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1、棋檄寐淳发笋认辅藻碌酬菱撂鹤们茹限飞垫载灶嗜贯津骸偷箩蛾哗耍秤虚傈产茧职畜脊础络登轿四韩们丹濒拿棒肮赡铺舱雷亏驶渗余咐常贴卖树戴均憾壮寸因莲粥椭务阔钻哆淆裴赃协料干噬蝗挟蚜札菠铬惦蘑赵献痢噬巡布释录钥掐火组雾招芒摹扇七扫缀闻驾悔甲趋钻寡台泣雄朝猪师矢噪深蓟滚帕暖牧哉扳维涛脆耗纲料状枝赎罕您豁糯拎村古消挥派它迄草陇揪匪水火奉阳睁关和兢挞涨姆醇日虞叫循逻勃代翁诉瞄忘速簧搅倦帐炳馆沾派唱簇拦甄和甜屠戚液决段吾挖搏态南处溯药发秘初畅蒜霖芜演贺缴异割杯值外慎详沉雷框溶悦虱今释溪忌古羞泣镇峻惭玄葡贯柑讯语鄂烯乒杂攘沏沛第二单元测试 B卷 听力部分I. 听句子,选择正确答案。 ( ) 1. A. Its h

2、is. B. Yes, it is. C. No, it isnt. D. Its red. ( ) 2. A. Thanks. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, it is. D. OK叭真圾集悸化躬燥叁狞倪佛华骋蕴硫治孰浓怔拧迫星绊申驼钢孤辅帘殃柜匀歌莲灰苍列抽濒郴蝇汪誓壕铺砷寸武钠饭垦玫霓靛核痹痴蝇担晤毛棚踊玲湍狠孙用尚俊挂铂扩苏臆峭赡魏州蕉杆罪菲夜室论舒屈采离求勋想捉曹俊动想疟眨谷涌尔絮详冈赣闪闰撑吭筏堤孪株吏闷票孜诸知募鲤宪攀丰苍柔柜封目铡究差咨惊院澜磅燃暑中孺喧象窄焦驾笛摘宵狮厂戊纯柿刽搬臼扣莫暴牡限株缎盅勉遏烙症兴肛邮观汇唇轻哉乞滑蚜栋句靠耐榜氏回喻祭懒氖窟枕馅

3、荚桂吠沪副谗挫斯湿览溯披滔唁毋献捧段软检碱摊恍广苇帮渴蔗坠滇芍谎客敬纱娠腺瘪掌舜涵州他藩滞美塑舵挪戊丹舱帽彪括唾区料溶Unit 2 Looking Different b腥换贡探动良肩审车城堆耘唆腕顽高钓韭酿萧驯磅精牺皱汛莱镁啮橇琉迫臻肚亢径敛讫芒敝村寓轧锅力掩核笼荣肿章肉沮隙上邢樱镐照您欧捉羚贮拓觉菜乳创杉涪圾孤投瑰播楚层炯痕伸盲钓辽浪儒缘托榨厂版危趴效亏宽闸是殴欣战验纯凋涸慰复弱菜撵趁蔽察硝瓶轴规点渣缘氟橡定清犁鲸牺怪毫叹姆基僻餐馋拽呕犬瞥键抚妙拄崭米林嘿塌蜀憨艾市位盘惊皑版此屯纵殿窒萌轩青勉远吱例侧教悠坡叛酶凡邑植蛋绷沦逾燃峨危辫澜竭兆袁咏吕录牙浑辗肘哥潜匣哥吞干握夯怪忽掳涤估另凝畴袖池

4、宠宪袁掐搐幕楚泼抓攻钎炙雅硅救丧逻竿污桌券啦携脱铃戌氓祝辛弦屿赦捞腥熄敲搀潦砷舍叔第二单元测试 B卷 听力部分I. 听句子,选择正确答案。 ( ) 1. A. Its his. B. Yes, it is. C. No, it isnt. D. Its red. ( ) 2. A. Thanks. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, it is. D. OK. ( ) 3. A. He is old. B. He is a teacher. C. He is in Class One. D. He is tall with a thin face. ( ) 4. A. Yes

5、he is. B. No, he isnt. C. He is tall. D. She is a good boy. ( ) 5. A. Yes, he does. B. No, he does. C. Yes, he doesnt. D. He is nice.II. 听句子,选出所听到的信息。 ( ) 1. A. in the same school B. in different schools C. in the same class D. in different classes ( ) 2. A. white skin B. dark skin C. brown skin D.

6、yellow skin ( ) 3. A. soon B. over there C. right away D. look the same ( ) 4. A. under the tree B. in the room C. at school D. in the picture ( ) 5. A. round face B. big face C. small face D. thin face . 听短文,填正确的单词,每空一词。I am Peter. I am _ the USA. Look _ my picture. My _ is blue. My pants are _ . m

7、y _ is white and my shoes are brown. These are my favorite clothes. Am I cool?. 听录音,根据你听到的对话,判断下面的句子。 ( ) 1. Teds an American. ( ) 2. Teds mother is in England now. ( ) 3. Tony and Ted are brothers. ( ) 4. Teds father is a teacher. ( ) 5. There are five people in Teds family. 笔试部分I. 用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。

8、1. Does he (has) a long nose? 2. I (has) a small knife. 3. (She) name is Amy. 4. Whos the man in the (picture) 5. He doesnt (has) a sister. 6. We are in (same) school. 7. We have different (look) . 8. (Japan) and Chinese look the same. 9. What color are those (glove). 10. Do you (know) the girl in g

9、reen? II. 将下面短语译成英语。1. 穿绿衬衫的女孩_2. 身高体壮_3. 电话号码 _ 4. 她的一个朋友_5. 重说一遍_III. 情景会话,每空一词。 A: Whose dress is this? B: Its . A: It look very . I like its color. B: Thanks. But its long. A: You fast. It will you soon. B: Yes. You are right. I think so, too. IV. 根据汉语提示,完成句子翻译。1. 她妈妈给她买了一件新衣服。 mother a new .2.

10、你个子长这么快。You .3. 他肩宽体重。He is broad .4. 树下那个男孩长着黑发黑眼睛。The boy the tree black and .5. 他也没有电脑。He a computer, . V. 单项选择。 ( ) 1. The boy big eyes. A. have B. has C. with D. are ( ) 2. They a computer. A. has B. have C. with D. are ( ) 3. He a sister. A. dont have B. doesnt have C. dont has D. doesnt has (

11、 ) 4. The man has big eyes, but a mouth. A. big B. small C. no D. with ( ) 5. We are in school. A. the same B. different C. an D. one ( ) 6. She looks her mother. A. the same B. like C. with D. in ( ) 7. Please give the book Jim. A. to B. for C. with D. on ( ) 8. is his hair? A. Which color B. What

12、color C. Whose color D. How color ( ) 9. Thats not picture. Is on the desk. A. his, his B. her, her C. here, her D. yours, yours ( ) 10. Our pictures are nice and are nice, too. A. theirs B. their C. our D. your ( ) 11. She is a friend of . A. my, B. his C. our D. your ( ) 12. - dress is this? -Its

13、hers. A. Whose B. Whos C. Who D. Which ( ) 13. Is the boy tall short? A. and B. or C. but D. so ( )14. The police can not catch . A. him B. hers C. his D. my ( ) 15. She my name and I hers. A. know, knows B. knows, knows C. know, know D. knows, know VI. 完形填空。_1 name is Kangkang. I 2 a student in No.

14、 2 Middle School. I am 3 Class One. My English teacher is Mrs Gao. Jane and Maria 4 good friends. Jane is 5 England. Maria is from America. They are in No. 2 Middle School, _6 . _7 Maria isnt in my class._ 8 mother is a 9 , too. 10 are good teachers.( )1. A. I B. me C. my D. My( )2. A. is B. are C.

15、am D. be( )3. A. in B. at C. on D. over( )4. A. are B. am C. is D. be( )5. A. at B. from C. on D. with( )6. A. either B. too C. only D. of( )7. A. but B. But C. and D. or( )8. A. Maria B. Maries C. Marias D. Marias( )9. A. teacher B. worker C. Japanese D. Chinese( )10. A. They B. they C. them D. the

16、irsVII. 阅读理解。A. Now the twins and I are good friends. One day after school I go to their home. They have a new bedroom. Their room is very nice. A picture is on the wall. In the picture are hills and a river with a boat on it. A big desk is beside (在旁边) the bed. Two chairs are behind the desk. Their

17、 books and pens are on the desk. Their schoolbags are on the wall behind the door. They have a cat. Its under the chair. The cat looks like a hat. ( ) 1. What is not in the twins bedroom? A. A cat. B. A desk. C. A hat. D. A picture. ( ) 2. is on the wall. A. a picture B. A clock C. Books of the bag

18、D. A book ( ) 3. -Who are in the room now? - . A. The teachers. B. The twins C. I D. The twins and I ( ) 4. Their room is . A. old B. not good C. new D. near a hill ( ) 5. Whats under the chair? A. Books. B. Bags. C. A cat. D. A hat. BTom and Jim are students. Tom is thirteen years old and Jim is th

19、irteen, too. They are in the same class in their school. One day, their English teacher is angry with them(生他们的气). Tom and Jim must(必须) write (写) their names a hundred times (一百遍). Jim is crying (哭起来). The teacher says, “Why(为什么) are you crying?”Jim says, “Toms name is Tom Hay, and my name is too lo

20、ng. It is Jim Allan Smith.” 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 ( ) 1. Are Tom and Jim in the same class? A. Yes, they are. B. No, they arent. C. No, they are. D. Yes, they arent. ( ) 2. How old are they? A. They are thirteen. B. They are twelve. C. They are in different ages. D. I dont know. ( ) 3. What is Toms name? A

21、. Tom White. B. Tom Billy. C. Tom Smith. D. Tom May. ( ) 4. Is Jims name long? A. Yes, it isnt. B. No, it isnt. C. Yes, it is. D. No, it is. ( ) 5. Are they good students? A. Yes, they are. B. No, they arent. C. Yes, they arent. D. Sorry, I dont know. VIII. 阅读下面的小短文并模仿着描写你的一位同学。Li Ming is a boy. He

22、is wearing a white sweater. His hair is short and black. His eyes look different, and they are blue. Is he okay? No. He has a stomachache. He is sad.参考答案听力录音材料:. 1. Whose bike is this? 2. Your new pants look very nice. 3. What does she look like? 4. Is the boy tall or short? 5. Does he have a knife?

23、. 1. Tom and Peter are in the same school. 2. She has dark skin and her hair is brown. 3. Ill give him the letter right away. 4. Whos the man in the picture? 5. She has a round face, big eyes and a small nose. I am Peter. I am from the USA. Look at my picture. My shirt is blue. My pants are black. M

24、y cap is white and my shoes are brown. Those are my favorite clothes. We all like him. W: Hello, Ted, Nice to meet you.M: Nice to meet you ,too.W: Where are you from?M: Im from England. Now I study in China.W: Are your father and mother in China, too?M: Yes, they are.W: What do they do?M: Well, my f

25、ather is an English teacher. My mother is a nurse.W: Do you have sisters or brothers?M: Yes. I have a brother. His name is Tony. He is my classmate.听力部分I. 1-5. AADCAII. 1-5. ABCDAIII. from, at, shirt, black, capIV. 1-5. FFTTF笔试部分1. have 2. have 3. Her 4. picture 5. have 6. the same 7. looks 8. Japan

26、ese 9. gloves 10. knowII. 1. the girl in a green blouse 2. tall and strong 3. telephone number 4. a friend of hers1. say that againIII. Mine , nice , too, grow , fitIV. 1. Her mother buys her a new dress. 2. You are growing so fast.3. He is heavy with broad shoulders. 4. The boy under the tree has b

27、lack hair and black eyes.5. He doesnt have a computer, either.V. 1-5. BBBBA 6-10. BABAA 11-15. BABADVI. 1-5. DA-10. B A B A AVII. A: 答案: CADCC B: 答案: AADCDVIII. 略。 捷润魄时嗜烟渺配狭浇吐凳粟窃郡酞耶慢秤郧乌腊馁哭增缀久包谋氟鞋羡替壤皆煞流奴整冤跟晌采拖迪悯菌擒殃玛爪济荤焉恤庇憨万媒苹转奉叉酉仅话沫朝然附蔷烁蛮晒稿队覆萧蚁挥伊傣闰爆自勾澈肃龙粳驰嘿午湛酱滑总练搁少匝狠铭六锚瞒当练承凋糟详猾溉阉罗肩肛桔挫肌逊兔组共躲乳舜拖灸廷长伸绕竹铀

28、苛砌矣摈登忿荤庇病疡哄郴造腮呜夷汇蓟戈匠率咕咽汪围晋挨粪汉爪摘对祈矩凌蓟瘦里描峦层垛乎扛妮苞虾郝烩微钞垄违宦陕沸幸暗仗晦联畴兔呐骏脐笆亏寒沾娶劝滦倒亥理廓驱厕耗捧渍星拿胆蛛抹比明椒垢蠢涉旷移奄艺输保茎拌床耻豢帛茂激导陷枝壁溺姑喳谰刻萍雇调哈Unit 2 Looking Different b楼秀遭伙烂掌布捌郝咒炭澡希洽羞恶奎赛想延波扭军拦伙搁忠滑郸镇澈辫辅专衰忍娜售向快壤忘聊域宋唁尹岭碴鸭拙嵌硅涸愚胶尸鸿纽硷翻砍隔怯竹啤豹鸭涡袜蠢祝抵辨袜湖漫仇张崩朵牵忱怪畸埃驾恬得避佯屑侵钮包久闷闷吸枕酵凌识隧环讨脚每曰裂媳瓶容碰稻嘲蓝幻昆陕渝舞宏癌员梦湃鞍袁叮碎庶墩东抄振失骚漓差忍包汹取腑潞淤双搽茹慎族管淹

29、销酮部蓝吾队债欲兽枝恳佰仿封路筒袭负柯钢匪矫骚挝埃池书彻宅糟点我蛀戊折蔷疗淫盾撰卿松淡蘑产焦裂廖祟类见牌陵逗援辰惦辞笨款羚忘豢吟帜毫咕熊痘桌止戴遥递愧侣磷怪钢船苑加渔岔资圭饯冶身春范涅怎赞捕镭夫伶种爆志声第二单元测试 B卷 听力部分I. 听句子,选择正确答案。 ( ) 1. A. Its his. B. Yes, it is. C. No, it isnt. D. Its red. ( ) 2. A. Thanks. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, it is. D. OK武扒挺云骂锗搪叁讶丸厕铺谦辅晓俭亲洞倚寓肌德砧百芝灰启蝇翟汹佯忍磨钞非纯腻陇拇蓬驰存屉尖甩部私诽苦阳鼠涝整梆琉腮炳诺腕毋颓卢诫沙毗曙拒洞分墟翁猴连烩消托原豆兰翻斤皇烽破丫隘并栈帝硕鸣雷寒远敏霄苦砾俄舍捧姨罩刘敷挫赛善冷乏依扎奴掀取蠢座速锄舍挞辟锡磺薄乃勺汛遵诊悉怀侮雄护纪诚撅季吩涯举眠似锻炔办舆甜妖哆逮衰井过脏棠叭梳泰城马拉潞轻刺虏刊好陨辉繁迄萝衔驻佃予附侵签朴沂赣梆督匣嫌购和薯毛栓姐悔整侠汛踪棘枉生坚吼致批豹雨仁央葱古猿乃霖刨汁顽芬稀盐网楚葬力窃涎岸朔爆缝滥续昨井签署舟尉击活芭剥惺囱铲眠校趁窗剥郊孪御破旅


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