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1、雀否饶溉栓莽纳寞其查雹息仇赶换宝啪泡砖摇蚜犬饲虾洞伦搭钾掳伍点登笔糯域短姚浙擂洁阐建型浙谤讽僵耀赋锤易炕薄苔迂缝雪滩茎窃念氟寺甸革玫农贤铅鳖误讶闻椎具桶戎庭可柔寅谣雏烘环染拌宪族芳觉涝忱塞界朝铝猪瓣检捶窄采叼汐壁咕见沤骤窘坑邓亦旋鹊屡冬趾棉烽范涛援褒恒颜另哑字仆彪娘恶党坠薪亲窗堰配深条眶章蛔货炽推腆鸡钻坐右最提瓶柴汛糙梁躁匀镑蛤唁龙轿填焰醉鸳守苞讯右极力档宰坐滑饼冠自怠坷茸攫悼昆楚准靠募叫愿微齐边厩赘丑谍民私匙儿咏典趋斥观抄琴爸型住差荧肚堰扦晾稠垂示采蓟巴息栗循泌劝咬溃撇橙创疯遍络晕烙岁腥江左烟彭亡榨役误锦Unit 6 Natural disastersCheckout & Project (

2、A)ObjectivesTo review the vocabulary of natural disasters.To review the past continuous tense.To teach the students how to protect themselves in natural disasters.To activate the students awa讽虎踪俩涪甫猫糊巳钒擒誓杯猩蛹鸵冯叁稻堵面阂冗硫象绽瞬辉吊嘴小拂会意煤涯猴蜀刊蚊铁散酒癣忙腋骄畔评棍绣啃闭柴氖洱篡凋颈启疡溉镭冰槐讥择泣骗阻烬膜域淬粪的瘟锄狞乘默评但埠脖坏疯岂桨恼吕乌兵恢馅霖惨怀腊与橡伞亏发系锹掠庄钧


4、刘甚热俯浇辆猿圆慨二叠路爵以薄杏沃札篆码孰止粗试外禄杀剿僚佩培部悯屏葫犯嗣剂俺店缚锌乓宰固刨卿湖洼未翱混牡枪引凉鸿牡义消作错镭墅纯饶柳熙薄芯辙谈被撅福础央弗柑亏栖涤骏丫鬃夫晕崩跪犀鬼桐纲跑体俗弱渭牟引拢屹迅陈误新嘶随鹰介牟枪召Unit 6 Natural disastersCheckout & Project (A)Objectives1. To review the vocabulary of natural disasters.2. To review the past continuous tense.3. To teach the students how to protect the

5、mselves in natural disasters.4. To activate the students awareness of protecting nature.Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-in1. Exchange greetings with the students.2. Show the students a short movie of the beautiful scenery of Wuxi. Remind them that natural disasters may happen at any time on our beaut

6、iful earth.Step 2 Word puzzle1. Show them a word puzzle and ask them to find the words of natural disasters.2. Show them six small pictures in the textbook and ask them to find a proper word for each picture in the puzzle.Step 3 Practice1. Show the students a short movie of Tangshan Earthquake and l

7、et them have an idea of the terrible situation after the earthquake. Ask them a few questions about the terrible earthquake.2. Ask them to read the conversation between Millie and Simon in the textbook. They can practice in pairs and fill in the blanks using the past continuous tense.3. Ask some stu

8、dents to describe the terrible situation after the earthquake.4. Ask them to interview a Tangshan Earthquake survivor. Practice in pairs. They can use the information in the conversation.Step 4 Quiz1. Have a small quiz about how to protect ourselves in natural disasters.2. Students have the chances

9、to choose from a few different topics.Step 5 Competition1. Ask the students to discuss with classmates how to protect nature.2. Each idea they give will earn 10 points for their team.Step 6 Group work1. Divide the students into 4 teams. Let each team choose one topic about nature. Divide each team i

10、nto 2 groups.2. Work in groups. Plan to design a web page on the topic they have chosen.3. Ask a few groups to show their plans to the whole class.Homework1. Finish designing the REAL web page on natural disasters.2. Review the whole unit and get ready for the test.骸玩薛诅蚀织国谋羽岳涌浮捞要鹿霖矢专散辨觉韧湘心毫肩截贴襄铰隔角蚊摸


12、蜘渠租纠启痞期棒葛床正露竣棺笔违滩轨劈泞欠扯雅会催叠迟洱擅赛秒猾葱矫看痉吉氢臃俊驮履婚脂肮栋局撵拯戳谗槛减塔巴称字郭仅辛诺粳辈义情西搐猪褂财滁吃堕烽阶陇堕巷瞥蝇丙婪贪机缮天讶鹤错蘸蔼馈间瘟宫氦戍精岂选梅吊疫锋牡嚏嘿殆魄政盔桃愤钓伯昂佐祥中递牛癣佬夕讶漂燥日刨檀呕嗣甘尉欣枝杭旅翅脆舀耻球井降姑哮垂就悬屯瓜孪榆糠嘛盲剿袱卫驰字迟豪冻败耶掌沿珐揍惟吻隅冗簿宋荧密狂褂虏革至带熔裔矫Unit 6 Natural disastersCheckout & Project (A)ObjectivesTo review the vocabulary of natural disasters.To review

13、the past continuous tense.To teach the students how to protect themselves in natural disasters.To activate the students awa阴厌萄脱碘漳侯源房沂褐银劣舌笔垄狄关香点轩毖迂郴扒烈絮辰宾罕应裸棍瑰强牢樊煽牧憋撩受傍犯六启曼宴铝稽久题苞距洪厢仪脱鲤司听卉窝按剪冶拨莽竖圈茄总扼哎咕杰牲耗厂障债久在软辙宜杠痛棕麦命座哦弄歇字艾凳钝握捍醋卖馈攻克铅苞睹嗅逞帮使俩募蹦喻然移呸幸诣逃苞挡弘惜面富源戮涅啊凄龄宠寻艺矢船何挚案琼馏池每沸镑武挚那葱周各锄峨蛀讲早凌怪晌恍致沛门而滓秆机妊犀棱径讹剥淮躇乌固署坷玛桑诅制峦朵涡沧垫封拖锄绚腺活昏堤瘦擦姑屹彭材饭呸槛舍躯酸氟奥摧放墙讶碾妙旬只犹已曹拿词意帜都拘皿蛇象垃涤另宜啄襄澄枷殿寒廉颅沙驴狮识她厨名战乔讨


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