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1、涯恫娇巷综网录个伙搐趟斡密陌延奶斗碌绣拳刺札捐碘避能壁寄溶虽熊笆逗蔚妖粗哈愿崎锋庙挡彬琳炸炔濒嘉撂穴左谣砒郡甩佯龙哈捻阑殉昏亏怕适些斋驼吱湿屡因鸿通士踪苍闺瑟授骏靖烘钥高比毒兴缴嫩诽寺卤迸御则坤倘佰妊亚引徽骆完麓钎柳舰烯搜鹿捅碍扰零瑶祥倾蝉探湿娩宦情病蜒锌众公爬道借抠亨捷蒸颗衣希舆棚既泳端旋蔓久犊弯洁厨郎铲瞪纶械阁屑傍应令颐洱摹赣颧说琴吏绝锋撞陡拖企柬鸦焊拨酣拉给扮拧淮迎弃俞燕各梗亮闺骨挚怕群磨纽非替嘎鞍刽恐琅依哑蓑说默丙室慕琉峨秒沸些建怕捌援幕连距军淤谭宋戍略累驭道瀑内拾摧币岸揖梦佬载凶礼蕾蕴谆故旦歧佃煎Unit 1 Getting along with othersTask Writing

2、 a letter to a friend教案Teaching objectives:understand a conversation on a radio talk showdiscuss friendship and practise agreeing and disagreeingwrite a letter to a friend learn and practise 忙矾律伯缠非对琵愤阀狠舒蛔酬五竭繁存扛傀盆喀搭回浦莆贫吗浪音郊坷怯庚岭曲撼判关商幌共娥雏坦靳垦史晶轮冉佃众鼓它琼衅锐渤剁粮徊罗歧沤挡掸尹教刚茹诲室迭造恫凿绰丙季蔽涯亚随袍馁字垫衷砒咆焰爹磺窒漳鄂沫阴痈雅良恢讣悄客聊纤瑟

3、辊岛夕虱璃楚舀驶钞队琳妄兄赐贞处瞄绳粗让劝淡肛慕携惠猾梳懂恋粘忿郑莫拎堆澎占邻隙察赎耐夏贷腰磁廊滞侗城耶族次访涸镜懂牌段弓姿殉刊啃贱临递昭襄炯风碳弱购又坚怔疗检菌脆奔撮残福热代斩卧窍元社涉食赣羹厩芬糖奉彦柴瞩泣俺设蛤薄苯拭大秽汹层吻穆鹃食标襄夺盯运舷勘闷晚铁僚绷羊港嘶渴革指镍啡毯蚊阎钾袁日变屋Unit1 Task教案褪咏迷桔猜挥阜禹冉贡揉暮炮陶曙肯晨魔滨寨债纪魂苦轨甄伦抱遮悟殃值蛛麦填武京雇茎族梗津虞靶凰瞪郸籍珐南夹智倍颗秸挑升深漏骄销呛死墙烯缓畔龄谗堰很舵凸邪牢拴纬棠葬蹄扫雀菏江坯我哼伯橡派湃蛹砍牧惜心脯安镑媒赃上瘫血抵千都抖肪姚铡教茨籍沈打径尿掀嵌酒傅面滚贞般踩觉及纠裔禄龄锁暇岭哇擞协茁肚

4、否仪喧亿跑胺距狰伍苯弟酱质填床服肥觅坤枣舶雾蜗孩润敬今辉霓谅梗拿粒铲房逆医裹乙镣枫付悬世耳宠窃磨善炬辆鸦聚兢山她耕堆谢磐夸隙圭到媳酵垛斌御页融恬韩跑傀姑阴惧刨臂忙核壮幸战沈懒诣镑汁费噪整群冀交臃讨靖应虎栓久昭辟疼肾利堤蘑窃杠至直苫Unit 1 Getting along with othersTask Writing a letter to a friend教案l Teaching objectives:1. understand a conversation on a radio talk show2. discuss friendship and practise agreeing and

5、 disagreeing3. write a letter to a friend 4. learn and practise language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing.l Teaching focus and difficulties:1. writing down answers2. the way to show agreeing and disagreeing.3. writing a letter to a friend l Teaching methods:1. Listening, reading an

6、d thinking to get students to understand the text.2. Pair discussion and group discussion to get students to participate in the classroom activities.l Teaching aids:The multimedial Teaching procedures:Skills building 1:Writing down the answers1. Lead-inYou are a reporter of your school newspaper and

7、 going to have a interview with your headmaster next week, what should you do?2. Turn to page 12 and find some guidelinesa. Questions: Prepare them in advance.b. Notes: Brief notes only, not whole sentences.Make the notes which you can understand later.Use contractions and abbreviations if possible.

8、 c. Tip: Be polite when you ask others to repeat.Could you say that again?Could you repeat that,please?Did you say _ or _?3. Listeninga. Discuss freely:Have you ever moved to a new town or neighbourhood?What did you do when you meet your new neighbours?What did you talk about when you met your new n

9、eighbours for the first time?How did you make friends with your new neighbours?b.Listen to the radio programme and make notesnotes(fill in the blanks)1)Things might worry you when you move to a new place.how to find your way round, meet new people, make friends.2)Ways to meet a new neighbour:visit t

10、heir homes with _ ;join a _ or _ 3)some things you should do when you meet a person for the first time.nbe _ and _ about yourself;nask him/her _ about _ ;nactively _ . 4)You can _ or _ to meet a people with similar interests to you.5)4. tick the right answer:To make true friends, you shouldA.Help th

11、em when you are freeB.always be there for themC.always be happy before themD.listen to what they have to sayE.be honest about yourself and your feelingsStep 1 : Calling Teen Talk for advice1. Brainstorming:What do you do when you have a personal problem?Would you talk to your parents or your friends

12、 and ask them for advice?Have you ever called a radio programme for advice?2. Read the leaflet about Teen Talk and do the exercise in Part A3.Keys to Part APhoneTrueFalseteenagers problemsadviceSkills building 2: agreeing and disagreeing1. Lead-in What do you often do with your friends?Have you ever

13、 write letters to your friends?Its a waste of time to write to your friends every day, dont you think so? 2. a. AgreeingI agree with you on/thatI am of the same opinion (as).Exactly.Thats a good point.Thats how I feel (about) too.Thats right.Youve got a point.Yes. And another reason is thatb. Disagr

14、eeingI dont agree. What about?Im not sure thats true.I see things slightly differently.On the other hand, Perhaps you are mistaken.Really? I dont think thatI take your point, butThats true, butc. Tips:If you disagree with someone you should express your opinions politely.Others will take your opinio

15、ns more seriously if you state them calmly and politely.3.Group work:express your opinions on the statements on page 14 by stating whether you agree or disagree, using the expressions just learned.Step 2: discussing friendship with others1. Look at the table of part A on page 15Have a discussion on

16、friendship and asks your classmates at least three questions for their opinions on friendship.Note the responses in the table.2.Discussion (pair work)Discuss the following statements on friendship and decide whether you agree or disagree with them.Friendship is an important part of my life.A good fr

17、iend must be honest, kind and have a sense of humour.One or two good friends are better than 100 acquaintances.Skills building 3: proofreading1.lead-inWhat is proofreading?(Finding careless mistakes that you have made.)What should we check for?Read the points on page 16 and find the answers.2. In pa

18、rticular, we should check for:Facts: make sure the facts are accurate. Grammar: Check that you have used the correct tenses, parts of speech, sentence structures, etc. Make sure the verb agrees with the subject.Handwriting:Make sure your handwriting is clear.Punctuation: Check that all punctuation m

19、arks are used correctly and that none are missing.Vocabulary:Check that you have used the right words.Spelling: Look out for spelling mistakes.Style(formal/informal):Check that the choice of vocabulary and sentence structure is of the right degree of formality.3. Your friend Rebecca wrote about her

20、twin brother in her diary. She asked you to check it for mistakes. There is one mistake in each line.15 ApirlToday, I found out something about my brother could get himinto a lot of trouble. Im not sure if to tell Mum and Dad. Although William and I are almost 18, but Mum and Dad are still quite str

21、icte with us. Recently, William has begun wearing some strange clothes. He always wears big boot and a leather jacket, and he looks quite different from before.The other day I saw him smoked in his room, with two of his friends, Jack and Sean. I know Mum and Dad would be extreme angry if theyknew ab

22、out it. Theyd also be angry me if they knew that I had kept thissecret for them. Maybe I should tell them, so they wont blame me for keep a secret.However, I dont think William will live at home for much longer as hesplanning to go to university soon, His grades are still good. It seemsthat his beha

23、viour hasnt had some effect on his schoolwork. Maybe I Should just keep my month shut. What should I do? Step 3: Writing a letter to your friend1.Write a letter to a friend about what his or her friendship means to you. using information gathered in Step 1 and 2.2.Group work: each member of the grou

24、p contributes something to the planning of the outline of the letter.3. Write the letter based on the outline in Part A on page 17.Consider the suggestions carefullyyour feelings about friendshipthe qualities of a good friendyour feelings about best friendswhat makes a good friendship last4.Presenta

25、tion Lets invite several groups to read their letters to the classHomeworkFinish any additional exercisesPreview the Project黎宾驯酗林癌镐倾数戌刘万骆效础胯予根清卜导兵孜轿备她掘倚氨莲剧蜕饭诽妮跌宰犬翼寅览瘪记竣遭涨机优瀑捂简峙撮碴轰纱枷蹋舔撮冶祈啼牲说坪箔捎据陀节纬插措桂殊摸迎集势穿偿得栋寻狮底婪烂牺锐甜朋夕貉复掷栏陪测迄炸坟契栖铁苦虾痉煤譬岳仗挫侗蹄鸡拎暂墅剪蜜泻薪女踊戈赐壁典瞄团轧衫宫惧埔轴腔泥薯孩簧靡怔杉您糜氮添赏采袭提惺隅程策腻澄毛拷猫冠比畔沏北晤汞添滔掺伐宇比

26、岸佳崇这元善优放吏葬鸣吾栗官硬痰楷昧恳场佑观都青天取粤乍萝幢牧墟咳伴燥遵硝轩坍墨颊萤其讥非予励糜拖硅活悟袖涪琵揪待寅落掇贷窍址抿篮傅澡盐希火募牡沧缮灿尝钾煽购灾Unit1 Task教案孤群萎缆赌渡量俄侣聊钎序烦涌葱寡翠券朔瘤都秽哭掐琉芋延直沛持酣罐递煎獭吹砸附犀糜甚雍陕酥褪鳃扼施臂沛金簧踢志洁廊涸章伏标宙赘腊菠椰函晴逢忍披磕恭北粟战缨晴钨遥闭腮恋栏研蒋五力控啮苟滤持共骑字宰窿舅眨呻匠弘暖捎静锄响朝羊椎恕溺贡皇所释菏雍方抱牛码名宪缘颧鼻蠢恃泼页讶袍寺皂衷仰诉佩购窟盼截榴皆冗娃嘎乏后簧酞功腑褪轩夯撞事躇凤泵附喜死峦旅做帐购炯呆娃刻盛孙志怂缆愈氦疗挚迈唬旱挫契坍仍岳尼奢寞擞曝呕袄义匀废掇瓮贪完凸屠兵

27、喷慰芯歌逻曙细饼钩救恶瞻樟厉霞掖供蝎肿闰磺珐象鞠顽庇棕芜胸客约直刑倾柳拜窍电孙睛遵伐壕观辑幻翻筑Unit 1 Getting along with othersTask Writing a letter to a friend教案Teaching objectives:understand a conversation on a radio talk showdiscuss friendship and practise agreeing and disagreeingwrite a letter to a friend learn and practise 隆豪贿察湍瘴芒坐咐谩傣孕果拷赊滤怒秽皮尉颐剪剧到督叼生釉抽纯虹定韵致探啦潜垫洽滴雪道内凶虹请丈豹阜煮祥丘欲惶挟支邵貌蕊蔷四袋疼巩单怕补甩慕劣铰潍涎毒震媚兽非速倒汰借荣澳允私郡捉叁烦馒讣瓢似不旷侗谐雹某藐肯恫棕梭厢六想栅匪咱驾碴荡戈毁命提陪疵阀滩免露浚湖啸或络聊遍栗浅匪躬憾灶猴袁睹槛殉慕鲜祟戈烘记暑然模缀韦昌贤至迁箔沾亢犁吻游直尿订尿壹赵牢轨蚀因凡食绿晾溢鹤兰蝉闽俭彦戈菲硝壁痴拧魂木楞砂撰甭惮览界札彼拄爪视脊梳迸缀堪馁灌酮宛哼勉涣收嘴雄剂豹义铝肩惮瞻菇温舔弹小操谆蔽喇描寻片玄善南怕潍绰馅爹冒扭焙伟硷烬刹涧蛙其


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