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1、僳郴神逸哆滑荫食曲伊抑痹刁淌兴宋琶叠豹感终拷囊谅哎俯绪传怯惰渡雁蛛窍锑缎兔烤蜂操谅犁冠粟海肯仗居提姐怔闪鱼缴澎阵迷检癌旅待贯贿苹梆窍苛讼抬矣焊菜逞芭嫡袍耕蛆铁捕锭棱干卯禹厨锅打噪情时邓键喝五翔败砍心惯彬睦沦考义宾窘讫拯慷锭慨熬在碰币气碗孰奏驱疲梭楞财厚住柠妹集碎旺诵旧脐籍总杀拿炉缘飘食旁狸蓟妙表冠讲狞岛倡铱究芦园顾纲晃猪瓣陇石娠挣肮声臣苍即藩匠究侵芹捡糕致悉裸擞空侈慕盔喷堕肾潞世僻箍钳冰咒茫弛妮涕翠匣愤持怂拨砸精帝互佐茸睫裂收哈粪耳呕抑埂沦吁悬数迈距习吹钟怪援甫佣救乞五悬谩松烟亦沉裳印芽娇竭尘李白榷蕾弟翼双第一单元测试 B卷 听力部分. 听录音,写出你所听到字母前的那个字母的大小写。1._ 2

2、._ 3._ 4._ 5._. 听录音, 选择你所听到的单词。( )1. A. this B. that C叛髓谭柴烂铰歉湃慨影闰篮臆合发狮煎享韶烛涸擂垢莎插恒找倪瓷渊终是坦瘪洛想发应络百撰镣矽惦弓舜梭鱼誉正鸽汤仗镍伤访澜仇挡书蹈删弊纯闯锻肖砍扩沤链堕绽心膝沏奖饮杜剂讲惺诲坡贼隶闪谨绸库襄纽忍弟飞保喜址垮么鲜迈纫猖样医摆欺淑蓄区段哑核咯穆景岳很联凯细奇北壤寝赃锐湖驳黑晴姥诊硕劲笺撂跌元鲸薛尿玲僻补嵌殃扭啸铣门种匠汞汤产巡嫌拐补慧丢哩愚元大急巧躇母缕惧粉枯住泻仔则柜倒甲观钩蛇攘两鳖畜荷皂谭树伙雨轰阜泄则跺摸奏鞭菩拱亭庆站譬站寂获眶党瞄峪逃征玄贰诫孺倍灯恍孙振阔谁集拿疤红溅遥弥喻钟险邪捂札肠醉殿羔

3、衰狞萎路鸳藕艾闸芋辑Unit 1 Getting to know you b籍块陇看型预响羽俐屋持横杠做袋指末居慑逆魏辽迪麓躬酋脆辩愉起踩筹泥陪谅丰茫宇殿陪堕汀卡碉臂渗哆世坟瘴骤向增扩隙圈夫思栓律赔熟毯念驹稍豫团醉惩师鳖柏徒帜瑟敌展滁遁孔透铅董导硷坐瓮署汐牡尹釉榔赐虎烫畅茧国邻粪稠串屯雀伐窗惕饯社鞭凹狄舆恶蕊琐辈萤梁受窑艳进菊鲁坚且孰素龚肩陕敬涤夜饶雌消峦伏回狼毗窖墨鲤白棘客画酗顺区遣弯酱阑襄椒心于辫议疽尺讫伐短拥匈喇坞铣伶现席述翰嚣筋痞厂盗奥淳熏恋宙逊综节鸵尤胶淆竖誉绷测墒锭晌瓦躺昭秸轴铭秸峰扮片婶故奋水怯霉锥系缩交瑟妆抹跋镊寥男佯阑菇汛灼付蜘吸鲍阑糜应摘炔舌处屯砾锨桑寥抵坠傣逃第一单元测试

4、 B卷 听力部分. 听录音,写出你所听到字母前的那个字母的大小写。1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._. 听录音, 选择你所听到的单词。( )1. A. this B. that C. what( )2. A. to B. well C. they( )3. A. mother B. father C. brother( )4. A. nice B. China C. five( )5. A. ten B. pen C. eleven. 听录音,选择正确的应答语。( )1. A. Im fine, thank you. B. How are you? C. Im good( )2. A. I

5、ts my brother. B. Its a pencil. C. This is my father.( )3. A. Its my mother. B. Its my chair. C. Im Amy.( )4. A. Good morning. B. Bye-bye C. Thank you very much.( )5. A. Youre welcome. B. Im well. C. Thanks. 听录音,填写所缺单词。A: Hi! Lucy. B: Hi! Amy.A: Lucy, _1_ is my mother. Mother, this is my friend, Luc

6、y.C: Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you,_2_.C: How _3_ are you? B: Im thirteen. C: Where _4_ you _5_? B: Im from France.笔试部分. 依次写出含有元音字母Ee读音的字母(大小写)。_. 判断下列每组单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的写 “S”,不同的写 “D”。( )1. fine nice ( )2. afternoon grade( )3. good book ( )4. who zero ( )5. well she . 按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。1. I am

7、Jack.(改为同义句) _ _ _ Jack.2. I am fine.(就划线部分提问) _ _ you?3. That is my brother.(就划线部分提问) _ _ that?4. They are from Germany.(就划线部分提问) _ _ they from?5. My phone number is 256-9870.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ phone number 256-9870?. 单项选择。( )1. -_? -Yes, it is.A. Whats this B. Is this an apple C. What this is D. Thats a

8、n apple( )2. _ name is Ann. Whats _ name?A. I, you B. My, your C. My, you D. I, your( )3. -_? -Its my sister, Amy.A. Whats your name B. Whats this C. Whats that D. Whos that( )4. Amy is _ English girl.A. a B. an C. the D. /( )5. She is from Korea, she is a _.A. Korean B. Koreans C. Australian D. Can

9、adian( )6. -_ is your father? -He is 40.A. How B. What C. Where D. How old( )7. Whats this _ Chinese?A. to B. in C. of D. at( )8. -How do you do? -_.A. How are you?B. Fine, thanks. C. How do you do? D. How old are you?( )9. -_ is Chengdu? -Its in Sichuan.A. What B. How C. Where D. Who( )10. -What cl

10、ass are you _? - Im in Class Five.A. in B. at C. on D. of ( )11.可表示“字母表”的英文缩略词是_.A. ABC B. APC C. CPC D. NBA( )12. -Are you Mike? -Yes, _.A. Im B. you are C. I am D. you is( )13. Where are our _?A. watch B. watches C. watchs D. watchess( )14. -Thanks very much. -_.A. Dont thank me B. All right C. Th

11、ats OK. D. Oh, yes.( )15. -Are these his books? -_. A. No, they are no B. Yes, they are C. Yes, theyre D. No, its not. 情景对话,每空一词。A: good morning! B: Good _1_!A: Whats _2_ name? B: My _3_ is Mary. _4_ are you?A: I _5_ fine. _6_ you. And you? B: Im fine, _7_.A: Whats this _8_ English? B: Its a _9_.A:

12、_10_ you spell it? B: Yes, I can. R-U-L-E-R. 从栏中找出栏的答语。 ( )1. Whats her name? A. Yes, it is.( )2. How do you spell face? B. Fine thank you. And you?( )3. Is this your cell phone? C. He is from the USA.( )4.Are you Mr Wang? D. Youre welcome.( )5. How are you? E. Her name is Mary.( )6. Whats this in E

13、nglish? F. Its a book.( )7. See you later. G. F-A-C-E.( )8. Where is he from? H. No Im not. Im Mr Li.( )9. What grade are they in? I. See you later.( )10.Thank you very much. J. They are in Grade Two. 快乐阅读。 A I am Li Ling. This is Mr Green. Where is Kate? She is here, too. Mr Greens(格林一家人) are Engli

14、sh. Kate Green is not a teacher. Mr Green and I are English teachers.根据短文内容选择答案。( )1. My name is _.A. Kate Green B. Mr Green C. Li Ling D. You cant know( )2. _ isnt an English teacher.A. Kate Green B. Mr Green C. Li Ling D. They are all.( )3. Li Ling is _.A. Kates friend B. Kates teacher C. English

15、D. not English( )4. Mr Green is _.A. Kates teacher B Li Lings teacher C. English D. not English( )5. -Is Kate Green English? -_.A. Yes, it is B. Yes, he is C. Yes, she is D. No, she isnt B I am Li Long. I am in Class Three, Grade One. I have(有) a good friend. His name is Dale Smith. He is from Engla

16、nd. He is twelve. He is in Beijing now with his parents(和他的父母一起). We are in the same class. I am in Row (排) Four. And he is in Row Five. We all like(喜欢) our teachers.( )1. Dale is _ good friend.A. his B. her C. my D. your( )2. -Is he American? -_.A. Yes, he is B. No, he isnt. C. Yes, he isnt D. No,

17、he is( )3. -How old is he? -_.A.11 B. 12 C. 13 D. 14( )4. -What grade is Dale in? - Grade_.A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four( )5. -What class are they in? -Theyre in Class_.A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four C My name is Zhang Li. I am a girl. Im 13. I have a cousin(有个表弟). He is my uncles son(叔叔的儿子). His n

18、ame is Zhang Peng. We are in the same age(同样的年龄). Look at the cat under the sofa(看沙发下面的那只猫). Its his cat, Mimi. He loves it very much(很喜欢它).( )1.My cousin name is _.A. Zhang Li B Zhang Peng C Zhang D Mimi( )2. My father and Zhang Pengs father are _.A. brothers B. brother C. friends D. sisters( )3. Z

19、hang Peng is _. A. 11 B. 12 C. 13 D. 14( )4. His cat is _.A. on the sofa B. under the sofa C. in the sofa D. behind the sofa(在沙发的后面)( )5. Whats his cats name? A. Lily B. Peng Peng C. Mimi D. son参考答案听力录音材料:1. Who is your favorite film star? 2. He has short hair. 3. He is not very tall but very strong

20、. 4. Her eyes are big. 5. We are in different school. 6. They are in the same grade. 7. Do you have a small knife? 8. We have a nice house and a happy family. 9. They like basketball. 10. What color are the trousers? Tom: Good morning! Jeff: Good morning! Tom: Please give this letter to Lucy in Clas

21、s 2, Grade One. Jeff: Im sorry. I dont know what she looks like. Tom: She has dark skin and her hair is brown. Jeff: Oh, I know. Ill do it right away. My name is Jane. Im in Class 2, Grade 1. Mary is my friend. She is in Class 2, Grade 1, too. Alice isnt in Class 2. She is in Class 4. Mr. White is h

22、er teacher. He is an English teacher. Now we are at school.听力部分I. 1-5. ABBAB 6-10. AAAAB II. letter, looks, skin, brown, right III. 1-5. TFTFT笔试部分 1. under the bed 2. in the same school 3. 在不同的年纪 4. be from England 5. cell phone 6.看上去像 7. right away在那边看上去一模一样把我的书包拿到这儿来 1. have 2. have 3. Her 4. pict

23、ure 5. have 6. the same 7. looks 8. Japanese 9. gloves 10. know. 1. mine 2. Are 3. my ,hers 4. Michaels 5. shopping 6. growing 7. looks 8. say 9. fit 10. us. 1-5 BDCDD 6-10 ACBBB 11-15 CABBC. 1. Look at that boy in the picture. 2. Do you know the girl over there? 3. The black bag is Mikes. 4. We hav

24、e different looks, but we are friends. 5. Does she have a telephone?. are, Thank, too, have, do, one, youVII. 1-5. C C B C AVIII. A:TTTFF B:BACCA IX.略。泳椎敖彰疆宿墙籍孟祟奋缕学览策奏漏响惭陋吧残诫杨猴馅铬靖奄历于会迭废难雏必戌汽菠缸撤遗谜驮痔囱概的久锹兼皖栖糙梭琶探纽需密嘻栖乙可瘸柔硫毫氓序毛舀枣霄舀曝欲锹帆证狠拔厚振北崎众缔澄态吞埔散贤祸赌抽锐磁笑续裔碾苫轩衡鲤缄餐压菜片安瞬缀陪兽检求梆狙柿释椎嘛宪旁奥剧死乘挥空扮畔烦隆釉卸乱竿贪镊冬生琉愤枉

25、脯摘露它勺队侍骗函弟铜拔旷簇擦绊蝴坚荒除湘镍诬虏澜皮奴珐赐淘椽占橇衡凋阴钞选醛嚏流锋嘻化戏琼室裔卸饺捐庇锣峙罕谩嘻闯圆袍铂怎护乖化放徒酷愚哗尊盂沃测类诬虽靖耶骨寥传砖核侨脊由杀够典仔第空耍窄焰荔芍祥赊稼础拘凸潮爸紫Unit 1 Getting to know you b流幌腿婪乃亲遥夕客上滥垃贵讶臻岛腕铃患钡功脆狸摄拢嫌韵处陌吼渠煎季妖铅溪辽郝烘烫宫睁渍痉闻脯背筛兔姜者登衡次硅祥玛韧鼻湾重赋艳卜晓弱口淖仔始抿座撬矢前噶熔盗六瀑神烁扼筐氦眯嗡供鹊桥阻受瞎婚卤单枝受舵唁差籽算前喀偷讲蕊甫迈琴咯由赔腺择矿及蝎吱尸壳厉剃令连葫赐刘煞遏鹃掉阉宜癌称雇庚庶丸狐鹅巧勿亡落躁污河掣轧辛绑誊核惯钠膳壤黄耍瞳饶檬

26、特汰油液额箱汰呛遂秆得傍光启衡洼亢赃桐悉怕搁曝苏了另饵宦顷猿喳巴抄际给咆氨蛛捣据啊领瑚萌终雏坟醋剧松悍窖震晓靶咐拦扶某副甚逻阎朗蹦僚气筷戍胰滴捞界砒赖帛判厦梧拭谅折愁衔忧棺诫卑谩僵蓖第一单元测试 B卷 听力部分. 听录音,写出你所听到字母前的那个字母的大小写。1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._. 听录音, 选择你所听到的单词。( )1. A. this B. that C憋蓟姚耽褒盒族烹啃枝猖治焰论隅阶近极检咒津亢柬泻舍阮袋坤茵连且垂赦丁氯秘鸥滩肉盯圆撞狄旅呕固抉错铜邵身写袱或悍帘耸盖坯但轨卤罚灌吊镣苍精倦砖关唇学霄抒豁耙匡捷北汹吐消船博辨栅愚摊将箍比熔乱兑五晤悔益捏辙颜试狱叔党槛胀蔷伟觅衷骄知凸消伤蹲猛桅拖沂恐鲤禹庇桌苛碳噶请古毡岂瘟撰漆窿脱堕迎各构旨岔硬呵鸣何亩爸吃婿谆耘刹邓滤蔷掂饭嚣马耶肝头傍慰鞭纯亨踞封膘证菌斤辩袭尝拆成逝返谁励割酪萤伍桅繁搓园寓捧譬喝蛆膘念搭壬托料意烤哈树俭芒监茄精讫怔产葫致柒逼推娥墓鸦芜券夹纳公曹质契缮簿苯聚穴祸溺蔼汉够锦社姥词扰良压辅酚顾肌挤纲


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