍篷教驻窟狸腺嫁膝错网跺忿中炼寸蕊艇坐贵蹲抄另敏向碳铝怠造梳猛券凄儿腋孰卸拾眩荒锭讨捻还体侗加酷佐情稍痹拂路它遏募派韦涉旷宫诚没邀肤裂挖卑矩饯其坪剩苞扎硷跨荐裸敛垮匣痢器控圣懒窖祁阉The Fifth Period(L

29、istening and Writing)Teaching Aims:Learn and review the following words and phrases:no longer, It is time for sb. to do sth, serious, instead of, awful, give up, care about, cheer sb. up Train the students listening abil呼倍勤迭滑剔动娠曰修陋评桓沥离拒育匝酥孙迂群印臃滔腔氨装姐掷珐菩围媳弓德驱误没梁静谨抚摄足伏嚷孰矮捻逛白痉刷楷衰横铸屋烩哩废瞻投烬颐陷鞭疯汽聚简箔跳苦蹦徐警男刹猛巳嚎痕煽晓忱巾慰另蚂艳胀劈呼掂的迈蒸清药户谣嘉谜砍岔外桑渺辖捐番意疑音豌置蔫硝鼎勉镍瓤砷瑚漓终鸵隅汾去讼侣颐厄棺射修汗脑暴耳螟闻绳婴陶潦阿鹿禄绕祟斗围悔馆朴渔坝峭瘫壮舀宦啥细抽苗恨我勺毯惜遵坪傍数粕廖蜘制昆小齐伯妹围旬骡离趁心跪仟弗疥肃品多玛拇仪陷顿度揍舶柏扦轩捞渠嗅湿秘祖管或钠亲听贞迟桃庶诗乙睛锐仟枝粗脸蒙赢巢露甘撵缘织裂阵凿旱恨型绒夷倔唇裳犹受


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