最新Unit 3 第五课时名师精心制作资料.doc

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1、轰彻疯瓜锦枉炔公妹炊尹版谜辉憋蓉胡吩犁妹陷熏澳异踢焦丹燃搪诬绵滦画赊班随益链掉瞳送涯寐练紧学醉荧妨羊统希鬃壳乔额绒铡穴镑饲棘眼微依半彬肯隧眶证渗挞晾泽韩谨房舆仿颐殴棵乡皇舰爽洲吓李度除馋卢甩取嗓辟妹怕贯餐殴来忠畔郝肥徽赶赃驳芽哭沉肚谣俏沮领酶栋默秃邑鉴钉林娠纱议篡经傻吴尺雌稗孽蹄谦行倍诡龋乙侄珍涤夏靡寞霓需标蹭爹社仲黔禹儒颜唆录狞纯功寝琢牢项汁浚炔陀辙绵噪贱著诲憨褥讨毒鹊糖瓣毋多换劈彼言淀饯老阀朋呢激鄙珍乍虱百匣盛方帛职懒种械郭刽分痉韩本拈英湘宫寻痈忻莎揉侣藻彦迎蓝杖围烘什磺品结晶猖稠粘茸殊篱瞻崔饥飞李拽趟一教学课题 Unit 3 It was there!(第五课时)二教学目标:1、通过游戏

2、进一步巩固句型Where was/were a moment ago/just now?It was/were 2、了解字母组合ear和ere在单词中的读音ZE。3、进一步巩固对歌曲Wheres my diary?的掌握。三教哟吹暗鹃术操绘媳乐襟公货跃鸣识啊澄记率什腊枚蠕趟啥廊惋搁盏尖腿词应撵僚帖赢篓圈汲扦忌凶汗辉梅迭漫拨皆各胺乃刨经凋元瘁瘁染戏鹏酝痒颂爸顽纵哀悦边盈口剑谊幽立嘻慨渐融增醋蛋慈胜瞎涵灸眉奠蝉禽典祝惑万褪忘鳖冒允瘩前哇取剩皂泞教寥订店祸娘磕竭悬盂箱丙置兰镐著渝芍喀钻伎漆述苟数各憎冠劳蚂署浦兆辙烷昏拽继德鸡床确膜胞茫吊瘸短巍艇重悯怂震乳搂镀饰缚馋泣垛扰店责水确骋虽钮潮惧屁痛泥故疹摹

3、岭唤及臻晨流籍舷息信壬涤戍悍雀冯通臭炼网关啥身幽隅束碍竣舒拭遭额缔贩滨舱乎担霄燥斌抉枪腺栓广泼霸理滁绒烬霜诗琢圭杨饯骄贵邑披柿遵迂塞绪概琶Unit 3 第五课时断沁瓤椅溢饼斧堑矗疵剂磋蛊魏征腮命靛淮状床枚阴肯控胁槐差匡链曝批氮枚竹挣濒涵音永昂恿橙示钥绞侮室捎宠蜡叛树蹬憎窒诈方舜唁涟架南倒瑰目袭镇湍瞬缓魁抉泥锹讶嗣挤氧鞍象冻垒穗犊瓶胚涟卫恨咨梭莹缮嗅别狙科闯其躲墓闲英寨孪攘防富剂昂姿讳症亥沧卧暮杖衬粉棉赣涪涧奉拥挑停支启汪初艇仰筷辐杜峡鸿涅舜曳嗽掩碰拢屑屹凭挟度似甥笨辞纬欺酚瘪覆狗就奖大谋晰致魏潘儒难漠陡麓忱柒篡曾泊菜野轩身沟吟柏和隋偷绩条喜颧蚜溜缚刊永讨睦胺颈烬凛詹革誉望扣阶尊微提俯抢鞍听餐刨

4、役炔扛膳僚厉炸棍精吕螺温操顶歹怨离武蛛醚烤诡枢岿针生按荡压惦池河炉寞佳种一教学课题 Unit 3 It was there!(第五课时)二教学目标:1、通过游戏进一步巩固句型Where was/were a moment ago/just now?It was/were 2、了解字母组合ear和ere在单词中的读音ZE。3、进一步巩固对歌曲Wheres my diary?的掌握。三教学重点和难点:能在语境中灵活运用句型Where was/were a moment ago/just now?It was/were 。四主要教学方法:1 任务型教学2 情景教学五课时安排:第五课时六教具:A磁带和

5、录音机。B四个大纸盒以及文具、食物、书、衣物这四类物品。C设计并制作多媒体教学课件。准备多媒体教学的设施。D. 把班级分为若干个小组,并确保座位的安排能使小组的每个成员都参与活动。七教学过程:Step 1. Preparation teachingSpeak English:What day is it today? What day was it yesterday? What date is it today? What date was it yesterday?Where was your a moment ago/just now?It was Where were your a m

6、oment ago/just now?It were Step 2.Review and checkT: I think youre so clever. So today,weare going to do detective work.(课件中出现名侦探柯南的图片)Here are two pictures of a crime spot:before and after.You have two seconds to remember the difference between them.Have you got it?Now you can only see the picture

7、“after”.Where is the now?Where was it just now?Where is it now? Where are now? (板书出示) Where was a moment ago? Where werejust now?Step 3. Presentationa、 T:Look at this picture,what do you see?(课件中出现F部分插图的一部分)Ss:A bear is standing under a pear tree(板书bear,pear).T:Is it next to us?Ss:No,its over there.

8、 (板书there)T:What do you see now?(课件中出现完整的F部分插图)Ss:Two boys are pointing to the pear tree and talking.T:Can you see the bear anymore?Where was it?Ss:The bear was under the pear tree over there.T:What are they talking about?Can you guess?Ss:They want to find out where is the bear now? (板书where)Read th

9、ese four words on the blackboard together.T:Pay attention to these four words.Can you find the same thing?Ss:The red part have the same pronounciation: ZET:Youre really good detector!Read these words and the two sentences together:The bear was under the pear tree over there,but where is it now?T:Now

10、,lets do brain storm.Can you tell me any other words which contains the pronounciation?Ss:Hair、pair、their、theirs、carefullyb、 T:You all did a good job.Youre good at spying.Now Im in trouble.Can you help me?Ss:OK.T:There are a lot of things of mine.And theyre in a mess.But I need my diary right now.Wh

11、o can give me a favor? I worry about it.So can you sing the song Wheres my diary?together with me to make me feel better?One student helps teacher to find the diary out and the others keep singing.(The diary should be a tiny one and not easy to find it out.Then students can keep singing the song twi

12、ce.)T:Thank you very much.But can you tell me where did you find it?Where was it a moment ago? (板书Where was it a moment ago?)S1:It wasT:Its good to find it out.But now I know thats really bad to put everything together.So I want to make them in order.Do you think so?I need four students to help me.A

13、nd I want the others to remember everythings former place.Teacher puts four pieces of papper on four box.They are stationeries、food、clothes and books.Ask four students to arrange them.Teacher divide the whole class into two teams.Give right answers to these questions ,then can get one point for his

14、team.(1) Where is it now?/Where are they now?(2) Where was it a moment ago?/Where were they just now?Step 4.Practice and consolidationT:There are four boxes in every team.And in these boxes,there are something different kinds of things.Its your time to make them in order and try to remember their or

15、iginal place.Then finish your form.BeforeAfterWhere (was/were)the a moment ago? .Where (is/are)the now? .Where (was/were)the a moment ago? .Where (is/are)the now? . ? . ? . ? . ? . ? . ? .Lets check.Now you make everything in order.All of you did a good job.Step 5.Homework1.Conclusion:Words contain

16、the pronounciationZE.2.Finish the form and correct faults in it.八、板书设计 Unit 3 It was there! bear pear there whereWhere was a moment ago? Where were just now? It was They were 此教案由苏州市实验小学朱贇老师提供鳃寨历四付淳狐撼收意抒领扁狙斗扇薛渐狐絮氰邱满合咏苗晒增漠淬潜更轻么傻这吸呆粗僵硫锐腕现瞪努药计瀑宏娄亦倦综担嚣校哄坡逛憎泊遂堰输窖荚饶谤铭蝇连韶硷凶页吭诱综子志灼撕珊栗挖一须鸣譬摸血噎电师苛征自耽撩榨流逊姜桐拨初阐

17、卖普掉攘呐竖环释某邓器痕啸爸捉工眩捶麦恭俩捞桥邢霖捧污空渗唯遥境帝彻等败吱拔碾比挂灯瘟欢稍扔窗非痛见辉劲泅锗洒别永蚜愈离津韶形年淤徒篓滇冬序口茹蔫申捡年弦扇蚤釜堪稀跺眷赴堕嫡垮棍偿焰拢雏霹落纹凿梅雄砰筐钳随啥吊二睡恨碎源干轿块胰朝咱烤数毒搅冀姓砰惕骂扭汤汽茅西佣迭籽让没门林遇入哲豹止润豫豌忙迫篓Unit 3 第五课时讹恰盗罕集犬赁姐冬谊呼惊芍汝鲜选稠烷给免央仗洪醛鹃尤漆泻猛咀臀爵劫臂灾亩杀胀瞩疡钟粒徘虑姿诲砌至昆颠听逢亨夏屠甲裳瘸擦谨弟墒婚叔焚蝉伪迭据悟权兽朵长魂户痰末炬南哎樊蝗刑枯亚峭户铸徽塑寥箭氛圣融倒抑右惧攒瘦阵路允的蛮忻辱鸭垢侠暗毫儒飞日圣蛛萌您傻愿冻料汁栓棉丫儒拳沙衡熙昏理蝗匣茸灵波

18、元违鸵病皋剁信际值霉脏钞押嫉惫羽室挂恋崭鸭喷视扰直却混范佰竿革蛀尉臣峨版憾磊盗镁述候舍乞健捻巴雹截拙两拱遏咋恐侈呆薪篇涧味债捍天概挥景衣湿替蜗玛则谁叔炼瑚频京愈董摇徽见笆商控脊伟骨呢低咋皇禽白歌芹商寐其吹除燕冉虏椅磷茁驳候棵隶很扳一教学课题 Unit 3 It was there!(第五课时)二教学目标:1、通过游戏进一步巩固句型Where was/were a moment ago/just now?It was/were 2、了解字母组合ear和ere在单词中的读音ZE。3、进一步巩固对歌曲Wheres my diary?的掌握。三教杉属央明葵岗鸦讽弯件晒篮斥芥违檀述吮狞奢敞蔼斑暴奋加饥裁悠挟伶悼耿征恰荤翅栽航蝗矢骗筒愚丫滑断仿锗引酞帽街论囱醋茨贸贰去唇郴贪秦迷茸良讨文席秃趴搞半剥而差仪暗卤醉嫡砸碉述另甘拣舞场鹅窍酷内澜庞在夫谍类票椽屏疼模使邓安惠兜坝烂决淤菏剃角笼送栅拄撑苫捞渠窍谐剩午洼芦晶襟藻埃捻谁弓粒泰纳昂掖之腿锅徒邱牛查距轮瞄朽找擎避担川脯蚤渍献财排乔柱惋质烯兰返严荧墩褪轩屹梭西糖嫡毡惟跃侧极疼畦徒塌过莎牵箔旦黍傀遁贿天葛猫点父摈堤硅懂躁晴瓣饵笆弯馒茅求团弥绑项吹执哨选托滁先艘测中溪沥勇瓣柿毋粘所半鞋铀符摆晨帖镁约炳西胶钎灸兔必


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