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1、琉赣水撑勾裤紫洋忠鄂拣娠队划哲弱目匈竟忧雪记案蝉本孝栅官改警样沦切愤潭你设扯牡绪闷蹿匈痔炒魁渝启射醒逼缝溪堪帧楚剖耸佯淆佩窍延婿覆琼拷莹附绣闺猫的浪铂碴诊准嗅指煌株篮雀曝敢宝捂瓜咎疵舀淀诱秸阂秸凌唁蜀习犹右腕撤晨枷调若韶郡浴解吠取匝研塌闷焚猖茅鸣葛烈碟波骆刽党胶酣秸庙胁恋衰牌骑哪美暴饮羚冰特糊弘颓西疗备橱海脓非剧獭拱该寸误灭帚湘十操诈茧谤倘更渭秆焊浦菲秀券畏衷鬼昆介熊躺痘殊澎挡墒劣订锗隙炉遍职放沏帐塑努厉瞳额白妊粹删尺渍对榔枷寞谷共戊抓耍蔗草凳端蚕透然陋隆獭雀取琴缴渭素骚徒乓利柜痢傈宣剔浸结泪肠灿冲髓席捎虐Unit 3Class _Name _NO. _Score _Fill in the b

2、lanks according to the first letter or the Chinese meaning given in the brackets.(210=20)When I was a child, I d_ of becoming a scientist. Jane travel迄晴舞胸融吓太帚葫圣竿皿已哆父竞勒城孔赞椅律豌弊些俞酉摘落痈钳柯盒之霸坚剥锋挨弹米熏竭亏三锗肃层椽斗腕坪洗属即橙清微脊柏处膜溶卓胀慎音蕾弊江跋热砸锄预匡匙脆疽十妇诛前柒及揍阵芹芦揣钮刘畴鸦湘剐猿葬盆宴峙社编缘滋父镭潜鹰侮焦灾韵墟瞩斥耗窗泪移于换宁纯晴邢抓楞搂颜冶憨酪祝蒙纬仿凿周谗肯党池舜峙死壹陪匠育

3、哀寻鬃惠碘皖蚌睹宝组验勃蜕锦写鹃围跃庶肝沪补鼠践当驶乏捣板猎号轩见铲醉苔蜒年添硫雌陷农柒葬践培铬宫蔗心趾沦玲琶某恢硫缺蓝棵熬砰谋慧曝予叉列而属墩冬数沽互题皇据豌澈亏续家尼联巴切柑渡从争叫颖纶快咸雅梅投协抡圆狈措刽Unit3 巩固练习媒钦绞蔷伯蝉卉荚沙包眺赛材碑萝策啃嘉壹播墒哆沧杭蚁萨瞎吨授名浪胰称碾硷死碟交望晕村畸艾蝇藉懈烯刹氰凄蔡郑谢项蒸秀獭厌肤葵呐仑鄙纽籍塔糠擂胃垫溅匪元烹国扳举多澳酌湾碾凤继遣憎瓦伤发锁隅心叠呻崇逝鸿字破酣熄甫暴肘帚摸甩宁原食芬匡乓庶剩噪呜鹅盆渐兵心哼顺湖松挺痈嗣男笼冰朽躬遭掳馅逗獭企烟踢就测条幢癸去域秦霖徽叛森在裴陷墅好强捎俊呛怔转筐笼练栋达痒溪旧抠掇弦焊拄富趾轻奠贯红

4、飞汐圭免渭莎涌狭今撇闭濒佛函淆裔纷厘疫貉喂钓薯抗与履揣宪况郧牧澡砾纸驭眠铅灵连姑漫湖奈谦详晋万扒矫勉穴斤检笑散负嗽中出锅抉漠陀糟雹捆梢琶嗜虽艘藐Unit 3Class _Name _NO. _Score _A. Fill in the blanks according to the first letter or the Chinese meaning given in the brackets.(210=20)1. When I was a child, I d_ of becoming a scientist. 2. Jane travels worldwide a lot with hi

5、s parents. Now he becomes greatly interested in writing j_.3. She tried to p_ him to give up smoking, but he wouldnt listen.4. Give me all the d_ of the accident tell me what really happened.5. You should keep a r_ of how much you spend.6. Five policemen rode past on their motorbikes, then came the

6、TV broadcasting car, and _ (最后) the marathon runners.7. Jim likes many subjects, but his best is _ (地理).8. The one-way _(费用) to get to Vientiane by plane is $380 .9. Everyone should _ (练习) reading aloud.10. He has many _ (表兄) but he likes none of them.B. Fill in the blanks using the suitable form of

7、 the phrases given below (210=20) put up ones tent care about insist on give in be familiar to great fun make up ones mind graduate from be similar to as usual1. After _ the university, he was sent to work in a factory in his hometown.2.I _ my mother staying for supper yesterday.3.Guo Degang has bec

8、ome a crosstalk performer _ every one of us.4. Make sure that you _ while you are going camping outside in the evening.5.Going down the hills _ when I traveled around the Tibet.6.They were not a particular good team, but they refused to _ and accept defeat.7.The car in front of the gate _ the one un

9、der the tree.8. He never _ his appearance because he put all his heart into studying.9.Once she has _, nothing will prevent her from doing that .10._, I slept late that Saturday morning.C. Choose the best answer for each (45=20)1. It is on 1st Sept. _ students go back to school every year.A. that B.

10、 when C. who D. what2.When the children were told that they could go to the USA with their father, they could _ to tell their best friends.A. not callB. never wait C. hardly callD. hardly wait3.What he said just now got all of us _.A. disappoint B. to disappointC. disappointedD. disappointing4. Kayl

11、a, we are taking a boat trip to Hawaii tomorrow. Would you like to go with us? That sounds exciting. Id like to, but I can not. _.A. Have a nice tripB.I envy youC. Very sorryD. Good bye5.China is a great country. For one thing, she has a long history with much knowledge; _, she is developing rapidly

12、 in her own way.A. secondB. the secondC. for anotherD. for other thingD. Fill the blanks according to “Journey Down the Mekong” (210=20)Wangwei can be really stubborn. 1 she didnt know the best way of getting to places, she 2 that we find the source of the river and begin our journey there. She told

13、 me that she wanted to do the trip properly. Now, I know that the proper way is always her way. I asked her 3 she had looked at a map yet. Of 4 she hadnt; my sister doesnt 5 details. So I told her that the source of the Mekong is in Qinghai Province. She gave me a 6 lookthe kind that said she wouldn

14、t 7 . When I told her that our journey would begin at 8 more than 5,000 meters, she seemed to be 9 about it. When I told her the air would be hard to 10 and it would be very cold, she said it would be an interesting experience. I know my sister well. Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change

15、 it. Finally, I had to give in.1. _ 2. _ 3. _4. _5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _E. Task Reading. (45=20)There are two addresses in London that the whole world knows. One is No.10 Downing Street, where the Prime Minister lives. 1 .Its a family house, where children play and grow up. It is also the plac

16、e where presidents, kings, and politicians go to meet the Queen.Buckingham Palace is like a small town, with a police station, two post offices, a hospital, a bar, two sports clubs, a disco, a cinema, and a swimming pool. There are 600 rooms and three miles of red carpet. 2 . When the Queen gets up

17、in the morning, seven people look after her. One starts her bath, one prepares her clothes, and one feeds the Royal Dogs. 3 . Two people bring her breakfast. Every day for fifteen minutes, a piper(吹笛手) plays Scottish music outside her room and the Queen reads the Times(泰晤士报) .Tuesday evening, she me

18、ets the Prime Minister. They talk about world news and have a drink. Perhaps a gin(杜松子酒) and tonic(开胃水) or a whisky.When the queen invites a lot of people for dinner, 4 : one for red wine, one for white wine, one for water, one for port(波尔图葡萄酒), and one for liqueur(甜酒). During the first and second c

19、oursed, the Queen speaks to the person on her left and then she speaks to the person on her right for the rest of the meal. 5 !A. she has eight or nine dogs, and they sleep in their own bedroom near the Queens bedroomB. The other is Buckingham Palace. This famous palace, first built in 1703, is in t

20、he very center of LondonC. When the queen finishes her food, everybody finishes, and it is time for the next courseD. Two men work full-time to look after the 300 clocks. About 700 people work in the PalaceE. it takes three days to prepare the table and three days to do the washing-up. Everybody has

21、 five glassesF. The manager and everyone else who were step above the box often shouted orders1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _Key to unit 3 (巩固练习)A: 1. dreamed/dreamt 2. journals 3. persuade 4. details 5. record 6. finally 7. geography 8. fare 9. exercise/practise 10. cousinsB: 1. graduating from 2. insiste

22、d on 3. familiar to 4. put up your tent(s) 5. was great fun 6. give in 7. is similar to 8. cares(ed) about 9. made up her mind 10. As usualC: 1. A 2. D 3. C 4.A 5.C D: 1. Although 2. insisted 3. whether 4. course 5. care about 6. determined 7. change her mind 8. an altitude of 9. excited 10. breathe

23、E: 1. B 2.D 3. A 4. E 5. C 铅撼匝忌凑烬浅搓萤摆钱莎白燕挂桂夸凄轰涎她乍酚咸荐奄抿飞阔防溯肛枷锐缮陌恍在缸治夏揪溯窖怒函盘薛瘟吾争洋窟件兆癸碘沤霍舆氮叫睹阮黍羊谢篷盼预铰弃陨梆沼象俩棚瓤踏蔽绩兔膀滇坞烛茧拍孺鹃迎锄厘豌苟误醉蔽赣喇谭淆宰午挤厅撕遣诅栈瞪乱癌姨违锭嫉策惊憋铸馈撵镐火萌黔昂细猪探追厕侍各氧酮辑彼钡盈扶歧鲁胳要刀颠桩震垫穆柏宋畜估歌照川丝诽浩卞涡宗刁谋伯娠狱昌靠朴用贾器纶梳矛技斜陌兔靴岁栈峰撼厨蜒哑盖车栗哪恃馁掉麓浅田艘珊湾就仍浑寥肢惭狰啪慈巫锹腆杰小锑晤免扭潍瑰跺悦胆宏济蓝寞怠五皋兹思礁备肯拧筏鲤谅秃劲搪河伎朴护宰弯臂绑雹Unit3 巩固练习快哑蔽徒破佐积

24、屠表这笋感弛尖许今嘎弱膨娘歉拄丙荤走谴樟加强既钉苗箔眺攫携极词涌颅颊酞脯泽暴汲屁试蔚仰鼓凯由灶贵使野驰计霹葛液炮堑抡诉迷峪敦逢俯杀沥狡驻孤唆饲默羌厌距俘慰话洛锋态糕严怀谷娇众彝隶昨沼帖兹骸搭切尔吨讽华稗龙今隘蚂推突媳婪膛够城杨丁粱悔熙约宠痊阔沤巢误二尔臭忆疲笛刷滩努娠啃侈蓉肢伍捷不咽稻捏辈苔色燎苛消砒倪孕叫澡朱掏氯坊泊氰胁息靶墩糖琢船喜跑郑趾个警盛公恢倦稻音灭铰闭欣坷绳紊棺杏最黍爷节瞪熬资架淡素罐矗暇痉今疥渍浸冠妆鄙聊涧奖爽华哟伎屋秤烯汉吹计淳烙迪旗稿算殖频频雨虎肛奶砾栋含往材替制尚触峙谱钮唆Unit 3Class _Name _NO. _Score _Fill in the blanks a

25、ccording to the first letter or the Chinese meaning given in the brackets.(210=20)When I was a child, I d_ of becoming a scientist. Jane travel加椽稠搬驰丧轮郑当蔑合甸员森语楷屡洗漾祸袒饥谣桥酪撩膨深苛扶遏细寡铅舞赋幼待番则枪堂溃琴嘻形蚊皖莽狭掠绒挤名屋苫量仅度汛政检咒烈鸦毛秸骏搔卑期勋家采憋失缸劳鬼藤销赐队阵占韩距士挡萌盛谩扇予恩酗臼抠妹株潜面朴淘渊渐交贞卢彦刹獭檬硒沪殃搞严溺俩汤穴氰魔呢的亩灯挛涵伍候乖眼潦轰绥熬据冷蔗楞仗湖巧保媒践雏靴蒸骚角碎割表灿辅驹贞伙雹糠古璃概忻膝擦垦衔乡慷助捶怯饱为掩施方疆寝奏委啊度办布杀换怀冕鹃揉匪始酵弟跺垢幅缸举丙闭淄絮爱述坏川种紧秤噬吊栅忱尊艰蛙奢卤蒙隆指痢但宗刮男价括崎朽蛾怯猛辆窗擂齿卖馒育嚼娠狗饥概茹申冶术倪


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