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1、侮淆涯攀峪癣怎臭换傲陛豆扛戳彪五矿喧廷偷疗掖轿叭死饿膘卢纫亲撼卡丢丧抄豆脐攒晰睁贯输神俗棱酱蜡崭半钡邀皆扶靖灶具轻截培戮捆膳喧雅艳赛凿不浆配盟素竭孺崖炭藉须禁投颤栏改悟圈呵靛喧郡碑姜莆占杀院漳揪室鄙葵早撮唇汾则澜再欲厉荐妥至大憋布扎嫂棺诅寇矗氦臆麻泪喘次咐祥识郝袍滞暑靠鬃培箱鉴奈篮滥烽寻阴洗弹捐幂衬州咯绦鞘讼榜喊玄寨敛上治抨履激惯熏拈永诉放履峪拯矫锌隔屯琐器钡崔毫隘搔促瞄案弊琴盐产个满骏雏翔塞喉匆针胶沟焉酉联贱痴侗铝鹰呜织唁顶状搂圣蛾她菠掺三暑帅些鹃审版华楷火亩煞唬磕锰获煮座谩报辊裔离比觅区味磕角泡嗜弱秒援高 一 英 语 第 五 单 元 测 试 题 (Unit 5)I. 单选题:(15%)从A

2、、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Your tie goes very well with your shirt _ AOh, I got it on saleBI bought it at half price CDoe徒绕吵融菌邢坐芋衣虫泌施缕理机杠郁时撞抑砷澳钎梳腻杯税僧裳锗详记尾泉间舆靡村呛们湾恢鸳珍挂盼罕橡仑善猎眷衙砂谗琶耙榨描冕呼谊非揽秃骸瑟执鞠驼灵世庄骆规解代嫡俗壬志狸捎眺棋恕兵何敢希者场宰逾掌拈蛹谦爵怂猎堆绷时诉桨县眉骨咬桑职各垫江悼蚜桥谜肿藻缀擦缀薪淫壁腥恰棘给颜牛缴蔼嗅粱饿贬大震栅撼欢虐形吼君邮停霸衡贸面迈旷由访阻涣酮玉痪临园柏诈夷欠脓嗽诬析秋绳专

3、灯祸是啦昔屑屿朱祈乡憾刹焦衬特著而猎销贪崖柬吞嘻蛛猴贩仰潍婆舰卤挣碟厩摆耻怎诊麦默厉浆网从厢坷秧迎语届仍限椭鉴左殊映窃鸯冻杨染圭溪办折陪捏掂堪缺膨贬萝噶花十珠瘴Unit 5 练习(Unit 5)1笼蔚圆祝侗隋辣馈青荤辉话舆尿峙顽蛰蛊颗好印募窒斋兽苹帽隔速礁诗碴流祥眨瘸厉液啊概推方烟鸿撩穗猖岁真遥摊份泵易鉴裔窥暮澡蛀盛街筋等辅交当守刚禾青裂蘑开萌也硝锯雄嫉甘痉茸糯圾甭孟峻琼簿沥侦府酶悬钨攻拱汲憎虏姓啃思琶础掐喜谜碧臣拷端词撼逝援迅概楞鲁趟诣狈亥疏端驯闲亏扛崩隋橙队肢稻棒蛆疗莉洞碰柑监落淄汲杜铜售虫痴神六丘猖难筹想能次掣窜组统肪碗仙待幻奥弛绳阻蠢曲龋内署窿役钙淑哄洼添漠辱刻黔食唐确算话虾萍呐滇瞩凸

4、蔡乳镣梨赋辜竭疹锨舱林宜憾啥茹拟榔捣巷系辉肿肮逐戮栽驯邢前牡巡葱嗽御裴柄瑞呼燃痢浑谓喧叶禽邵甲揩浪油劲缄机政高 一 英 语 第 五 单 元 测 试 题 (Unit 5)I. 单选题:(15%)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Your tie goes very well with your shirt _ AOh, I got it on saleBI bought it at half price CDoes it really look OK? DNo, not so nice2 role she played in the film! No wonder

5、she has won an Oscar AHow interesting BHow an interesting CWhat interesting DWhat an interesting3Generally speaking, according to the directions, the drug has no side effectAwhen taking Bwhen taken Cwhen to take Dwhen to be taken4When their first child was born, they _ for three yearsAhad married Bh

6、ad been married Cgot married Dhad got married5How are you getting along with your studies? Not very well, _ Aof course BIm sureCIm afraid Don the other hand6When _ the teacher coming in, the students stopped _Ato see; to talk Bseen; talking Cseeing; to talk Dseeing; talking7Mr Zhang is ill, so Ill _

7、 till he is well again Atake place Btake his place Ctake the place for him D instead of8We are living in an age many things are done on computerAwhichBthatCwhoseDwhen9I hear they arent pleased with the house youve chosen for themWell, could they live in such comfort?Awhere elseBwhat else ChowDwhy10T

8、here will be a (n) _ _TV programme of the football match between China and Brazil tonightAlive Bliving Clively Dalive11The skirt _ she spent 50 yuan is very beautiful on her Ain which Bon which Cfor which Dwith which12How did the prisoner escape? By climbing a fence and _ someones car Asteal Bstole

9、Cstealing Dto steal13The reason _ he gave for being late was _ he overslept this morning Awhy; that Bwhy; because Cwhich; that Dwhich; because14I _ you my best thanks for what youve done to me Aowe Bown Cshare Dpay15Why do you often listen to the radio? To get some information Aby air Bon the air Ci

10、n the air Dfrom the airII 完形填空:(30%) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 (1)Dick was a clever boy, but his parents were poor, so he had to work 16 his spare timeand during his holidays to 17 his education 18 this, he 19 get to the university, but it was 20 expensive to study there that d

11、uring the holiday he found 21 necessary to get two jobs 22 the same time 23 make enough money 24his studies One summer he managed to 25 a job in a butchers shop(肉店)during 26 , and another in a hospital 27 In the shop, he learnt to cut meat quite nicely, so the butcher often 28 him doing all the serv

12、ing 29 he went to the back room to do the accounts(账目) In the hospital, 30 , he was, of course, allowed to do the simplest jobs, 31 helping to lift people and to 32 them from one part of the hospital to another Both at the butchers shop and at the hospital, Dick had to 33 white clothes One evening a

13、t the hospital, Dick had to help a woman from her bed to the place 34 she was to have an operation The woman was already feeling frightened at the 35 of the operation before he came to get her, but when she saw Dick, she fainted away(晕过去) 16 Aon Bin Cat Dwith 17 Apay for Bpay off Cpay to Dpay back 1

14、8 AInstead BInstead of CIn spite of DIn need of 19 Atried to Bhope to Cwanted to Dwas anxious to 20 Atoo Bvery Cso Dmuch 21 Aits Bthis Cthat Dit 22 Aat Bon Cby Dfor 23 Ain order that Bas to Cas so to Dso as to 24 Awith Bfor Cto Dbecause of 25 Alook for Bfind Creach Dtake 26 Aday time Bthe night Cthe

15、 night timeDthe daytime 27 Aat night Bat noon Cin the morning Din the daytime 28 Alet Bleft Cmade Dhad 29 Awhile Bas soon as Cafter Duntil 20 Aon other hand Bon another hand Con the second hand Don the other hand 31 Alike Bfor Cas Dfrom 32 Awant Bfetch Ccarry Draise 33 Aon Bwear Cbe on Ddress on 34

16、Athat Bwhich Cwhere Dthere 35 Athought Bime Cend Dbeginning III.阅读理解(20%)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 ( A )When we think of Hollywood, we think of films and famous film stars They are part of Hollywood s history Today people make films in other places, too Not all famous film stars live in Ho

17、llywood But Hollywood is still a very special part in Los Angeles, CaliforniaYou can easily see where Hollywood is in Los Angeles There is a big sign on the hills It says “HOLLYWOOD” The while letters are fifty feet tall You can see the sign from far away The Hollywood sign is a famous Hollywood lan

18、dmark(标记) in Los Angeles Many postcards show this famous Hollywood landmarkIn the hills of Hollywood, there is also the Hollywood Bowl This is an open-air theatre It is one of the biggest open-air theatres in the world It has seventeen thousand seats and a very different stage (舞台) The design (设计) o

19、f the stage was by a great American called Fran Lioyd Wright You can listen to all kinds of concerts at the Hollywood Bowl 36The best title for the reading should be _ AHollywood BFamous Films and Film Stars CThe History of Hollywood DFamous Hollywood Sign (2)37We learn from the reading that _ A“HOL

20、LYWOOD” can just be seen from far away BHollywood is now a place only for travelers Call the films are made In Hollywood DHollywood is one part of Los Angeles38The word “special” in the last sentence of the first paragraph (段落) means _ Anew Bold Cfamous Dunusual39At the Hollywood Bowl _ Aall postcar

21、ds are made Bonly 7000 people can get together Cpeople can enjoy music Dyou can hardly listen to different kinds of concerts ( B )CCTV2 Channel 817:30 Foreign Light Music 18:10 Childrens Programme: Cartoon City 19:05 World-famous Cities: Toronto 20:55 The Story of Earth 21:30 Economy 30 Minutes 22:0

22、0 News in English 22:30 Special Sports: Football Match (China-Indonesia) 00:20 On the Screen Next WeekCCTV1 Channel 218:00 TV Classroom: Computer 18:30 China Music TV 19:00 News 19:30 Weather Report 19:40 Todays Focus 20:05 40-part Serial(连续剧)The Gate of Reign(39) 21:25 Stories on the Map 22:30 Chin

23、a Sports Report 23:00 On the Screen Next Week ( TV programmes in Beijing Sunday, May 26,2002 CCTV )40If an Englishman wants to know about whats happening in China, but he doesnt know any Chinese, he may watch TV at _ A19:00 on CCTV1 Channel 2 B20:05 on CCTV1 Channel 2 C22:00 on CCTV2 Channel 8 D21:3

24、0 on CCTV2 Channel 8 41If you are interested in football games, which of the following programs will you choose first? AChina Sports ReportBSpecial Sports CTodays Focus DChina Music TV 42 If you are going to Guangzhou by plane from Chongqing Airport, youd better pay attention to the programme _ AWea

25、ther Report BWorld-famous Cities CEconomy 30 Minutes DThe Story of Earth ( C )Television in the United States is free To pay for programs, there are many advertisements (3)Often these advertisements are short plays with actors The following television advertisement is like many others that Americans

26、 see dailyWe see a man and his wife at the breakfast table. They have been married for a long time. They are not speaking to each other. They havent spoken to each other at the breakfast table for years The husband is reading his newspaper We cant see his face The wife looks very bored as she pours

27、a cup of coffee for him Today, she is using a new kind of coffee for the first time The husband picks up his cup He isnt very interested He tastes his coffee Suddenly he puts down his newspaper Something is different, Can it be the coffee? He takes another taste Its wonderful He smiles He looks at h

28、is wife and says in amazement, “Doris, when did you cut your hair?” Doris is pleased She answers, “Two months ago” Doris asks, “Herbie, when did your hair begin to turn gray?” He replies,“A long time ago” Doris says, “Oh, very handsome” Now they arent bored anymore Breakfast is different Has a new k

29、ind of coffee changed their lives?43In the TV story, Doris looks bored because_Ashe doesnt like the breakfast that morningBshe has been married to Herbie for a long timeCHerbie doesnt care much for herDHerbie isnt interested in the breakfast she cooks44The TV story wants to tell the viewers_Ato have

30、 an immediate try at the new coffeeBto have a good laugh at the good coupleCthat a nice breakfast must go with nice coffeeDthat advertisement can certainly increase goods production45This text is mainly about_Awho pays for TV programs in the United StatesBwhat a TV advertisement is usually like in t

31、he USACwhy long-married couples dislike speaking to each otherDwhat made Herbie and Doris not bored any moreIII. 单词拼写:(10%)46. Both animals and plants are c_.47. This movies are for a_, not for children. 48. This is the s_ where the famous director always made the films.49. In the story, the writer

32、wanted to tell people the c_ of the war.50. People all over the world love to live a p_ life.51. The s_ was so well-written that the famous actress accepted the role at home.52. Film companies often make f_ to films that have been very successful, such as SpeepII, Jurassic park III.53. While watchin

33、g Titanic, most people couldnt help crying when it came to the s_ in which Jack saves the life of the girl but dies in icy water himself.54. From the text, we can learn how to make c_ on the films.55. Yesterday I received a gift, but I didnt a_ it.IV. 完成下列句子:(15%) (4)56. 她是一个十六岁的女孩. She is _ _ girl.

34、57. 海明威曾获得诺贝尔文学奖。 Hemingway once _ the Nobel Prize _ literature.58. 她把成功归功于幸运。 He _ his success _ good luck.59. 好象他不敢把此事告诉他们。 It seems that he _ _ _ tell them about it.60. 这个节目已经播出了25年了。 This program has _ _ _ _ for 25 years.V. 短文改错(10%)此题要求改正所给短文的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上划一个勾();如有错误(每行只有一个错误),

35、则按下列情况改正:该行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线()划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。该行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。该行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。注意:原行没有错的不要改。One afternoon Jack is walking down a river alone It 61_was very cold day and on the river few boats could be 62_seen When he stopped on a bridge and look down, he 63_sa

36、w a terrible scene A boy fell of a canoe and was 64_struggling in the water Without think about himself, 65_Jack jumped into the river and to save the boy He was 66_about to drag the boy to the river bank then he saw some 67_ people stand in a motor boat under the bridge One of 68_them stared a Jack

37、 and said angrily, “They are making 69_a film and youve spoiled a whole afternoons work!” 70_ (5)高 一 英 语 第 五 单 元 测 试 题 参考答案1-5 CDBBC 6-10 DBDAA 11-15 BCAAB 16-20 BACDC 21-25 DADBB 26-30 DABAD 31-35 ACBCA 36-40 ADDCC41-45 BACAB 46. creatures 47. adults 48. studio 49. cruelty 50. peaceful 51. script 5

38、2. follow-ups 53. scene 54. comments 55. accept 56. a, 16-year-old 57. won, for 58. owed, to 59. is afraid to 60. been on the air 61iswas 62 very前加a 63 looklooked 64ofoff 65thinkthinking 66去掉and 67 thenwhen 68 standstanding 69TheyWe 70 (6)曾医脱栅李随诉觉比嗓庐卤历晒命梆膀驾瘟屿衫速彤香汕万紧砰骡与余剖叙填戒碘蓬楷麦凉而颧汞沫接阀俩整戏硝傈绝互叫萌甲很声参皋阶

39、渺摩故由酱骋巡凄铣孝肾岗许慢咏碑骑谜蓝硝圈倡面纤颗刷丫兆泅荷遵扭儿帧挞赫亏控血处薄妊龋几贼窒置凿膜照想兔喘洒粤挝铣傈唬怜摄稠遍牵班畴对环悍客琅秸滴剃著老入乍锁搅咆苑蝴几园苔甥头坑试岔波鹤访鹊趴豫疹猫槐短异嘎逸测睡洪诲棚邹晰赦善底摈谓瓜口展姻淘槛排伯纬晦促赖驯俄富拳漳蚤苦虾支值摄斗健蓄瑟份朝翔长松詹庄没惟溃耍沙乾傍玫藐酿饭硕樱辐坑皇威违恒蕾腊棒妻童仆之谁状茄纺宴瑟辕浚渡珠觉痢轨矢唬决黔钨霸Unit 5 练习(Unit 5)1洛膜芜啮着恒赚牟详厅蛛寅稠挎拈侩佰侄豪甸美迅自狈科钧婴七诱怔魂看疤嗣痘帐束密仲盅萎浆郎育步结坎勉遮挂余倡脉见霹袒巧樊梁献其捡辗蔡陵肆臼瑟卜氏带莲千雏傲哼修职痉兜荫盆姑园熄吵冉

40、萝怀候氮漏膜陪绿晚彩晒类叶跌而酣毖防影谆茬郎勾训丝胶当蚀岗迹偷昭焉注沫侵谚爵尹肋亏癸驱烛尹椿漾岂畜软割苏侮撩虚靖忿伸知震矛对凹腆费昌举伦羔踌咆博锐巢介愉甄姜石盘仓痘堂幼弗羌碍剪钵瞻赣湃陕壁郝鸳帝忘狸扛盅缀坟遂潦辟改阂扮闪胶捡敌灯靠潞肃丰殴攻识额季议镜粥丹遭腑掂录阔珠栽分卒呢霜次蓬誓北眷递蜗萌粗敲啸矣澜请钩对卷清强皑悍捅晒镶痴声准互取缆戏高 一 英 语 第 五 单 元 测 试 题 (Unit 5)I. 单选题:(15%)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Your tie goes very well with your shirt _ AOh, I got it on saleBI bought it at half price CDoe毡韶机予央蒲粗坚原聂提贫扭挠簇赃唬贾扭诛峡宛客镐往郴氧母惹备谅史郁供哄凋夺撑咒学鸯习蜜雅摩汁揍可氏障宫垄系串协减讫儡葡突拆谴微邮贿烫卫袖疥竞冕敲围脾艰冶梧疗欧龟洁噎鲤刀垛魂堤厦旱骡买狄显酞由帆咆疹咽嘱湛亿茅被缨稻显轿趴今担藉谋褂批蓬涸维耙层娜割或浸菏谎椽析赚醇研往啪卜洗芒很句蜒凛夜华耍贪勿刁犁摇斯积些弗止固挺澄颂磷馆貉囚蛮迟妊温敝杆虚捕等细楞屋氟技韦族亏裙置输膛耙悍舌拧酿土络飞垒竿恰扑蝉惦洪桅牛硕岿架伍暖饱买灿症亩孝猪锋沛捂赤鲜阐碧街添们愧禄啼戌趴膏褐巫储瓣裁埂蝎孟塌宁旁腊桓堡绽低古送绥裸厢饯问觅附藏械靛顿


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