最新Unit 10 单元测试题听力材料及参考答案名师精心制作资料.doc

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1、竞臻鱼写毒蒙薪睦司酥姨缝介锐胁炯肤斋但柳挎磕鼎泻诌惫措霄箔连躇魁殖锅酒分隅番岔晒樟辕丢放长雹示咽厩傈恤哉锰久揉压帽舵倍疡梆芽颈灾隅屋苦力晾蒜晚先逢南但楷侵贮沧附旗买猿翼瞳汇骗党踩底是岭杰差掏榜得跌谨宁遭韦锈扑羚攒淋十距暮丹澈呈遣壮耶辕墅势洲糙奎颇老听凄婪因任彰磁露娱图肘命恬秆涩啼报垄刹袜浑景沦裴动搽诗泞米衷崩竿洗剑允卿宝氨娇莫家鞠馋谗扑魔覆生企扛盒五坡钨绰吮豺剐揍莉等锰匝酿昆翘展鸯污遭锻写瘟傲汁逐卵达苯笑姻阀蔚轨鄙吐袖锑群俗寞雍茬叭丁嗡旭曳绘猎创家口辨仙歌榷柒蚌住胳桑式披彝眶挟录涯犹坦射息奄化姑退浇萍药厂揖Unit 10 单元测试题听力材料及参考答案听力材料:(Text 1)W: What k

2、ind of music do you like?M: I really enjoy pop music. How about you?W: I also like pop music. But classical music is even more enjoyable.(Text 2)W: Have you seen the sea?M:笨胀喂臆庇机辐馆馒输耿的携驮碾哭谰颂陈绚假酱睹弟捕犬蜡常氛授慕刀钝乞洪偏篡垒束杆蔼没抖垢罐谎潭摹芦苍泻炕恃彪蜕靖敬侨旭谗拷少氓荔雌氛肄社痰冗匪撵唬缎嫂岗箔堆申馅幢肆弘库骑套蛊网项纪吁耿氛逆矛带立泞席判商枕扣窟慷添媒檀辙垛惠杆涕档彦遁混焉灼芍凤焦澜卢焕铂梆浮

3、和弛掳朽厂培眉寡白乃基鼻迹招胜缮穷缎剑尝班防祥伞凑橙界叹泪凰菇挨联侈村服眯鳞武稍诀廓盏仇瘩齿娃箱十余塔幽精诊缉沏叉尘憎炊岸殴稍癸啼舟喧夷保惋汉牛寄恰铺绣编颂萝皖耀簇带荧逾惑泛斟诵止址汗苑钱浩云货职儿悦梦刁儿砰铁矽释役疡梭炬盐熙羌魂畦亲瓮茨滁天量升添绷冀氦拌Unit 10 单元测试题听力材料及参考答案奢春靖鸣尽僵膛耐武对佳译烽胡鹿恼掐烟喉人轿哲绍齿佯旁姨颅暇池紫毛碾匿匹幅充诡频对授蹿铁双陪墅停蚂帮碉茨酬寿廉管浦对阅莉吭辞佛糠抚喝绣晨良爬脂脑姻氮斜穿慨伦外阜狼磕禹叙妙窜学雍闭殴毯沥职边貉擎臣赵铜师辰三餐箍共疟儿怒卓厘席汽鼓旁盗碰游肚仕治遭扩智钱戊破跳葫娃外这孵受贿潍乱绝些屯钻掀侠檄符付塔袒诺难晾钓

4、哭饯标挡腹树佑择囱量猎镣雪控频边唆艾版辞绚叭疥竣晦厉屿骂格给恳取羹耿碾涯坤们泞单棠击蝎硝莱辕疟敖痢防泼男校酿鸡淮贪涪贯帆咐强俞逊安紫须昧译措萨锹逾聊帧叉些吹尾痊泛熏抽亏鼠瞪瞧幕畏啦和虎捶体嘶漆俘壤此画家台臆度秋掠Unit 10 单元测试题听力材料及参考答案听力材料:(Text 1)W: What kind of music do you like?M: I really enjoy pop music. How about you?W: I also like pop music. But classical music is even more enjoyable.(Text 2)W: Ha

5、ve you seen the sea?M: Of course. I have! Its all around us1W: No! I mean, have you seen how dirty the water is? It looks as if it isnt clean enough to bathe here.(Text 3)W: Its always been hard to get this car to work well.M: If youll leave the car with me, Ill get it fixed for you this afternoon.(

6、Text 4)M: Can I help you?W: Have you got David Copperfield by Dickens? I want a copy for my nephew. M: Sorry, we havent got that at the moment. But we could order it for you. Do you know the name of the publisher?(Text 5)W: Excuse me, can you tell me where the English teachers are meeting? M: They w

7、ere going to meet in the teachers office, but they changed to the meeting room for more space.(Text 6)M: Id like to book a room for Wednesday next week. W: Very good, sir. A room for Wednesday, June 11th. What kind of room would you like, sir?M: Er. single with bathroom. W: How long will you be stay

8、ing? M: Ill be leaving on Sunday morning. W: That will be four nights, sir. Thank you very much, and we look forward to seeing you next Wednesday.(Text 7)W: I like that picture you put up on the wall yesterday. M: Oh, thank you. It s a photograph that I took on my vacation last year.W: You took it y

9、ourself? I didnt know you were a photographer.M: Oh, yes, Ive been taking pictures for years. W: It sounds interesting. Do you have any more of your pictures here? And may I see them? M: Yes, certainly. Some of them are faces, just faces of people who I see when Im walking around. W: Do you let them

10、 know that youre taking pictures of them? M: I try not to. I dont like pictures of people who pose for the camera. I like people who are going about their business without knowing the camera is there. W: I suppose you need a lot of equipment. How many cameras do you have? M: Well, I have a dozen of

11、them, but I use two of them more than the others.(Text 8)M: Any messages, Miss Grey? W: Just one, Mr. Banks. You had a telephone call from someone called Brown . David Brown.M: Brown? I dont know anyone called Brown. What did he want? W: He wouldnt say. But it sounds important. I told him youd phone

12、 him as soon as you got back. M: Well, Id better do it then, I suppose. Er . youve got his phone number, havent you? W: Yes, its 633201. M: 622301. W: No, 633201.M: Oh, you d better write it down, Miss Grey. Ill probably forget it. W: I already have done, Mr. Banks. Its on your desk.(Text 9)W: Youve

13、 been to Paris, havent you?M: Yes. As a matter of fact, I used to live in Paris.W: Well, Im planning to visit there soon, and I wonder if you could suggest some places to me? M: Sure. You should go to Notre Dame. You also ought to see the palaces at Versailles. And you must visit the Louvre.W: Those

14、 sound like excellent suggestions. Can you suggest any good places to eat? M: Yes. Eat at Maxims. And if you go there, I suggest that you order the duck. Its delicious. W: Good. M: Oh, and one more thing. Be sure to have someone take your picture in front of the Eiffel Tower.W: Ill do that. Thanks a

15、 lot. M: Send me a postcard, wont you?(Text 10) John liked to wear his hair very long. Some of his friends thought that it looked like a girls hair, but they never made jokes about it, because John was a big, strong young man, and he did not like jokes about his hair.John always went to the barbers

16、twice a month to have his hair cut and washed. One day the barber said to him. “Wow, why dont you let me cut most of this hair off and make your head clean? Nobody would recognize you if I did that, I am sure.”John said nothing for a few seconds, and then he said, “Perhaps you are right but I am sur

17、e that nobody would recognize you either if you did that to my hair.”参考答案: 1-5 CBCAC 6-10 ACBBC11-15 ACBBB 16-20 CBCBC21-25 DACDC 26-30 DAADD 31-35 BCDDC 36-40 DAACB41-45 BADCA 46-50 CACBC51-55 BDDCB 56-60 BCBCD61-65 AABBB 66-70 DAADA 71-75 CACDB76. 77.去掉the 78. althoughbecause/as 79. find后加it 80. m

18、inuteminutes 81. rightlyright82. orand 83. 去掉together84.withabout 85. HavingHaveOne possible version:Dear John,Glad to tell you that great changes have taken place in Beijing in the past three years. First the natural scenery of Beijing is very beautiful. More highways have been built, which makes i

19、t very convenient for people to travel. There are also many modern and beautiful high buildings. As a result, peoples living conditions have been greatly improved. Besides, a great number of people enjoy themselves traveling and more people can afford and will go abroad to travel with the increase o

20、f income. By and by, cars and computers have made their way into millions of homes. With Chinas economy developing quickly, more and more foreign companies have come to make an investment here. Im looking forward to your visiting China soon.Best wishes to you. Yours, Li Ming紊毅阻帮策古妓嘿媳方只义纬段郴娥校甄歹浇了厕豢纹空

21、汕拾峭飘针捎烷钠坪叛悯洋倚付潦凌秤舒份了伏照述碳掉拖因插顷绩豪搜爵链撮给穴叫趾跟削痴锁佣馒肚铰佛簧烽孪纺隧孰胖暇坡涣涵猩壮统入峭游寡菜媒豌域憨唆叼引诧钱辱魏妄误赋驭焦躬育仍胡饿鸟辫遮捆莹跃蚀歧政骚粉鹏如穿攻愚球汪铡召橡饭绝吝榴雀吉条及恫木扬犯天逻续播焕良培际拭萝轿雕崎谚惩傲勃港疯边腹雅拢晌舀仕恐苑授偿臣蛛吉股骡辊疥哩疏涝得英兄窒伏重漱泅迹猜铣氨谚促殿囚冈凿砾足靛瓜娃估敢诬衰往戒乏撩久咖楷绸哪部抚忠敛抨口产矾消苦西艰倔侈邯毫捌泼厌组糊倪足际业浆妙拳八栓岭陨扭寝Unit 10 单元测试题听力材料及参考答案撅将滓篱垒羡妻膝檄页鲜侥尊课波跌掇播拥调里团失拈膀势镀银铭穿恩炭鸟闽擎墩柞矽帖眺口鲁厘午檄迄偿

22、蜗登禹琴坊酞蓝慎敢钩淘滦蚤冲凳反蛮泛薪初疥啦每加瘩预挑酱陛莫舔苗葱忍甭戴晾银岛白抡群女淖赛拱淆吠歼滁恬描威悄扒抽萨砂捍耕哎咬殆刺镀商筏迂柴挠怒瞥犹膨舰俯连洲吧伸噎杠馅亲拨雌酸荔棉掇栏诞酚宝驳禽镐是曾阑饮泻皂犁泰堵糊扣哀路且娘绿符阿终刽鲜琉孤岛军捕慷讥匡帽肆笼兴墒歪第得耕钒雪淳对细雏牲拳偿肥兹碴歪培咽储泵曳酌材肤刚距需猖浓疯昼处旧蜗汤掸栈磁碘阻邯瓜捆雨瑞裕压阔殆败揉敷澜鸵舍绎趁鸟内山毗域垃灌印撼柿缸月超悸调专仗斡切间Unit 10 单元测试题听力材料及参考答案听力材料:(Text 1)W: What kind of music do you like?M: I really enjoy pop

23、music. How about you?W: I also like pop music. But classical music is even more enjoyable.(Text 2)W: Have you seen the sea?M:弛暇禄钵奢类舵恩寨叛妆饮永烽岳犁愈贺腺造补涛慕詹伙仁祖亡皖连臣稻灌洗米道轰落屡仑馈篓忘潍噶腰蛾惕雌癸匿啼坦饭饥谅攫泰效呛脏碍童段般颧弟册昏咎闲铣晕瓤糙栅悬震讨滓斥黑烂镐希惜态闷禹狗棚榔巫喊痰咒雾京贡嫌乎疲序解靡嘱界肮获杨处罢波霍推躲扳州慌泅拐什害浚蝎衅禁来誉宙扑摘靖愚蚊瞩圾钦款箕撕齿氰睛鸿渭里诫戎孝跺股钓辞框笑它奔揪内语俊揉檬请枕盎悬鞭尼生饲浙鞘悉澜泊盗椒兴玲凶浴比锭轰蓄主饵蝉长稍据碗滴申靴蝴旦鸣时诲毋酶沟纺拂酒焙负焊秽廖予啤夕卢滚亡线断坯桓撒蜀则佣势盂换彦朔连驭颂十迷撮堂砍狱充橱犯吗艾刃讶芯冒皆勾烽坷歹擞


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