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1、自我评价用英文翻译自我评价I am cheerful, and his careful, meticulous work, hard working, down to earth work, there is a strong sense of responsibility, team spirit, but also has a strong ability to work independently, active thinking.Able to skillfully use Windows Office Word, Excel, XXX and other applications,

2、according to the needs of XXX, the completion of the work surface XXXX, XXXX have a good sense of communication skills and strong negotiation skills;Professional advice and product and supplier information in XXXX, the feasibility of the program put forward proposals to follow up the problem solving

3、 XXXX; have team spirit, a sense of responsibility, good character, correct thinking; have a certain file management capabilities.本人性格开朗,为人细心,做事一丝不苟,能吃苦耐劳,工作脚踏实地,有较强的责任心,具有团队合作精神,又具有较强的独立工作能力,思维活跃。能熟练运用Windows Office Word、Excel、XXX等应用软件,能根据XXX的需求,完成面XXXX工作,具备良好的XXXX意识,极强的沟通能力与谈判能力;在XXXX中提出专业的意见和产品及供

4、应商资讯,提出可行性方案建议,跟进解决XXXX问题;具备团队协作精神,有责任心、人品好、思想端正;具备一定的文件管理能力。自我评价Serious and responsible work, do not shirk responsibility; ability to work under pressure; can work independently;A team player, with colleagues, other departments actively cooperate with the companys interests first;Obedience and good

5、, maintain good communication with superiors, respect for superiors arrangements;Honest, upright; and easy to learn, and continuously improve the ability to work;I believe your choice I make you more successful;工作认真负责,不推卸责任;能承受工作中的压力;工作上可以独当一面;具有团队精神,能与同事,其它部门积极配合,公司利益至上;服从性好,能与上司保持良好的沟通,尊重上司的安排;为人诚

6、实,正直;且好学上进,不断提高工作能力;相信您的选择会让您我更加成功;自我评价I love learning, rigorous work attitude, strong sense of responsibility, have a good team player. Good analytical, problem-solving thinking.Innovation to address customer needs and safeguard interests of the company for the purpose. To accept the challenge and

7、greater development platform.本人热爱学习,工作态度严谨认真,责任心强,有很好的团队合作能力。有良好的分析、解决问题的思维。以创新、解决客户需求、维护公司利益为宗旨。来接受挑战和更大的发展平台。自我评价Honest, loyal, hard-working, motivated and medium-sized enterprises have rich management experience, strong team management skills, good communication and coordination organizational sk

8、ills, keen insight, confidence is my charm. I have a good image and temperament, good health and a spirit of optimism that I can wholeheartedly into work.诚实、稳重、勤奋、积极上进,拥有丰富的大中型企业管理经验,有较强的团队管理能力,良好的沟通协调组织能力,敏锐的洞察力,自信是我的魅力。我有着良好的形象和气质,健康的体魄和乐观的精神使我能全身心地投入到工作当中。自我评价It is lively and cheerful, rapport wi

9、th people, have strong communication skills. During the school as a squad leader post, many plan to implement several large-scale activities, have strong organizational skills and coordination, and has a good physique. In a number of social practice, to draw attention to the social experience, serious and responsible work.本人性格活泼开朗,与人相处和睦融洽,有较强的沟通能力。在校期间担任班长一职,多次策划实施几次大型活动,拥有较强的组织能力和协调能力,并具有良好的身体素质。在多次社会实践中,注意向社会吸取丰富的经验,对工作认真负责。


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