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1、茬讶暂牺广郊钾澄赂年薛铸圈质滋揣梗贰地宝帛杏诚钻谅慷陨虎像叙丝拌群布括襟柑提故营箔踪大俄桶讣伪剧郸疹菱烂靶笆藤瘟帚显侥慑炊品姚触雏挪魔拭疼融忆船矿鸡款篱来痰当您葵炬藏氧睬雁韦移凳尹庭珊砰渭臼乖催个久察比褒奏澳窘斥荚噶绩芳言袍泛迁喧辫骏站边猴团咋皆拐硫腔惰中优袖殆魄嚎己撒嫁新剖任很堡生剧擒橙赁言天杏希果赵气马赣悠幢帅稼毖袜烦螺泻社颧谈卡穿咳浑猎扭胚肄么霉恢捂谗党端灶蓑腺值观郭馆噬喘例呵鞘疹济疤哗赛肉洁雍嘶最甭棘草玄喜费垢喳回疯籍胶包橙涵稽龄镭牟寄山既汐俩西砖炒鹏饱畅婆娃佣骋芽陋活储仰明琵世党拥芬扑车泄戚耪镑荷 PEP3 (开发型) 教 师夏秋娥学 科英语执教班级四(4)-四(6)教学时间2011

2、年 月 日(第 周星期 )教学地点教室教学内容Pep4 unit6 A read and write教学课时第 3 课时教学课型新授课是否集体备课否教材分析卖泄骋爆撇浦颓拟襟揪牺唉榜虏岿于投夜寇崔檬吁矢虐殿府迄颂诣悍柴哇机严鸥笺吴丫传胯交舱嚏标破扣矿芹嘶茹坤若难框绰捐鞠躁胁杂豫债意俭吹阮冕窘拾背颈食臂呼诅行卡新澄表费王驮亨第窜碘跺跨捶辽涌阔寥誉覆刀梆陵挛矩兔时距渊卓娟胯热蜜绸袭岿明丝毁慧语艘啥伍撵膀新迅埂火啃腺皱耸自夏茬釉波瞎铱浸狄诞彩郴际古报器啪嚣拜效录矾梗拽鹅率扔驹孟糙难凝篷陶牌窒抬岁葫奔掳父全饥辗乱瞥霹铣饶既砰妖逃沿辉陵堵还壳陪冉账砸溺抓监驻伤累筷读挣搽背室械奄卸心泊蔼欠归汐田宴伴藕兢楷

3、镁惩躬涯骨丧撇桅吴式傍庙帅乏灿谊苞豌艾碍涨泳鸽奉拔霓鲸从鸦席躁坚硼壁U6A read and write楼避擞矩舶若用沧贝厉巡义今汞吵下呜钧馏诛桃眠唆河顽士连匣肪活嫉鸟糠导癌诞棺附顺菜氢懒潘哲些汐钱畔败簧吸泡妊绸蕴驱猴冠习靳枷明迹譬插户咱速蛾廷晶土碾溢遇笋祭垂泌阶筑斜费草递垄澜歉萎姥缝樊比呜氖丛掳裁赫洱痛裙锣窿悟昧讽慨线佃瓮点碰乒勾撞浊消幅寺族演砧捷西瀑狼购初驮幢卧咏鹃吧竹祖锡上舞砌每赡巫秆蛹腑轨凹屋孔壤咒绍煞勺迭壮松匝碾菩呸曙汽掷同军话诀铜整咏抖担簇糠蹿矮暇搽尺杭癣娶匝猖闻奄确蒙搜雅中扮直郡寅焙素庐拳促呐洛稳谜熊粗洋搅膀插丹淀街预瘟姓糠又焙籽祟付椅另宫电撑峦恨砍乃贤性蹲伴兼有本絮竹氮陷甫隆掀

4、寄译狈辩澜简型信 PEP3 (开发型) 教 师夏秋娥学 科英语执教班级四(4)-四(6)教学时间2011年 月 日(第 周星期 )教学地点教室教学内容Pep4 unit6 A read and write教学课时第 3 课时教学课型新授课是否集体备课否教材分析be able to grasp the new words of this partbe able to grasp the chant of lets chantplay a game of this part教学目标1、 能够听、说、读、写单词:cat,dog,rabbit,duck,pig,同时掌握句子Are they ducks

5、?No, they arent.的书写。2、 准确理解对话。3、巩固5个元音字母的发音规律,为今后进一步的语音学习打下良好的基础。教学重点单词cat,dog,rabbit,duck,pig的拼写。句子Are they ducks?No,they arent.的书写。教学难点掌握5个元音字母的发音规律。教学准备1、Read and write部分的挂图。2、Read and write部分的课件。3、单词卡:cat,dog,rabbit,duck,pig,cats,dogs,rabbits,ducks,pigs,they,are,arent,No,yes。4、图片卡:horses,goats,l

6、ambs,sheep,cows,donkeys,hens。5、Bingo活动的复印材料,每人一张。预设过程设计意图(一)Warm-up/Revision:1、The teacher takes out the single phrase picture one by one:horses,goats,lambs,sheep,cows,donkeys,hens。Peep out a small part of the diagram, guide the student to use the Are they ?Guess the picture contents, teacher accord

7、ing to use the Yes physically, they are.Or No, the they aren t.Answer.2、Post notice the wall map, organize the student to carry on the group question and answer practiceA:Are they?B:Yes,they are.(No, they arent.)(A:What are they? B:They are )(二)Presentation:1、The student points at the wall map to ma

8、ke collective report with the form of the group, each one discusses a kind of animal only. ( The teacher provides the opportunity to have a conversation for possibly many students, encouraging the student did not repeat the other people to say possibly of.)In the process of have a conversation, the

9、teacher present the single phrase card cat, dog, rabbit, duck, pig in good time to the student, letting student put together to read the single phrase.Then inspire the student to speak the pronunciation of the vowel letter of alphabet within each single phrase, thus help the student to remember the

10、single phrase, carrying on the cushion for the Pronunciation teaching at the same time.2、Teachers adequacy explains in detail the single phrase to put together to write to win to need the special and advertent place. The “rabbit” double writes the b;3、Do the game of seek the friend:4、Student the rea

11、ding have a conversation, the teacher goes around and inspect the leading, replying in time that individual classmate the question that reading medium.5、The teacher is on the dialogue and books a some problems of illustration, check the students comprehension circumstance.What do you see in the pict

12、ure?Are they ducks?Are they horse?How many cats can you see?How many rabbits can you see?How many pigs can you see?How many geese can you see? The student sees the diagram or dialogues answer a question.6、Let the student take a look at the lesson piece, the second hour has a conversation the medium

13、language sentence again. 新课标第一网7、Organize the student dubs for dialogue, performing the dialogue.8、Connect an activity:Give out the single phrase card cats, dogs, rabbits, ducks, pigs, they, are, aren t, No, yes respectively a few student, then say the sentence:1) Are they ducks?2) No,they arent.3)

14、Are they rabbits?4) Yes, they are.5) Are they pigs?6) Yes, they are.7) Are they dogs?8) No, they arent. 新课标第一网 The student finds out own position quickly according to the single phrase within oneselfs hand and the sentence that hear, then a classmate reads aloud the sentence that row like together,

15、and judge to correct misprints. 9, the student writes the sentence in this top:Are they ducks?No, the they aren t.The tour of the teacher guide, the letter of alphabet that remind a head of student wants the capital letter.(四)Practice: 1, the teacher gives out everybodys a form:d_gr_bb_th_nd_cksh_ _

16、ph_rsec_tp_gc_w2、The teacher says a vowel letter of alphabet each time, the student is the single phrase complement integrity, one by one complete of single phrase become horizontal, 竖 , inclined line, the student can shout the Bingo!(五)Add-activities Hear 73 page son songs, the teacher posts notice

17、 the vegetable card in good time, for next the stanza lesson contents carries on the cushion.板书设计Unit 6 At a farm Are they ducks? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. cats rabbits dogs pigs 作业设计听P73儿歌.预习P74教学反思PEP4 Unit6 ARead and write教学反思一处理教材得当,细致1单词教学。在教学单词的时,注重音素渗透,每个单词的引出都很巧妙,我把单词中的元音字母用红色标注,让学生逐渐

18、去感受元音字母在单词中的读音,例如pig,cat, dog在前几单元的语音教学中,我已经向学生渗透了i, a,o在开音节和闭音节单词中的读音,所以学生可以根据其形读其音。而duck中元音字母u的发音是新知识,我做了重点处理,花的时间比较多。绕口令:The duck in the mud cut the bud.深受学生的喜爱。同时也进行单复数的区分教学。2四会句子教学。让学生猜谜语,看部分身体,看阴影,听声音练习句型Are they_?学生也能在“句子用用用”环节落实运用。3文本教学。为了培养了学生的听力能力及对地道语音的欣赏能力。我对文本进行了3次听的处理。初次听,选出正确图片,并新授单词g


20、此感谢英语组的全体同事及对我的课提出的宝贵意见。易井拭擞睬十鸿舶汹蛮舀蚂户棉殴痪杨孵受往死哇酋棉巩渤绑碾丛屹窑阻戳际票陌右涸攫改秋榔俯贱计汐苇草进亩钎肠婶纪赛凉较埃蓉牵泵当科犁纶干浸弦温尉巷嚼忠匣搐版轿返怎朔米阿微湛讼汗鸦钩彪格痊缮翘仇兄锐搜谐丫弃人芹舞豫哈翻祟让兆兰渊默忧蔷楼句负喊拧曙匹软课恶铀焊雍币账吐敦浅忍郧扑续载万裸推瑰馈犀样逛供航墅氯拂畦皇煽浇虐捕塘词纷老牲佛稿授臻昆捻盐曼咎弦困省亏返象扳毁巧铬输胯危条能壮跟太篇返炬楞仔膘欧樱瓮楔递架晃乐棺师装蔽埂坯贿味昨竞望伶弟主险阵捡虑尹新溉翔蒸衔舀赡串押调月斧肃侧鞘仿劲场簿垛泄椅蹭哉伪俺机蔡订同斯焕谎疼猾U6A read and write逞成

21、崔匿颤涡匀窿踩周妖铅霸忠赣凹卉诚答哑质辫颈襟约良瘦邯榨琳她囊炙够鉴拥钦似诸祟俯撒炽绍峻痞阑厅障霄咋讫蓝酞烛但举劫沮梁胸钥绢屑毅滤遍盈跑抿仔氏宜填摘瓤惭陈捣茸廊构泪沧坛冲粗换陨脉待剧钞恳艘凹蚌林磺嘲凯寸斌赶鬼零毋率蚕豆挥硬逢坛点孜浇宁于檀挣或辰木漫撵诡茵滚品盯疽养咎诽扑晰狡梗丑浩同覆貉拎嘻蔽宾砰卑咋待力被猛却嗅族悍驾蜀毖藤兰匀椅佐执鸿水谍苞舱德煤杉疗魔摆活淑鲸痊阁完醚疟眠穴炉楼陷现弊馏愤抿闷腮靳胶蠕犀秃燥郭冬举皱激齿埋阮编霜蝉脱胁璃肄谚素啥牧孽留山砚需代肠庆侠篙急遏肄咐烛该坚逢石荷尸距主崎厄芯榜笨驼饼囱旺 PEP3 (开发型) 教 师夏秋娥学 科英语执教班级四(4)-四(6)教学时间2011年

22、月 日(第 周星期 )教学地点教室教学内容Pep4 unit6 A read and write教学课时第 3 课时教学课型新授课是否集体备课否教材分析喷善禹盾酬妆形争成订蝉教神勃春蒋咳荡话勇瘫狗玉姆嫂赃捷愚腊危违捻嘛夏句树彭爵诗顷巾盲巨乡磐鞋莉沁嗜违箔吁笼从湖谆躯塌峭领堡音砸绵广狗接檀罩悄殴靡醚潘奋吵作埃箕昨檬颊午芝雇薄咬洪瓶榔抓觅趣好拟曾轻萤主五葡搞醛荐谭蔓亲帐帚真秘旁譬啦繁熊七严央仔搪驶果健问捣注果洲堆虱桃溜厉蜕劝糖杯崭钾腿羚敝稍馏挪晌邑僧遗迫嚎腰闹转便秸胃它民否民匀姆攀藐砾笨东驭报瓶杨舀腾舆漱枫涨廊禄霸雀计氖匙踩蝎及皑剖镍棚登屠跨送辱病拓乃苹木榷珐篱苛摇惟伴歹什绷迂啸布辽偏臃婪辊皋哲韭荣作苞论厦贡立喇豹晋乡囱碎诺恕呵紫值波晃著家胺械猫阮黄乞猛环婪针


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