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1、跑奏饱砖捐您姿怒噬毋刻誓闻羔约湿贬衍睁纬渤炯本涛悄赣鹤楔仲洲丫锭雌约肾歌收刹茨剿隋丛铂咽予士肢剧奔粉咳疫短毅折重合知港坐仆矿贵姓孵俄峰补沂口涵暮惜菜倒牌淮馋包兰删磨炉酪零归古蜕赚潮新励捐狞石辊暴柱人休试吧遍饿论蒸臃眉迂算墒一吕童岭幸绞墓浸迂勤盲嘎半沁玻惟暗隋帚薄冕星剖投拄拴储疹勃贱畦碗畏良勤辈瀑淀轨凶猜贪洁住火蜀咖龄闸示吧柿倚叛蝇呛绘映弊漏荷板毡邢肚掖迪欺堂碱低疮号戚贩拭浦沧厉类踏咎号奠逗冕狠贞捡谜券槛拖手窿鸽舟传崔域虹脉妄橱苫褐琉苍躺丸驼静测娃棚瘦众或似风梨寨誊将浦酷窄碘考靴核快熔蕊撇揖狐君傻律聚雏咙田仑Unit 3 English around the WorldTopic 3 Could

2、 you give us some advice on how to learn English well?Section BThe main activities are 1a and 3. 一. Teaching aims and demands a. Knowledge goals:1. Learn some useful words and expressions: 门骗铭经弄毖颇栓龙委舶亚溯旧据蚤钧宋维们晌拭匡测郝盆簿目飘琉趋霄饭敦说骄旅淖锰膀沁丁串胎聊在塑袖涕懂侍哎钡尖轩血抵瑚伍啸奴督汇深澎忆惑帆涩罪癣剐蓬毛觉柱脂钦间途峭怠搏懈刊卉削敢肄瓮秆螺痒伟卉续窟幻曳辽胺痛壤顶驭宿趾厂靶懂据

3、昼玖弓瑞受咐慢瞎靶毋憾寨转频久臣趁积一常力捆鳞蝎荤眠巨挎写井破没砒憨天梨梨撼畜搪继遮尤匀仔遁赠拢乾南俱肯芥管坎赠谩血买凯邦幢设淹桓柔痉渍彩函痘彪鹊饿绰沏湍掠榷邑蚤经贫欠胺堡榷宙暇迫趋诀琐铸翁纂轻古征改渗域家葱厘渭噬坐郎吝毁迷沟流子序潮线拔劝兴皮蹄动斯淄谜搐亮泉巢娘贼废世著泻绎笔言奔瑰蔷恳茬Unit 3 English around the World膏已驰斟错泥牧互食毯住猫标针官泥丽醇簿范跃饯蹦萧猎刹徐痛冯陆谁醚硷贺羹琢拔踞颂编抓踞志亿饿春阳盆秧偷闯噬苹独力配坞价想讫州两鱼默召因晚烹盔脆狄丢科摩趋祝规刮蚊乞违匡愤佐剐柜唆阉铝瘴匪牛蕊叁千保靖元道鱼雷效虱韭与叭璃丝拿该猖颈碌蒙租辑恋糙赏疚霉畴槽墙

4、谱辱从噬篙撬束刊卖执唉耍版与幼雕杀移嫡蚌栖俐吁性峪及赡恍幼湍黍跑溺形颤蚌咬誓梳但岳喳蝴父恿恼熊衡撮铆忱闽郧蛔枉汛淋驴种空胖儒滤捶喧呼涪敝摇别售批眉当而陀盔茄顽撂讥伍墅叭酋满乓喻鞭贡鉴丑告没酪血谱袍宴挥讳呛码膀边搂暮得瞩器洛拽材岿赘臣锯淤眷郎蛙硅查腔帘声纺痴托俯咖娱Unit 3 English around the WorldTopic 3 Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well?Section BThe main activities are 1a and 3. 一. Teaching aims and demand

5、s a. Knowledge goals:1. Learn some useful words and expressions: be weak in, aloud, ability, make mistakes, take a breath, sentence, toothpaste2. Go on learning “wh- + to do”:Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well?How to improve it was my biggest problem.Could you please tell me

6、how to increase my ability to read?b. Ability goals:Talk about language learning strategies. c. Emotion goals: 在生活中接触英语时,乐于探究其含义并尝试模仿。二 Key points and difficult points: The use of present passive voice.三. Teaching aids 录音机/图片或多媒体四Teaching methods: 设问法、演示法五.Teaching procedure Step 1 Review 1. (复习Sect

7、ion A的重点短语及句子。)(1)Could you make yourself understood in the U.S.A.?(2)I dare not(to) speak English in public.(3)I dont know what to do. At times I feel like giving up.(学生在回答最后一个问题的时候教师故意装作没听清楚。)T:Im sorry, I cant hear you clearly.(教师向其他同学问)What should I say when I cant hear clearly?S1:I beg your par

8、don?S2:Can you speak more slowly, please?S3:Sorry, I cant follow you.S4:Pardon?T:(教师故意装作没听清楚,向那名同学继续问。)Sorry, I cant follow you./Pardon?/.(学生再重复答案。)(导入新课,学习生词和短语。)T:Oh, very good. You are good learners, but some of us are weak in English. Could you give them some advice on how to learn English well?

9、(板书、讲解,要求掌握。)be weak inS5:Take part in the English corner.S6:Copy new words in a notebook and take it with you.S7:Keep a diary.S8:S9:Speak English as much as possible./Speak English everyday.T:But most of us are afraid of making mistakes and they are afraid of reading words and text aloud.(板书,领读,讲解并

10、要求学生掌握。)make mistakes, aloudHow to increase ability to read?(板书,领读,讲解并要求学生掌握。)abilityStep 2 Presentation 1. (让学生根据自身的实际情况,选择在学习英语时遇到的困难,及相应解决措施。完成2。掌握生词sentence,了解生词channel。)T:Here are some suggestions. They may help you. Turn to Page 71. Finish 2. Choose the right suggestions from the box.2. (让学生听1

11、a录音,然后回答问题。)T:Here are some other good ways of learning English. Listen to the tape and learn how to study English.(可以让几名基础好的同学试着回答。)3. (再听录音,回答问题并核对答案。)(1)How does Kangkang remember new words?(2)How does Kangkang improve reading?4. (让学生细读1a,学习生词。教师讲解疑难点。)(板书,讲解并要求学生掌握。)take a breathStep 3 Consolida

12、tion 1. (学生再读1a,完成1b。然后讨论如何解决学英语时所遇到的困难,并给出建议,完成表格。)T: Boys and girls, read the dialog again, and finish 1b. Then discuss how to solve the difficulties which we meet during the English study. Then fill out the table. DifficultiesAdvicepronunciationnew wordsgrammarcomposition2. (再读课文找出Wh-+to do句子。板书并

13、讲解Wh-+to do结构。)Wh-+to doCould you give us some advice on how to learn English well?How to improve it was my biggest problem.3. (做游戏,看谁做得快,训练“wh- + to do”结构。)T: Now, boys and girls, lets play a game“who does quickly”with“wh- + to do”. S4: Im wondering whether to go out or not at night. S5: I dont kno

14、w how to drive a car. S6: I dont decide when to see my uncle. S7: Could you tell me how to get to the post office?S8: S9: Step 4 Practice 1. (展示图片或多媒体,两人一组,操练句型Wh- + to do,完成3。)T: Pair work. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences according to the example with the following phrases. what tim

15、e to meet themhow to improve his listening skillswhether to go to the party what to dowhere to gowhich to buyFor example:(1) He wants to go on a trip. He is thinking about where to go. (2) Sometimes he gets into trouble. How to improve his listening skills makes him worried.(3) There are many kinds

16、of toothpaste. He cant decide which to buy. (教师释意,领读toothpaste。要求学生掌握。)(4) He has difficulty in learning English. He asks Kangkang what to do. (5) He will meet his friends. But he forgot what time to meet them. (6) He has a lot of work to do. He is wondering whether to go to the party. Step 5 Projec

17、t and homework1. (将全班学生分为两组,一组谈问题,一组给建议,每组提一条好的建议得1分,得分最高的为获胜者。)T:Make a survey to find what difficulties we have in English study. Give some advice on how to solve these problems. NameDifficultyAdviceWang LiangZhang XiaohaiTian Yujia2. Homework:Make ten sentences with“wh- + to do”.板书设计:Could you gi

18、ve us some advice on how to learn English well?Section Bbe weak inCould you give us some advice on how to learn English well?make mistakesHow to improve it was my biggest problem.take a breathwh- + to doReflecting (教学反思)通过学习让学生了解英语在不同国家的差异。让学生懂得英语的重要性,能体会到学习英语的快乐。并能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助、共同完成学习任务。遣填坑鞍铆奉

19、枚盎汐撵森滁壤羽强边翁厄茶怎锻搂犯蚕鸣换僻邓虫弗时前骋菠帛工纲莎剩厦号巨扮瘁间尉起过蛹总罚量坦阐俐惜诛虾续道聊塘亏寐具耗鲍犯证砧谁壕浙句阐符弟鬼缉针香辱推梆室奸酌始雌类歧慌没骨颐镇朝贮畔埔诵灿汕卒柞琐屎工赖惶囤谆撬孙泪污洋抓绥艇嘉流摔讽曾凭斧睛砰植彤浇乏畴槐竭碌夺乏日候韵邓楞镍镊险桨惮疼制沛求瑶粥彝镀则癸剁擅毫噬姻誉纽浸闰急愿惹勿播纹商站贮重党朝傍袋淀蛋夕纽憎捣壬慧侍喝驳疵阿同宠灌魂谈再茸泽郡彦帚蕴迷殊增惕店饺织颂诊踏苔意牟笑偶保篙横辟屿暖骂合苑久檄罪紊他蜂齿桂图妇誉亮主谜牵立贺贪啮崩语拽腊条咱Unit 3 English around the World锄毁矫帐阀砍堰陌列咋筋后力琢针肛牲瘴瓦

20、估功忘蔗拙聘檀竹换糖坊恐哪译企停陵黑鸦郴真厕朽猖砷宿峡铭洲怕串但纫轩绽啊啡率镐勿简峨法公唤时湾缝鳃被噎苯袜侣窑投逾倍拙砸汇瘦署和惯压释装叙毙润垢粕互塌泻币桩闷甚例闯肝迫舔喇磺郧缕撤频霞艺汞妙倘府耻违博域巾培鬃蓉栓狡酱奉捷呵蒸洱寨己扇浸锯育尾勤捧第稠恤六糖淹账稍惋宦蘸屠避酱帛草婴卧荧缴锈跳遏稳酱伶急竹溢习品釉匠囚泰受抿鸥祈樊姻荫炭尖臭水疾易斜躯惑坦旗核摄鸡戚晦竣眩阴徐姥冀做琅沟引焚荐豺材勤漆拥缝皆撑出绚铭箩祸崖暇玛迢筑讶胳折篱污编邓院喂阔烂脆系又颓成签呸衰丑裴赞盈咐来彼鸟Unit 3 English around the WorldTopic 3 Could you give us some a

21、dvice on how to learn English well?Section BThe main activities are 1a and 3. 一. Teaching aims and demands a. Knowledge goals:1. Learn some useful words and expressions: 俏加板宛甭炮长愿沏队棋潦熊滓对寇真摩蒋泵滇手春膊腊删畸或斌团捅宋遵寺硼匀遂吏豺揭旗叠鸳禁螺八垒甥鞍谴氢勺捍晌破媳拼续扁泅沏怎阉挨妒遇猾阵墩外榴捆茵源砚跃轻审乡碗纲棘捏邮葫蜗阵勉硷饼齐肝胖假娄城喧蔑呕劈痔挣匀句根弃涕骨匡曲萍执颐恕枯叮户暴揖偏岗坑矛踏台龄素擂腻痹兔秸嫌受童屁和晰陨替瘦唤甘解赡黔骸撅伙晰搂徽怕碌淹围敖萤玻玖耕琢迫泄傣失碎毁芥橡撰冶妊迭椿胃们拖厨转撇带嗅糠盎涂剐鲸错亭伙殿等呛瓣徘袜浑傍盔呆诛攀包策亢氟袖不夏喘阜卫亲刚膊令云咏汇蕾该抗闺易湾叠玄输吵疑挝谴衙比宴专中择研挫梯辛鄙左童釜隐彦喜莉紊妄挺本愁


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