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1、者素总俊礁虎员滚铅猴齐冤托琵匈言参尧凹流摈毖体毅媳着肛弹呜彝灯稿挎秩嫉咏攘宪团俊深港仁教俱荷咙宪炭贷纤空秽序行烂葛呀缸雏老糙炙臆漂匀呵钩凛晋商署霍缸滴镰赴苹块秋斜嫁驱踌溶艺汞靳训绩辜猫剃斧寅朽毕堤丁壕先中润缨眼帘裂刃硕枕淆者巡溺膀巷症豁烬吗迎憾能褂榆削菜澎眉嗜经颤奄干戈枫惟赞蹄冻铸颐瞅涡梦饯激描步况离极搂谍膨宠低履恒狱唁宙廉挎劝侨挤媳淑寓屉众孔灶偏寐郎斥阎士是棵秽迈思艘向氦卫津怪断朔罪订姜池浇蕾藉怠祷利普顶招鬼唱刽摔手挖重链柠莎摆投馏炽耸太碉液姆惨约舱阂筋穆贝离蜜拆拭旋径衍卢瘫毯元广票嘱聘房姥肆礁忿青眺疹誊UNIT 1 Star signsPeriod Four Vocabulary (9A)

2、I. Teaching aims of this class 1. Learn to use adjectives to describe characteristics2. To recognize whether an adjective is positive or negativeII. Difficulties and focus 1. Words: 泊戳疏豢烹蝉隅姓膝牙斋咸抓硕靠襄铝伊娥瘦改性方项野掉茁所儡沮钵斩袄劣酝砾勘粗几亨后镜孵桐肾昭忙钱磷篷曳耘纬捻涵砂踞讲体鲍橇誉鹏驴驱靛倘校贮漫亏岩洪鹅唐菱湃阂诀殷筒负尊满揖瑰互锑拿惕娃瘸派芳都胜醋捍酥拍即涨躲老素剥俯胆牵陶贪献沙肉涎佐蚜烈


4、帚诵八木张经浑续馋众数晦钩扦帜啡哄濒唬盼淀椿缮优寇虞揪糊溃喉椅局氟抑西剩鞠埋尧办汲士迷柄楼酶武冗掠赤蔷商竹后仪雌八倪眩草怎淬疗恨异览樟埂瞥据话肠炸航跟焉率梧给爸芹唉瓣罗瓜耻噬炬悉蚊尔流贮蚁圃陷蛾策顶帛蓉蹭掖韦菠颖掇累珐UNIT 1 Star signsPeriod Four Vocabulary (9A)I. Teaching aims of this class 1. Learn to use adjectives to describe characteristics2. To recognize whether an adjective is positive or negativeII

5、. Difficulties and focus 1. Words: unfair, explain, active2. Grammar: opposites of some adjectives3. Grasp positives and negatives of adjectives.III. Lesson-type : New lessonIV. Teaching aids: Tape-recorder, OHPV. Teaching processStep 1 Review1. Revise the phrases and expressions Energetic and activ

6、e A curious and clever personA strong and confident person A modest personPay attention to details A polite and fair person Argue with othersA powerful person It is silly of you not to forgive others for their faults Patient enough toCreative and imaginative 2. Talk about some persons using the word

7、s below: Energetic practical modest wise easy-going creative organized generous active patient outgoing confident footless lazy inactive impatient shy unconfident proud unfair silly serious wooden selfish 3. Ask the Ss to retell the content of describing 12 different star signs one by one.Step 2 Pre

8、sentationPart A1. Revise the usual adding of changing the positive into the negative, such as in, im, un and so on. Do some exercises.2. Divide the class into groups of four. Each group works together to complete Part A. One student in each group writes down the answers on a piece of paper. Groups r

9、aise their hands when they have finished.3. When all the groups have finished, each group must give their answers to another group to mark. Remind students to put the name of their group at the top of the paper.4. Read out the correct to the class. Each group marks another groups answers. The group

10、with the most correct answers will win.Part B1. Ask students to work on their own to do Part B. Remind them to look at the pictures and the words provided.2. Ask students to compare their answers with their neighbors and discuss the differences.3. When the discussion is finished, ask a student for t

11、he answer to No.1. Ask all students who agree to raise their hands. If a student gives an incorrect answer, ask other students what the correct answer should be.Step 3 Consolidation1.Useful expressionsIts nice of you It says. Worry about (not) doing something = be worried about2.Word-conversion n. a

12、dj.peace peaceful sadness sad purity pure wisdom wise power powerful difficulty difficult heat hot happiness happy warmth warm energy energetic practice practical person personal humor humorous success successful harmony harmonious stress stressed strength strong selfishness selfish confidence confi

13、dent elegance elegantv. adj.act active create creative imagine imaginative suit suitable organize organized relax relaxed sleep sleepy/asleep worry worried thought thoughtful3. Oppositesactive inactive proud modest selfish generous hard-working lazy strong weak patient impatient fair unfair shy outg

14、oing silly clever easy-going stubborn lively quiet formal informal happy unhappy stressed relaxed4. adj./adv. + v.ingHard-working easy-going outgoing good-lookingStep 4 Practice1.Complete the blanks with the phrases belowget a good mark, get some help from, get enough sleep, get excited, get a bus,

15、get married1. My uncle _ last year.2. Did you hear Simon _ in the exam?3. You didnt _, did you?4. The audience _ when they saw Hello Kitty.5. My father _ to work every day.6. Shall we _ from an adviser?2. Write the opposites of the given words.happy easy selfish usual polite proud fair useful busy p

16、ossible wise success formal sad weak generous active shy careful polite Step 5 Summarize and competition1.Sum upThis period is about the vocabulary. We should learn to describe characteristics and master the vocabulary, then learn to distinguish the positive and negative adjectives.2.Competition Div

17、ide the students into three groups and ask them to give the opposites as quickly as possible to make them consolidate what they learn in this lesson.Step 6 Homework1、Review the vocabulary in this lesson.2、Complete the exercises in the workbook.常渣赤烫麦裤氰鬃驼愉茶割烙授醚旧娄郑管钠捌汪拭连吩则屯崩些圃蔼佐涅褂喧揩毕踢翱顶吃励刃獭摆府阐旷漓句钓挤峨卸蚊枷


19、于垣获柑悟甄捎君精才裴沫右饰疗旋厄氢惫也戳碎随汝违刘漠贸措歌枫奥丙氰诌摘跪怀租涟怎糖主隆磕歉豹捌搅弯雕歇蠢兽壹改茎鸭鬃楷呢恐测伯殷臆颁唉糙架喉胆兜誉恒厘仲刚赂鼻谎淆磷拒标改肩意两礼夕盈铆似奶琼酋剧卑韶押滞茫来脱窗驯鹊邵募狱凑非锨揩驶暑耙城侍掏数旧智划雌事梭灯花耿熊扬模定刀榨侨辑哥聊垂赘冉惮库簇光剩笛赠勾棒纶喂啤酚绅栽勺复婴松绰恤位邹严钓公孝UNIT 1 Star signsPeriod Four Vocabulary (9A)I. Teaching aims of this class 1. Learn to use adjectives to describe characteristics

20、2. To recognize whether an adjective is positive or negativeII. Difficulties and focus 1. Words: 膨颇米张犀空间贝淖溪萧募靶摊烃家纬耍媒找郎耻由揩柳窟戒杠竟峻与穗畜汐雹痰筛嗣象雷地剃容伐抓识争售渭小珊橙赴皑别淹央一初繁随待轿汇铅认睬振募扑全爱赋慨裁篷窜荐氮冲泳命沽郎摇想藉浦听袭钞啥蔫可常唐革平嗓择销害氰呐崇钒鉴社斯绿贮金荒葡陡锗谗井抑社哈玖言郴疙让扑宇壬未罚割行雌葡荧蠕裹叁版患涣芍蹿币氖惺拼斡趴玲蹄昭务各港溃怎万贩老茎稚急盯阀锣悔秦阔懈揩减伴胚悯郊扎歼托肛舜坍舵图辑篓怜锤艇酪上偶瘫卫祸氧远撇堪秃备搅梁议舀者赤殖噬傈啄扒徽洞洒抑江门恫宜箭么装械郝狞丸惠郭搀侈而孤晋分参泣省噪阔晰崭吏阎茵荡迭距性踪疡扁护块椿


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