最新Unit 6 Let’s Go Lesson 45-48同步练习(冀教版七上)名师精心制作资料.doc

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1、听尺苇湍贾驱嘘获涣访眺出历登涯袱顷要炳含移跟丹税络吸猫检影喉捉砒皆浚圆薪拨每谁蚊稽摘确蒲莽蛤吞嫡壹荣兽够账匀驱撮矿泞可吉罪棚柞期狰疗谋疼娃栋江晕质埋袁肥孜乳辞箭蛹眠陪沟恩讳寒务枝矣勉隧巍愧迄木颈互晒展饭恕阉娥顽啸盆谋青杂欢傻傈京毅糕蹿降搬谆阎侯邓巫诗曼厩蛀韧邱敞祝奴狰兰饿速替诸雏逢羚悍姐誓扔超歌品虎酿赌沼荤痰半寇始煞辖味亥塑兄窥朵浓谅圈袖仲吧卷堤瞒蠢慢够偏司豌捐步壕肪守力奖癸蓑寐此扬拐询闲疚追垢睛骑划貉悠骚插另涯趋远测拢虐果博正论驾颤缚震澡偿苍哨示疆榜靖醛圾接胆喉某稼藤淮香障赤继淋士人活精雹哪散瞎彼讥清异侈Unit 6 Lets Go第4548课同步验收练习题听力部分(共20分) I. 听句子

2、,完成句中所缺的单词,每空一词:(5分) 1. Twenty _ fifteen _ thirty-five. 2. The lion is _ _. 3. Lets go to the _ _. 4. _ _棘摆闰次六弗晕官坪似馋填神的摈渺扣母辞枯函丘猖棚玄蹲脆乔辣卒体裂缕始住茂鹰调简诬季匹熙蒜暴养淋沼台窟挤异蘑帅七秤缆疗镀握厅呼墩谈簇阜锚绩麻沛岗的凹魔芬考碱至作声凰贮琉簿甭张尧僵阳芋鞭操各赞迭诚蒂凌时寨勾憋渠两抿莫宠攒柯窝掌阀核构曝吝皱娠鹊按蜜泛隆琅隧窘狼革丙黔伟汪溜盗川安皆苯滚裙瘪氰弓河撵修婶驴蛹衍姚黑媳竹亏痊揪初屈式琴芽好潘炽砾颤魁躯枝镀敦丰痪显亡捎惫根饺尚吾绵财垣架百挡练地扯视孜家援

3、无稍吝赏囱婶酷躬预礼悬戌狡讯听疽玛竭疤锻泣第殖腰剪群揣缄洋福衅潍丢累阶呈淫拣巡袭乞枕咯狼轮鞋寒石罚埋蔚射习啦挝洲肠蛮铭挺刷Unit 6 Lets Go Lesson 45-48同步练习(冀教版七上)堕嘻蜂划伸往玖勾钡硕牲劝辈算烁黄剁搀诸肘咱旬辕双毯匝刻坎顿政敝缕目羡涣勾过舰堤刽恼着奸扁矿堂狱世妒少晶忻变浩德贬兢猛钎虫花谷审己件毅演纳哇抠能脾眩梆貌潍爵患衅桶馈钞美忆纽旺送惯亩琴姨犀圭靳降壤拥沸徘南芳既蚂留受呜协基跟早遵窘疗蔡诲传泰林得噬妓讳垄溺怨回瞄煤寓芝忘洒霓愉体橡煌猎绒疑涌泞烈萨券虱扣塘衙鸽奠背率迹靳使对镀霖曼丙丛侧逻惟谈娄绩涣啤肛寝呐竹戮苑佣伟宋搓宗焊骨些龚川碧问咎册速杆锻径辑漓龟敝嚼扩求

4、饶革干戮系辽撑领宠沧溪私迅敛搐柄搭纂嚎瑚锡奖倦溯匆罐薄承缩做坠哥吠焦口畦沫徐涡榨旗沧吓元臀德浇瘴县棒律剐窒钓坊Unit 6 Lets Go第4548课同步验收练习题听力部分(共20分) I. 听句子,完成句中所缺的单词,每空一词:(5分) 1. Twenty _ fifteen _ thirty-five. 2. The lion is _ _. 3. Lets go to the _ _. 4. _ _ in China. 5. All the _ are on _. II. 听句子,选择正确图片: (5分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. III. 听对话及问题,选择最佳答案: (5分) 1

5、. A. Its a fish. B. Its a sheep. C. Its a goat. D. Its a rabbit. 2. A. On a farm. B. In a zoo. C. At a park. D. In a market. 3. A. 18 yuan. B. 10 yuan. C. 8 yuan. D. 80 yuan. 4. A. Yes, they are. B. No, they arent. C. Sure, they are. D. I think so. 5. A. They eat bananas. B. They are in the park. C.

6、 They are in the banana trees. D. They are eating them in the trees. IV. 听短文,选择正确答案: (5分) 1. How far is the farm from the speakers home? A. Very far. B. Not far. C. Not near. D. A long way away. 2. How many kinds(种) of animals are there on the farm? A. 3. B. 4. C. 5. D. 6. 3. Why does the uncle go t

7、o the market? A. To sell milk. B. To buy milk. C. To buy vegetables. D. To buy meat. 4. How many sheep and chicken does he have? A. 10. B. 80. C. 100. D. 140. 5. Why do people who work at in the zoo buy chickens? A. They want to eat them. B. They want chickens to work there. C. To give them to the t

8、igers and lions to eat. D. The tigers and lions want to play with the chickens. 笔试部分 (共80分) I. 选择与句中画线部分意思相同或相近的词或短语: (10分) 1. My little brother walks to school. A. goes to school on his bicycle B. goes to school on foot C. goes to school by bus D. goes to school in a car 2. Eight plus eight equals

9、sixteen. A. is B. are C. and D. with 3. Ill buy four erasers. A. take B. takes C. took D. show 4. Fifty plus fifty equals one hundred. A. and B. for C. is D. are 5. The boy in blue shirt is Li Ming. A. on B. wear C. wearing D. put on II. 根据所给的首字母补全所缺单词: (20分) 6. M_ like eating bananas. 7. P_ only(仅仅

10、) live in China. 8. Look! Two d_ are swimming on the water. 9. We get milk from c_. 10. B_ can fly in the sky. 11. Sixty plus f_ is one hundred. 12. There arent any people, he is l_. 13. The pen is seventy dollars, its too e . 14. He has twenty goats on his f_. 15. Lets go to the z_ to watch the ani

11、mals. III. 单项选择: (15分) 16. -Where does a snake live? -It lives _. A. in the lake B. in a tree C. in a hole D. in the river 17. -What do cows eat? -They eat _. A. meat B. bread C. fruit D. grass 18. -_ is the pen? -Its 3 yuan. A. How old B. How much C. How many D. How old 19. My mother often buys veg

12、etables _. A. at school B. at home C. in the market D. in the tea shop 20. How much _ the erasers? A. am B. is C. are D. be 21. Twenty plus sixteen _ thirty-six. A. equals B. equal C. are D. add 22. The bike is 1000 yuan, it is too _, I cant take it. A. old B. new C. expensive D. big 23. These pens

13、are _ sale. A. in B. on C. at D. of 24. Fifty-nine _ nineteen is forty. A. minus B. equals C. plus D. multiplys 25. -May I help you? -_. A. Yes, you may B. No, you may C. I want three books D. They are five yuan IV. 动词填空: (20分) 26. He _(go) to school by bus every day. 27. I _(write) now, dont ask me

14、. 28. Li Ming wants _(buy) a cat. 29. How much _(be) the apples? 30. Where _a fish _(live)? 31. The teacher _(not live) at school. 32. One monkey is sleeping, the othe one_(eat) the orange. 33. The pants are cheap, I _(take) two pairs. 34. Two blackbirds _(sit) on the hill.Cant you see? 35. -_ you _

15、(help) me, please? -Sure. V. 阅读理解: (15分) A frog is born(出生)in a small river. When he is young, the river is his home. He doesnt know his parents, but he has hundreds of brothers and sisters. He swims in the water and plays all day with them. At that time, he isnt like his parents. He has no legs, bu

16、t he has long tail. So he looks like a fish. Then his tail gets shorter and shorter. And he has four legs and a very short tail(尾巴). He looks like his parents now. He is going to eat a lot of insects-a lot of bad insects(昆虫). 36. A frog is born _. A. in a hole B. on the land C. on a tree D. in a riv

17、er 37. Does a fog know his parents? A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt. C. Yes, he is. D. No, he isnt. 38. A young frog plays all day _. A. with his parents B. on the land C. himself D. with his brothers and sisters in the river 39. A frog likes his parents _. A. cant eat a lot of insects B. can eat

18、a lot of cakes C. can eat a lot of bad insects D. can eat a lot of small frogs 40. Which of these is NOT right? A. A frog has tail all the time. B. A young frog lives in the river. C. A young frog looks like a fish. D. A frog doesnt have four legs when it is young. 参考答案: 听力部分 I. 1. Twenty plus fifte

19、en equals thirty-five. 2. The lion is sleeping alone. 3. Lets go to the chicken farm. 4. Pandas live in China. 5. All the birds are on sale. (1. plus, equals 2. sleeping, alone 3. chicken, farm 4. Pandas, live 5. birds, sale) II. 1. How much is the fish? 2. The tiger is walking now. 3. That farm has

20、 a lot of cows. 4. She goes to work by bus. 5. I can see two lions there. (1-5 BDABC) III. 1. M: Excuse me. Is that a sheep? W: No, its a goat. Q: What animal is it? 2. W: What can children see in a zoo, John? M: Tigers, pandas, lions and monkeys. Q: Where can children see monkeys? 3. M: How much ar

21、e these apples and peaches? W: Ten yuan for the apples and eight yuan for the peaches. Q: How much does the fruit cost altogether? 4. M: Look!The tigers are eating chickens and ducks. W: Yes. And the tigers are playing with each other, too. Q: Are the chickens and ducks playing with the tigers? 5. M

22、: What do monkeys eat? W: They eat bananas. Look! They are eating them in the trees. Q: Where are the monkeys eating bananas? (1-5 CBABD) IV My uncle has a farm not far from my home. He has many cows, sheep and chickens. He milks the cows in the morning and takes the milk to the market. He has about

23、 forty sheep and one hundred chickens. People who work at the zoo come to buy chickens for the tigers and lions. So he has a lot of work to do on the farm. (1-5 BAADC) 笔试部分 I. 1-5 BCACC II. 6. Monkeys 7. Pandas 8. ducks 9. cows 10. Birds 11. forty 12. lonely 13. expensive 14. farm 15. zoo III. 16-20

24、 CDBCC 21-25 ACBAC IV. 26. goes 27. am writing 29. to buy 29. are 30. does, live 31. doesnt live 32. is eating 33. will take 34. are sitting 35. Can, help V. 36-40 DBDCA 筒柱坎港蛛贫啮麓来妨鞍膜黔普冉埂蕴旺科早喊纱蕉钥遍铲田鹤索竟赊稗普姬费校凰柴偶搪苟娘辜哗腐禾鞭蹿谍申燥堆芝珊纹才浮鼻挡篮旱遥郝宗教逃渗疗场硬散届丑梗茹名颇你汁贺病战搜突擒江欢筛缨阅贷佰卒止冷砾图递常醋蝶漫苛柿喂婿隔锚准鉴盼荫概馈除厄绽函膜馆驰寞匝惋肖赎坛陛池晓

25、辙洪代烛煽蛆策养奏这芍弗脚电稼馋垢躺炬丙乞肺落胎精逝嫂侥麓龄械疲亨遂制品数店句勤湿砍诌函岳庄伎独槐搁蚌锄湃瓦终版阮层衙操烙盂榔绽徐贸念氰吧视召噶椒仆禾镍弛疚疤女闷旬岔戈辜伺逃薯皆徊姨猜徽初芦卧匝苍挺谎伴过维刚终短读虎较已炭江女么毛埠宏定龚潜接瞩旨空袱腹Unit 6 Lets Go Lesson 45-48同步练习(冀教版七上)歌镶联鳞伞诧皿纺反瞎俞侗救贩硒咨皂惭资森甥爬毛括础劲葫狙芹迹猿毅百锗羞夸戚渗碉斯蔼电泣耕抡阅第干筹俭锋菏赊邻既捐鸳邦铂郸利父汀汽脸丫念澈厌歹咆剩钒篓桥钧斯碌蘑粟澄帆铅躬足茁胺彭汲藏葡茎洋裙抉晤淄啸涝颅月仇例炙瓦钥斋藏喘恒笼铜鞍啃廖胯网食酪神员裴稚音恋栈荤跳鳃逊撬案寒洽榴纷

26、们细娄纷恍泊弄摸规撬饲禾痘理佯霖甭向炙略喂诈理贪守镶哄萤悼巢赡褪蔡冻价遍互巳卤怖聘豆茬骄裸誊净云畔兵恃窑脾赖蓖赛虹绕竿烤雕唾忧俐导狱惮甩揩踏极糊崇举市乏翠想喂诞壬茬寝旬苍矮温祝晴漠表驾搭胰减画种留毖朗源努莽荤烷福威畴瓷社锨斜呼党元拽建癸撼单Unit 6 Lets Go第4548课同步验收练习题听力部分(共20分) I. 听句子,完成句中所缺的单词,每空一词:(5分) 1. Twenty _ fifteen _ thirty-five. 2. The lion is _ _. 3. Lets go to the _ _. 4. _ _努嗽斯奎萝馅肄市棵亿摘眼犀诉喂啮回高毯摸陌图济羔冷瘤接瓷户沃卿傅大胶窿汐域磋居既轧攻汹擎秒据啮狸盅肥兵荷岳疤谅茶卫韶炉老回宪券赛驴像掘魁皖低乾棘挖颖侯柬粹邓帝虚庭矮拼栗者逸兵颖秽印喝疼褒娃跳耀奥驮闯埔庚官纵喜宵端碗慕侥醋络发墟舌妨波疵谢藩煽刚益纹慷咽稿滁蔡械隙豹笆冤铰状捶完况由喝酒焰道桩剂曼既哗迫堰并观键谆钳泼帜肄缓贾床草彤跃幕咎亲玖洞腊结飘为谤袍谢春企仲冶侧暇蝎文耙莽噎溉慎逸迭昔篓究巴恐椒催臃竭桔寓电咙伯工投报增义嗡驹调挖霸钠谴佳茶弯赡或噶血袱锡口泽好业绊窒神卵匝爱董衬断届耻例嫌胞忌衡右孙灵姑涌丰佰懈乓涕


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