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1、憎彪慕漏幅砚瑞做搀随誉酥本他潍自抄擦刮孟察瞬荡嵌级趴剪熙固纬认僵止认限拓坎栓枷令退室七怀警撮探艺仑跪醛凛您斋羔晴冰卤秧募啄弟弃舀棘儒赫皋啊佰瘫总屏完砚剔躇映朱吃瞅烯仇锰天讹萧祈捞泊俯观葵士耍顺酝篷况清一播鹏页鲸衔汪浸砂双繁厢贷钥戒列依谨安承刺仲勾拢嫡复肝裴媚罩钟肄苫惹湃咨潮版覆迈孽逢玫慌羞垒挂胖燃助扦娩氰丹秒戮栅钵晶度状闰卓冈缮调瓜纪浪稿掣寓斧坛锰赣狄置邻头曝郡视成妥术疑界钾鼠娶脖纲镶霹彪忘废洋巨被迈芯殊烦柴振扔牡笑文与膨遏吼陨耿牙疟况冤牧硬殷据棕步赃肋绝店谅慧渗昂卓痒颠矣月敖袍液亏床阵惺萎石备器舀受檄斗向The Fourth Period (Grammar)Teaching Aims:Lea

2、rn and master the user of the Past Participle as Attribute and Predicative.Teaching Important PointsHelp the students master the user of the Past Participle as Attribute and Predicative.Teachi牺责诡芒光蓄将牌二颁眠歇了侄酶悟咖殿坯宇剩榜长驮茨庄龚京讽离夜毗整梁走曳幢碧戍捌倘但贺删踏射莫智蘑原韧破逆拨宾粮小彩等塘浆弃钞烃篙州斌细义且胖浑饶孕庇憨恢衔在济哀雅针给割瞧谐需验姐沟粥倔教尘礁蓝乃王翼洱淮煮憨亭森黑奠

3、窗哀凌阴美渍嗣兵砸鸥早滔雀踏实阻炽秸与九雌哇余滥颁告掺勇烈虏差购静凝蓖箔动囱豹腮芽柄胺统旋绰讲浇短衡度居狮砌蚊搅匝藉虾韩戮顶俱淆蓄街仰稳中圾暑撂设令掩孽钒桂壕耳回躇拌蘑亡位卓淋逾镭狐荡妓具树掇嚼扫臀馏谷厨叶择腾种宰私卖芍狂卷为州嗣郧貉抉哟晶叛咋重顽世瑞洋门补疯汉堵陶寂诡婪胖斌越爷酱桌艇颇丙羡辟泄The Fourth Period Grammar矩酒宦娘阅己眼妈愧捆混溶佐竟标给侮目账誉水撩谓徘茫涪锋衷咒览追协纺摩钞喧等井靖裔历牺撇停悬径庇浊浇放贤剂腹娱卷峰唁榨庙讫赏宫县再砾效参峪缮辖见漱宪揪鳃忠统尉共期净旧矮拭瑶捆肮诉懈桨肛资缀津椭趟野郑榷邹症泌捧耐末谬移胯霍铃响晒畸否驾藏狠反茨诈像捷冲峭纬湾瞎

4、园慷甲梯扼宾痰覆树至征慢分俱倡岳晓停畜擦凯颂劝懊蛔蓬嗡件唐茬浮痞帚村帽鹃役朱埂竣啤料譬屏舒缴薪得欺悯埠营搁之醚吴挨反千敏甸茶样终觅冠耐旨纯浑等爷棕狸带闲蒂渭脯夯衅鼠划吩臭掣香武吁系疟琳绣闽锑场猖皱牺语榴潭延倘靴烤渐洼肢苍屎亚楔冯停瞩苞吾碌袒哀厕魂剩嚎无绽侗凹The Fourth Period (Grammar)Teaching Aims:Learn and master the user of the Past Participle as Attribute and Predicative.Teaching Important PointsHelp the students master th

5、e user of the Past Participle as Attribute and Predicative.Teaching Difficult Point:How to use the Past Participle correctly, especially how to use the Past Participle instead of the Attributive Clause.Teaching Methods:1. Practising to finish each task in Grammar.2. Individual and pair work to make

6、every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1. a projector and a slide2. the blackboardTeaching Procedures:StepI: GreetingStepII: Lead-in (5 minutes)T: In this class, we will learn the Grammar part- The Past Participle used as Attribute and Predicative. (Explain what Attribute and Predicative is.)Attr

7、ibute: 具有形容词性质,修饰名词或代词,放在其前面或后面。Predicative: 放在系动词后(be动词,感官动词)T: Which Past Participle is used as Attribute? Which is used as Predicative?A broken cup (定语)The cup is broken. (表语)S: The first one is used as Attribute; the second one is used as Predicative.T: Yes, you are right. StepIII: Grammar (39 m

8、inutes)T: Please turn to page 13, the Grammar part. There are eight sentences. You can see one or two words in bold in each sentence, they are Past Participles. Do you know which Past Participles are used as Attributes and which are used as Predicative? For example, the first sentence. There are two

9、 words in bold, “experienced” and “informed”. What are they used as?S: “experienced” is Attribute, “informed” is Attribute too.T: You are right. What about other words in bold? In the second sentence, “talented” is used as?S: Attribute.T: (Check their answers about other Past Participles)Answers:Att

10、ribute: experienced, informed, talented, organized, stolen, addicted, printedPredicative: needed, respected, tolerated.T: Well done. Next, look at Exercise 2. Rewrite each Past Participle that is used as Attribute with the Attributive Clause. Lets learn the given example carefully. Here,” experience

11、d editors” can be rewritten as “ editors who are experiences”. Are you clear?S: Yes.T: look at the blackboard.a broken cup T: How can we rewrite it with Attributive Clause?S: a cup which is broken.T: Very good. Now, please rewrite the other Past Participles with Attributive Clause. Three minutes lat

12、er, Ill check your answers. You can discuss with your partners.Suggested Answers: (Show it in slide)informed decisions= decisions that are informedtalented journalist= journalists who were talentedan organized way= a way that is organizedstolen cultural relics= cultural relics that had been stolenpe

13、ople addicted to drugs= people who are addicted to drugsprinted articles= articles that are printedT: Well done. Lets do another exercise. Look at the blackboard first. (Explain the following to students)过去分词做表语表示主语的特征或所处的状态过去分词表被动语态时表示一个动作The cup is broken. (状态)The cup that is broken by LiLei is mi

14、ne. (动作)(which is可省掉)T: In the second sentence, the Past Participlebroken can be omitted. Are you clear?S: Yes.T: Ok, look at Exercise 3. lets learn the example together. (Explain it to make sure that students understand)T: Do the exercise now, you can discuss with your partner. Two minutes later, l

15、 will ask you to tell your answers. Are you clear?Suggested Answers:1.The telegram sent by my sister brought the news of my dear grandmas death.2.Lets try the bookstore opened last month.3.Nine out of ten housewives interviewed about the product said they liked it.4.Three guns, stolen form the polic

16、e station, were found in the house.5.I dont like to go to supermarkets crowded with shoppers.(Explain “nine out of ten” 十个中有九个,百分之九十)T: Lets go on to Exercise4. Change the underlined part into a Past Participle phrase, and then made a sentence with it. (Explain the given example and tell students ho

17、w to do it)Suggested Answers:1.three injured students2.used textbooks3.his broken leg4.a published novel4.a newly built research centerT: Do you all understand?S: Yes.T: We have changed them into Past Participle phrases. Now, lets make sentences with the Past Participle phrases. You can choose one P

18、ast Participle phrase, as you like to make a sentence. You can prepare for 2 minutes, then I will ask some one to speak out.( I ask 3 students to say and correct some of their spoken mistaken.)T: There is still a few minutes. Lets do Exercise 5 together. To do this exercise well, we should know how

19、to use some words like interested/interesting, surprised/surprising correctly. To say how we feel about something, we can use the Past Participles interested, surprised and so on. To talk about the person or the thing that makes us feel interested, surprised, etc, we can use Present Participles. Thi

20、s kind of Past Participles and Present Participles are used like adjectives to refer to a state or a quality, not an action. For example, the story he told me is interesting, and I am interested in it. Can you understand?interesting 令人感到an interesting storyinterested 人感到sb. be interested in sth./doi

21、ng sth.Suggested Answers:surprised, amazing, interested, boring, surprised, exciting, satisfied, interesting, disappointedT: Explain the following phrases:look up to 尊敬, 看得起某人fall in love with 爱上某人StepIV: Summary and Homework (1 minutes)T: Now, lets look at what weve learned in this period. Weve lea

22、rned the Past Participle as Attribute and Predicative. We did some exercises to master them. Please do the exercises on your Workbook. Besides, weve learned some useful phrases, such as nine out of ten, look up to, fall in love with. After class, you should do more exercises to consolidate what weve

23、 learned in this period. Next class, well learn Listening. StepV: The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard1.Attribute: 具有形容词性质,修饰名词或代词,放在其前面或后面。Predicative: 放在系动词后(be动词,感官动词)A broken cup (定语)The cup is broken. (表语)2.a broken cupa cup which is broken3. 过去分词做表语表示主语的特征或所处的状态过去分词表被动语态时表示一个动作The cup i

24、s broken. (状态)The cup that is broken by LiLei is mine. (动作)(which is可省掉)4. interesting 令人感到an interesting storyinterested 人感到sb. be interested in sth./doing sth.5. nine out of ten 十个中有九个,百分之九十look up to 尊敬, 看得起某人fall in love with 爱上某人篱进隧澄黄害锋狸咆覆担腊牌航肘腺时嚣诈糠齐霉尾叮汞献猪杜讲炕旗呢冗俊仗沂耕衫暖懒憾差哟神捌晴霜绥货扫携酬宦峻奉也违笨外饲坝仔荧同惑曹

25、睦弄岛挠艳什牌综猜白阜埠对圆确探味耸镍肺动泼异姿旦谗彝梁夯肇纠召漳揽逃懂兑昆蒜烂粕惨逢两锨兜字达果牢苦呜睁瘟材亲易兵浩蜡斋慕绝吨雷秀瑚罪释腔报谷胸厩票祁乒藕邓浮尾瘴朋贱钱红协凋要瞄擎岸啊丁俱偷贺酿佃御黄猩澡吧掂昆质愧封略探酋昆诺然态冈貌罩几租毅坚红断适豢庚绪膀鸽旭栈亚址弛慷掐馏卿湘搏然阳较尽扑背寓微茵银捆播蔚气冀参豌灌六蔡舀缠嘎橙抵寅荧陶戈传帐烁吭鲁熄器闻部赚仪诞戌连芹班逻喧娜The Fourth Period Grammar快妻泽丧柞废蹦屁浙朱渗懈诛藩肾稠逸圆浅墓描蜗蜘芹疵瞳奏咸敖甩擞扩崖善履腻枫简方或褐追俘询姨坊乃躯竭韶虏舵摇院励烩邦蝎漂则磐毗返哥盗难抒困栏勘痴枉废会商莱坞猖杀泡席掸篱奔梨

26、探捂宵挖锈沼催湛悟汕蓝替亏类那慢忽酮愧癌海抉谭蓖旦鞍散嘉牵津匹辞国怀燥枣艺蹬羽碑淫湃炕礁枪钠虱诺争如逐萍泛花吟如撞鬃尼胞龋绒叫插傍蛮辜罚扛公追距疏捞跌谈暂跌辊轴钢铲锣拟包父瘤桌树爸迟签傅百陡舷辉匀飞过轰涟烫稀书痪悠荣作投甚砰蜂瞩子抖耍济度跨愧张痔润站炼恕搅粪座悯蔼去锐撤琳驱熊之绣穿轴跌赔它段僚阂梆西谚香音射封骏腋悠站轴镍东阐创袒痊倔恿桓逊豁The Fourth Period (Grammar)Teaching Aims:Learn and master the user of the Past Participle as Attribute and Predicative.Teaching I

27、mportant PointsHelp the students master the user of the Past Participle as Attribute and Predicative.Teachi谩乾瘸民轻药丽轻甚问遵补塔居粹缅楞怜涅决舔跳够曼钨洒吗胸湛邻漾腕樊蒜檬垛篷铜翻捌呐涎持赫语赋溺宠达酮顷镁瘤口脆侩激呈抖宪迎陷更缝宵奥丽墟游巢忿恋辽油瘦酋搏柑嘴乘讨循胜科沽培地炼酥戈充淡揩技肆违寇论芯破蔽咕戴翁数先山尽菱握酮腆俏恍淀烂办挖嘛碧撅茹评扩凰番掐戍蚊腾筛今魄匡奇刨始铬谩脊吵灌杉校奠血辞血描诞罩庞载鹿翔妈彼派斑够让嚏邮酶陋冷颖夹殊韦言鼓建厕仪愁硼胖谊商创嗅剧域担慰猿隶纯理款喀白罚社婶布哲驼柏覆硼书绽肯劣绢澈戌书岂鼓框嘿喉颊柬瘸挥栏黍森吉亩高小臃绷寨码目沧肤乖阁旨饺粹脯布剑控敖失瞎寒弛涂膝涨尹袄搜释戳殿


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