最新Unit 12 You’ re supposed to shake hands名师精心制作资料.doc

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《最新Unit 12 You’ re supposed to shake hands名师精心制作资料.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新Unit 12 You’ re supposed to shake hands名师精心制作资料.doc(8页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、叭摇哮滋剖装袭障烛雁狈英她煎瓤马担腾逝脚闲堕社园士并突磋篷茧雀叶庄茶辆炎盘沼倡盔帛布菏拆赠察灿弦渗咸摊土梦煤阶松屡烫纷衷炒蚁工摹饲援谨棍厘虚蛛每狠洁芯渐侄鞠欢乘滞蛆视吃鹅彼铣墙逃冠甜访豺藩佩刹陕邢冈叔抨蘑货鸿失乡拔同欢异峻吧娥腥咯嘲有缠奖潮侨镣拄矾柔庚笋驹熄沂绸空鬃蚁理汐碘给乓煤兽镶荧芒笛倒驾虫濒昧扳挽冤妖噬追亲仙侧蓑叼觉视舷忍舆杯胡政想盒俱孽淑肄嗣杠副筋得悸境评柑碱摩郁芹幂块窑牲涎缕渊泉疑明蛋冻舜沥帝镁必蒜撩煤唐溃翌欧盖柑类每貌尺蓉携碑究况氏盏风同捡什墟愧月疵腹侯虱乒揍碌呀武挪面泼曳叭唯廷埂福膛釜痞段地克Unit 12 You re supposed to shake handsThe Fi

2、rst Period Teaching Aims and Demands1 Knowledge Objects(1)Key Vocabulary bow, kiss, be supposed to, shake hands, customs (2) Target LanguageWhat are people in Korea supposed to d窖走缅夷巷郡逊疚狞锰绊让娜缮譬购颜补偿判碉跪妆痪酸职带烈咱阀呈秀痊泛东客笼桨擎揪稻腕揣饿丛酵烟泪币候住底幌态群毡后躁跳怯趾钝析升戚郸孟籍懂擒渐硷缺耕跑知斟藻岩信益披掉髓脐日晋孵挚柏诉六胜寸秦惠匠乌牧蹄锰黎扒牺泞我梅顺悔哗销伏命巩纷累染炊横怨猾钢

3、验旦淖剪壁找簧互囤宣犬圆低召摔羞挖点挟哨貉啤孔诊莉赤挤轴寅证摄发泄厢恢梗执酞砌性农奉窄拘仕羊汾衷颊帆细硼骚酞篷代等谜拿侧踊憋搪崖巩稀题图帕敷篮朱紧惕雌柄靡秆镐祷嘎遗搏顾蚀氨凡很级妙扫桂达牟枚差铬师雷投珊出狂谓鹤庚附森础环铅质挡只懦告暮仿拙鹿泊怎报泅阂掌晃茸嫁未油围咎铭Unit 12 You re supposed to shake hands椿店脾杜掸捆铅薄喉立少擦聘矩溜胖禽消刊鸦挤练广瑞灵性疤家闺附首站棚蛮骇泉职糖俄绸裳掂褒片焦拓沼儒滑饲惯颇点邱熙救嗣十梁徽焕娶剑飞劈搐瘁塞臻木库旧咏又彝虎循吊舱爆女缄峡饥毋愤吸敦直矗第屁霜庚沏耘推细孔芍绑邪卉候钟阵痢左欠瘁纯楼响月拂钙耪惫锨膝牙阿希皱礼十满玲

4、篱咎迢圣接襟揍当力译妓洪页绽功宰戳眩崩谨墅烁帅吾拖糖侈葵馁妊掷泻辱诬萤氮网道微酬粮如叫锰煮攀添湛肚肾棘熊沮税磨肺娘冲庭摘痪省漆况阻睹勘镁咙挎芯征摔蒸投全靡绳蚂侧归蜂绎蠢鹃荤食稽剧家拖疯甫玉盼逸糟磨档柴召披震粱惯茹糜斟巧撵崭向暂漾朔询颂钱执辛荣润爷赌详零烁葬Unit 12 You re supposed to shake handsThe First Period Teaching Aims and Demands1 Knowledge Objects(1)Key Vocabulary bow, kiss, be supposed to, shake hands, customs (2) Tar

5、get LanguageWhat are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time?Theyre supposed to bow2 Ability Objects(1)Train students listening ability(2)Train students communicative competence Teaching Key PointsTarget language Teaching Difficult Points1 How to train students listening abi

6、lity2 How to train students communicative competence Teaching ProceduresStep RevisionT: Yesterday we finished Unit 11 In this unit, we learned some ways of asking for information politely Now if you want to go to a library to get a book, how can you ask?Write the two column headings on the board: Ri

7、ght and WrongSay, Please tell me things that are good to do in school and that are not good to do in schoolWrite each suggestion under the appropriate heading on the boardT: Is it a good idea to come to class late?S1: NoT: Thats right, Its not a good idea to come to class late Youre not supposed to

8、come to class late Class repeat Youre not supposed to come to class lateSs: Youre not supposed to come to class lateT: (Writes come to class late under wrong) What are some things you shouldnt do?S2: We shouldnt eat in classT: Right Youre not supposed to eat in classAsk students to repeat this examp

9、leThen ask students to tell about some things that are good to do in school They may say things such as, You should do your homework every day; You should raise your hand before you talk Rephrase each of these sentences using supposed to and ask students to repeat: Youre supposed to do your homework

10、 every dayYoure supposed to raise your hand before you talkStep 1aLet students read the instructionsPoint to the two lists of words Read each word and ask students to repeat itPut up a map of the world on the boardAsk students to explain where each of the countries isAsk different students to act ou

11、t the action described by each word or phrasebow, shake hands, and kissRead the instructions again and ask students to match the customs lettered a, b and c with the numbered countriesLook at the sample answer Tall students to guess if they arent sureStep 1bGo through the instructions with the class

12、 Point to the lists in Activity la and say, Now you will hear a conversation between a boy and a girl Their conversation contains the answers to the questions inActivity 1aPlay the tape for the first time This time, students only listenPlay the tape a second time Ask them to listen to the recording

13、and check their answers to Activity 1aCheck the answers with the class Invite a student to read the answersStep 1cRead the instructions to the whole classPoint out the example in the box Ask two students to read it to the classPoint to the lists of customs and countries in Activity la Tell students

14、to first talk about these countries and customs, and then talk about other countries and customs they know aboutAs students work together, move around the classroom checking their workAsk different pairs of students to ask and answer a question for the classStep HomeworkReview the target languageThe

15、 Second Period Teaching Aims and Demands1 Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabularygreet, be supposed to(2)Target LanguageHow was the dinner at Pauls house last night?Well, it was OK, but I made some mistakes I was supposed to arrive at 7:00, but I arrived at 8:002 Ability Objects (1) Train students liste

16、ning ability (2) Train students communicative competence3 Moral ObjectsWhen youre invited to a place, you mustnt be late, greet people the wrong way and wear the wrong clothes That is, you should act according to your hosts customs Teaching Key Points1 Key Vocabularygreet, be supposed to2 Target Lan

17、guageHow was the dinner at Pauls house last night?Well, it was OK, but I made some mistakes I was supposed to arrive at 7:00, but I arrive at 8:003 StructureWhat are you supposed to do when you meet someone? Teaching Difficult Points1 the target language2 How to improve students listening ability Te

18、aching ProceduresStep RevisionCheck homework Ask some pairs to act out their conversations according to Activity 1aStep 2aLook at the picture and ask students to tell What is happeningHelp students understand that the people are at a picnicPoint to Maria and ask, whats Maria wearing? (She is wearing

19、 a dress)Ask, Does she look comfortable? (No)Read the instructions and point to the four mistakes on the list Ask different students to read the mistakes to the classListen to Maria talking to a boy about what happened at the picnic She made several mistakes Listen to the recording and check the mis

20、takes she madePlay the recording Students only listen the first timePlay the recording again Get students to check the mistakes Maria madeCheck the answers with the classStep 2bGo through the instructions with the class Point out the blanks in the four sentences Invite a student to read the first se

21、ntencePlay the recording again Let students fill in the blanks with the words they hear aloneCorrect the answers with the classStep 2cRead the instructions for the activity to the classLook at the example in the box Ask two students to read the conversation to the classPoint out the mistakes in Acti

22、vity 2a and the sentences in Activity 2b Role play Dan and Marias conversation using information from Activities 2a and 2bAsk students to work in pairs As they work, move around the classroom checking the progress of the pairs and offering help as neededCheck the answers by calling on different pair

23、s to say their conversations to the classStep Grammar FocusReview the grammar box Get different students to say the questions and answersStep HomeworkAsk students to write at least two sentences with the sentence starters in Grammar FocusThe Third Period Teaching Aims and Demands1 Knowledge Objects(

24、1) Key Vocabulary land, drop by, after all, relaxed, a bit(2) Target Language Can you tell me the things Im supposed to do? The first thing is to greet the teacher Okay What should I say? You are supposed to say good morning, teacher2 Ability Objects(1) Train students integrating skills(2) Train stu

25、dents communicative competence Teaching Key PointTrain students integrating skills Teaching Difficult PointHow to improve students integrating skills Teaching ProceduresStep RevisionT: In last period, we summed up the expressions for telling what you are supposed to do Now Ill check your homework Il

26、l ask some pairs to act out the conversations before the classStep 3aRead the instructions Do you know what an opinion is?Ask a student to answer it (An opinion is what you think or how you feel about something )Look at the chart Point to the word attitude on the chart and say, An opinion is like an

27、 attitude Tell students what they will write in the chart Ask students to read the first paragraph on their own When they read, move around the classroom helping them as necessary Then ask students to read the second paragraph Again, as they read, move around the classroom answering any questions Th

28、en read the instructions again and point out the chart Point to the words attitude toward and ask what other words in the instruction line mean the same thing(opinions of)Invite a student to read the sample answer to the class Then let him point out which sentence the answer is found inAsk students

29、to read the paragraphs again and complete the chart on their ownCorrect the answers with the classStep 3bGo through the instructions for the activity with the classLook at the example in the box Ask two students to read the conversation to the classFirst practice this conversation with a partner The

30、n talk about your attitude toward being on time and getting together with your friends Use true informationHave students work in pairsAsk some different pairs to say their conversations to the classStep Part 4Let students read the instructionsAsk a pair of students to model the sample dialogue Corre

31、ct any pronunciation errors to make sure the students are providing a good model for the rest of the classGet students to complete the work in pairs As they work, walk around the classroom offering help as neededReview the task Ask a few students to share their conversations with the whole classStep

32、 Homework1 Write a conversation using the information in Part 42 Finish off the exercises on pages 4950 of the workbookThe Fourth Period Teaching Aims and Demands1 Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabulary wipe, napkin, stick, chopstick, rude, point, pick up(2) Target Language Were supposed to eat with ch

33、opsticks Yes, and its rude to eat with our hands2 Ability Objects(1) Train students listening ability(2) Train students ability to understand the target language in spoken conversation(3) Train students ability to use the target language Teaching Key Points1 Key Vocabulary wipe, stick, chopstick, ru

34、de, point, pick up2 Target Language Were supposed to eat with chopsticks Yes, and its rude to eat with our hands Teaching Difficult Points1 Flow to improve students listening ability2 How to use the target language Teaching ProceduresStep RevisionCheck homework Get some students to read out their co

35、nversations using the target language in Section A 4 Collect their conversations and help correct their errorsStep Part 1Look at the picture and ask students to say what is happening in it Look at the title, Mind your manners!Ask What do you think it might mean?Read the instructions and point to the

36、 five statements about manners Ask students to read the statementsReview the five statements to be sure students understand what each one means Ask students to act out themThen ask students to complete the quiz on their ownCorrect the answers with the classStep 2aRead the instructions to the class R

37、eview what an exchange student is and what table manners are If necessary, translate them into ChineseLook at the four pictures You will hear the exchange student Steve, talking with his Japanese friend, SatoshiSatoshi is explaining some things you are and arent supposed to do when eating in JapanPo

38、int to the boxes where students are supposed to write a number next to each picture Say, Number these 1 through 4 to show the order you hear Satoshi talk about, these things in the recordingPlay the recording the first timeStudents only listenPlay the recording a second timeAs they listen to the rec

39、ording this time, let students number the picturesCorrect the answers with the classStep 2bRead the instructions and point to the numbered list of sentence starters and the lettered list of sentence endings Ask different students to read the two listsYou will hear the same recording againPlay the re

40、cording again Ask students to write the letters in the blanks aloneCheck the answers with the classStep 2cGo through the instructions for the activity with the classLook at the example in the box Ask two students to read the sentence startersNow, complete each one with a true statement about table m

41、anners in your countryAsk two students to read their sentencesPoint out the sentence starters in Activity 2b Say, Have a conversation about table manners in your country with a patterYou can use the sentence starters in Activity 2b to help you get startedHave students work in pairs Ask one or two pa

42、irs of students to say their conversations to the classStep HomeworkTalk about the table manners in your country using the sentence starters inActivity 2bThe Fifth PeriodTeaching Aims and Demands1 Knowledge Objects (1) Key Vocabulary table manners, behave, be/get used to, cut up, full, fork, You sho

43、uld (2) Practise reading an article (3) Practise writing something using the target language2 Ability Objects (1)Train students reading ability (2)Train students writing ability Teaching Key PointPractise reading and writing using the target language Teaching Difficult PointHow to write an e-mail me

44、ssage Teaching ProceduresStep RevisionReview the target language presented in this unit Check homeworkAsk two students to read out their sentencesStep 3aCall attention to the e-mail message Invite a student to read the article aloud to the class Correct any pronunciation errors to make sure the stud

45、ent is providing a good model for the rest of the classRead the instructions to the class Ask students to read the e-mail again Say,Now read the e-mail Answer the questions in your exercise book As students work, move around the classroom and offer help as necessaryCheck the answers with the classSt

46、ep 3bRead the instructions to the class Point to the beginning of the e-mail messageRead it to the classHere are some things you need to know about table manners when you visit Japan First of all, you shouldLook back at the pictures in Activity 2a and the matching exercise in Activity 2bYou can use

47、the pictures and information in Activities 2a and 2b to help you write your lettersAsk students to finish the activity on their own As they work, walk around the classroom offering help and answering questions as neededCheck the answers with the class Ask a student to read his completed article to the classStep 3cRead


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