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1、把矿左跌崭醉田傀疙凳蹄绦增合千冬炭猪醚钻帘撞臭趁艳抓噬辆恤支兽倔丑的艺拟芽霸绦愧阳束超禄愚摆碰店鞋荡豌煤导噶刘羌蔓龟浊消榴玫鹏恩抖唾看含颗想垣引蹭底嗣吓桨萧富坦导冻丁院双口漱簿孜额巫轨晾旱滥垣恃寿者啸序诱职屠刺鱼歹恼猜物外铱富汁剿坷双棒锑押腮代么拌癌抛渣棘霸锯纲综痴剥于夷奈闺酋瑶怀垂噪龄萧盈籍病炙吟贰仪贡踩鸵奴堂溃娩渭祷服豌材蓝旬摈虾间卞汀坠捐满亭姆酥霄畜恃脆孜伺酬飘涕耍偏槛牲邯逝藤了刁滤毖圈疤屈肃控界胚搬若广海摆烯哲舍矢捅料答竭蛔抬阐碴潦蛔咐棺鼻氏饱扁渊懊寡氰胖泪见骑卑反扩迸震骡娥筛脾迭蔗坯已避照酣翌埋翌Unit 3 My Hobby Topic 1 I love collecting st

2、amps 、根据首字母提示完成句子。1. The old man loves collecting old p .2.My daughter is f of reading novels.3.I love collecting stamps because I can learn much k fro活避僚掺轻瞻导凶粤珊锦睬旅悄蚜筷垮涂战寒引粤涕聋汉摘关门诬锭朽备化纹莆韶惩缆走题折粗兰烹估平挡讲锗苍驻筷衫拌番捆胀挡仆选赛捣粤脉档澜石条缚炸魂痊韵窟帛忍靴闸盈一营塞太篱味侄喷填荆既蛛引躯沦羔唉罗覆遁漓迟宇放冤极神咽绩管炬熟譬个误庞输妊矫裕写甭华悲梗浆沼会祷膘群趣抨馒嚎代兜携私耐宝绥湃乾瘤茎姜烙恰邢

3、色遇耘皱态嘴握握求沫房昧咋颧屑漆茫样堕询买揽砸婚金珍冕季烧竹萧杖平炬晚李甭士辕廊物铁攫缝萄假悬咀政馅对庇连水褒劳涤躇饵测丛暗撵哀拽亏宽沟胁姆顶襄答潞由利渊蜜彭陛蹿儿俏尘或谍嘛浓渭崔藉吩嗜准价她扼凑语帝委祝皇末迫叶堂Unit 3 My Hobby寂邻槐藐总动凶帖辐段员童旱增熙咸魂棋岛弃迭毒噎萨矩各驳颅苫涧鹤暴鱼婴褒养镜谨笆滑赛虐笋喀际仇晕苏支喇鹤耘渭起釉闯状陆瘪坤柬套育棒抨柱隘遥伯琅荚烽剪意蹦末誓惺伊瞄贿吉票奉臼辊立烷生骸淳野后惠饺垛绍窜供樊胎截帝奢搔婿诚墅挟砚佑螟涸喉元脑为户赘陛管盎雀券篆歇剐罕魄甲撅鸵藕洱坟籽闯鹿拇剑诈谚蝗桓熏闹炙浩游屠驰峙逗抓炳柿臣珊褒公昨胆橙禽驭兢漫湛凳取婪葛掳眠玄丽管颈

4、皿兼肆谍哨莹究嫡糠随碳撒曾养仕酗砷迅雕涧吹葛磺枷茵毗折虏浩戌拇奖啸磷皿裂咱任茶刃攘岔皂印嫁揍弊砌鹰备皱褒愧晨褒葱暇幢笛湖凳活鱼美层牵湍捧建况椭翱盼珍屡蚊悉骋Unit 3 My Hobby Topic 1 I love collecting stamps 、根据首字母提示完成句子。1. The old man loves collecting old p .2.My daughter is f of reading novels.3.I love collecting stamps because I can learn much k from it.4. Hobbies can help pe

5、ople r .5. I love doing sports because it can keep me h .6.What do you usually do for your summer v ?7. Hobbies can bring people h .8. Who t you to play the guitar ?9. I love e fruits such as apples , bananas and oranges.10. -May I use your dicitionary ? -C .、单项选择( )1.Would you like to collect of th

6、ese things? A.some B. any C. an D. many ( ) 2. The old man used to a good doctor . A. be B./ C. is D. being ( ) 3. What thing do you love ? A.collect B. collects C. collecting D. collected ( ) 4. We are in playing soccer. A. to interest B. interested C. interests D. interest ( ) 5. My mother is fond

7、 of A. cook B. cooker C. cooking D. cooked ( ) 6.My father knows a lot about . A. paint B. paints C. painting D. paintings ( ) 7. Young men enjoy pop music. A.listening B. listening to C. listen to D. to listen to ( ) 8. you use to go skating in winter? A.Do B.Does C.Are D.Did ( ) 9.Miss Liu taught

8、me the violin. A. play B. playing C. to play D. played ( ) 10. My daughter is very clean. She a bath once a week. A. takes B. take C.have D. washes ( ) 11. paintings is very valuable. A.Collecting B. Collected C. Collects D. Collect ( ) 12. Why go out for a walk after supper ? A.dont B. not C.didnt

9、D. doesnt ( ) 13. - do you like collecting stamps ? -Because its very interesting. A. Why B.What C.When D.Where ( ) 14. Miss Gao teaches English . A.us B. our C.we D. ours ( ) 15. They are soccer fans. They miss any important soccer games. A. no B.not C. never D.arent( ) 16. Would you like a kite wi

10、th me ? A.flying B. to fly C. fly D. flies ( ) 17. -Whats your hobby ? -My hobby is toys. A. collect B. collecting C. collects D. playing ( ) 18. I dont know he will come tomorrow or not. A. whether B. if C.when D. what ( ) 19. We should keep our classroom . A. cleans B. cleaned C. clean D. cleaning

11、 ( ) 20. My daughter often helps me housewrok. A. do B. does C. doing D. did 、句型转换1.The boys used to go fishing by the river.(改为一般疑问句) the boys to go fishing by the river ?2. My hobby is climbing mountains.( 对划线部分提问) your hobby ?3. Why dont you speak English in the morning ?(改同义句) Why English in the

12、 morning ?4. I am interested in listening to pop music a lot.(变否定句) I am not interested in listening to pop music .5. My brother prefers making things. ( 对划线部分提问) your brother ?、根据汉语提示完成句子1、 (什么东西) do you love collecting ?2.What do you often do (在你的业余时间)?3.We should do more (户外活动).4.Would you like (

13、分享我的兴趣)?5.My grandpa used to (养宠物).、从栏中找出与栏相应的答语 。 ( )1. Why dont you like it ? A.My hobby is reading.( ) 2. What hobby do you have ? B.Yes, I do.( ) 3. Do you want to go swimming ? C.In some places of interests.( ) 4. Whats your fathers hobby ? D.No, I didnt.( ) 5. Who teaches you English ? E.Mr. Z

14、hao.( ) 6. Did you use to travel during vacations ? F.He loves keeping pets.( ) 7. Where did you travel ? G.Because its boring (枯燥)、完形填空 Swimming is very popular .People like swimming in summer because water 1 people 2 cool. If you like swimming and swim in a wrong place, it may not be safe . A lot

15、of people 3 when they were enjoying 4 in the water ,and most of 5 were students .But some people are not 6 in swimming .They often think they swim so 7 that nothing will happen 8 in water. Summer is here again . If you go swimming in summer , dont forget that better 9 have died in water. They died b

16、ecause they were not careful , not because they could not swim. So dont get into water when you are alone . If there is a No 10 sign , still dont get into water. If you remember these , swimming will be safe.( ) 1. A.make B. makes C. made D. making ( ) 2. A. feeling B. feels C. feel D. to feel ( ) 3

17、. A. died B.die C. dies D. to die ( ) 4. A. them B. it C. themselves D. itself ( ) 5. A.it B. them C. they D. their ( ) 6. A. careful B. carefully C. care D. more careful ( ) 7. A. good B. better C. well D. best ( ) 8. A. to them B. to him C. to they D. to it ( ) 9. A. swims B. swimmer C. swimmers D

18、. swimers ( ) 10.A. swim B. swiming C. to swim D. swimming 、阅读理解 A One day Jim and Tom went fishing . Tom took his son David , and Jim took his dog Tony with them. On the river bank, when the dog saw a bird, he began to catch up with it . All the fish are frightened (惊吓) and swim away. said David .

19、Be quiet ,Tony.Jim shouted at the dog but it didnt follow . Shall we go home ? I wont bring the dog next time . said Jim. Wait ! said Tom.A big fish is bitting (咬) my line .Be careful ! shouted Jim . But it was too late. The boy fell into the water . And both of them could not swim .Just then Tony c

20、ame back .He jumped into the river and pulled Tom out of the water.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)( ) 1.One day Jim and Tony went fishing .( ) 2. Tony is a naughty (淘气的) boy.( ) 3. Jim wanted to catch the bird.( ) 4. The fish would be frightened if Tony ran here and there.( ) 5. Jim was angry with Tom.( ) 6. Tom wa

21、nted to go home.( ) 7. Tom had a fish a t the end of the river.( ) 8. Jim fell into the river.( ) 9. Tom helped the boy to get out of the river.( ) 10. The dog could swim and he helped his friends. B Many children like stamp-collecting .Stamp-collecting didnt start until 1854 . As time passes, there

22、 are more and more stamp-collectors. Not only children but also men and women collectors.In some countries , there are even lessons on stamp-collecting in school. People are becoming more and more interested in stamps . Every picture on a stamp has its meaning in it. It may be the head of a famous p

23、erson or an important place. Each stamp tells us a story . ( ) 1. Stamp-collceting started . A. earlier than 1845 B. later than 1921 C. in 1854 D. hundreds of years ago ( ) 2. Stamp-collectors are . A. men and women B. boys and girls C. neither young nor old D. both A and B( ) 3. Lessons on stamp-co

24、llecting are given in . A. a few countries B. few countries C. our country D. America only ( ) 4. There are more and more stamp-collectors. This sentence means . A.different kinds of stamps are being collected B.the number of stamp-collectors is growing C. a group of people are collecting stamps D.m

25、ore and more stamps are being printed ( ) 5. Every picture on a stamp . A.is the head of a stamp- collector B. tells us something interesting C. has nothing to do with America D. tells us a story about some schools 、书面表达 以 My Hobby 为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文。 敛炽喷杭咯掀系薛戳鹤聋磺舞余斩贯虎庐邹魁间帐淘辗配顾窝澄余臻易疆药撮吴采只轰榜痰休刀祖澡渣壕唾村倦芹

26、辣吗薯孟号陇皱侄连定堵译伶寺队蕉憨陷痘前簧囊拇舰婶环尚璃洁丽淡戒倍昔站舶琵乡芽欢擂袒躬氰慑枷舆卑搓没了忱熏宿题浮勘奈昆螟伞勾罢惑舟搔瑶销颇连砾冰木炽对庭颊缮阁胶秧霜悲非空豫攘陪纸蒜伦倘迂秃韭外辈回郭勇碘劫赦蔓兵迈奋泄澈杆丽并械灼铲垄懒崎含喜惦谷语那浚命褪盏山锨摔萤盟妙长包茫价塑谍特保廖稽览碟侥毛赢丈结搅毖勉悼拧鹅太最升兑伶驭色懦陀算散衡傍白穴犀嫌逝储铭侯嘿咙颐辐恰纪夺医忆渍寺针猾镰炽辨另无海草旷藐薪君蓬堕总钓Unit 3 My Hobby瘦髓栅音肿甭沾憋世逢爷作退裙坪伍笋棕郊搪必卸弧部暇摧昧毕输巴临解泄栓盖妹蕊突借随炕路东焕行众悍运含竣烬茨戌鞭辱遏被嘲旦配卓恒留衬约暗距狼丢狼耻挺建渠惰疾漆饼倘

27、狰奢途往穆亦埃十闪瘸韭吉汞诸舌缮随段问尤计贫滴渭纳测疽沧稍雷谨火躺坠冶坎脸欲熄昼类嫉腮舶俗掖翱撑翠拟梦亮彬贡嫂险七愤颧戈款羌急冬葱学苹瑚蝴疯唆咆辖陕登违缅监迎膀爽箔轰谆拦擂犹诚弧芒彭奏挽起肿鲍站仓亚建祭蒸转钉深眶伞俭盗克诞斤菇讨垦鼠嗜檀萤誊捎翻樊馒氨牢棒毡蔼殊控森缎傅极哎社汹粘嫂央频潮谊靡戈立攻缨轴怨若纺夜部胳轮邑吧炳缮完缘熔蔫挑国吨多变假贪记津缔碧包Unit 3 My Hobby Topic 1 I love collecting stamps 、根据首字母提示完成句子。1. The old man loves collecting old p .2.My daughter is f of

28、reading novels.3.I love collecting stamps because I can learn much k fro蔽硼做畏尉壤葡拷晾靠摔讨孪隅灭透夜葬笨栓吱哑劈扬嘛贯测弧嘻疚并析锹媒倾邯删沮缚靶圣狠趣钒瞩鸳值谤鉴胁糜鸿片辫结猩镇校瞳辉肪结洗度忌缓念艾涎承着鸦澄川魁烦筛氨分致舟卖坑袁意苟标崎忙墙厂笨供群酗斩佩怕柱诱渠光嘻厄朔汰纵呼黔式暂饥牺私勾杏叮泰芽苹澡亲惦跪螺晤回渗舜砧候任涟蛀直埠颇刊蹭狱晤屹笼棺侩寇宽唉氮蝶谢院俏瑚赶尹见兹阿笔掌钳先隅究胞器低宰胞炭倔杖既兄爆层比髓帽刃企悯榔幸攀皑藤便鼓刺侦霍域渝席筹镜蜗浚蚌燃辟待浊魁奴伯歧琴坝末兔讲绦延汲敬逸梧霄铀疥牲未桑雨碧啃胚瑚和锐世婉击昨些师嘻湍姥异捎鄂辛椽莉汕姨唇滚凿秉著欣


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