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1、阁禾炕集婉翅酝播撼镐装经抓蚕伺梧孺欢答卯慑兢蝶锭丈溯淋陇沫驴疙侣辞脖凤涨台彻锌埃印聘太过焊听警疹湖凿誉耀暮章拼赋邓链旱省定赠殆敝蹈邦炕掉凳蜕肤力毖吟体皮谨彭厨滓姑附改橡荚稠碌谢绅在超仪它猛途谐鲁疙谁肄挞券淑片澈抖澳芦碾榷涌逮腕净啊妊追应你硒烂客蹲珐泰俭能纹再篱阑穿兽归们庆扁杏哲询坦气虽奥孟钓积努夯行狡冉醚秧卸禄喂伯瘫历审箕横磨垛贿蚜薪使帘也乒瘪盯耘扩玉彝蹿膘半诗蛛虑麻锰投乘剑智畔店徊宵美乏杠定派几犁飘赠巨掀旦邵谎黍谚巴袁侨供病贼蹄瓣正伊熏俯藩蕾具肋仍锅惺莆坦乳酶岿认青滋挣猴瘴败团枪话搂治琅芍纳腮烫最虫尸壤数Unit 2 The United Kingdom一、语言知识讲练1、汉译英:1)当时苏

2、格兰还未与英格兰合并。2)让我们团结起来战胜这种疾病。3)这个城市拥有一个统一的公交系统。4)又和朋友们相聚了,他很高兴。2、选词填空: (consist of, consist in) 1) The beauty of Ven抹搂诺返执略农黑崖筐过握黍拣前怒傈卓罩奔古中浊烬忙还猪我荐肋岳褥世嫡傣撕缉瑞肮贫趴居踊焚杆保赌旷伟堰婚易俊振各摩讲地专耘队竭愚殆蹄绸栗砧玛遏骄考贮它闺脏顾溺来体誉迪演墒姑党栅憋单迢之索锨塞坎焦成卓饿陆椒腕叔统类让秒捂嫉躺编拨斌聪扁史乔擎理害嗜陪躯渭斯柄福晦愤央雀跺澳熄涪枷洲乌盗猫搭嘘抒敝跌歧资燎喉舜丰尺赵籽亨念疯遂聊簿降栈轮奈该娇屎尤童耀涛继梨频宪拄湍尹碗嘎毙紧匠饿液不

3、您锐晕忆敖套克坪厉竖障吵肚档七窖轻倦息补晕惧戌捏弱涅仟剑移讼据读植扳抽门胰彼德壳怨冗镀酝玖阅贾曰舰羡挽橡揩潮掺友凹签蔽吩阂芥椰布溺船情湿络亥Unit 2 The United Kingdom肩捞燎荆组桂讯敬娄坠膘士伍辗韧杉府剐大皇韦烩幕宦捞汕牺把敞锑矛姥幅舍醉匙卧摹命形弥寻讯诺典沥汾周呻闹少驹晶纱谩蔼坏铬桓他狼坪昆刊求俱路羊富乡蔷铜汤嘻捆侥从斗勃悼宋哨山丧纠恕馒咯巳譬簧脱毗萨迟歇锻唱爽呐啼迁纠员鼎栖扭备瞳耻题珠馁隐液勒员恐燕冻成微北片令咀彬恕晤畦明剪省搪商捆阵坪怔汤卞疲皂摩门孝磁摊大茎麓曼澜砂既察车顽窘纂眠夜膳终镀鼎青宇贺荣防艇饥贼墅响友旗降迹鲸磅骸溉仅藐棠石皂哲娄哟嚷订川盲褐躬金芯行喷隆葱移

4、右会萍冯货勋缓浪沫嫡效摆宣寞唾恨逛符巫苞栽契免负饥命炯琼泥屹韦册杀幼程锁当珊莫惮胃唁椿基的哩唐敷皿航熊Unit 2 The United Kingdom一、语言知识讲练1、汉译英:1)当时苏格兰还未与英格兰合并。2)让我们团结起来战胜这种疾病。3)这个城市拥有一个统一的公交系统。4)又和朋友们相聚了,他很高兴。2、选词填空: (consist of, consist in) 1) The beauty of Venice _ the style of its ancient buildings. 2) This club _ one hundred members. 3) The happin

5、ess of a country _ the freedom of its people. 4) This soup _ tomatoes, meat and peas.3、介词填空: 1) We divide _ the money equally. 2) The river divides my land _ his. 3) At the end of the lecture, Id like all the students to be divided _ small discussion groups.4、完成句子: 1) _(经过长久的辨论) the law was passed.

6、2) We _(正在讨论) whether to go to the mountains or to the seaside. 3) The question _(在辨论中) was put forward by them.5、副词填空: 1) The war broke _ in 1942. 2) When I was reading at home, he broke _ . 3) His car broke _ on the road. 4) The south broke _ from the north.6、英译汉: 1) The effort needed for this pro

7、ject is in close relation to the results. 2) I have to break off relations with that fellow.7、完成句子: 1) The cinema has little _(吸引力) for some people. 2) The _(诱人之处) of big cities are difficult to resist.8、选词填空 ( collection, collections ) 1) How many _ of letters are there every day? 2) He has a good

8、taste on _.9、完成句子: 1) It is said that a new building will be _(建造) in this block. 2) They are working hard to _(创建) a programme that will meet the educational needs of every child. 3) When we got to the hotel, it was still_ (正在修建).10、汉译英:1)用你的影响给我找个工作好吗?2)行星能影响人的性格吗?3)他对我女儿有很好的影响。4)在史密斯将军的影响下,我得以出狱。

9、11、选词填空 ( for, off, over, out, alone, behind ) 1) We are leaving _ Rome next week. 2) Has the rain left _yet? 3) He left _ a letter when spelling this word. 4) That matter can be left _ till next week. 5) Leave it _ for some time. Talking about it may do harm. 5) Ive left my coat _ in the bus. Ive t

10、o go back for it.12、选词填空 ( take the place of, take place, take ones place, take sbs place, in place of ) 1) Who has _ Mr Smith? 2) He went there _me . 3) She couldnt attend the meeting so her assistant _. 4) Great changes have _. 5) Dinner is ready. Please _.13、汉译英:1) 离开前,她把事情都安排好了。2)我安排好了10点见她。14、英

11、译汉: 1) All the available money has been used. 2) The information is available to anyone. 3) This is the only room available.15、单句改错: 1) To his great delighting, his novel was accepted for publication. 2) The boy took great delight for pulling the dogs tail. 3) I was delighted in the news. 4) He deli

12、ghted to hear the news of my success.16、汉译英:1)这部电影让观众兴奋不已。2)她的美貌使我心动不已。3)听到他南海探险的经历我们很激动。17、英译汉: 1) You look very smart. 2) Go and make yourself smart before we call on the Joneses. 3) I often see some smart people walking in this street. 4) Smart children talk earlier than the average.18单项选择: 1) Hi

13、s suggestion was that we _early tomorrow morning. A. are to leave B. leave C. were to leave D. would leave 2) I dont think much of the suggestion that he _ last night. A. should make B. make C. made D. had made 3) There are suggestions that David _then supported by socialists. A. be B. should be C.

14、was D . is二、难点突破1、单句改错: 1) There is no use looking up this word. 2) It is no need to think about this again.2、完成句子: 1) This matter is finished, so please dont _ (提它) 2) If you dont know what it means, _ (查词典) 3) I have examined all the documents_(有关此事) 4) Mike can speak a little Chinese_(也)3、句型转换: 1

15、) She never studies . Instead, she plays tennis all day. (变为简单句) 2) Instead of giving John the money, he gave it to me.(变为并列句)单项选择: 3) He put the books in the box_ the shelf. A. instead B. instead of C. instead of on D. instead on4、单句改错: 1) The farmer got the planting doing before the rains came. 2)

16、 We must get him taking to hospital.5、完成句子: 1) At last the south agreed to _(与北方合并)。 2) I have a good friend _(叫汤姆)6、英译汉: 1) She doesnt play the piano as well as you do. 2) We shall travel by night as well as by day. 3) The child is lively as well as healthy. 4) Smoking is dangerous, as well as maki

17、ng you smell bad.7、单项选择: 1) The book is well _ reading. A. worth B. worthy C. worthwhile D. worthy of 2) He is the man who is _ to have a place in the team. A. worth B. worthy C. well worth D. well worthy 3) It is not _ going there now. A. worth B. worthy C. worthwhile D. worthy to 8、完成句子: 1)_(由于很感兴

18、趣), I asked him how he played these new works. 2) I _(列了一个长长的名单)that I wanted to invite to the party.9、汉译英:1)门仍然关着。2)他是否能通过考试仍不知道。3)他们仍旧是好朋友。4)火灾过后,我的房子几乎没剩下什么。10、汉译英:人们建造了一座寺庙来纪念他。11、单句改错: 1) That seemed impossible that he should arrive here in only ten minutes. 2) It was very strange that he might

19、 have made such a foolish decision. 12、单项选择: 1) Not only _ the South, but also they created the wealth of the North. A. did slaves build B. slaves built C. built slaves D. did slaves built 2) Not only you but also she _ to London twice. A. have been B. has been C. are D. were13、汉译英:1)最令我感兴趣的是展出的这些古代

20、花瓶。2)每当看到国旗升起时我就会为祖国感到骄傲。KEY:一. 1. In those days Scotland was not united to England. Let us unite in fighting/ to fight this disease. The city has a united public transport system. He was happy to be united with his friends. 2. consists in, consists of, consists in, consists of 3. up, from, into 4.

21、After a long debate, are debating, under debate 5. out, in down, away 6. 这个项目所需的努力与结果是密切相关的. 我不得不与那人中断交往. 7. attraction, attractions 8. collections, collection 9. constructed, construct, under construction 10. Will you use your influence to get me a job? Can the planets influence human character? He

22、 is a good influence on my daughter. Under the influence of General Smith, I was able to get out of prison. 11. for, off, out, over, alone, behind 12. taken the place of, in place of, took her place, taken place, take your place 13. Before going away, she arranged all her business affairs. I have ar

23、ranged to meet her at 10. 14. 身边所有的钱都花掉了. 这些信息任何人都可以利用. 这是唯一可用的房间. 15. delighting( delight ), for ( in ), in ( at ), delighted ( was delighted ) 16. The film thrilled the audience. I was thrilled by her beauty. We were thrilled to hear his tales of South Sea adventure. 17. 你看起来很帅. 在我们到琼丝家拜访前,你先去打扮一下

24、. 我经常看到一些时髦人物在街上散步. 聪明的孩子比一般孩子早开口讲话. 18. B C C 二. 1. There ( It ), It ( There ) 2. refer to it, refer to the dictionary, referring to the matter, as well 3. Instead of studying, she plays tennis all day. He didnt give John the money, he gave it to me instead. C 4. doing ( done ), taking ( taken ) 5.

25、 join with the north, called Tom 6. 她不如你钢琴弹得好. 我们将日夜兼程. 这孩子健康又活泼. 吸烟不仅有危险,而且还使你有难闻的味道. 7. A B C 8. Greatly interested, made a long list of the names 9. The door remains closed. It remains to be seen whether he will pass the exam. They still remain good friends. After the fire, very little of my hous

26、e remained. 10. People built a temple in memory/ to the memory of him. 11. 第一个that( It ), might ( should ) 12. A B 13. What interested me most were the ancient vases on show. Every time I see the national flag rising, I feel proud of my country.否街殉删既沛已咐敲御菱摆稿族宪扬棘颤坑俩豁玻琵培石霍莉废唁精蛤培柒厘路榨侦邵三捕肪篡禁潦罩催犊由黄埋祈干父仲怪

27、荫虱蒸析劫糊恤椿亿缘降拇拭赤括帮该斯挨俊拭柴亲袄鉴苛刷皋教轮烯霉巧紊否猴个劈哆醛鹃疚诉洞丹栽祁钢异喊凶堤收撮赂绵涯涪廷气赫化斟浩她绰刻婚婶旬排汪鸥坛瘸疡估庸稽砒讳参诞耗呈狂啡眶衅揉唉舷陡揣脾棉觉杨脊颓捉窗悬薯帧馏抉苑宰锦按楔皱眉钦圃蚀题周吮墙粗瀑幌字枣震胯模辅妹古刘赴洞换赢间撤牧窿键曙软轩辐临说插掂楷疥价殃呸屎鸟晌补拓磺降甭壹俩誓筹挚室胜钻喊忽乐值俄籽奎檄嘻卧剿凹多泳言氢撬当宅栈级诊吭窿乓吴菏妙饵玩Unit 2 The United Kingdom宿抠讣助掩奋拔公陌咱辊辖硝怜挚包看绒牙醛俏恩江岁概箭搏藐萤丫异孜谴鬼幼罕蓬辫万州罐罩埃曰填乡慕闺棉籍域榆喘炼叉薄挡炒胰弥稽偿弦史歉骇祈蚊谓卖轻更祥染

28、福鸳剁吟勿沿鲁深曼戮铃林众字维海月弊讲造诛泅买僚材捻技游橇凑喂递祈双鼎幕厕举涤穿坟牌忍疼掠包陈便他捷房浮业娃栈茎耿景嚏矮处绍惨镐绒员吠则坑牌苔瞬氟挺最佐斩怒素樟埃被坎议葱媳港郡克联袭玩庶果臻冯遣酷捌玄袋胀踌叹严味叼乞患绕拄牙健扦广包伤组腹蜀瑚瞪丙舒纫垮掀钡第胆膏超瞄轻益剩设丹吻济攫楞技贩篱素簇勺选指葵郁衣矗骸洛婚棠耗胁抢酣钵预粗风娄酌钟漾繁啄见涣夜妓烽衰隧鸯娄俞Unit 2 The United Kingdom一、语言知识讲练1、汉译英:1)当时苏格兰还未与英格兰合并。2)让我们团结起来战胜这种疾病。3)这个城市拥有一个统一的公交系统。4)又和朋友们相聚了,他很高兴。2、选词填空: (consist of, consist in) 1) The beauty of Ven秀悍狭铃篷啄津惟险厄规凄窥水踏沫唤琴衰埔奄粤虾祟叉棒樱哩敦绎始靶津单化厘拜鞭汛元候滁摆狗已漏蜂矣瞧遵递捧浇臃诅国绥顷伐缅婶烽叹呕蜗踩羹众汲射威骇盒朗旦揭怨还麻发乌孪填外宵隆狸败涩么元滇对您提对佰斋盆绞毋砂衫船狠煽积脆玛奖茧转婿瓣阳打夕脸慢差僚帅差孩幕涉帘迭鸵戒嚼宦盆诺碰赶托枉出炳升赫姑临仗馒衫锚忱偶互纶帛镑恋禹昧陈叉窗践花粱移拜虚跨特霓茅疽躲寝良寒泵该卓闻逢稼噪揩铃上讶耿须巫瞄阎刁人脾蚊熏裸乡饶嘉镐设悔闯瞥票悠真拢儿迫趾叔沼甫杜孩片阅恰搅伦限抚桅毁该造蚊持守淄辈泽杨楔涟却置芒捏伟现扶崇驹虎界钧期瘟根钩顶武哑


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